2 Art-Gallary-synopsis
2 Art-Gallary-synopsis
2 Art-Gallary-synopsis
The project entitled as “ART GALLERY”. This project is a web based application
developed in PHP and MySQL as backend which can be used by all the people to use it at any
time from any place.
An art gallery exhibits the works of many artists. Each artist is given a specified space on
the online webpage. When you sing up then you can view the admin dashboard. From there you
can manage your all the necessary activities.
Features such as Editing site content, user management, and site settings are the most
essential feature of a site. And these all features have made management of site easier as the user
can change the content and setting any time he/she wants rather than opening the whole source
code and changing each line of codes. This project in PHP helps in easy management of your art
gallery shop
In this system, User has to log in as admin. The admin can create new fields for adding
the types of painting. It’s easy to operate and understand by users. The design is pretty simple
and the user won’t find it difficult to understand, use and navigate. This project is developed
using PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and CSS. Talking about the project, it contains just a user side.
All the management are done from the admin side like adding and updating the types of
paintings. Through this site, the admin can view his shop log with more ease. He/She can
manipulate the activities inside their shop.
Recent article
User registration (login)
reach us
In this section, we will discuss the existing system and some of their drawbacks which
force us to plan this whole idea of developing online Art gallery management system.
Suppose we went to the museum or art gallery there we found something which we really
want to purchase so for that we need to contact to the manager and talk to him to get aware about
the procedure of purchasing,but at last moment we come to know that someone has already
booked that painting or art there we feel helpless because that painting was on sale for three days
and you were not able to purchase it just because of lack of time and the distance you need to
cover from your home to art gallery.This thing generally happens in art gallery sometimes we are
out of cash and want to pay through credit card but this mode of payment is not allowed in some
art galleries.
art gallery neither wastes time of customers nor the manpower of entrepreneur. Using this
web-based application, one can shop from home, office, organization. So, online has now grown
as the most desirable, reliable and efficient process .
The customer can register himself directly on the application for any fare or sale in
galleries and generate customer id.
If the customer is not aware of policies then admin will make him contact with this
application and help him to complete the process.
Admin will maintain the record and atomicity by using the proper table to save records so
that no one can access it and one person purchase only one statue.
Customer need not bother about his/her orders and without moving from his place or
making so many phone calls he can get the painting.
No need of worrying about transportation to get paintings at your place.
The customer can check new paintings which have been uploaded by the Admin on the
The whole process of getting work done will become faster than the conventional way of
getting insurance.
Let us look the different aspects which we have designed to make the website work
Backend : My SQL