0.MDRU Peru CRD Exsum

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Executive Summary

Prepared for:
Anglo American Exploration
Cia de Minas Buenaventura
Cia. Minera Antamina
BHP Billiton
Phelps Dodge
Teck Cominco

Thomas Bissig
Abraham Escalante
Greg Dipple
Shane Ebert
Julio Jurado
Richard Tosdal

Mineral Deposit Research Unit

University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

November 6, 2005

Project objectives
The Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits: Miocene
Magmatism and Alteration in Central Perú project undertaken by the Mineral Deposit Research
Unit at the University of British Columbia began in June 2002. The project was of a 3-year
duration, and ended in 2005. The prolific polymetallic belt of central Peru (Peterson, 1965;
Nobel and McKee, 1999) between Antamina on the north and Yauricocha on the south (Fig. 1) is
the focus of the project. Support for the project derived initially from six international mining
companies, which are Anglo American Exploration, BHP Billiton, Cia de Minas Buenaventura,
Cia Minera Antamina, Noranda, and Teck Cominco. Phelps Dodge joined the project in 2004.
Additional financial support was provided by a Cooperative Research and Development grant
from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The project also
received logistical support in the field from Sociedad Minera Corona and Volcan Compania
Miñera, but these companies have shared in the results of the project except for studies on their

Figure 1. Location of carbonate hosted

deposits and prospects from central Perú.

The goal of the project was to develop a coherent view of alteration patterns in the spectrum
of deposits, and to develop a set of criteria to distinguish magmatic driven fluid flow from fluid
flow driven by other processes. To accomplish these goals, the project had two main objectives
that constituted parallel but related research themes. Theme 1, entitled “Magmatic fluid sources
and establishing the magmatic framework”, concentrates on the geologic, geochronologic,
geochemical, mineralogic, and petrologic character and framework of plutonic complexes
associated with carbonate-hosted polymetallic replacement or skarn deposits. This research
ranged the length of the central Perú polymetallic belt (Fig. 1). Theme 2, entitled “Distal
alteration and sinks for hydrothermal fluid” characterized the geochemical, isotopic, and

mineralogic changes in carbonate rocks lateral and vertical to sulfide replacement or skarn
bodies genetically and spatially associated with Miocene magmatic complexes. Detailed
deposit- or district-scale studies were undertaken at Antamina, Uchucchacua and Yauricocha. A
section of the distal alteration around the giant Cerro de Pasco was also mapped in detail.

Final report outline

The Executive Summary presented herein provides a snapshot of the highlights of the
project. More detailed descriptions of the main themes and sites are presented in separate
chapters that are the following:
Chapter 1: “The time-space distribution of Eocene to Miocene magmatism in the Central
Peruvian high plain and its metallogenetic implications” prepared by Thomas
Bissig with geochronologic contributions from Thomas Ullrich and Richard
Chapter :2 “Petrochemistry of Late Cenozoic intrusions and volcanic rocks and
metallogenetic implications, eastern Cordillera Occidental, Central Perú”
prepared by Thomas Bissig.
Chapter 3: “Geology, alteration and fluid escape in the Antamina Cu-Zn skarn deposit,
Peru” prepared by Abraham Escalante and Gregory Dipple.
Chapter 4 “Distal alteration in the Ag-Mn-Pb-Zn Rosa Vein and associated replacement
deposits at Uchucchacua, Peru” prepared by Abraham Escalante and Gregory
Chapter 5: “Geology and distal alteration at Cachi Cachi and Mina Central, Yauricocha,
Perú” prepared by Julio Jurado, Richard Tosdal, and Gregory Dipple.
Chapter 6: “Distal alteration around carbonate replacement deposits formed at shallow
crustal levels: Matagente zone of Cerro de Pasco, central Perú” prepared by
Richard Tosdal and Thomas Bissig.
Chapter 7: “Magmatic linkages and distal alteration surrounding carbonate-hosted base
and precious metal deposits of Central Perú” prepared by Shane Ebert.
Chapter 8: “Atlas of distal alteration features found around carbonate-hosted polymetallic
deposits, central Perú” is an annotated photographic atlas of outcrop scale
features we considered to best represent the range of distal alteration features
found around carbonate rock-hosted deposits in central Perú.
Appendices These files contain the analytical data for samples collected and analyzed during
the course of the project. In addition, descriptions of the analytical techniques
used in the various studies are included.
Reports The folder contains all of the reports that have previously been transmitted to the
companies supporting the project. Also included are posters presented publicly
at various professional meetings.

