International Management Institute Kolkata Honour Code: Expected Standards of Behaviour

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International Management Institute Kolkata

Honour Code
International Management Institute Kolkata views cheating, acting dishonestly and/or
collusion in an examination as serious disciplinary offences that may result in disciplinary
actions, with the most severe penalty being expulsion from the Institute without a
qualification. In the context of open-book examinations:

∙ The Institute considers that accessing the question paper via any other means than directly,
via the designated online platform, and/or sharing the question paper with other students,
falls within its definition of cheating and of acting dishonestly.
∙ The Institute reserves the right to use software applications, such as TurnitIn, to screen
submitted work for matches either to electronic sources or to other submitted work.

Expected Standards of Behaviour

Students are expected to act as responsible members of the Institute’s community. In the
context of open- book examination, this means students are:

1. (a) Permitted to:

∙ Refer to their own course and revision notes; and
∙ Access offline or online resources, for example textbooks or online journals. 2.
(b) Expected to:
∙ Submit work which has not been submitted, either partially or in full, either for
their current examination or qualification, or for another Institute’s or
qualification of this Institute (except where the Special Regulations for the
subject permit this), or for a qualification at any other institution; and
∙ Indicate clearly the presence of all material they have quoted from other sources,
including any diagrams, charts, tables or graphs. Students are not expected to
reference, however if you provide a direct quote, or copy a diagram or chart,
you are expected to make some mention of the source material as you would
in a typical invigilated exam.
∙ Paraphrase adequately all material in their own words
3. (c) Required to confirm as part of each submission:
∙ That the work they are submitting for the open-book examination is entirely
their own work, except where otherwise indicated; and that they have not
copied from the work of any other candidate, nor consulted or colluded with
any other candidate during the examination. The question papers are also not
posted in any of the social media platform.

I __Diptayan Mukherjee _ Son of __Tamajit Mukherjee__ bearing registration

number 21PGDM 030 acknowledge International Management Institute Kolkata
Honour Code and I hereby confirm that the submitted work is entirely my own and I have
not (i) used the services of any agency or person(s) providing specimen, model or ghost
written work in the preparation of the work I submit for this open book examination; (ii)
given assistance in accessing this paper or in providing specimen, model or ghost written
work to other candidates submitting for this open-book examination.

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