Maths Unit 1
Maths Unit 1
Maths Unit 1
I The cofactor of in matrix 13 24 is
I For any matrix A, if T represent the transpose of a matrix and
if AT= A then matrix A is - symmetric.
I 6 If Eigen values of matrix are 0,0,1 then inverse of matrix is not
8 7 3
The matrix 0 52 is upper triangular
0 0 6
I 13
If A = 9 8 then det(A) = -19
I Vertically arranged elements in a matrix are called --columns
I A matrix in which all the principle diagonal elements are one and
rest are zero, is called? Identity matrix
I 1 0 0
The matrix 1 50 is? -Lower triangular
2 3 6
I 1 0
The matrix is - [2x2] identity matrix
0 1
I By changing the signs of all the elements of a matrix, we
obtain - negative matrix
I The cofactor of in matrix 1 2 is
3 4
Cofactor of (2) is 3
Cofactor of (3) is 2
Cofactor of (4) is 1
Cofactor of (1) is 4
I What do you mean by scalar matrix?
. The scalar matrix is a square matrix having a constant value as
every element of its principal diagonal, and all other elements are
15 equal to zero
I The determinant of identity matrix is?
Always 1
I 17 A matrix of order 5x8 have 5 non zero rows? Comment
Rank of matrix is 5
I A.A-1=?
I 0 0 , 0 0 0
Given two matrices 0 0 0 Are they Equal? Why?
0 0 0 0 0
if we have a zero
matrix of the same
order then definitely
we can say that the
two matrices are
equal. But if we have
two zero matrices of
21 different order then
the matrices are not
I The Transpose of a Column Matrix is - row matrix
I What is ‘a’, if
1 4
2 a
is a singular matrix? a = 8
I 1 2
The value of is
3 0
28 Find x, y and z if 5 3 = 22 x= 2, y = 5, z= 3
I Horizontally arranged elements in a matrix are called - rows
I If a matrix has 9 elements, then number of possible orders of the
30 square matrix can be - 3x3
I 31 A matrix which has only one element is known as ---matrix unit
I A matrix whose all elements are 0 is known as
32 Ans: Null matrix
I 33 The transpose of a Square matrix is ------square matrix
I 34 The Transpose of a Column Matrix is ----row matrix
I 35 Null matrix can be zero matrix , rectangular matrix , square matrix
I 36 Identity matrix is always square matrix
I Diagonal matrix is always
37 Sqaure matrix
I What is the difference between Determinant and matrix? Any one?
. In a matrix the number of rows need not be equal to the number
of columns whereas, in a determinant, the number of rows should
be equal to the number of columns.
I When two matrices are said to be Equal?
if two matrices have same number of rows and
same number of column, then they are said to be of
39 equal order.
And if two square matrices have same elements in
both the matrices, only then they are said to be
I If a matrix 8 elements what is the possible order it can have ?
I Construct the 2× 2 matrix whose elements are given by = -j
[0 -1]
[1 0]
I 2 0
Find the inverse of matrix A= ------ not possible
0 0
I If A is a matrix of order p × q and B is a matrix of order q × r, then
what is the order of the product of matrix AB?
it is not defined
I When two matrices are said to be comparable?
if they have the same dimension or order
I If = 1 23 then order of A is 2x3
0 5 6
I 1 0 3
= 4 7 0 . Diagonal elements in this matrix is
2 1 3
I If there are m rows and n columns in the matrix then order of
matrix is ___________. m x n
I . If A be a matrix of order of 3 × 2. The number of rows in
matrix is this ---3
I 1 0 3
4 7 0 value of a11
2 1
is 1
In =
I 1 0 3
In = 4 7 0 value of a22
2 1 3 is --- 4
I The addition or subtraction of two or more matrices is possible
only when they are of the _______________. Same order
I 1 0 3
In = 4 7 0 value of a21
2 1 3 is ---
55 7
I Diagonal elements of a skew symmetric matrix are equal to ---zero
I Inverse of a square matrix, if it exists, is …determinant is non
I If A and B are two skew symmetric matrices of same order, then
AB is symmetric matrix if ________. AB = BA
I 59 Eigen values of matrix are 1,2,3 then rank of matrix is - - 3
I 60 Eigen values of matrix are 1,2,1 then inverse of matrix is possible
I 61 Eigen values of matrix are 1,2,1 then trace of matrix - 4
I 62 Eigen values of matrix are 1,2,3 then det of matrix 6
I 63 For matrix A of order mxn, the rank r of matrix A is r
I 64 A 5×7 matrix has all its entries equal to -1 , then rank of matrix is 1
I 65 A 2×7 matrix has all its entries equal to -1 , then rank of matrix is 1
I 66 A 3×7 matrix has all its entries equal to -1 , then rank of matrix is 1
I 67 A 5×3 matrix has all its entries equal to -1 , then rank of matrix is 1
I 68 What is characteristics Equation of any matrix
The equation det (M - xI) = 0 is a polynomial equation in the
variable x for given M. It is called the characteristic equation
of the matrix M
________ solution.
I Let A be any Square matrix, I be the identity matrix and λ be any
scalar then What is the formula for the Characteristic equation ?
95 A- λI
I 1 −2
Let A then what is the determinant of A ? is 9
96 3 3
I If the system of linear equations have no solution, then the system
97 is said to be Inconsistence or consistence ? inconsistant
I 98 What are the set of Eigen values of a matrix A is known as ?