Theme 1: Magmatic fluid sources and establishing the magmatic framework

Several episodes of intrusion related ore deposits are recognized in the study area. The
metallogenetically most prolific area is a broad easterly striking belt between Uchucchacua and
Milpo-Atacocha where late Eocene (Quicay), early Oligocene (Milpo-Atacocha), late Oligocene

Figure 1. Discrimination diagrams for identifying igneous rocks where garnet and/or hornblende
fractionation occurred. Igneous rocks spatially, temporally and genetically related to ore deposits
(right column) fall generally into the fields for adakites as defined by Defant and Drummond
(1993) and Martin (1999). Plot G is a discrimination diagram on the basis of Y vs. Th,
normalized to TiO2. Boundary between prospective vs. unprospective fields is based empirically
on the dataset presented herein.

(Uchucchacua), middle Miocene (Cerro de Pasco, Colquijirca) and late Miocene (Uchucchacua,
± Alpamarca) events are concentrated. Economic mineralization of Eocene and Oligocene age
has not been dated anywhere else in the study area, but the abandoned and yet undated
Cercapuquio mine and the Mario prospect could conceivably be assigned to this time period
The majority of rocks related spatially and temporally, and by inference probably also
genetically, with the known ore deposits of the Central Peruvian cordillera exhibit a relatively
low Y content, but elevated Sr/Y, Sm/Yb and Lan/Ybn ratios (Fig. 1). Those rocks unrelated to
mineralization exhibit a wider compositional range with respect to these trace element ratios.
This general association of mineralization with melts generated under high pressures, commonly
incorrectly referred to as adakites, with mineralized rocks is well recognized (Sajona and Maury,
1998; Thieblemont et al., 1997). There are, however, igneous rocks associated with ore deposits
that do not have adakite-like compositions, most noticeably at Milpo and Chungar in the study
area. Mineralization at Milpo occurred in the early Oligocene at a time when the crust probably
has been thinner than in the Miocene, whereas Chungar was emplaced in the middle Miocene
where the general trace element patterns of magmatic rocks indicate a thinner continental crust
compared to areas farther east.
Lead isotopes on ores from the study area may represent a potentially useful tool to
understand the trace element chemistry of igneous rocks associated with the deposits. The ore
deposits considered herein consist of a higher and a lower radiogenic (206Pb/204Pb) group. The
ore deposits associated with rocks with relatively low Sm/Yb and Sr/Y ratios (total range from
2.97 to 4.3 for all deposits) are all contained within the highly radiogenic group whereas those
deposits with lower radiogenic Pb isotope signatures have generally higher Sm/Yb ratios,
ranging from 4.2 to 8.3. This general association of trace element chemistry with Pb isotopes
may indicate an important metallogenetic difference between the two groups of deposits. It is
apparent that deposits such as Antamina, Colquijirca and Yauricocha are related to magmas
characterized by limited interaction with radiogenic old crust, whereas other deposits including
Milpo, Uchucchacua and potentially Iskaycruz are associated with magmas that have interacted
to a more significant degree with the crust.
The ideal characteristics of magmatic rocks potentially associated with a large polymetallic
ore deposit in Central Perú can be summarized as follows: 1) Middle and late Miocene in age, or
located in the transect Uchucchacua-Milpo; 2) Igneous rocks of dacitic to rhyolitic compositions
with high (>4) Sm/Yb ratios and only limited crustal contamination. Some, generally smaller
ore deposits may also be associated with magmas with moderate Sm/Yb ratios (2.7-4), especially
if they are located in the Uchucchacua-Milpo transect, and are Oligocene or older in age.
Magmas associated with these deposits may have undergone more significant crustal

Theme 2: Distal alteration around carbonate rock hosted polymetallic deposits
Structure, igneous geometry, dip of host carbonate strata, and composition of host carbonate
rocks exert a fundamental control on mineralization and distal alteration in individual districts
(e.g. Megaw, 1998; Meinert et al., 1997). The complexities of these controls are only partially
addressed here and must be taken into account when evaluating individual prospects or deposits.
In carbonate rocks that contain significant silicate minerals, an early phase of silicification or
jasperiod formation precedes sulfide deposition. Large zones of jasperiod and dolomite
alteration are found in the shallow level systems, partially overlapping the main ore bodies (eg.
Coljijiraca, Cerro de Pasco, Iscaycruz).
The size of distal alteration halos is dependent in part on the size of the mineralized zones
and the size of associated intrusions. At the Huanzula and Iscaycruz skarn-CRD deposits, distal
low-grade Zn sulfides lie along vertically dipping favorable carbonate beds over strike lengths of
at least 6 to 8 km, and over vertical depths exceeding 300 to 400 m. At Antamina and
Yauricocha, the main zones of mineralization lie within areas roughly 2 km by 1 km and over
vertical depths of at least 400 to 500 m. At Uchucchacua, the mineralized veins lie within an
area about 2 km by 3 km and over vertical depths of 200 to 300 m.

