2019-04-09 MMS Capstone Project
2019-04-09 MMS Capstone Project
2019-04-09 MMS Capstone Project
Digital Portfolio
– What is the Digital Portfolio?
– Why a Digital Portfolio?
– How does the Digital Portfolio get implemented?
– What is Capstone?
– Why Capstone?
– How does the Capstone get implemented?
The Digital Portfolio
What is a Digital Portfolio?
A digital portfolio tracks a student’s growth as a learner
across all settings and includes:
For Students:
● Analyze growth of ideas, skills, and concepts over time
● Capture work in progress
● Share work with parents
For Teachers:
● Provides a tool to check for understanding
● Encourages reflection and goal setting
When will portfolio work occur?
When will it be considered “completed”?
● Critical Thinking
● Goal Setting
● Inquiry and Research
● Communication/Presentation
Capstone Project : WHEN does this work happen?
Extended Flex - 1 time/month
● Teacher Intro
● Student Driven Activity/Work
● Whole Group Activity/Work
● Individual Task/Exit Work
● Optional/extended activities
(Separate from SEL/FLEX activities)
Capstone Project