The Business of EV
The Business of EV
The Business of EV
Jonas Boehm
Dartmouth College
[email protected]
Hemant K. Bhargava
University of California
[email protected]
Geoffrey G. Parker
Dartmouth College
[email protected]
This article may be used only for the purpose of research, teaching,
and/or private study. Commercial use or systematic downloading
(by robots or other automatic processes) is prohibited without ex-
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Boston — Delft
References 302
The Business of Electric Vehicles:
A Platform Perspective
Jonas Boehm1 , Hemant K. Bhargava2 and Geoffrey G. Parker3
1 Dartmouth College, USA; [email protected]
2 University
of California, Davis, USA; [email protected]
3 Dartmouth College, USA; [email protected]
Platform business tactics are highly visible and dominant in
business today. Prominent firms in industries such as infor-
mation services, retail, and travel, have embraced platform
thinking. Still, many others are engaged in a platform game
without realizing it, often to negative consequences. This
monograph develops this theme with an illustrative focus
on the battery electric vehicle segment of the automobile
industry. It traces the development of the industry, identifies
key decisions by various participants, and analyzes these
decisions from a platform strategy lens.
We emphasize that platform characteristics and network ef-
fects are at the core of the electric vehicle industry. A battery
electric vehicle is not just a vehicle whose fuel happens to be
supplied by the battery. Rather, the vehicle purchase deci-
sion is heavily influenced by the availability of a widespread
supercharging network as a complementary good. Hence,
it is vital for the vehicle maker to ensure that customers
have access to both sides of the market—an exciting vehicle
and robust supercharging network. An electric vehicle dif-
fers from gasoline-powered vehicles in this regard because
Jonas Boehm, Hemant K. Bhargava and Geoffrey G. Parker (2020), “The Business
of Electric Vehicles: A Platform Perspective”, Foundations and Trends® in Technol-
ogy, Information and Operations Management: Vol. 14, No. 3, pp 203–323. DOI:
The most successful companies of the last decade have all been platform
businesses. Platform businesses create value in unprecedented ways.
In April 2020, the five largest stocks in the S&P 500 accounted for 20%
of its total market cap, exceeding the 18% concentration level reached
during the dot-com bubble. Those stocks are Microsoft, Apple, Amazon,
Alphabet (Google), and Facebook. All of them are platform businesses
and, with other often cited examples such as Alibaba, AirBnB, Uber
and the like, they spearhead what has come to be known as the platform
Looking beyond the headlines, however, chances are quite good that
firms are developing platform products even when they don’t recognize
them as such. This is because platform thinking extends far beyond the
digital platforms and tech giants that everybody is now able to spot.
One example is the electric car industry; the various entry approaches
of traditional automakers and newer disruptors, such as Tesla, provide
the backdrop for our analysis throughout this monograph.
In particular, platform firms increasingly depend upon external
actors to provide the necessary complements to create a complete
system that delivers value to end users. Another feature of platforms in
206 Introduction: Are You Playing a Platform Game?
the way that we discuss them is that the value to a platform’s user is
dependent upon the number of other users who also affiliate with the
system. This leads to a simplified test to help spot a platform: a product
or service value is a combination of an independent product/service
value and network value. This means that the utility to a user can
be expressed as a function of the standalone value that a user derives
from the product or service plus the value that the user gains because
other users also join the system. That is, user i’s utility for brand j
with quality level qj is of the form Vij = Vi (qj ) + f (Nj ) where Nj is
the network or number of users of brand j. The implication of this
network effect is that, unlike traditional goods, a user’s utility is not a
constant, and increases as more buyers adopt the good. This creates
opportunity for the firm to continue expanding the market as previously
low-value users develop higher utility as Nj grows, as well as to increase
its product monetization e.g., through recurring fees or add-on features.
But this network effect also creates some distinctive challenges which
call for distinctive business strategies which we discuss in Sections 4
and 5.
Recognizing that a firm is in the platform game is important, as
platform markets are fundamentally different from traditional markets,
and these differences must lead to distinctive business tactics and
strategies. A rule of thumb goes as follows: Platforms exist if a firm
is working on a platform product where the value of their product is
a function of standalone value and network value consisting of value
from same-side (Katz and Shapiro, 1985) and cross-side network effects
(Parker and Van Alstyne, 2005; Rochet and Tirole, 2003). Consider,
for example, Microsoft’s spreadsheet program, Excel. Excel offers the
single user a broad spectrum of functions and features, and delivers
great value to users even when they act alone. This value increases even
further because users can easily share spreadsheets and collaborate with
one another. This collaboration makes it highly unlikely that users who
must collaborate would adopt different spreadsheet programs because
they would forgo the network component of the value proposition.
Over the last years, a solid theory of multi-sided platforms has been
developed and has diffused into management practice, often by using the
famous digital platforms mentioned above to explain the mechanisms.
on the product front. Journalists and industry analysts alike have often
pointed out or even belittled the product performance of the Tesla
vehicles: Tesla ranks last on JD Power quality survey with 250 problems
per 100 vehicles, for a long time didn’t seem to get basic production
right and lived through the infamous production hell, turned to outside
body shops to repair scratches and paint defects before cars were deliv-
ered to customers. However, from a platform’s good perspective, that is
the vehicle and its complementary charging infrastructure, Tesla has
the best product and the best options to monetize either side of this
multi-sided platform.
