Mret 101
Mret 101
Mret 101
ASM Ibrahim
Institute of Energy
Course Syllabus:
1.Laws of Thermodynamics: 1st and 2nd law and its
application, Entropy, Irreversibility, Refrigerators, Air
Conditioners, and Heat Pumps
2.Heat Transfer: Conduction, convection, Radiation
3.Heat Engines: Working principle and classification of Internal
Combustion Engine, Two stroke and four stroke cycle (Diesel
and petrol engine)
4.Basic Power generation Cycles: Carnot and Rankine Cycle
5.Thermionic conversion and Magneto hydrodynamic
6.Fluid Mechanics: Stress-Strain, Viscosity, Bernoulli's
Laws of Thermodynamics
2018 2a Thermodynamics
• Thermodynamics is the study of the effects of
work, heat, and energy on a system
• Thermodynamics is only concerned with
macroscopic (large-scale) changes and
Thermodynamic equilibrium is an axiomatic concept of thermodynamics. It is an
internal state of a single thermodynamic system, or a relation between several
thermodynamic systems connected by more or less permeable or impermeable
walls. In thermodynamic equilibrium there are no net macroscopic flows of
matter or of energy, either within a system or between systems.
Getting Started
• All of thermodynamics can be expressed in
terms of four quantities
– Temperature (T)
– Internal Energy (U)
– Entropy (S)
– Heat (Q)
• These quantities will be defined as we
progress through the lesson
Defined by change in a system, a thermodynamic process is a
passage of a thermodynamic system from an initial to a final
state of thermodynamic equilibrium.
Classical vs Statistical
• Classical thermodynamics concerns the
relationships between bulk properties of
matter. Nothing is examined at the atomic or
molecular level.
• Statistical thermodynamics seeks to explain
those bulk properties in terms of constituent
atoms. The statistical part treats the
aggregation of atoms, not the behavior of any
individual atom
According to British scientist C. P. Snow, the
three laws of thermodynamics can be
(humorously) summarized as
1. You can’t win
2. You can’t even break even
3. You can’t get out of the game
You can’t win (1st law)
• The first law of thermodynamics is an
extension of the law of conservation of energy
• The change in internal energy of a system is
equal to the heat added to the system minus
the work done by the system
ΔU = Q - W
2015 2a
2016 3a
2016 3a
Warning: It is not correct to say that a system has a large amount of heat or a
great amount of work
The First Law of Thermodynamics. Heat, Work and Internal Energy
Joule’s Experiment and the First Law of Thermodynamics.
Equivalence between work and heat
1 calorie = 4.184 Joules
Work is done on water. The energy is transferred to
the water – i. e. the system- . The energy transferred
appears as an increase in temperature.
We can replace the insulating walls by conducting
walls. We can transfer heat through the walls to the
system to produce the same increase in temperature.
The increase in temperature of the system is a
Schematic diagram for Joule´s consequence of an increase in Internal Energy.
experiment. Insulating walls are Internal energy is a state function of the system
necessary to prevent heat transfer
from the enclosed water to the The sum of the heat transferred into
the system and the work done on the
As the weights fall at constant speed, system equals the change in the
they turn a paddle wheel, which does
internal energy of the system
work on water.
If friction in mechanism is negligible,
the work done by the paddle wheel on
Eint = Qin + Won
the water equals the change of
potential energy of the weights.
The First Law of Thermodynamics
Another method of
doing work.
Electrical work is
done on the
system by the
generator, which
is driven by the
falling weight.
The First Law of Thermodynamics. Application to a particular case:
A gas confined in a cylinder with a movable piston
The state of the gas will be
described by the Ideal Gas Law.
PV = n R T
First Law
Eint = Qin + Won subtracted, to the system?
dEint = CV dT = n cV dT
Internal Energy is a state function, i.e. it is not dependent on the
process, it only depends of the initial and final temperature
The First Law of Thermodynamics. Application to a particular case: A gas
confined in a cylinder with a movable piston
Heat transferred to a system
If heat is added at constant
pressure the heat energy
transferred will be used to
expand the substance and to
increase the internal energy.
QP = CP dT
If the substance expands, it
does work on its surroundings.
CP − CV = n R
Qin ,V = CV T = n cV T
The expansion is usually negligible for solids
and liquids, so for them CP ~ CV.
The First Law of Thermodynamics. Application to a particular case: A gas
confined in a cylinder with a movable piston
Heat transferred to a system. A summary
Heat energy can be added to (or lost from) the system. The value of the heat
energy transferred depends on the process.