Thermal aureole: In all the districts either thermal aureoles and/or zone of veins form much
larger exploration targets than the mineralized zones themselves. The most pronounced visible
alteration features are thermal metamorphism and fluid flow effects surrounding intrusion-
centered systems. These effects include recrystallization, bleaching, conversion of calcareous
rocks to hornfels. At Antamina, bedding or fracture controlled bleaching extends as much as 300
m vertically and 200 m laterally from the skarn whereas unbleached gray marble and hornfels
extend up to 800 m laterally and 300 m vertically above the skarn zones. Yauricocha contains an
inner zone of bedding and structurally controlled bleached marble, and an outer zone of gray
marble that extends at least 500 m into the carbonate rocks.
Most skarn-CRD deposits formed at deeper levels (Antamina, Yauricocha, Milpo) mainly lie
within the thermal aureole of the adjacent intrusion. Iscaycruz is a skarn-CRD system that lies
outside a significant thermal aureole. The only thermal aureole effects evident at Iscaycruz are
small zones of bedding controlled bleached marble with traces of sulfides and minor calcsilicate
minerals present underground at the Chupa skarn zone.

Proximal and distal veins: Surrounding all carbonate-hosted ore zones are veinlet networks
or swarms of thin (hairline to 2 cm) wavy-planar veins-veinlets (Fig. 2). These veinlets represent
fluid escape and fluid flow pathways for the fluids responsible for mineralization, and have been
found surrounding mineralized zones, interconnecting different mineralized zones, and as a halo
extending up to 400 m laterally and 500 m vertically from mineralized zones. These veinlets are
an important exploration guide. The veinlets contain variable amounts of carbonate (calcite,
ferroan, or dolomite) ± quartz ± calcsilicate minerals with pyrite and base-metal sulfides.
Geochemically they contain elevated base metals and Mn with or without elevated Ag as well as
the epithermal suite As, Hg, Sb, and Tl in the shallower deposits such as Cerro de Pasco. In
some deposits, these veins are concentrated along favorable beds, therefore forming an
asymmetrical halo extending outward from mineralized zones, and diminishing in intensity away
from mineralization.
Larger Ag-base metal veins of potential economic interest, analogous to the veins at
Uchucchacua, lie distal to skarn at Anamaray and Yauricocha and occur above and lateral to the

main zone of skarn mineralization at Antamina. At Antamina, these distal veins are present over
a 9-km2 surface area, extending at least 1 km laterally from the main skarn and extending over
400 m vertically above it. At Yauricocha, similar veins extend up to 3 km laterally from the
main zones. These Ag-base metal veins provide a significantly larger exploration target than the
main mineralized skarn-CRD bodies or the proximal veinlets.

Figure 2. Examples of fluid-escape veins distal to carbonate-hosted polymetallic deposits. a)

Calcsilicate veins concentrated in partially recrystallized grey marble at Cachi Cachi. Not white
bed above hammer is bleached white due to pervasive fluid flow. b) Wisy network of orange-
brown sulfide bearing veins. These veins occupy older fracture networks around the deposits. In
this case, the veins at Antamina fill the fracture and dissolution cleavage develop parallel to the
axial surfaces of fold. c) Network of white calcite veins fringing highest level in the Rosa vein at
Uchucchacua. Note the brownish tint to the outcrops and veins. The color reflects Mn oxides
coating the surface. d) Cream colored jasperoid forming at the distal fringes of the polymetallic
replacement deposit at Colquijirca. The white matrix to the jasperoid is commonly dolomitic

At Yauricocha, Uchucchacua, and Antamina, proximal and distal carbonate-dominated veins

locally contain unique ultraviolet fluorescent (UV) characteristics, with many fluorescing a
distinct red-orange color (Fig. 3). Less common fluorescent colors include yellow and white.

The fluorescence color is related to the concentration of Mn in the calcite, thus providing a link
to the hydrothermal system. Mapping of core or underground exposures with a hand held UV
light potentially provides a cheap and easy prospecting tool as the density of red-orange
fluorescing veins increases in proximity to mineralized zones.

Figure 3. Multiple generations of

cross cutting calcite veins from
Uchucchacua. Fluorescing veins
associated with the hydrothermal
system are various shade of
orange-red to yellow depending
upon the concentration of
manganese in the calcite

Metal zoning: Lateral metal zoning is evident in several of the districts. Low-grade
porphyry style Cu ± Mo mineralization occurs at the core of many of the deeper deposits.
Proximal to the porphyry-carbonate contacts are Cu-rich zones (locally with high sulfidation
mineralogy) grading outward to more Zn-rich zones. Outboard of the porphyry-carbonate
contacts are Zn-Pb-Ag dominated zones lacking high sulfidation mineral assemblages. The most
distal mineralization occurs as Pb-Zn-Ag veins located as far as 3 km laterally from the center of
the districts. In shallow level deposits such as Colquijirca, high sulfidation ore mineral
assemblages associated with Cu (±Au) mineralization in the center of the district are flanked
laterally by more Zn-rich mineralization (Bendezú and Fontboté, 2002, 2003, 2004). Many of
the individual ore bodies studied herein are not significantly zoned over vertical extents
exceeding 300 to 400 m.
Figure 4 shows a simplified and highly idealized cross section for skarn, CRD, and vein
systems from central Perú centered on a low-grade porphyry Cu system. The depth of formation
of the various districts is estimated from field criteria. Colquijirca and Cerro de Pasco, which
formed in no more than 400,000 years in association with dacitic diatreme-dome complexes,
contain high-sulfidation epithermal veins (Bendezú et al., 2003, 2004) that represent the
shallowest level of formation. Stratigraphic reconstruction in the Uchucchacua district indicates
the Ag-veins likely formed at less than 1 km depth. The depths of formation for Antamina,
Yauricocha, and Milpo are unconstrained, but presumably lie at depth greater than 1 km, but
probably no more than 3 km beneath the paleosurface, as is typical for most porphyry Cu
Skarn and CRD mineralization closely associated or proximal to porphyry intrusions are
hosted entirely within the zone of bleached marble and are surrounded by a network of thin
proximal carbonate-sulfide veinlets. Distal Ag-base metal veins lie above and lateral from

Idealized vertical distribution of carbonate-hosted deposits and stable isotope halos

Figure 4. Idealized vertical zoning profile, showing distribution of ore deposits, generalized
distal alteration, and stable isotopic halos. Diagram is not drawn to scale and does not
encompass all the detail of the alteration or geochemical zoning.

Figure 5. Vertical geochemical zoning profile constructed using the geologic and alteration
characteristics mapped at Antamina and Uchucchacua. a) Distribution of trace elements in rocks
and veins. b) Summary of alteration features

porphyry intrusions. Zones of high fluid permeability, specifically faults and dike margins,
control distal Zn-rich skarn and CRD at Iscaycruz and distal Ag-Pb-Zn-Mn veins at
Uchucchacua and Fortuna (Antamina). Mineralization in these zones lies outside the marble
aureole within limestone. At Iscaycruz, the host carbonate strata have near vertical dips and the
zones of mineralization, dolomitization, and jasperoid alteration (Fig. 4). At Colquijirca the host
calcareous strata are shallowly dipping resulting in the subhorizontal mineralized zones and
dolomite alteration and jasperoid bodies.

Geochemical dispersion halos: Geochemical studies around Antamina, Yauricocha, Cerro de

Pasco, and Uchucchacua permit some generalization to be made that provide some use for
exploration. There is considerable overlap between Antamina and Uchucchacua that permit a
vertical geochemical zoning profile extending over 1000 meters vertical to be constructed (Fig.
It is evident from figure 5 that the dispersion halos rising above a skarn and through veins
such as those at Uchucchacua are variable, and broadest at depth and narrow at shallower levels
in the hydrothermal system along the fluid escape channels. Elements typical of higher
temperature environments, such as Cu, Bi, and Mo, are enriched in the higher temperature
minerals at depth. Conversely, elements typical of low temperature environments, such as As,
Mn, Sb, and Tl are those that will be enriched in the lower temperature veins found at shallower
crustal levels. A similar suite of anomalous elements is present in carbonate veins forming the
distal fringes up to 800 meters from the polymetallic deposits Yauricocha.

Identifying hydrothermal dolomite and jasperoid: Dolomitic rocks and chert are common in
limestone terranes. In most cases, these rocks reflect Syndepositional or diagenetic processes.
At Cerro de Pasco, it has been established that wholesale depletion of Sr over the host limestone
might distinguish hydrothermal from diagenetic dolomitization. The hydrothermal jasperoids
contain the epithermal suite of elements (As, Sb, Tl, Hg and perhaps Cs) in anomalous
concentrations, whereas diagenetic chert or siliceous horizons in the limestone show no evidence
for the input of these elements. At Yauricocha, these elements are also associated with low-
grade distal Au in the Purisima Concepcion prospect, hosted in marls of the Celendin Formation
(Alvarez and Noble, 1988; Noble et al., 2000).

Reference cited
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