This monograph elaborates on these perspectives by highlighting the
platform strategy elements that are relevant in this industry, and then
analyzing the crucial factors that have led to the competitive outcomes
we observe today.
Battery Electric Vehicles as a Platform Good
210 Battery Electric Vehicles as a Platform Good
212 Battery Electric Vehicles as a Platform Good
2.2. A BEV is a Platform Good 213
(1) Range: The majority of available EVs have a relatively low range
(70–220 miles for models such as a Nissan LEAF and 250–350 miles
for Tesla models) compared with over 550 miles in comparable
gasoline automobiles, such as a Honda Accord (see Figure 2.1).
This range limitation matters because American families routinely
drive 300+ mile round-trips for leisure, vacation, and other needs
(e.g., a trip from San Francisco to Lake Tahoe), and even longer
for inter-city travel (e.g., San Francisco to Los Angeles). Lack of
range would be less consequential if BEV owners had reliable and
robust access to a dense network of rapid-charging stations which
could recharge BEV batteries as quickly as one fills up a gasoline
tank. This is, however, far from reality.
2.2. A BEV is a Platform Good 215
Figure 2.1: Driving range on full charge (EVs) or tank (Honda Accord).
The wide range 1,500–3,000 is quoted because some number of CCS and
CHAdeMO chargers operate at 50 kW (not rapid-charging). Based on https://afdc. Also
infrastrcuture-tesla. There are about 10 times as many Level 2 chargers operating at
around 50 kW, however these deliver only about 50 miles range per hour, hence are
not suitable for long distance or inter-city travel.
As of June 2019, according to
216 Battery Electric Vehicles as a Platform Good
2.2. A BEV is a Platform Good 217
The understanding that BEVs are not a “product,” i.e., a car that is
electric, but rather one side of a two-sided market enables a change in
perspectives. The action space that is available to decision makers of
all kinds increases significantly. A substantial economic and business
research stream on two-sided market platforms has developed a ro-
bust theory of how these markets are fundamentally different, and how
these differences must lead to distinctive business tactics and strategies.
Recognizing that a business or product follows the laws of two-sided
markets is a necessary condition, but not sufficient. Additional im-
pediments exist, ranging from general organizational inertia, a lack of
necessary skills and personnel, and the innovator’s dilemma. On one
side, since the beginning, electric cars have been a threat to the prof-
itability of conventional gas-powered automakers, hence the business
logic prevents investments. Further, a product-focused organization
perfects the product; a platform organization perfects the platform.
“The cost of developing the Tesla Roadster and Model S were around
222 Battery Electric Vehicles as a Platform Good
$140 million and $650 million whereas General Motors spent $1 billion
developing its first electric, the EV1, and $1.2 billion developing the
Chevy Volt, and Nissan has spent $5.6 billion developing its relatively
low-performance electric cars” (Stringham et al., 2015, p. 91), while
Tesla split its investments on both sides of the market and in parallel
developed the charging infrastructure. Moreover, more challenges exist
that are specific to products with a multi-sided market architecture.
The lone exception to the lack of platform thinking in designing
business strategy for BEVs is Tesla, the new entrant into the automobile
market. The result is that even though several established automotive
OEMs, such as Nissan, BMW, and Chevrolet, invested early and heavily
in R&D and new engineering platforms for BEVs, and developed new
designs to position themselves as the frontrunner in the race for future
mobility, Tesla emerged as the most successful and celebrated electric car
manufacturer despite being a newcomer operating in an old Toyota/GM
plant. Today Tesla accounts for between 75% and 85% of the BEVs sold
in the U.S. Tesla’s supercharging network not only is the most domi-
nant and widespread, Tesla also chose to make it a closed proprietary
system (which gives Tesla a huge advantage when competing for new
customers) and to subsidize its usage by having a joint coordinated
price for the car and access to the network. Moreover, Tesla has built
an integrated information structure which provides real-time visual
information regarding location and availability of charging stations, and
its route planning software factors in knowledge of charging locations
in space and their availability in time. All of these factors reflect a
platform-aware perspective that is missing from makers of competing
BEVs. Indeed, Tesla has gone well beyond a basic platform strategy by
also investing in the idea of battery electric cars as a vital component
for future decentralized renewable energy systems.
The rest of this monograph reviews relevant platform theory and then
applies it to the BEV industry to illustrate and explain successes and
mistakes by the players. We critically examine important past decisions
and events, and then provide guideposts for the future evolution of
2.6. Organization and Summary 223
the industry. For instance, this discussion provides insights into the
likelihood of interoperability between charging stations. It also provides
a framework to examine Tesla’s incentives to continue operating on both
sides of a closed two-sided platform, versus licensing the charging infras-
tructure to competing carmakers. By telling this story, we introduce the
importance of platform literature to the operations management com-
munity and conclude with fruitful research opportunities that lie at the
BEV Industry to Date: Decisions and Challenges
This section lays the necessary foundation to later examine the strategic
decisions taken by actors in the BEV industry, such as established
automakers and new challengers, charging site operators, and munici-
palities, governments and industry associations.
3.1. Toward Sustainable Mobility with Electric Driving 225
In 2003, Tesla Motors started with the development of its first fully
electric car, the Tesla Roadster. The Roadster, which is based on the
Lotus Elise, was introduced in 2008, promised a range of 200 miles
per charge, and was sold for $98,950. The model sold approximately
2,500 units (limited through a pre-agreed sourcing contract with Lotus)
and Tesla stopped production in 2012 (Woody, 2012).
