Law of Root
Law of Root
Law of Root
Text in small capitals defines key terms. II Reverse Substitution. If you are prompted to
Text in italics gives reminders and clarifi- spend, discard, take, or give a bird card, you
cannot substitute a card of another suit.
cations. Faction icons mark rules that are
modified by the Faction Rules and Abil- 2.1.2 Draw from Shared Deck. Whenever you are
prompted to draw a card, take it from the shared
ities section of the Marquise (M), Eyrie deck. If the deck is empty, shuffle the discard pile
(E), Alliance (A), Vagabond (V), Cult to form a new deck.
(L), or Riverfolk (O). 2.1.3 Spend and Discard to Shared Pile. Whenever
you are prompted to discard or spend a card,
1. Golden Rules
place it in the shared discard pile, unless it is a
dominance card (4.3). L
Ambush Cards. There are five ambush cards:
1.1 Rules Conflicts
3. Key Actions
fender will deal the same number of hits. A
I Maximum Rolled Hits. The maximum hits
you can deal from rolling equals the number of
3.1 Craft your warriors in the clearing of battle, whether
You can craft most cards from your hand into an you are the attacker or defender. V
item or improvement.
II Extra Hits. After counting hits from rolling,
3.1.1 Cost. To craft a card, you must use crafting piec- the attacker and defender can add extra hits
es of the nations listed in the card's bottom-left by using special abilities or other effects in
corner. The nation of a crafting piece matches its their play areas. Extra hits are not limited by
clearing. Each crafting piece may be used only warriors in the clearing of battle.
once per turn. A three-color question mark de-
notes a crafting piece of any nation. VO III Defenseless. If the defender has no warriors in
the clearing of battle, the attacker will deal an
3.1.2 Crafting Item. When you craft an item, score the extra hit. V
listed victory points, take the listed item from the
supply and place it in your Crafted Items box on 3.3.3 Step 3: Deal Hits. Attacker and defender deal hits
your faction board, then discard the crafted card. simultaneously. Each hit removes one piece. The
V player taking hits chooses which pieces to remove,
but must remove all of their warriors in the clear-
3.1.3 Crafting Improvement. When you craft an im- ing of battle before removing any of their build-
provement, place it in your play area. You may ings or tokens there.
use the effect of this improvement as described on
the card.
3.1.4 No Duplicates. You cannot craft an improvement
if you have an improvement of identical name in
your play area.
3.2 Move
When you move, you may take any number of your
warriors or your pawn from one clearing and move
them to one adjacent clearing.
4. Victory 5. Setup
4.1 How to Win 5.1 Standard Setup Procedure
The first player to reach 30 victory points immediate- 5.1.1 Step 1: Assign Factions and Starting Player. As-
ly wins the game. sign one faction to each player using any method.
4.2 Scoring Victory Points Each game must include the Marquise de Cat, Ey-
Each faction has a unique way of scoring victory rie Dynasties, or Lizard Cult, and we recommend
points, but any faction can score victory points as including two of them. Determine the starting play-
follows. er and seating order randomly.
4.2.1 Removing Buildings and Tokens. Whenever 5.1.2 Step 2: Gather Faction Pieces. Each player takes
you remove an enemy's building or token, you their chosen faction board and all pieces of the fac-
score one victory point. tion color.
4.2.2 Crafting Items. Whenever you craft an item, 5.1.3 Step 3: Draw Starting Hands. Shuffle the deck.
you score the victory points listed on the card. Each player draws three cards.
5.1.4 Step 4: Place Ruins. Place a ruin marker on each
4.3 Dominance Cards slot with a ruin icon.
The deck holds four dominance cards, which can be
5.1.5 Step 5: Place Score Markers. Each player places
played to win the game without reaching 30 victory
their score marker on “0” on the score track.
5.1.6 Step 6: Faction Setup. In the setup order (A, B,
4.3.1 Activating. During your Daylight, if you have
C, etc.), each player follows their faction's setup in-
at least 10 victory points, you may play a dom-
structions, listed in their rules section and on the
inance card into your play area to activate it.
back of their faction board.
Remove your score marker from the score track.
You can no longer score victory points. V
I Mouse, Rabbit, or Fox Dominance. You
6. Marquise de Cat
win the game immediately if you rule three 6.1 Overview
clearings of the nation matching the domi- The Marquise de Cat occupies the Woodland and wants
nance card at the start of your Birdsong. to turn it into an industrial and military powerhouse.
