Microwave Characterization of Nanostructured Material by Modified Nicolson-Ross-Weir Method
Microwave Characterization of Nanostructured Material by Modified Nicolson-Ross-Weir Method
Microwave Characterization of Nanostructured Material by Modified Nicolson-Ross-Weir Method
AMPERE Newsletter Issue 94 December 18, 2017
was consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) delay also exists compared to the microstrip line
(1400 °C, 3 min, 50 MPa) in order to obtain pellets without SUT. The scattering parameters will be
8 mm and 50 mm in diameter and 1.5 mm thick measured by using a vector network analyzer
(PNF²-Toulouse, Dr. Sinter 2080, SPS Syntex Inc., between two SMA connectors (Fig. 2(b)). The use
Japan). Then, the 50 mm pellet was cut into of thru-reflect-line (TRL) calibration procedure
rectangle 28.5 x 21.5 mm for the electromagnetic leads to the determination of S parameters between
measurements. A typical FEG-SEM image the two ends of SUT loaded section.
(recorded in backscattered electron chemical
composition mode to enhance contrast) of a cross- If each part of measurement cell can be considered
section of the Fe-Al2O3 composite reveals that the as fully loaded transmission lines, Nicholson-
Fe particles (appearing as white dots on the image) Ross-Weir (NRW) algorithm permits the
are homogeneously dispersed into the Al2O3 deduction of wide frequency range permittivity
matrix (Fig. 1). The diameter of the Fe particles and permeability of SUT4,5. This measurement
was measured on hundreds of particles on such method is a non-resonant one, and as others non
images and the distribution (inset in Fig 1) lies in resonant methods the broadband measurement will
the range 0.2 µm to 5.7 µm in diameter, with a be effectuated but the measurement results will be
median value of 0.7 µm. less accurate compared to resonant methods,
particularly with regard to dielectric and magnetic
AMPERE Newsletter Issue 94 December 18, 2017
of the measurement results and numerical In most of the cases, the reference TEM line
simulation with trial values of the relative complex has very low losses, hence ε1 ≅ ε 0ε r1 and µ1 ≅ µ0 .
permittivity and permeability. An optimization By noting the central line as fully filled with
algorithm is used then to adjust the trial values in material to be measured,
order to minimize the deviation between the
simulated and measured S parameters. ε 2 = ε 0 ( ε r 2 '− jε r 2 ") = ε 0ε r 2 (1 − j tan δ ε ) ,
Generally speaking, the numerical simulation
involves a 3D electromagnetic simulation µ2 = µ0 ( µr 2 '− j µr 2 ") = µ0 µr 2 (1 − j tan δ µ )
software, such as commercial HFSS or CST, or
the unknown relative permittivity and permeability
other electro-magnetic modeling methods
will be given by
developed by university researchers, such as the
µ r 2 ε r1 1 + Γ
multimodal variational method (MVM)10. The 3D = ,
εr2 1− Γ
simulations require significant computer resources
in RAM and computing time. Here we propose an − j ⋅ arg ( P ) − ln P
alternative solution with the modified version of ε r 2 µr 2 =
k0 d
Nicolson-Ross-Weir (NRW) algorithm, which
combines the original method and a 2D electro- where k0 = 2πf µ0ε 0 is the propagation constant
magnetic formulation for the determination of the
in free space.
fundamental characteristics of an equivalent
transmission line.
B. Application of the NRW formulation for multilayer
planar structures
A. NRW algorithm for fully filled transmission line structure
The explicit relations between the propagation
In the case of homogeneous transmission lines with constant, the characteristic impedance of a TEM
the middle section fully filled with a different mode of fully-filled transmission line, and the
material of length d, taking the two ends of the parameters of the constituent material, no longer
central section as reference planes, the parameters exist in the cases of multilayer planar structures. If
S are given by11 for the conventional lines, such as simple
microstrips or coplanar lines, the approximate
S11 =
(1 − P ) Γ
, S21 =
(1 − P ) P ,
explicit formulations exist, for the others, a
1 − P2Γ2 1 − P2Γ2 numerical simulation tool is necessary, especially
for the multilayer structures6. A series of design
where P = e −γd is the propagation exponent of the curves will be obtained in a given frequency range,
TEM mode in the fully filled central section, and corresponding respectively to the effective relative
Γ = (Z − Z 0 ) (Z + Z 0 ) is the reflection coefficient, permittivity and permeability, and the
characteristic impedance, with each curve obtained
where Z and Z0 correspond respectively to the
with a trial value for sample's permittivity and
characteristic impedance of the central section and
permeability. Theses curves constituent a data base
the reference line. The direct inversion of this
for the interpolation purpose during the inverse
system of equations leads to the following
modeling procedure.
An example is shown here with a square
alumina plate of a 50.8-mm length and a 0.5-mm
Γ = X + s1 X 2 − 1, s1 = ±1 ,
thickness. The characteristic of the substrate of
V1 − Γ reference microstrip line are shown in Table 1. In
P= = P e j arg ( P ) , our measurement system, the other parameters of
1 − V1Γ the reference microstrip line are the substrate
where V1 = S11 + S 21 and X = 1 − S 21 + S11
2 2
) (2S
11 ). thickness, h = 1.524 mm, and the central conductor
AMPERE Newsletter Issue 94 December 18, 2017
width and thickness, w = 4.257mm and t = 35µm, of frequency, and of the estimated relative
respectively. The cell has been designed to operate permittivity in the case of alumina sample, were
between 200 MHz and 1.6 GHz, when the relative simulated. The new estimated values of the sample
permittivity of the material does not exceed 15. were compared to those derived directly from the
The use of MTRM6 on this structure with trial NRW formulations. These new values better
relative permittivity varying between 9 and 12 lead correspond to those expected in the range between
to the effective relative permittivity as shown in 9 and 11 as expected (Fig. 4).