Typical processes are
- At constant volume QV = CV T ; QV = CV dT
- At constant pressure QP = CP T ; QP = CP dT
For the case of ideal gas CP − CV = n R Relationship of Mayer
Ideal Gas
Won gas = −Wby gas
P- V diagrams
Constant pressure
2018 2a
Won gas = − P dV = P(V1 − V2 )
P- V diagrams
Constant Volume Won gas = − P dV = 0
V2 n RT V2
Constant Temperature Won gas = − dV = −n R T ln
V1 V V1
The First Law of Thermodynamics
A biatomic ideal gas undergoes a cycle starting at
point A (2 atm, 1L). Process from A to B is an
expansion at constant pressure until the volume is 2.5
L, after which, it is cooled at constant volume until its
pressure is 1 atm. It is then compressed at constant
pressure until the volume is again 1L, after which it is
heated at constant volume until it is back to its original
state. Find (a) the work, heat and change of internal
energy in each process (b) the total work done on the
gas and the total heat added to it during the cycle.
Two moles of an ideal monoatomic gas have an initial pressure P1 = 2 atm and an initial
volume V1 = 2 L. The gas is taken through the following quasi-static cycle:
A.- It is expanded isothermally until it has a volume V2 = 4 L.
B.- It is then heated at constant volume until it has a pressure P3= 2 atm
C.- It is then cooled at constant pressure until it is back to its initial state.
(a) Show this cycle on a PV diagram. (b) Calculate the heat added and the work done by
the gas during each part of the cycle. (c) Find the temperatures T1, T2, T3
2017 1ab
The First Law of Thermodynamics. Cyclic Processes. P-V Diagrams
The First Law of Thermodynamics. Cyclic Processes. P-V Diagrams
Irreversible Processes
C = (F − 32 )
Absolute or Kelvin Scale
• The lowest possible temperature on the
Celsius Scale is -273C.
• The Kelvin Scale just takes this value and calls
it 0K, or absolute zero.
• Note: the “size” of 1K is the same as 1C.
• To convert from C to K just add 273.
When do you use which scale.
• Never use Fahrenheit, except for the weather.
• You can always use Kelvin and you must use
Kelvin when doing absolute temperature
• You can use either Kelvin or Celsius when
measuring differences in temperature.
• Heat is the random
motion of the particles in
the gas, i.e. a “degraded”
from of kinetic energy.
• The higher the temperature, the faster the
particles (atoms/molecules) are moving, i.e.
more Kinetic Energy.
• We will take heat to mean the thermal energy
in a body OR the thermal energy transferred
into/out of a body
Specific Heat
• Observational Fact: It is easy to change the temperature of
some things (e.g. air) and hard to change the temperature of
others (e.g. water)
• The amount of heat (Q) added into a body of mass m to change
its temperature an amount T is given by
Q=m C T
• Conversions:
1 cal =4.186 J
1Btu = 252 cal
Units of Specific Heat
Q cal J
C= = o = o
mT g C kg C
Water 4186 1
Ice 2090 0.50
Steam 2010 0.48
Silver 234 0.056
Aluminum 900 0.215
Copper 387 0.0924
Gold 129 0.0308
Iron 448 0.107
Lead 128 0.0305
Brass 380 0.092
Glass 837 0.200
Wood 1700 0.41
Ethyl Alcohol 2400 0.58
Beryllium 1830 0.436
Water has a specific heat of 1 cal/gmK and iron has a
specific heat of 0.107 cal/gmK. If we add the same
amount of heat to equal masses of iron and water,
which will have the larger change in temperature?
1. The iron.
2. They will have equal
changes since the same
amount of heat is added
to each.
3. The Water.
4. None of the above.
Example Calculation
• Compare the amount of heat energy required to
raise the temperature of 1 kg of water and 1 kg of
iron 20 C?
Q = mCT
For Water
Q = ( 1000 g)(1cal / g C )(20 C ) = 20,000cal
o o
For Iron
Q = ( 1000 g)(0.107 cal / g C )(20 C ) = 2140 cal
o o
2015 1d
• Typically very
• Very efficient way to
transfer energy.
• Vortex formation is very
common feature.
2015 1d
Convection Examples
• Ocean Currents
2015 1d
• Plate tectonics
2015 1d Radiation
P = = eAT = (const )T
4 4
2015 1d
• 4. The expansion ratio of the CI engine is higher than that of the SI engine;
therefore, the heat loss to the cylinder walls is less in the CI engine than that
of the SI engine. Consequently, the cooling system of the CI engine can be
of smaller dimensions.
• 5. The torque characteristics of the CI engine are more uniform which
results in better top gear performance.
