International Management Institute Kolkata Honour Code: Expected Standards of Behaviour
International Management Institute Kolkata Honour Code: Expected Standards of Behaviour
International Management Institute Kolkata Honour Code: Expected Standards of Behaviour
Honour Code
International Management Institute Kolkata views cheating, acting dishonestly and/or
collusion in an examination as serious disciplinary offences that may result in disciplinary
actions, with the most severe penalty being expulsion from the Institute without a
qualification. In the context of open-book examinations:
∙ The Institute considers that accessing the question paper via any other means than directly,
via the designated online platform, and/or sharing the question paper with other students,
falls within its definition of cheating and of acting dishonestly.
∙ The Institute reserves the right to use software applications, such as TurnitIn, to screen
submitted work for matches either to electronic sources or to other submitted work.
Students are expected to act as responsible members of the Institute’s community. In the
context of open- book examination, this means students are: