LAB #3 Trends in Group II

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Name: Amelia Llewellyn Date: 03/12/20

Grade: 10/49 Lab #: 3

Title: Trends

Aim: To compare the reactions of calcium and magnesium metals with water and dilute acid.

Apparatus and materials: test tubes, test tube rack, magnesium ribbon, calcium metal, Hydrochloric
acid, distilled water, phenolphthalein indicator, splint, matches.

1. 2cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid was added into two test tubes.
2. A piece of magnesium ribbon was added to one test tube and calcium to the other, the strength of the
effervescence was observed in each.
3 To trap the gas that is being evolved a thumb was used. This was tested with a lighted splint.
4. All observations were recorded.
5. The above steps using distilled water to replace the hydrochloric acid were repeated.
6. To each test tube, two drops of phenolphthalein indicator was added and observed.



Magnesium + 2cm3 of dilute It reacts vigorously in the From the bubbles produced by
hydrochloric acid. solution. The solution also the magnesium, hydrogen gas is
seems to be fizzing (because of produced.
all the tiny bubbles being
created) and you can hear it. The
test tube started to heat up. Over
time the magnesium strip started
to get smaller. The solution was
clear in colour.
Calcium + 2cm3 of dilute It reacts vigorously in the Hydrogen gas is produced from
hydrochloric acid. solution. It also creates the bubbles created by the
numerous tiny bubbles that calcium in the solution.
together looks like foam.
Gas appears to be coming from
the solution. The solution is
clear in colour.
Calcium + water + It reacted quickly to the water The gas that was produced is
phenolphthalein indicator and started to heat up the flask. hydrogen gas because of how it
Foam like bubbles started to fill reacted to fire. The solution
up the solution and it released formed calcium hydroxide and I
gas. When the gas was placed know this because of the colour
over fire it made a pop sound. change that happened after the
When the phenolphthalein phenolphthalein indicator was
indicator was added, the added.
solution turned purple.
Magnesium + water + It reacted slowly to the water. When the solution begin to
phenolphthalein indicator When the solution was heated it change colour it indicates that
began to react faster. The hydrogen hydroxide is created.
bubbles that are seen when
heated are from steam. Over
time the solution became purple.
When the phenolphthalein
indicator was added the solution
immediately became purple.


 Reaction of Magnesium and 2cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid:

Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) = MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)

 Reaction of Calcium and 2cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid:

Ca(s) + 2HCl(aq) = CaCl2(aq) + H2(g)

 Reaction of Calcium and water:

Ca(s) + 2H2O(l) = Ca(OH)2(s) + H2(g)

 Reaction of Magnesium and water:

Mg(s) + 2H2O(l) = Mg(OH)2(s) + H2(g)

The element Calcium is more reactive than the element Magnesium. This is because when placed in the
water and the Hydrochloric acid it began to produce Calcium Hydroxide quicker than how fast the
Magnesium Hydroxide was produced. If Beryllium and Barium were also used in the reactions, Beryllium
would be the least reactive element compared to Magnesium and Calcium (because it is at the top of
group II and as you move down groups the elements become more reactive) and Barium would be the
most reactive compared to Magnesium and Calcium (because it is at the bottom of group II and as you
move down groups the elements become more reactive).

In conclusion, the metal calcium is more reactive compared to the metal magnesium when placed in water
and the dilute acid hydrochloric acid.

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