• 6. The CI engine can be switched over from part load to full load soon after
starting from cold, whereas the SI engine requires warming up.
• 7. The fuel (diesel) for the CI engine is cheaper than the fuel (petrol) for SI
• 8. The fire risk in the CI engine is minimized due to the absence of the
ignition system.
• 9. On part load, the specific fuel consumption of the CI engine is low.
• Piston Rings: These are made of cast iron on account of their ability to
retain bearing qualities and elasticity indefinitely. The primary function of
the piston rings is to retain compression and at the same time reduce the
cylinder wall and piston wall contact area to a minimum, thus reducing
friction losses and excessive wear. The other important functions of piston
rings are the control of the lubricating oil, cylinder lubrication, and
transmission of heat away from the piston and from the cylinder walls.
• Piston Pin: The connecting rod is connected to the piston through the piston
pin. It is made of case hardened alloy steel with precision finish. There are
three different methods to connect the piston to the connecting rod.
• Connecting Rod: This is the connection between the piston and crankshaft.
The end connecting the piston is known as small end and the other end is
known as big end. The big end has two halves of a bearing bolted together.
The connecting rod is made of drop forged steel and the section is of the I-
beam type.
• Crankshaft: This is connected to the piston through the connecting rod and
converts the linear motion of the piston into the rotational motion of the
flywheel. The journals of the crankshaft are supported on main bearings,
housed in the crankcase. Counter-weights and the flywheel bolted to the
crankshaft help in the smooth running of the engine.
• Engine Bearings: The crankshaft and camshaft are supported on anti-
friction bearings. These bearings must be capable of with standing high
speed, heavy load and high temperatures. Normally, cadmium, silver or
copper lead is coated on a steel back to give the above characteristics.
• Valves: To allow the air to enter into the cylinder or the exhaust, gases to
escape from the cylinder, valves are provided, known as inlet and exhaust
valves respectively. The valves are mounted either on the cylinder head or on
the cylinder block.
• Camshaft: The valves are operated by the action of the camshaft, which has
separate cams for the inlet, and exhaust valves. The cam lifts the valve
against the pressure of the spring and as soon as it changes position the
spring closes the valve. The cam gets drive through either the gear or
sprocket and chain system from the crankshaft. It rotates at half the speed of
the camshaft.
• Flywheel : This is usually made of cast iron and its primary function is to
maintain uniform engine speed by carrying the crankshaft through the
intervals when it is not receiving power from a piston. The size of the
flywheel varies with the number of cylinders and the type and size of the
engine. It also helps in balancing rotating masses.
2017 3b
2017 3b
Working Principles
• The two-cycle carburetor type engine makes use of an airtight crankcase for
partially compressing the air-fuel mixture. As the piston travels down, the
mixture previously drawn into the crankcase is partially compressed. As the
piston nears the bottom of the stroke, it uncovers the exhaust and intake
ports. The exhaust flows out, reducing the pressure in the cylinder. When the
pressure in the combustion chamber is lower than the pressure in the
crankcase through the port openings to the combustion chamber, the
incoming mixture is deflected upward by a baffle on the piston. As the piston
moves up, it compresses the mixture above and draws into the crankcase
below a new air-fuel mixture
Comparison of two stroke and four stroke
2017 3c
• Advantages: 2016 4a
• 1) The two-stroke cycle engine gives one working stroke for each revolution
of the crankshaft. Hence theoretically the power developed for the same
engine speed and cylinder volume is twice that of the four-stroke cycle
engine, which gives only one working stroke for every two revolutions of
the crankshaft. However, in practice, because of poor scavenging, only 50-
60% extra power is developed.
• 2) Due to one working stroke for each revolution of the crankshaft, the
turning moment on the crankshaft is more uniform. Therefore, a two-stroke
engine requires a lighter flywheel.
• 3) The two-stroke engine is simpler in construction. The design of its ports
is much simpler and their maintenance easier than that of the valve
• 4) The power required to overcome frictional resistance of the suction and
exhaust strokes is saved, resulting in some economy of fuel.
Comparison of two stroke and four stroke
• 5) Owing to the absence of the cam, camshaft, rockers, etc. of the valve
mechanism, the mechanical efficiency is higher.
• 6) The two-stroke engine gives fewer oscillations.
• 7) For the same power, a two-stroke engine is more compact and requires
less space than a four-stroke cycle engine. This makes it more suitable for
use in small machines and motorcycles.
• 8) A two-stroke engine is lighter in weight for the same power and speed
especially when the crankcase compression is used.