In 2009, the U.S. Congress passed the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), which included $2 billion for the
development of electric vehicle batteries and related technologies. The
U.S. Department of Energy added another $400 million to fund building
the infrastructure necessary. Further, the Department of Energy awarded
$8 billion in loans to Ford, Nissan, and Tesla Motors to support the
development of fuel-efficient vehicles under the Energy Independence
and Security Act of 2007 (U.S. Department of Energy, 2020).
Also in 2009, Nissan unveiled its new electric car, called the LEAF
(“Leading, Environmentally Friendly, Affordable, Family Car”). The
LEAF is capable of a maximum speed of more than 90 mph, can travel
100 miles on a full charge, and has a battery that can be recharged to
80% of its capacity in 30 minutes. Nissan planned to work with the
Japanese government and private companies to set up charging station
3.3. Conquering Mass Markets (2010–2018) 227
the “EV Plug Alliance” “to promote the use of a high safety plug and
socket solution for Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure” (Legrand,
In 2011, the standard specifications for the CCS (Combined Charging
Standard, a combination of AC and DC charging) were published (BMW,
2011; Daimler, 2011). The standard was co-developed by Audi, BMW,
Porsche, Volkswagen, Ford, and General Motors, which promoted its
use as the new de facto standard (BMW, 2011; Daimler, 2011). Further,
in March 2011, the number of charger manufacturers that developed
and offered the initially Japan-based CHAdeMO DC quick charging
standard increased from five to over 20 worldwide (CHAdeMO, 2019).
As a result, the number of installed chargers reached 582 in Japan and
41 in other countries. In 2011, BMW launched the sub-brand, BMWi,
under which it made plans to market its future line of electric cars. It
announced two models: The i3, a four-seat city car expected to be priced
at a slight premium from $30,000 to $40,000, and a higher-end plug-in
hybrid sports car called the i8 (Fuhrmanns, 2011). Nissan reported
monthly sales of the LEAF of more than 4,000 in June and raised the
price of the car by about 7% (Ramsey, 2011). Nissan sold almost 10,000
LEAFs in 2011 (Terlep, 2012).
Reports claimed that the charging infrastructure was quickly in-
creasing because of many companies investing, but the cars were still
lacking (Hagerty and Ramsey, 2011). At the same time, OEMs con-
tinued to claim the lack of charging infrastructure as a challenge to
BEV adoption (Murphy, 2014). This illustrates the challenges and a
paradox of EVs as multi-sided platforms: If you would ask either side
of the markets (OEMs or operators of charging infrastructure), they
would simultaneously claim that there are not enough participants on
the other side of the market (see Subsections 2.5 and 5.1). OEMs see
a lack of charging infrastructure for customers to widely adopt BEVs,
and charging site operators report the lack of cars as an impediment to
a viable charging infrastructure and greater investment.
In January 2012, the CHAdeMO protocol version 1.0 was published.
From March 2010 to March 2012, member companies grew in number
from 158 to 429 with the international regular member segment showing
the highest growth rate, confirming the global appeal of the CHAdeMO
3.3. Conquering Mass Markets (2010–2018) 229
its third model (Model 3) with a plan to go on sale in 2017 for about
$40,000 (Hirsch, 2014).
Additionally, in 2014, the European Union defined the CCS charging
standard as the standard for fast charging in the European Union and
released specifications for public charging infrastructure (EU, 2014).
Also in 2014, Tesla offered open licenses to its patents to any company
that wanted to build electric vehicles and suggested that BMW was
already interested in sharing patents (Ramsey, 2014). Further, Tesla
communicated that it would install the first battery swap station in
2015 (Stoll, 2014). Nissan pushed back its plans to sell a combined
1.5 million BEVs worldwide by four years to 2020 amid consumer
complaints about a shorter range than combustion-engine cars, lack of
recharging infrastructure, and comparatively high prices (Nam, 2014).
In January 2015, Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO, signaled that the Model 3
could sell for approximately $30,000 (Woodyard, 2015a). Tesla launched
its new SUV Model X at a base price of about $81,000 (Ramsey,
2015b). Tesla also further expanded its supercharger network to almost
500 locations in the U.S. by the end of 2015 and 200 locations in
Europe; Tesla was opening a new supercharger location almost every
day. CHAdeMO released a new protocol for its charging standard (the
version 1.1) and offered about 10,000 charging locations across the
globe, with a strong focus on Asia. Tesla announced the Model 3 to be
unveiled in 2016 (Bloomberg, 2020) and claimed a new starting price of
$35,000 (Randall, 2019). BMW and Volkswagen jointly agreed to work
3.3. Conquering Mass Markets (2010–2018) 233
3.4 Challenges
The industry faced a number of challenges during the past two decades,
organized into two sets. The first set includes four challenges related to
product market fit and how to guide product development and customer
education efforts. Central among these is the key design trade-off of price
versus range. Most firms opted to keep product price fixed to a target
range and then maximize range during their product development effort,
subject to an overall budget constraint. The second major challenge that
the industry faced was how to find suitable partners who could offer
a charging infrastructure. This second challenge was directly related
to quelling the third challenge called range anxiety, the term coined to
refer to potential customers’ worries about running out of power before
completing their trips. A fourth challenge the industry faced was the
need to better explain the total cost of ownership (TCO) for battery
electric vehicles (BEV) relative to their petroleum-fueled counterparts.