II Bird Dominance. You win the game imme- Each time the Marquise builds one of her buildings—a
diately if you rule two clearings in opposite workshop, sawmill, or recruiter—she scores victory
corners at the start of your Birdsong. points. The more of the same building she has on the
map, the more points she scores. However, to fuel
4.3.2 Activated Cards. An activated dominance card ongoing construction, the Marquise must maintain and
does not count against your hand limit, and it protect a strong, interconnected economy of wood,
cannot be removed from play. You cannot re- which make for easy targets for her adversaries.
place an activated dominance card with a dif-
ferent one. 6.2 Faction Rules and Abilities
4.3.3 Spending for Suit. A dominance card can be 6.2.1 Crafting. The Marquise uses workshops to craft
spent for its suit. However, when it would be during Daylight.
placed in the discard pile, instead place it near
6.2.2 The Keep. Only the Marquise can place pieces
the map to show it is available to be taken. L
in the clearing with the keep token. (Pieces may
4.3.4 Taking Available Cards. During your Daylight, be moved into this clearing.) If the keep token is re-
you can take an available dominance card into moved, it cannot be placed on the map again.
your hand by spending a card of matching suit.
6.2.3 Field Hospitals. Whenever a Marquise warrior is
removed, the Marquise may spend any card to im-
mediately place that warrior in the clearing with
the keep token.
6.3.5 Step 5: Fill Buildings Tracks. Place your remain- 7.2.2 Lords of the Forest. The Eyrie rule a clearing
ing sawmills, workshops, and recruiters on the when tied for most combined warriors and build-
matching Buildings tracks of your faction board, ings there. They do not rule empty clearings. L
filling all their spaces except the leftmost space of 7.2.3 Disdain for Trade. Whenever the Eyrie craft an
each track. item, they ignore the listed victory points and in-
stead score only one victory point.
6.4 Birdsong
Place one wood token at each sawmill. 7.3 Faction Setup
6.5 Daylight 7.3.1 Step 1: Gather Warriors. Form a supply of 20
First, you may craft cards from your hand, using warriors near you.
workshops. Then, you may take up to three actions, 7.3.2 Step 2: Place Roost and Starting Warriors. Place
plus one action per bird card spent, in any order and a roost and six warriors in the corner clearing op-
combination, as follows. posite of the keep token. If the Marquise is not
6.5.1 March. Take two moves. playing, place those pieces in the corner clearing
of your choice.
6.5.2 Battle. Initiate a battle.
7.3.3 Step 3: Choose Leader. Choose one of the four
6.5.3 Build. Place a building. Eyrie leader cards and place it face up in your play
I Choose Building. Choose whether you want area. Stack the remaining leaders and place them
to place a sawmill, workshop, or recruiter. Find face up near you.
the leftmost building of that type remaining on 7.3.4 Step 4: Tuck Viziers. Tuck your two Loyal Vizier
your faction board. Note that building’s cost, cards, showing their suit, into the Decree spaces
listed at the top of its column. of your faction board matching the two listed on
II Choose Clearing and Pay Wood. Choose any your leader.
clearing you rule. Remove wood tokens equal 7.3.5 Step 5: Fill Roosts Track. Place your roosts on
to the building’s cost from the chosen clearing, the Roosts track of your faction board, filling all
any adjacent clearings you rule, or any clear- its spaces except the leftmost.
ings connected to the chosen clearing through
any number of clearings you rule. 7.4 Birdsong
III Place Building and Score. Place the chosen Your Birdsong has three steps in the following order.
building on the chosen clearing, and score the 7.4.1 Emergency Orders. If you have no cards in your
victory points revealed on the space under the hand, draw one card.
building removed from your faction board. 7.4.2 Add to the Decree. You must add one or two cards
6.5.4 Recruit. Place one warrior at each recruiter. You to the Decree, but only one card you add may be a
can take this action only once per turn. bird card. You may play each card to any column,
6.5.5 Overwork. Spend a card matching the clearing of and each column can hold any number of cards.
a sawmill, and place a wood token there. 7.4.3 A New Roost. If you have no roosts on the map,
place a roost and three warriors in a clearing with
6.6 Evening the fewest warriors.
Draw one card, plus one card per uncovered draw
bonus. Then, if you have more than five cards in your 7.5 Daylight
hand, discard cards of your choice until you have five. Your Daylight has two steps in the following order.
7. Eyrie Dynasties 7.5.1 Craft. You may craft cards from your hand, using
7.1 Overview 7.5.2 Resolve the Decree. You must resolve the Decree,
The Eyrie Dynasties wish to restore their once-digni- starting with the leftmost column and moving
fied kind to their former glory in the Woodland by right. In each column, you must resolve all of its
retaking control of the forest clearings. During their cards, but in any order. For each card, you must
Evening, the Eyrie score victory points based on the take the action listed for its column, as follows. If
number of roosts on the map. The greater their pres- you cannot fully take an action, you immediately
ence in the Woodland, the greater their gains. fall into turmoil (7.7).