• 9) Due to its simpler design, it requires fewer spare parts.
• 10) A two-stroke cycle engine can be easily reversed if it is of the valve less
Comparison of two stroke and four stroke
2017 3c 2016 4a
• Disadvantages:
• 1. The scavenging being not very efficient in a two-stroke engine, the
dilution of the charges takes place which results in poor thermal efficiency.
• 2. The two-stroke spark ignition engines do not have a separate lubrication
system and normally, lubricating oil is mixed with the fuel. This is not as
effective as the lubrication of a four-stroke engine. Therefore, the parts of the
two-stroke engine are subjected to greater wear and tear.
• 3. In a spark ignition two-stroke engine, some of the fuel passes directly to
the exhaust. Hence, the fuel consumption per horsepower is comparatively
• 4. With heavy loads a two-stroke engine gets heated up due to the excessive
heat produced. At the same time the running of the engine is not very smooth
at light loads.
Comparison of two stroke and four stroke
Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, and Heat
2016 3b
2018 3b Refrigeration Cycle
2017 2b 2016 3b
• The refrigeration cycle uses a fluid, called a refrigerant, to move heat from
one place to another. The key to understanding how it works is recognizing
that at the same pressure, the refrigerant boils at a much lower temperature
than water. For example, the refrigerant commonly used in home
refrigerators boils between 5 and 10°C as compared to water's boiling point
of 100°C. We'll begin with the cool, liquid refrigerant entering the indoor
coil, operating as the evaporator during cooling. As its name implies,
refrigerant in the evaporator "evaporates." Upon entering the evaporator, the
liquid refrigerant's temperature is between 5 and 10°C and without changing
its temperature, it absorbs heat as it changes state from a liquid to a vapor.
The heat comes from the warm, moist room air blown across the evaporator
coil. As it passes over the cool coil, it gives up some of its heat and moisture
may condense from it. The cooler, drier room air is re-circulated by a blower
into the space to be cooled.
2018 3b Refrigeration Cycle
2017 2b 2016 3b
• The vapor refrigerant now moves into the compressor, which is basically a
pump that raises the pressure so it will move through the system. Once it
passes through the compressor, the refrigerant is said to be on the "high" side
of the system. Like anything that is put under pressure, the increased
pressure from the compressor causes the temperature of the refrigerant to
rise. As it leaves the compressor, the refrigerant is a hot vapor, roughly 50 to
60°C. It now flows into the refrigerant-to-water heat exchanger, operating as
the condenser during cooling. Again, as the name suggests, the refrigerant
condenses here. As it condenses, it gives up heat to the loop, which is
circulated by a pump.
Refrigeration Cycle
Reversible (ideal):
Reversible (ideal):
• more particles
-> more states -> more entropy
• higher T
-> more energy states -> more entropy
• less structure (gas vs solid)
-> more states -> more entropy
Entropy on the Molecular Scale
2018 4c
Entropy : 2018 4a
If an irreversible process occurs in a closed system, the entropy S
of the system always increases; it never decreases.
For each small step, the energy transferred as heat to or from the gas is dQ, the work done
by the gas is dW, and the change in internal energy is dEint.
We have:
The change in entropy S between the initial and final states of an ideal gas
depends only on properties of the initial and final states; S does not depend on
how the gas changes between the two states.
Example, Change of Entropy:
Example, Change of Entropy, Free Expansion of Gas:
Suppose 1.0 mol of nitrogen gas is confined to the left
side of the container of Fig. 20-1a. You open the
stopcock, and the volume of the gas doubles. What is
the entropy change of the gas for this irreversible
process? Treat the gas as ideal.
Calculations: From Table 19-4, the energy Q added as
heat to the gas as it expands isothermally at temperature
T from an initial volume Vi to a final volume Vf is
Here n is the number of moles of gas present. The entropy change for this reversible
process in which the temperature is held constant is
The Second Law of Thermodynamics
No perfect engine!
TH >TL, and the right side of this equation is negative and thus the net
change in entropy per cycle for the closed system refrigerator reservoirs
is also negative. This violates the second law of thermodynamics, and
therefore a perfect refrigerator does not exist.
No perfect refrigerators!
# Ideal engines
= Reversible engines
# A Carnot engine is
an ideal engine
undergoing a Carnot
Entropy in the Real World: Carnot Engine
The Efficiencies of Real Engines Fig. 20-16 (a) Engine X drives a
Carnot refrigerator. (b) If, as claimed,
engine X is more efficient than a
Carnot engine, then the combination
shown in (a) is equivalent to the
perfect refrigerator shown here. This
violates the second law of
thermodynamics, so we conclude that
engine X cannot be more efficient than
a Carnot engine.