The economics for BEVs improves over time because of their higher
efficiency and lower operating costs, but this logic appealed mostly to
more affluent customers who could afford to take the long view.
The second set comprises three additional challenges that were
more operational in nature. First, the industry in general, and Tesla in
particular, faced significant problems with production ramp up. This
created marketing issues because of repeated delays in getting product to
market in sufficient quantity to satisfy demand. A related supply chain
issue was the challenge of installing sufficient charging infrastructure to
3.5. New Generations and Consumer Choice 237
make BEVs a viable choice for long distance travel. Finally, firms faced
a large set of choices with respect to how to accomplish the goal of
creating a recharging network. These choices included which standards
to promote, which consortia to join, and how to guide the development
of the regulatory framework to operate under.
Going forward, it is clear that the industry is beginning to achieve
critical mass as incumbent manufacturers announce ambitious new
product plans.
In 2019, the Tesla Model 3 became available in the market and at launch
only a $49,000 premium version was able to be ordered (Bloomberg,
2020). Additionally, in 2019, a wide range of traditional OEMs an-
nounced plans to offer a new generation of BEVs, with car specifications
comparable to Tesla’s offering. Overall announced pipeline of new BEV
models began to grow substantially. Some highlights are listed below:
We do not claim to provide an exhaustive list of vehicle or charger announce-
ments, rather we want to give a feeling for the context.
3.6. General Economics and Operational Aspects of BEVs 239
Most third party DCFCs are operating at about 50 kW, while Tesla’s
superchargers typically operate at ∼120 kW and correspond most closely
with Level 4 (Lee and Clark, 2018).
The cost of building fast charging infrastructure is dependent on
many different factors, such as hardware costs, permissions, complexity
of utility interconnection processes, location, local regulations, etc. In
general, these costs are poorly understood, very difficult to quantify,
and rarely documented in the literature. Two teams of researchers
documented the costs to build Level 3 and above charging infrastructure.
Funke et al. (2019) estimated the costs for fast charging stations as a
function of their size (see Table 3.1) Lee and Clark (2018) estimated
the capital costs per charger for the U.S. (see Table 3.2).
We are taking these estimates to get an understanding of the costs to
build out the complement. Taking these estimates as the basis for Tesla’s
current fast charging network (1,533 stations and 13,344 charge points),
3.6. General Economics and Operational Aspects of BEVs 241
Table 3.1: Estimated costs for fast charging stations as a function of size (base year
2017) [w/o VAT]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Table 3.2: Fixed cost estimates for each type of charger in USD
Residential Commercial
Capital Costs Level 1 Level 2 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Installation $0 $1,354 $3,108 $22,626 $22,626 $22,626
(per charger)
Site preparation $0 $0 $3,000 $12,500 $12,500 $12,500
(per charger)
Utility service $0 $0 $4,000 $17,500 $17,500 $17,500
(per service)
Transformer $0 $0 $5,698 $32,500 $40,000 $40,000
(per station)
Equipment $0 $1,000 $3,842 $35,000 $50,000 $100,000
(per charger)
Source: Lee and Clark (2018).
the capital costs of this network are roughly between $980 million to
$1.9 billion.
Introduction to Platform Literature
4.1. What Are Multi-Sided Platforms (MSP)? 243
the future value of their charging network, yet finds it difficult to credibly
communicate future dominance.
A key feature of two-sided markets is that platforms must be able
to attract two or more different types of users at the same time. A car
without the adequate charging infrastructure has no future, and the
opposite is also true.
(Evans, 2003). The decision as to which side to charge and how (cal-
culation and charging mechanism) is complex and depends on factors
like the users’ sensitivity to price (Hagiu and Spulber, 2013) or quality
(Eisenmann et al., 2006).
Freemium: Freemium is often geared to have free users to increase the
probability users on the same side or the other side adopting and paying.
Greater numbers of free users on one side can increase the likelihood of
other users of the same side coming to learn and appreciate the value of
a product, through word-of-mouth (Boudreau et al., 2019; Dou et al.,
2016). For example, DropBox gained foothold into business markets
by first appealing to individual employees and buying managers of
organizations. A greater base of free users on one side can analogously
increase demand and adoption on the other side of the market as well as
increase the willingness to pay of actors on different “sides” (Boudreau
and Hagiu, 2009; Parker and Van Alstyne, 2005; Rochet and Tirole,
2006). Additionally, the freemium strategy can break the tension of
growth and profitability that platforms often face (Bhargava, 2014). In
this the freemium strategy has multiple benefits: it segments the market
indirectly, expands sales via the free version, preserves a high margin
for the premium product (Bhargava, 2014). Ultimately, the free version
can also act as a trial device and increase the adoption on one or both
sides of the market, especially when users are a priori uncertain about
its value (Bhargava, 2014; Niculescu and Wu, 2014).
Single target group/Staging: Focusing on one particular target
group or market segment is a well-known strategy and MSPs may start,
for example, with a single city or industry (Eisenmann and Hagiu,
2007). By reducing the total market size and the required critical user
mass, MSPs require fewer resources and less time to reach the critical
inflection point from which the MSP can grow to other market segments.