However, the Eyrie are bound by their Decree, an
ever-increasing set of mandated actions promised by
their leader. Each turn, they must take all of the ac-
tions on their Decree, or else fall into turmoil. 5
8. Woodland Alliance
I Recruit. Place a warrior in any clearing with a
roost whose nation matches the card suit.
Move. Move at least one warrior from any
8.1 Overview
7.6.2 Draw and Discard. Draw one card, plus one card 8.2 Faction Rules and Abilities
card per uncovered draw bonus. Then, if you have 8.2.1 Crafting. The Alliance uses sympathy tokens to
more than five cards in your hand, discard cards craft during Daylight.
of your choice until you have five.
8.2.2 Guerrilla War. As defender in battle, the Alliance
7.7 Turmoil will deal hits equal to the higher roll, and the at-
If you cannot fully take an action in the Decree (7.5.2) tacker will deal hits equal to the lower roll.
for any reason, you fall into turmoil, as follows. 8.2.3 The Supporters Stack. To take various actions,
7.7.1 Step 1: Humiliate. Lose one victory point per the Alliance spends supporters, which are cards
bird card (including Loyal Viziers) on the Decree. on the Supporters stack. The Supporters stack
7.7.2 Step 2: Purge. Discard all of the cards on the De- can hold any number of cards, and it does not
cree except your Loyal Viziers. count against the Alliance's hand size. It is face-
down, but the Alliance may inspect it at any time.
7.7.3 Step 3: Depose. Flip your current leader face Supporters can only be spent for their suit.
down and set it aside, choose a new leader from
those face up, and place it near your faction 8.2.4 Removing Bases. Whenever a base is removed, the
board. Tuck your Loyal Viziers into the Decree Alliance must discard all supporters of matching
spaces listed on your new leader. nation (including birds), and remove half (rounded
up) of their officers.
I A New Generation. If you ever have no face-
up leaders remaining, flip all of your leaders 8.2.5 Sympathy Tokens. The Alliance has 10 sympathy
face up. tokens.
7.7.4 Step 4: Rest. End Daylight and begin Evening. I Placement Limits. A clearing can hold only
one sympathy token.
7.8 Leaders II Terms. A sympathetic clearing is one with a
The Eyrie has four leader cards, as follows. sympathy token. An unsympathetic clearing
7.8.1 Builder. Your Loyal Viziers begin on Recruit and is one without a sympathy token.
Move. Whenever you craft, you ignore your Dis- 8.2.6 Outrage. Whenever another player removes a
dain for Trade special ability (7.2.3). sympathy token or moves any warriors into a sym-
7.8.2 Charismatic. Your Loyal Viziers begin on Recruit pathetic clearing, they must add one card from
and Battle. Whenever you take a Recruit action, their hand matching the affected clearing to the
you must place two warriors instead of one. Supporters stack. If they have no matching cards
(including no birds), they must show their hand to
7.8.3 Commander. Your Loyal Viziers begin on Move
the Alliance, and then the Alliance draws a card
and Battle. During any battle as the attacker, you
from the deck and adds it to the Supporters stack.
deal an extra hit.
7.8.4 Despot. Your Loyal Viziers begin on Move and 8.3 Faction Setup
Build. Whenever you remove at least one enemy 8.3.1 Step 1: Gather Warriors. Form a supply of 10
building or token in battle, you score another vic- warriors near you.
tory point.
8.3.2 Step 2: Place Bases. Place the 3 bases on the spac-
es matching the three forest nations.
8.3.3 Step 3: Fill Sympathy Track. Place the 10 sympa-
thy tokens on the sympathy track.
8.3.4 Step 4: Gain Supporters. Draw 3 cards and place
them face down on the Supporters stack.
8.4 Birdsong IV Organize. Remove one of your warriors from
Your Birdsong has two steps in the following order. an unsympathetic clearing, place a sympathy
token there, and score the victory points listed
8.4.1 Revolt. Remove enemy pieces and place a base on the space revealed on your faction board.
and warriors, as follows. You may Revolt any
number of times. 8.6.2 Income. Draw one card, plus one card per uncov-
ered draw bonus. Then, if you have more than five
I Choose Clearing. A sympathetic clearing cards in your hand, discard cards of your choice
matching an unbuilt base. until you have five.
9. Vagabond
II Spend Supporters. Spend two supporters
matching the nation of the chosen clearing.