Suppose there is an engine X, which has an efficiency eX that is greater than eC, the Carnot efficiency.
When the engine X is coupled to a Carnot refrigerator, the work it requires per cycle may be made equal
to that provided by engine X. Thus, no (external) work is performed on or by the combination engine
+refrigerator, which we take as our system.
We have the assumption , where the primed notation refers to the engine X.
Triple point: a point(particular temperature and pressure) where solid liquid and
gaseous phase of a particular compound are in equilibrium.
(a) Deviation of actual vapor power cycle from the ideal Rankine cycle. (b) The
effect of pump and turbine irreversibilities on the ideal Rankine cycle.
CYCLE? 2015 3b 2017 4c
The basic idea behind all the modifications to increase the thermal efficiency
of a power cycle is the same: Increase the average temperature at which heat is
transferred to the working fluid in the boiler, or decrease the average temperature at
which heat is rejected from the working fluid in the condenser.
Increasing the Boiler Pressure (Increases Thigh,avg) 2017 4c
For a fixed turbine inlet temperature, Today many modern steam power
the cycle shifts to the left and the plants operate at supercritical
moisture content of steam at the pressures (P > 22.06 MPa) and have
turbine exit increases. This side effect thermal efficiencies of about 40% for
can be corrected by reheating the fossil-fuel plants and 34% for nuclear
steam. plants.
2015 3b
The single reheat in a modern power plant
improves the cycle efficiency by 4 to 5% by
increasing the average temperature at which
heat is transferred to the steam.
The average temperature during the reheat
process can be increased by increasing the
number of expansion and reheat stages. As
the number of stages is increased, the
expansion and reheat processes approach an
isothermal process at the maximum
temperature. The use of more than two
reheat stages is not practical. The theoretical
improvement in efficiency from the second
reheat is about half of that which results
from a single reheat.
The reheat temperatures are very close or The average temperature at which
equal to the turbine inlet temperature. heat is transferred during reheating
increases as the number of reheat
The optimum reheat pressure is about one- stages is increased.
fourth of the maximum cycle pressure.
Heat is transferred to the working fluid during
process 2-2 at a relatively low temperature.
This lowers the average heat-addition
temperature and thus the cycle efficiency.
In steam power plants, steam is extracted
from the turbine at various points. This steam,
which could have produced more work by
expanding further in the turbine, is used to
heat the feed water instead. The device
where the feed water is heated by
regeneration is called a regenerator, or a feed
water heater (FWH).
A feedwater heater is basically a heat
The first part of the heat-addition exchanger where heat is transferred from the
process in the boiler takes place at steam to the feedwater either by mixing the
relatively low temperatures. two fluid streams (open feedwater heaters) or
without mixing them (closed feedwater
Open Feedwater Heaters
An open (or direct-contact) feedwater
heater is basically a mixing chamber, where
the steam extracted from the turbine mixes
with the feedwater exiting the pump.
Ideally, the mixture leaves the heater as a
saturated liquid at the heater pressure.
Open feedwater
A steam power plant with one open heaters are simple
and three closed feedwater heaters. and inexpensive and
have good heat
characteristics. For
each heater,
however, a pump is
required to handle
the feedwater.
2017 5b
Many industries require energy input in the form of heat, called process heat.
Process heat in these industries is usually supplied by steam at 5 to 7 atm and
150 to 200°C. Energy is usually transferred to the steam by burning coal, oil,
natural gas, or another fuel in a furnace.
• The continued quest for higher thermal efficiencies has resulted in rather
innovative modifications to conventional power plants.
• A popular modification involves a gas power cycle topping a vapor power cycle,
which is called the combined gas–vapor cycle, or just the combined cycle.
• The combined cycle of greatest interest is the gas-turbine (Brayton) cycle topping
a steam-turbine (Rankine) cycle, which has a higher thermal efficiency than
either of the cycles executed individually.
• It makes engineering sense to take advantage of the very desirable
characteristics of the gas-turbine cycle at high temperatures and to use the high-
temperature exhaust gases as the energy source for the bottoming cycle such as
a steam power cycle. The result is a combined gas–steam cycle.
• Recent developments in gas-turbine technology have made the combined gas–
steam cycle economically very attractive.
• The combined cycle increases the efficiency without increasing the initial cost
greatly. Consequently, many new power plants operate on combined cycles, and
many more existing steam- or gas-turbine plants are being converted to
combined-cycle power plants.
• Thermal efficiencies over 50% are reported.
2017 5a