How To Configure SM59
How To Configure SM59
How To Configure SM59
How to write a TEST CASE Software Testing Tutorial
In the SM59 screen, you can navigate through already created RFCs
connection with the help of option tree, which is a menu-based method to
organize all the connections by categories.
Click the ‘CREATE‘ button. In the next screen , Enter –
The RFC users must have the required authorizations in the trusting
system (authorization object S_RFCACL).Trusted connections are mostly
used to connect SAP Solution Manager Systems with other SAP systems
Connection test -> This attempts to make a connection with the remote
system and hence validates IP address / Hostname and other connection
details. If both systems are not able to connect, it throws an error. On
success, it displays the table with response times. This test is just to check
if the calling system can reach the remote system.