How To Configure SM59

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How to Configure & Test RFC

Connection in SAP – SM59

ByScott LivingstonUpdatedFebruary 26, 2022
This tutorial is divided into 4 sections

Step 1: Setup an RFC connection

Step 2: Trusted RFC connection

Step 3: Testing an RFC connection

Step 4: Error Resolution

Step 1: Procedure to setup an RFC connection:

Enter Transaction Code SM59

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In the SM59 screen, you can navigate through already created RFCs
connection with the help of option tree, which is a menu-based method to
organize all the connections by categories.
Click the ‘CREATE‘ button. In the next screen , Enter –

 RFC Destination – Name of Destination (could be Target System ID

or anything relevant)
 Connection Type – here we choose one of the types (as explained
previously) of RFC connections as per requirements.
 Description – This is a short informative description, probably to
explain the purpose of connection.

After you‘SAVE’the connection, the system will take you to ‘Technical

Settings’ tab, where we provide the following information:

 Target Host– Here we provide the complete hostname or IP address

of the target system.
 System Number – This is the system number of the target SAP
 Click Save
In the ‘Logon and Security’ Tab, Enter Target System information

 Language – As per the target system’s language

 Client – In SAP we never logon to a system, there has to be a

particular client always, therefore we need to specify client number
here for correct execution.

 User ID and Password – preferably not to be your own login ID,

there should be some generic ID so that the connection should not
be affected by constantly changing end-user IDs or
passwords. Mostly, a user of type ‘System’ or ‘Communication’ is
used here. Please note that this is the User ID for the target system
and not the source system where we are creating this connection.
Click Save. RFC connection is ready for use

Note: By default, a connection is defined as aRFC. To define a connection

as tRFC or qRFC go to Menu Bar -> Destination aRFC options / tRFC
options ; provide inputs as per requirements. To define qRFC, use the
special options tab.

Step 2: Trusted RFC connection

There is an option to make the RFC connection as ‘Trusted’. Once
selected, the calling (trusted) system doesn’t require a password to connect
with target (trusting) system.
Following are the advantages for using trusted channels:

 Cross-system Single-Sign-On facility

 Password does not need to be sent across the network
 Timeout mechanism for the logon data prevents misuse.
 Prevents the mishandling of logon data because of the time-out
 User-specific logon details of the calling/trusted system is checked.

The RFC users must have the required authorizations in the trusting
system (authorization object S_RFCACL).Trusted connections are mostly
used to connect SAP Solution Manager Systems with other SAP systems

Step 3: Testing the RFC Connection

After the RFCs are created (or sometimes in the case of already existing
RFCs) we need to test, whether the connection is established successfully
or not.
As shown above we go to SM59 to choose the RFC connection to be
tested and then we expand drop down menu – “Utilities->Test->…“. We
have three options:

Connection test -> This attempts to make a connection with the remote
system and hence validates IP address / Hostname and other connection
details. If both systems are not able to connect, it throws an error. On
success, it displays the table with response times. This test is just to check
if the calling system can reach the remote system.

Authorization Test -> It is used to validate the User ID and Password

(provided under ‘logon and security’ tab for the target system) and also the
authorizations that are provided. If a test is successful, then the same
screen will appear as shown above for the connection test.

Unicode Test -> It is to check if the Target system is a Unicode or not.

Remote Logon –>This is also a kind of connection test, in which a new
session of the target system is opened, and we need to specify a login ID
and Password (if not already mentioned under ‘Logon and Security’ tab). If
the user is of type ‘Dialog’ then a dialog session is created. To justify the
successful connection test, output will be the response times for the
communication packets, else error message will appear.
Step 4: What went wrong?
If somehow the RFC connection is not established successfully, we can
check the logs (to analyze the issue) at OS level in the ‘WORK’ director.
There we can find the log files with the naming convention as
“dev_rfc<sequence no.>” and the error description can be read from such

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