When initially focusing on a single market segment, MSPs can achieve
higher levels of differentiation and platform performance in this market
segment, which increases expectations among potential platform users
that everyone else will adopt the same platform in the future (Cennamo
and Santaló, 2013). Other authors argue that it is more natural to
observe firms begin with a one-sided model and switch to a two-sided
250 Introduction to Platform Literature
to a network via indirect network effects, such that the value of the
core good to adopters is greater in tandem with the complement than
without it (Brandenburger and Nalebuff, 1995; Gawer, 2009; Yoffie
and Kwak, 2006; Zhu and Iansiti, 2012). A subset of these strategies
focuses on the platform itself providing the first complements. While this
requires larger investments, it gives the option to set quality points and
expectations for both the customers and complementors. For instance,
Microsoft leveraged the knowledge it gained from developing popular
games for its Xbox console in-house to build a development kit worth
$10,000, which it licensed for free to producers willing to develop other
games for the Xbox (Schilling, 2003).
Much of the extant literature hence deals with the question of how to
attract and keep complementors, e.g., through managing expectations,
leveraging the installed base, ensuring profitability for partners, finding
the right mix of product range and level of product quality, as well as
the right level of openness.
In the case of EVs, the value of the car is contingent on the availabil-
ity, access and spread of the charging network. Hence, by the multi-sided
platform perspective, to achieve a strong competitive position is deter-
mined by the combination of car-infrastructure system, and not only
by product features of the car and the operational excellence of the
manufacturer. Without understanding this mechanism, designing a win-
ning strategy for EVs (and any other platform-architecture product) is
almost impossible.
It is in the nature of multi-sided platforms that the launch of a new
platform comes with uncertainty about the platform’s ability to attract
users from both or various sides of the market. For example, when
Apple launched its first iPhone in 2007, the market responded with
hesitation. Developers were uncertain about the attractiveness for end-
users of the phone’s touch-screen feature (and hence uncertain about
their decision to develop applications), while end-users were uncertain
about the potential for new applications (and hence hesitant about
buying) (Jullien and Pavan, 2017).
254 Introduction to Platform Literature
Installed Base
As a result of network dynamics, the literature suggests that winner-
take-all outcomes are possible in some platform-mediated networks as
the platform with the largest number of users “tips the market” in its
favor (Eisenmann et al., 2006; Katz and Shapiro, 1994; Shapiro et al.,
Two strategic decisions have to be made, these are (1) how much of
the core platform to open in order to spur developer innovation, and
(2) how long to grant developers the right to benefit from sales on top
of the platform before the platform absorbs those innovations into the
core (Parker et al., 2017).
Understanding Actors’ Decisions
in the BEV Market
264 Understanding Actors’ Decisions in the BEV Market
(4) Market: Finally, actors on one side of the market can rely on
market mechanisms to supply the other side of the market and
use investment information signals to third parties as coordina-
tion mechanisms. In the U.S., for example, independent charging
infrastructure providers such as Betterplace, Chargepoint, and
EVgo, to name a few, built charging networks in order to profit
from the growing BEV installed base.
These strategies are not mutually exclusive and can change over time.
Consider the smartphone industry. In 2013 Microsoft was fighting hard
to push its mobile operating system and relied on, and subsidized, ex-
ternal hardware makers such as Nokia to build attractive smartphones.
In 2013, Microsoft chose to vertically integrate and it purchased Nokia’s
handset business. Meanwhile, Apple’s phone business has primarily
involved substantial vertical integration and a fairly closed platform:
Apple not only makes the operating system but also is the sole pro-
ducer of Apple smartphones, owns the content store, makes many apps,
and even sells accessories such as earbuds. Apple CEO Steve Jobs was
initially against the idea of an app store, but was convinced by other
Apple executives who feared a repeat of Apple’s losing strategy against
Microsoft in the desktop computing war (Isaacson, 2011). Google, Ap-
ple’s chief competitor in smartphone platforms, has primarily focused
on the operating system (Android) without exhibiting aspirations for
smartphone leadership, relying instead on a consortium and market-
driven strategy or hardware and accessories, with occasional efforts to
produce notable hardware (such as the Pixel phones). In the case of
Chromebooks, Google has similarly focused on the Chrome operating
system, encouraging third-party developers to produce hardware, but
also producing a limited range of its own Chrome tablets and laptops.
In the current case of BEV deployment, we see all these strategies
used or called for. Tesla follows a “do it yourself” approach and builds
the installed base of cars and charging infrastructure. With this strategy,
Tesla was able to make quicker and better decisions on both sides of
the market, which is critical during the early and growth phase of a
company. Also, as building the charging network most likely works best
by optimizing integration with the car, the “do-it-yourself” approach
5.1. Platform Launch and the Chicken-and-Egg Problem 267
multilateral deals with OEMs. Such deals have been frequently used
between network carriers (e.g., T-Mobile) and streaming services (e.g.,
Netflix or Spotify) or social networks (e.g., Facebook) where the data
used on these services was not counted toward the data plan. This
is a classic example of differential pricing through bilateral deals of
independent but complementary providers.