Fig. 3(a). Once the measurements carried out by a
vector network analyzer, the effective relative
permittivity of the central section were obtained by (a)
application of the NRW algorithm. The results are
2.76 10
Table 1. Frequency dependent parameters of an AD255C 2.74
substrate 2.72
effect correction
The determination of the reflection coefficients in
the preceding formulation depends only on the
relative characteristic impedances between the 2
reference microstrip line and the partial loading by
the alumina sample. This is true in the absence of
the higher order modes on either side of the 1.5
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
junction of the two lines. This is the case for Frequency (GHz)
AMPERE Newsletter Issue 94 December 18, 2017
15 5.6
(a) 5.55
Estimated relative permittivity
12 5.4
10 5.25
9 5.2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
7 Frequency (GHz)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Frequency(GHz) 0.12
Figure 4: Comparison between new (+) and old (o) (b) 0.1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Frequency (GHz)
(b) 0.015
AMPERE Newsletter Issue 94 December 18, 2017
magnetic properties of this material. Significant
losses have been observed due to the magnetic
nature of the sample.
6. Tao, J., IEEE Trans. MTT, 1992, 40, 1966–1969.
7. Pendry, J.B., D. Schurig, et al., Science, 2006, 312,
0.08 8. Devaux, X., Ch. Laurent, et al., Nanostruct. Mater.,
0.06 1993, 2, 339-346
0.04 9. Laurent, Ch., A. Rousset, et al., J. Mater. Chem., 1993,
0.02 3, 513-518
10. Tao, J., et al., 23th EuMC, 1993, 662-664.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Frequency (GHz) 11. Rothwell, E. J., et al, PIER, 2016, 157, 31-47.
Figure 8: Real part (a) and loss factor (b) of the relative
permittivity extracted by the inverse modeling method. About the Authors
Jingyi Wang is currently a PhD student in
2.8 LAPLACE-ENSEEIHT-INP, Toulouse, France.
2.6 She received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees
extracted relative permeability υ
AMPERE Newsletter Issue 94 December 18, 2017
Junwu Tao was born in Hubei, China, in David Mesguich is Assistant Professor in
1962. He received his B.Sc. degree in Materials Chemistry at Toulouse
electronics from the Radio Engineering University (Université Paul Sabatier). He
Department, Huazhong (Central China) is part of the Nanocomposites and
Universitry of Science and Technology, Carbon Nanotubes team working at the
Wuhan, China, in 1982; the Ph.D degree Interuniversity Center for Materials
(with honors) from the Institut National Research and Engineering (CIRIMAT)
polytechnique of Toulouse, France, in 1988, where he works on nanopowders including nanocarbon
and the Habilitation degree from the University of Savoie, synthesis by Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition and
France, in 1999. From 1983 to 1991, Dr. Tao was with the preparation of ceramic- and metal-matrix nanocomposites
electronics laboratory of ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France, where and carbides, both as powders and bulk materials sintered
he worked on the application of various numerical methods by SPS.
to 2- and 3-D problems in electromagnetics, and on the
design of microwave and millimeter-wave devices. From E-mail: [email protected]
1991 to 2001 he was with the microwave laboratory (LAHC)
at the university of Savoie, Chambéry, France, where he was
an associate professor in electrical engineering and involved
in the full-wave characterization of discontinuity in various Christophe Laurent is a Full Professor of
planar waveguides, and in nonlinear transmission line Materials Chemistry at Toulouse
design. Since September 2001 he is a full professor at the University (Université Paul-Sabatier).
Institut National Polytechnique of Toulouse, where he is He is currently serving as Director of
involved in the numerical methods for electromagnetics, CIRIMAT, the Interuniversity Center for
microwave and RF components design, microwave and Materials Research and Engineering,
millimeter-wave measurements, and microwave power where he formerly headed the
applications. Nanocomposites and Carbon
Nanotubes team (1998-2015). He got his BSc and MSc
E-mail: [email protected] degrees in Chemistry, and his Doctor in Materials Sciences
degree (PhD) at Toulouse University. Currently Prof.
Laurent’ researches focus on the synthesis of carbon
Laura Severac is a PhD student in nanotubes and graphene (notably the selectivity on the
Materials Sciences at Toulouse University number of walls/layers), ceramic- and metal-matrix
(Université Paul-Sabatier), currently nanocomposites, and spark plasma sintering. He has
working at the Interuniversity Center for published more than 110 papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Materials Research and Engineering
(CIRIMAT), in the Nanocomposites and E-mail : [email protected]
Carbon Nanotubes team. She got her MSc
in Materials Sciences at Toulouse
University. Her research focuses on the preparation of
ceramic-matrix composites using spark plasma sintering.
E-mail : [email protected]