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704/105, SITE MANAGEMENT AND ‘CONSTRUCTION PLANT June/July 2019 ‘Time: 3 hours ‘THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL. CRAFT CERTIFICATE IN BUILDING TECHNOLOGY MODULE I SITE MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION PLANT. Shours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES You shouid have the following for this examination Answer booklet; Mathematical tables/non programmable scieniific calewlator, Drawing instruments. This paper consists of EIGHT questions in TWO sections, A and B. Answer FIVE questions choosing TWO questions from section A, TWO questions from section B and ONE question from either section. Alll questions carrry equal marks Macximun marks for each part ofa questian are indicated. Candidates should answer the questions in English. ‘This paper consists of 4 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper te ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing. (©2010 The Kena Natiemal Examinations Cowncs? "Turn over fa) (by te) fa) (by tc) @ (b) ©) SECTION A: SITE MANAGEMENT Answer at least TWO quessions from shiv section. State five factors to consider when selecting a workshop site. (Smarks) ‘Outline six qualities of a good leader. (9 marks) Describe three methods of filing systems used in an office. (6 marks) State six essentials ofa valid contract, (6 marks) State two duties of each of the following parties in the building industry: (Clerk of Works: Gi) Architect; (ii) Quantity Surveyor; (iv) Main contractor, (8 marks) Explain the following contract documents: (i) drawings: (ii) bill of quantities; (3) Give four reasons for storing materials on & construction site, (4 marks) Gi) Differentiate between domestic suppliers: and nominated suppliers. (4 marks) e Explain how the following materials should be stored in a construction site: () cement bugs; (ii) sand. (6 marks) State shx ways of reducing waste in a building site. (6 marks) (b) (©) to) &) (@) tb) Outline three preliminary iterns for the works in # construction site. (6 marks). State four safety requirements pertaining to each of the following in a building site: @) ladder; (ii) excavations. (8 marks) Explain three methods used in safety training, hi Answer at least TWO questions from this section State three advantages of the following: @ owning a plant; (i) hiring a plant. (6 marks) State the six reasons for using construction plants and equipment for building works, (6 marks) State four factors that s building contractor should consider before purchasing a construction plant or equipment. (4 marks) Explain two factors that affect the choice of a construction plant to be used in a building site. (4 marks) Siate four factors to consider when selecting the type of concrete mixer to use in.a building site. (4 marks) Describe the following types of concrete drum mixers: (i) tilting: (i) non-ilting: (iif) _ reversing, (6 marks) 3 ‘Turn over ic) dd) () te} (dy fa) (by te) (d) Explain three advantages of using concrete pumps to place large volumes of concrete, (6 marks) Explain two factors that necessitate the use of ready mixed conerete for building works. (4 marks) State two reasons why rollers are used on a building site. (2 marks) ‘With the aid of a labelled sketch, describe a deadweight roller. (6 marks) Describe the following types of vibrators used in concrete works: i) poker vibrator; Gi)__vibration tampers; Gi) clamp vibrators, (6 marks) (@ ‘State two tasks performed by water pumps in a building site. (ii)State four factors considered when-choosing « suitable pump for use for the above mentioned tasks, (6 marks) State four reasons why maintenance of construction plants is necessary. (4 marks) Name three types of maintenance carried out on plants and equipment and explain any two, mi State four causes of breakdown of plants and equipment. (4 marks; With the sid of a labelled sketch, describe 4 dumper. (5 marks) ‘THIS IS THE LAST PRINTED PAGE,

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