• Build electric vehicles and rely on the market to provide the charg-
ing infrastructure: In this case, Tesla would be faced with the
situation that the only possible source of revenue can be generated
from selling cars, which puts a lot of pressure on operational excel-
lence production in a Californian plant of the 1980s. Additionally,
the supply of the much needed charging infrastructure (and in
reverse the demand for Teslas) would be highly insecure.
• Build electric vehicles and at the same time cut deals with inde-
pendent charging providers or form other consortia: Despite the
general lack of such players in 2012, this strategy would addition-
ally bring the risk of standard clashes, less possible innovation
270 Understanding Actors’ Decisions in the BEV Market
second side of the network; and the second generation could then follow
once the network was established.
Imagine instead if the first category were plug-in hybrids. These
would not suffer from the chicken-and-egg problem because people could
buy them even in the absence of a charging network, yet they would
start creating demand for charging. Then, once you got a million cars,
that would attract investments for building a network. That, in turn,
would make space for all-electric vehicles. In fact, under this sequence
it would be most likely that the charging network for plug-in hybrids
evolved as a “public” network (rather than proprietary to one system
as Tesla’s became) and that the transition to all-electric cars would
then maintain a shared public infrastructure for charging (versus the
fragmented and non-interoperable networks that we see today).
However, this sequence did nothing to mitigate the chicken-and-egg
problem. One approach to address the chicken-and-egg problem with
sequencing is (a) first to establish a large installed base on one side
of the market, by ensuring that this side gets sufficient value even in
the absence of the second, and then (b) to employ the installed base
as an incentive to drive investments into the second side. The first
generation hybrid cars seem to fit this. They were desirable as lower-
emission vehicles and could fully utilize the existing gasoline fueling
network (step (a)). But, while quite successful as a car, they actually
did nothing to advance step (b), i.e., the installed base of hybrids did
not create any demand for charging stations because their battery pack
is charged by gasoline in the tank. Indeed, when firms began launching
full-electric EVs (e.g., Nissan LEAF) the absence of charging networks
was a tremendous disincentive for purchasing the car despite its visible
advantage as a green vehicle. This became a serious problem for the
first few EV-makers, further amplified by their lack of deliberate action
to create charging networks.
Moreover, in general we did not see attempts to build an open
architecture platform ecosystem that leverages the power of many ex-
ternal providers. Although many independent charging infrastructure
providers exist, there is a surprising inaction to govern this openness
(see Subsection 4.3.4).
272 Understanding Actors’ Decisions in the BEV Market
Once the BEV industry overcomes the initial platform launch hurdle
and solves for the chicken-and-egg problem, platform players will try
to grow the platform on both sides as this disproportionately increases
the utility of the platform overall. Business jargon tells us that markets
with network effects end in winner-takes-all situations as eventually
users and complementors will concentrate on one platform—the biggest
one. Different strategies can be employed to achieve platform growth,
however, as not all platform markets are WTA, a critical examination
of this characteristic needs to take place first.
In summary, we do not assume that in the long run the BEV and charg-
ing infrastructure MSP will yield a winner-take-all market, particularly
because the two-sided market ultimately heavily depends on the car
side. However, there will likely be a dominant network for some time
where this dominant position can be exploited. From this long-term
perspective, the strategic choice of OEMs to only focus on the car side
makes sense if they assume that the dominant network will only be
there for a short time.
5.2.3 Signaling
Another strategy for growth through attracting complementors is to
signal the future dominance of one particular multi-sided market. The
general idea is to signal to one particular side (compared to competitors)
that it makes more sense to join one’s own system than the others.
This is because customers’ expectations (will the platform offer the
best utility in the future) and complementors’ expectations (will the
platform be the most successful) are important in attracting more users
and becoming a dominant platform. Signaling on one side (e.g., to
become the dominant BEV standard) should attract investments of
complementors. When VW presents a BEV roadmap and estimated sales
forecast, investors of charging infrastructure build on this information
by investing in charging infrastructure in order to profit from the future
demand of charging infrastructure. From an economic perspective, that
vehicle manufacturer’s and charging station provider’s decisions cannot
be viewed isolated but depend on each other creates the problem of
multiple possible equilibria. Because of this firms have an incentive to
5.2. Aiming for Growth and Potentially the Dominant Platform 275
• OEMs, dealer network and employers: All the fixed cost assets
such as parking spaces could be repurposed as electrical charging
stations. Employees park their cars idle for about 8 hours a day.
Or car dealerships could build a shared fleet of workshop replace-
ment cars for customers who bring in their cars for maintenance.
Employers could even partner with OEMs like Tesla to create
These actors on the other hand find themselves in another MSP structure. The
EVs could function as load balancing for the variation in electricity supply that is
induced in the system through increasing shares of renewable energy.
5.2. Aiming for Growth and Potentially the Dominant Platform 277
range, and timing can be very different from standalone products. That
is because a firm’s network size determines the network benefit for an
existing or potential user. Thus, the network becomes a fundamental
asset linked to product quality and customer utility (Bhargava et al.,
2013). Network effects drive up the importance of a large installed
base, and make versioning and product line expansion more attractive.
For goods with network effects, having an expanded product line with
multiple versions can help resolve the conflict between growth and
profitability (Bhargava and Choudhary, 2004). How should the firm
approach product line expansion under the presence of expansion costs
and uncertainty about developer participation?
