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1501101 1508/1012 —1602/101 1503/101 —1601/101 1704/2101 INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION Oct/Nov. 2017 Time: 3 hours ‘THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL, CRAFT CERTIFICATE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (PRODUCTION OPTION) CRAFT CERTIFICATE IN MOTOR VEHICLE ENGINEERING CRAFT CERTIFICATE IN WELDING AND FABRICATION CRAFT CERTIFICATE IN ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING (POWER OPTION), (TELECOMMUNICATION coe CRAFT CERTIFICATE IN BUILDING TECHNOLOGY‘ MODULE I INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND. ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION This paper consists of TWO sections; A and B. Answer SIX questions from section A, and FOUR questions from: section B in the answer booklet provided, ‘Maximum marks to each part of a question are indicated. All questions carry equal marks. Candidates should answer the questions in English, INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES ‘This paper consists of 4 printed pages. ‘Candidates should check the question paper to asceréain that all the ‘pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing, "© 2017 The Kenia Natianal Examinations Council ‘Tura over (a) (b) (e) (by @) (b) (c) () fa) (b) SECTION A: ICT (60 marks) Answer SIX questions from this section, Desoribe each of the following types of compuers: (6 marks) Write each of the following abbreviations in full ©. CDROM: Gewese aitic Fes oy wemens, GH). GRRWE teat mae oeear ener Gi) CDR: comrect B/S Raw onie OV) BAM. Cine orcas memory (2 marks) State two benefits derived from using a barcode reader for data capture. (2 marks) Describe each of the following types of software; @, editor; (ii) compiler. (4 marks) Explain three activities that may be performed om a disk using on operating system, (G marks) State three measures that may be taken to make a password difficult to hask. (3 marks) ‘State three ways of protecting a flash disk. (3 marks) Spe aes ‘Outline the steps that should be followed when saving a document in word processing (2 marks) State two benefits of using tables in word processing. (2 marks) Explain each of the three drop cap options in word processing. (6 marks) (i) Explain the term cell as used in spreadsheet. (@ marks) Gi) Explain the made of naming cells in a spreadsheet. (marks) isoR1 == -1602/101 2 1601/01 = -4704/101 (Sc (a)_—_ Distinguish between worksheet and warkbook as used in spreadsheet. (4 marks) (b) State the formulla that should be used in a database to compute each of the following: @ Multiply a value stored in a field named ‘quantity’ with another value stored ina field named “unit price” in a form. (Gi) Compute the grand total of a field named “Amount” in a report (iii) Obtain the mean value froma field named score in « report. (6 marks) 6. (a) _ Describe each of the following types of computer networks (i) Metropolitan area network; (ii) Wide area network, (4 marks) (©) Outline the steps that should be followed to view a document sent viz electronic mail (6 marks) 7. {a) State two benefits of organizing text into frames in desktop publishing, (2 marks) (b) Explain each of the following terms as used in desktop publishing: @®) sealing, Se [ee 4 marks) (¢) Distinguish between transition and animation as used in presentation programs. (4 marks) 1501/1018 1508/101 1602/101 3 1503/1001 1601/1011 704/101 ct sNow, 2017 “Turn over (by © fe) ) () (b) 1501/1017 1503/101 QerNov, 2017 SECTION B: ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION (40 marks) Answer FOUR questions from this section, List six methods that the management of a business enterprise may tse to promote its products = frond tas (3 marks) Sees ontl as cunts Bea ea Mike is a college graduate who is intending to start his own business, Outline four characteristics that he should possess to succeed in this field. (4 marks) State three rules that should be followed when using the brainstorming method to ‘generate 4 business idea, (3 marks) ‘Outline three infrastructural facilities that an entrepreneur should consider when starting a business. — aoe (3 marks) Behe ‘List four elements of fe San summary of a business plan. (4 marks) State three advantages of being # salaried emptoyee. (3 marks) Outline four advantages of using computers in a business enterprise, (4 marks) Explain three ways in which cultural factors may positively influence entrepreneurship. eociat (6 marks) Se oh Explain two reasons that make it necessary to keep good financial records in an enterprise. (4 marks) Explain three circumstances under which the ‘efiviromment Of @ country may ‘suppress enteeprencurship development. (6 marks) Ouiline four challenges that an entrepreneur may Tace ai the growth phase of a business, (A marks) Explain three requirements of a good enterprise social responsibility policy. 6 masks} ‘THIS IS THE LAST PRINTED PAGE. 1s08/101 602/101 4 160i/iol —-1704/101

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