TRF Rubric For MT

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RPMS SY 2021-2022


(scoring rubric for grading the TRF)

Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Reflections, Reflections, Reflections, Reflections, Reflections,

annotations, and/or annotations, and/or annotations, and/or annotations, and/or annotations, and/or
outputs (e.g., LAC plan, outputs (e.g., LAC plan, outputs (e.g., LAC plan, outputs (e.g., LAC plan, outputs (e.g., LAC
lesson plan) exceed lesson plan) exceed lesson plan) meet the lesson plan) partially plan, lesson plan) do
the expectations of the the expectations of the expectations of the meet the expectations not meet the
TRF prompt. TRF prompt. TRF prompt. of the TRF prompt. expectations of the
TRF prompt.
They are complete and They are complete and They are complete and They are either
show comprehensive show comprehensive show sufficient complete or incomplete They are incomplete
and in-depth knowledge knowledge about the knowledge about the and show limited and totally
about the topic topic/question by topic/question. knowledge about the disconnected from
/question by providing providing accurate topic/question. what is asked.
accurate details and details.
some critical inputs or

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

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