In the BEV case, very different strategies regarding product quality
and product range are observed. The OEMs are generally focused on
a very high quality of the car component and put comparably lower
emphasis on the combined product quality of charging system and car
together. The assumption here is that OEMs in general plan to make
money on the car side only. The product mix is rather limited. This
limited product mix of incumbent OEMs leaves space for newcomers to
access the market with their own offerings.
On the other hand, Tesla has a comparably lower quality of car but
offers a higher platform quality with the extensive charging network
and all its additional charging features. Also, Tesla has a much broader
product range with more models of cars on their platform. A private
network with an expanded product line creates an entry deterrence
effect, which allows Tesla to achieve scale more quickly (both more EVs
and bigger charging network).
(2) In platforms, unlike in products, the supply and demand side can
incur cost or generate revenue.
(4) Network effects typically scale better outside of the firm, meaning
value creation happens outside the company by:
However, the story can also be told in terms of the potential negative
effects of openness:
• The lack of coordination between the two sides of the platform (car
sales and deployment of charging infrastructure at the right place
at the right time) exacerbated the complexity and fragmentation
of the system.4 This is further complicated with delayed feedback
(building charging infrastructure takes time from the initial intent
and planning to opening).
• The option space for platform architecture products was not fully
exploited. For instance participants did not employ the following
coordination strategies
◦ Subsidizing
◦ Signaling
◦ Leverage of common installed based
◦ Exclusivity agreements
◦ Bundling
◦ Product quality and range.
Outlining Future Strategic Directions
290 Outlining Future Strategic Directions
As laid out before, all players in the game need to actively play the
platform architecture of BEVs in order to be successful. Being a second
mover, for OEMs one of the critical questions will be how to handle
the lead of Tesla for the complementary product. Although Tesla has
arguably a lead on both sides of the market, it is comparably easier for
the OEMs to catch up on the hardware (car) side.
Partner with Tesla and pay for the access to the network:
A third option for OEMs would be to pay for the access to
Tesla’s network. This would immediately open a broad installed
base of the complement to their own customers. For Tesla, the
advantage is that it would amplify Tesla’s ability to monetize a
high-cost infrastructure and expand its market reach to customers
of competitors’ products.
Second, many more OEMs (which are likely have better optimized
productions) seem to move into the market with new BEV models and
increasing competition and accelerating price pressure. Third, Tesla’s
charging network is the most extensive and comprehensive in many
markets and Tesla is in the unique position to control two-sides of the
platform, which likely gives them a know-how advantage. The biggest
question for Tesla is how defensible is their charging network when
opening up?
Local network effects and consumer heterogeneity help to defend the
network in the short run. However, in the long run, these will become
less important as mergers on the side of charging network providers will
happen and charging becomes more and more a commodity making
the network hard to defend. Additionally, the public supercharging
network “competes” with increasing battery capacity and the option
for home-charging, decreasing the likely utilization levels in the long-
run. Customers who have high-quality home charging are likely to
have limited and highly unpredictable need for a public supercharging
network. In light of this, charging station providers might need to rethink
monetization strategies, perhaps switching from the current per-unit
pricing model to a two-part tariff pricing scheme where customers pay
for both membership (or right to access the network when the need
arises) and usage.
New technological developments, such as ever-increasing charging
performance, expose Tesla’s installed base to be overtaken by new tech-
nology generations—on both sides of the market! Also, history teaches
that, in many cases, only for the second owner or after significant write-
offs does infrastructure become profitable. For example, the Eurotunnel
that connects France and Great Britain under the English Channel was
unprofitable for more than a decade and became profitable only after
a significant debt write-off of £3,400 million. The biggest opportunity
to defend the network in the long run would be the failure of competi-
tion to effectively coordinate cars and infrastructure—a scenario that
is not uncommon in platform markets (e.g., in the SABRE case, but
also in the case of CHAdeMO the challenges of coordination become
6.5. Create and Make Use of Good Quality and Dense Data 293
6.5 Create and Make Use of Good Quality and Dense Data
Despite likely being defensible in the short run, it is very unlikely that
proprietary charging networks are defensible in the long run and the
likely low profits make this complement rather unattractive to defend.
Hence, sooner rather than later, the industry will move toward a joint
supercharging network. However, this development by no means can
be taken for granted. In the 1970s, driven by technological innovations
and deregulation efforts, the American airline industry started several
attempts to jointly develop a standard passenger reservation system that
would allow travel agents to book airline seats directly with multiple
airlines (reducing the process from about 90 minutes to a few seconds).
The largest attempt was the Joint Industry Computerized Reserva-
tion System (JICRS), that was evaluated as technologically feasible
and economically attractive to all participating airlines (Copeland and
McKenney, 1988). Nonetheless, the partnering airlines could not agree
on the mechanisms of cost sharing and voting rights in the consortium
(Copeland and McKenney, 1988). Ultimately, several airlines devel-
oped their proprietary systems and fought a costly battle for market
dominance (Copeland and McKenney, 1988; Copeland et al., 1995).
296 Outlining Future Strategic Directions
The current state of the market sees potentially two parallel platform
markets compete. On the one side Tesla builds its proprietary fast-
charging network and on the other side other players build another
more open charging network that in itself may be fragmented into
many smaller networks. Policy makers can either decide to let the
market’s competitive processes define the winner or decide to take
actively promote competition. In general, a platform market is associated
with market power through its multi-sided nature, economies of scale,
data-driven economies of scope, and the virtuous cycle of network
effects. However, market power that is gained through an efficient
competitive process is generally good news because it implies efficiency
in the production process and high quality products and services. When
a dominant position is associated with maximization of efficiency in
production and value creation, it should be welcomed (see Parker et al.,
However, letting market participants fight it out can be a capital
intensive, long, inefficient and wasteful process. A recent example is
the standard war between Sony’s Blu-ray and Toshiba’s HD-DVD. The
competition started in the early 2000s and continued until 2008 when
Toshiba announced to cease development of the HD-DVD (den Uijl
and de Vries, 2013). In order to win the market, both players and their
respective consortia spent billions of dollars to subsidize their respective
complement markets to tip the market in their favor (den Uijl and de
Vries, 2013).
Policy makers may elect an altogether different set of actions in
the market for BEVs. If the society wants to prevent a long and costly
competition between various platforms, because the desirable outcome
6.9. What Should Policy Makers Do 297
At a high level, we would argue that platforms and network effects are
driving a fundamental restructuring of supply chains as firms learn to
incorporate these market characteristics into their strategic and tactical
plans. In this monograph, we laid out the perspective and insights one
might gain from viewing the current state of the electric vehicle market
from the platform lens and how such a view affects firm strategies as
they seek to compete in the BEV market. Many other markets also
share time and/or spatial, and/or product/company, and network effect
characteristics. Further examination of these markets will, undoubtedly,
contribute to the developing understanding of the platform economy.
Electricity: EVs are not just automobiles, but also can serve as media-
tors in electricity production, storage, and reuse (see Weiller and Pollitt,
2016 for an overview). Zooming out and including the EVs and charging
infrastructures’ possible role in the energy systems reveals additional
platform architectures, again with important data layers (Parker et al.,
2019). The deployment of volatile energy resources (typical for many
forms of renewable energy resources) is positively correlated with the
need for energy storage. This issue is currently not as apparent, as
established power plants and flexible demand side energy sources can
balance the fluctuations. However, in the long run the electricity storage
capacity of EV’s batteries could be an important part of this system.
And the story of the platform architecture repeats—the deployment of
more volatile energy resources will depend on the deployment of storage
systems. Many of the issues, but also opportunities to actively manage
this platform, similarly arise.
Internet of Things (IoT): The vast majority of IoT applications
involve strong same-side and cross-side network effects. Given that it is
beneficial for a user to connect and manage a refrigerator by a mobile
application, it would be increasingly beneficial if the user could connect
with other home appliances or broader smart home applications. At
the same time, it would be even more valuable when these devices
connect to services outside of the home such as automatic refill of the
milk that is about to run out. On the other side, the more appliances
connect to one provider of refilling services the better their services
presumably become. At the same time, connecting many milk bottles to
the platform could improve refilling process. Naturally, we can continue
on this road for quite a way and in the same manner for industrial IoT
applications, but the mechanisms should be obvious.
Smart Cities: Although many of the IoT examples equally apply to
Smart Cities, some additional domains with platform characteristics
emerge. For example, many cities try to establish open data platforms,
where urban data is more or less freely accessible in the hope to spur
entrepreneurial activity in the city and innovative solutions. However,
effective governance mechanisms that balance generativity and control
in this context seem yet to be identified. Additionally, many possible
connections and network effects can be possible, raising the question of
what is the chicken and what is the egg? One example is the problem of
finding parking in cities or matching available parking spaces with cars
searching for parking. This could be solved by many different solutions:
predictive models of smartphone data, sensors in parking lots, virtual
reservation systems, sensors in cars, and many more. However, a solution
300 Research Agenda
is most likely to emerge when all vehicles in a city use the same system
and the question of where to start remains.
Supply Chains: At a high level, all of the industries we have discussed
in this monograph are examples of how supply chains can be recon-
figured using platform resources. The traditional business architecture
that evolved after the early industrial revolutions required firms to
build large and stable production and distribution systems in order
to enjoy economies of scale and achieve lower marginal costs. This
architecture, which dominated businesses in the 20th century, typically
involved supply chains comprising tens of thousands of thoroughly
vetted business partners under long-term bespoke contracts, thereby
achieving predictable supply and production. Yet, demand in most
industries is volatile, fragmented, and not fully predictable, creating
a messy demand-supply matching problem. Platforms take a different
approach to this problem. Rather than have highly negotiated bespoke
contracts, platforms use information technologies to enable lightweight,
automated, and possibly short-lived, contracts, thereby building out
a dynamic ecosystem with thousands or millions of business partners.
Where relationships were once relatively stable, platforms offer the
opportunity to reconfigure technology, assets, and partners more fluidly
than in the past. Supply (or demand) components can be turned on and
off as needed, making the overall system more responsive and optimized
to current realities than a traditional batch optimized system with rigid
long-term allocations.
Consider Toyota City in Japan. The constellation of firms that supply
Toyota clustered near the firm over time and formed an interdependent
system for product design, development, manufacturing, and logistics.
The relationships tended to be fairly stable over time. By contrast,
firms that work with the SAP or Salesforce platforms can be attached
to the system more quickly to provide solutions to a broader set of
end customers using platform technology. A supply chain view provides
a fundamental link to existing operations management practice and
scholarship, and the increasing impact that platforms that harness
network effects are having on firm operations.
7.1. Final Observations 301
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