Characteristics root
I 357
1 3 -2
I If / , / , /0 are the eigen values of a matrix then what are the eigen
100 values of 1 ? 1/lemda1 1/lemda2 1/lemda3
I What will be the rank of a singular matrix of order 4, can be at
the most
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
101 a and b
I The rank of a matrix of order 4 × 4 is 2. Then what is the rank of
102 ? 2
I For a system of homogeneous linear equations & = 0, & = 0 is
always a solution. Then such solutions are known as trivial or
103 non-trivial solutions? trivial
I 104 Name the two forms that are used to find the rank of a matrix?
I If 8,-1,-1 are the eigen values of the matrix A, then what is the
105 Trace of a matrix? 6
I An eigen value of a square matrix is / = 0. Then is
singular or non –singular?
106 singular
I If / , / , /0 are the eigen values of a matrix then what are the eigen
values of ?
I In a system of linear equations & = ’ if () * = 3 and () :’*
108 = 2, then the system has ______ solution. No solution
I What are the eigen values of = 3 0?
8−1 3, -1
I The reduced augmented matrix for the given system of equation
& = ’ is
11 1 : 6
) : ’* = 0 1 2 : 4 , if / = 3 34 - ≠ 10, then
0 0 / − 3 : - − 10
the system will have
________ solution.
110 No solution
I 111 For a given matrix, )− /$* is called _______ characteristic
I −1 0 0
The matrix is defined as = 2 −3 0 . Then what are the
1 4 2
eigen values of ?
112 -1 -3 2
I If the matrix is a zero matrix then what will be the rank of a
matrix ?
113 0
I The product of the eigen values of a matrix is equal to the
114 determinant________.
I 115 Define non-singular matrix?
A non-singular matrix is a square one
whose determinant is not zero. The rank
of a matrix [A] is equal to the order of the
largest non-singular submatrix of [A].
I 116 Define singular matrix?
117 1
I 118 Define rank of a matrix?
133 elements
I If all elements except diagonal elements of a square matrix are
zero the matrix is said to be a ……. matrix
No because In
matrix multiplication, each
entry in the product matrix is the dot
product of a row in the first matrix and a
column in the second matrix.
I 136 Eigen values of matrix is 2,3,1 .its Trace is
I 137 Eigen values of matrix is 2,3,1 .its determinant is
I 138 A system of homogeneous linear equation AX=0 is always ?
I 123
= 012
The rank of the matrix A is ?
139 000
Rank is 2
I 123
= 012
The order of the matrix A is ?
I If any two rows of the matrix are same then determinant of the matrix
is ?
142 zero
I 1 2
The Eigen values of the matrix A are ?
0 3
143 1,3
I 144 If the determinant of a matrix is zero then the matrix is said to be
I 145 If the matrix is a zero matrix then rank of a matrix is ?
I 5 2
The value of determinant of the matrix A is ?
1 3
146 13
I If for the system of linear equation , Rank of Augmented matrix is not
equals to Rank of coefficient matrix then the system of equation has ?
147 inconsistent
I If the value of the determinant is zero then one of the Eigen value of a
matrix is ?
148 0
I 3µµ
The value ofµ for which the matrix A µ 3 3 will be of
149 rank 1 is ?
I The inverse of a square matrix exists only when the determinant of the
matrix is ?
Non zero
I If / , / , /0 are the Eigen values of a matrix then the eigen values of
151 K lemda 1 k lemda2 k lemda3
I In a system of linear equations & = ’ if () * = () : ’*, then the system is ?
152 consitent
I If any two rows of the matrix are same then determinant of the matrix is
153 zero
I If / , / , /0 are the eigen values of a matrix then the eigen values of are
156 orthogonal
I 157 If 0,-2,3 are the Eigen values of the matrix A, then | | is equal to ?
I The Eigen values of =3 0 are?
8 −1
158 3,-1
I In a system of linear equations & = ’ if () * = 3 and () : ’* = 2, then the
system has ?
159 Inconsistent and no slution
I 160 The characteristics roots of a matrix and its transpose ? are ?
I 161 The square matrix A is non-singular if | | is ?
I The _____ of the Eigen values of a matrix is equal to the determinant of
the matrix ?
162 product
I 163 If A is a square matrix of order 4 and rank 3, then the nullity of A is ?
I be a square matrix. If there exists a matrix ’ such that ’ = $ = ’ where $
is a unit matrix then ’ is called ?
164 inverse of a
I 165 The rank of a 4 × 4 matrix is 3. Then the rank of is equal to ?
I 166 For a given matrix, ) − /$* is called ?
Characterstic equation
I The Eigen values of =2 0 are?
8 −1
167 2,-1
I The Eigen values of = 3 0 are?
8 2
168 3,2
I The value of determinant of the matrix = 2 0
8 −1 is ?
169 -3
I The value of determinant of the matrix = 8 0
8 8 is ?
170 64
I In a system of linear equations & = ’ if () * = 2 and () : ’* = 2,
then the system has ?
172 No solution
I 173 Define Nullity of a identity matrix of order 3
I 174 Rank of a identity matrix of order 2 is .
I 175 Identity Matrix is always
Square matix
I 1 2
The Order of the matrix A are ?
0 3
176 2x2
I 177 Define Order of a Square matrix.
The order of a square matrix is of the form n × n,
and it has an equal number of rows and columns.
I Eigen values of the matrix = 1 0 are ?
0 3
178 1,3
I 179 Define Scalar matrix
The scalar matrix is a square matrix having a
constant value as every element of its principal
diagonal, and all other elements are equal to