Dealing With The School District: Frequently Asked Questions
Dealing With The School District: Frequently Asked Questions
Dealing With The School District: Frequently Asked Questions
2. I’ve decided to home school. What do I need to do? My child is NOT enrolled in the
public school.
There is no need to contact the school district if your child is not enrolled in the public schools. Simply
obtain curriculum and get started. It is wise to find a local support group to help you in this endeavor.
17. Can my child go out in public during the day? What if someone questions him about why
he is not in school?
Home schools in Texas are private schools. Home school parents are law-abiding citizens and should not
feel the need to hide their children during the day. If someone asks you or your child why he is not in
school, you should respond that you home educate and that you have already accomplished your work for
the day or that you are on a school field trip. You should be aware that if your children are seen during
public school hours you will generate questions. If your child is in public without you and your city has a
daytime curfew, you will probably encounter difficulties.