Resolve Effect. Remove all enemy pieces
9.1 Overview
9.5.2 Repair. Exhaust one H to move one damaged 9.7 Vagabond Reference
item to the Satchel (if M, H, S, C, or F) or to 9.7.1 Thief. This Vagabond starts with M, F, T, and S.
its matching track (X, T, B), and flip the item
face up. I Special Action: Steal. Take a random card
from a player in your clearing who has fewer
9.5.3 Craft. Play a card from your hand, and exhaust than three warriors there. You can always steal
the H of listed nation to craft it. If a card requires from another Vagabond in your clearing.
multiple of one nation to craft, you must exhaust
the listed number of H. All of your H match the 9.7.2 Tinker. This Vagabond starts with M, F, B, and
nation of your clearing. If you craft an item, you H.
may place it face up in your Satchel or on the I Special Action: Day Labor. Take a card from
matching track. the discard pile matching your clearing’s na-
9.5.4 Battle. Exhaust one S to initiate a battle. You tion.
may battle with Allied warriors (9.2.9.IIc). Then, 9.7.3 Ranger. This Vagabond starts with M, F, C, and
check your relationship with the defender. S.
9.5.5 Strike. Exhaust one C to remove a warrior from I Special Action: Hideout. Repair three items,
your clearing. If a player has no warriors there, then immediately end Daylight.
you may instead remove one building or token of
that player. Then, check your relationship with 9.8 Playing with Two Vagabonds
that player. 9.8.1 Add Extra Item to Ruins. During setup, use both
9.5.6 Explore. Exhaust one F to take one item under a sets of items for ruins, and place two items in each
ruin marker in your clearing, reveal it, and place ruin slot. When a Vagabond explores a ruin with
it face up in your Satchel or on its matching track. two items, he may look at them and take one of
Then, you score one victory point. If you remove his choice. By taking two Explore actions, a Vaga-
the last item from a ruin, remove the ruin marker. bond could take both items from one ruin.
9.5.7 Special Action. Exhaust one F to take the action 9.8.2 Randomize Setup Order. Randomly determine
listed on your character card. which Vagabond sets up first.
9.5.8 Aid. Exhaust any one item, and give one of your 9.8.3 Share Quests. Either Vagabond may complete
cards matching your clearing to any player there any of the three face-up quests. Do not add extra
(even Hostile). Then, you may take one item, if any, quest cards during setup.
from that player’s Crafted Items box, and place it
face up in your Satchel or on its matching track.
Then, check your relationship with that player.
9.5.9 Quest. Choose a quest whose nation matches
your clearing, and exhaust the two items listed on
the quest to complete it. Score one victory point
per quest of matching nation you have completed,
including this one. Place the quest in your play
area, and then draw a new quest and place it near
the map. Finally, draw a card (from the deck).
The final two sections refer to factions 10.4 Birdsong
available in the Riverfolk expansion. Your Birdsong has three steps in the following order.
10.4.1 Adjust Outcast Nation. Inspect the cards in the
Key References
funds to place a trade post and a warrior.
I Choose Clearing. Choose any clearing with-
out a trade post that is ruled by any player. Craft (3.1)
II Spend Funds. Spend two funds of the player Play a card, and use the crafting pieces of the nations
who rules the chosen clearing. listed in its bottom-left corner. (Vagabond exhausts H.)
III Place Trade Post and Score. Place the match- The nation of a crafting piece matches its clearing, and
ing trade post in the chosen clearing. Score the each crafting piece may be used only once per turn.
victory points listed on the space revealed on
your faction board. If you craft an item, score its victory points, take its
item, and discard the card.
11.6 Evening
Your Evening has two steps in the following order.
If you craft an improvement, place the card in your
11.6.1 Discard Cards. If you have more than five cards play area. You may use its effect. You cannot craft an
in your hand, discard cards of your choice until improvement if you have one of the same name.
there are five.
11.6.2 Set Costs. You may move each service marker to Move (3.2)
any space on its track, setting the service to a new Take any number of your warriors or your pawn from
cost. one clearing and move them to one adjacent clearing.
Based on an original idea by Patrick Leder. Step 1: Defender May Ambush. Attacker may cancel
defender's ambush card by also playing ambush card.
Development by Leder Games St. Paul Staff:
Patrick Leder, Cole Wehrle, Jake Tonding, Step 2: Roll Dice and Add Extra Hits. Attacker will
deal hits equal to higher roll, and defender will deal
Clayton Capra.
hits equal to lower roll.
Graphic design and layout by Cole Wehrle,
Kyle Ferrin and Jaime Willems. The maximum hits you can deal from rolling equals
Playtesting by ###. your number of warriors there.
Setup (5.1)
Step 1: Assign factions, then determine starting player
and seating order randomly.
Step 2: Give faction board and pieces to players.
Step 3: Draw and give three cards to each player.
Step 4: Place ruins on each slot with a ruin icon.
Step 5: Place score markers on the “0” space.
Step 6: Set up factions in setup order (A, B, C, etc.).