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Automated software vulnerability

discovery, exploitation, and patching

Henry Post, [email protected], NYU-CS-GY-6813

In this paper, I propose a model for integrating various techniques for discovering, testing, fuzzing,
exploiting, and fixing software vulnerabilities. These capabilities can be combined into a unified model
that leverages existing research on these topics.
In fact, many aforementioned techniques are already used in the private sector by paid and free SCA
(software composition analysis), SAST (static appsec testing), DAST (dynamic appsec testing), IAST
(integrated appsec testing), fuzzing, exploit mutation, and source-sink taint analysis tools.

Extended Abstract
The current nature of most open-source projects exist as a machine-readable, machine-parseable
format. Builds are highly standardized and adhere to a common directory, syntax, and language format.
Most open-source software is written in only a handful of languages: C, C++, C#, Python, Java, Go,
Ruby, PHP.

Github, as a highly discoverable, open, and transparent code hosting solution, has enabled millions of
developers to contribute application source code. Larger projects such as Apache Tomcat (webserver),
Visual Studio Code (code editor), TensorFlow (ML library), React Native (JS Server-side framework),

Because of the nature of open-source, any software bugs created are also immediately visible to the
entire world. These bugs may go unnoticed for years, later to be discovered by a security researcher,
black hat hacker, end user, or anyone else who uses the software.

With the advent of highly discover-able and machine-readable open source projects, as well as
automated vulnerability scanning, I believe that exists an emerging field of automated vulnerability
scanning of open-source, which could lead into automated exploitation of undiscovered open-source

We are already seeing software component (or BOM, Bill of Materials) scanning, such as Snyk
( and White Source ( show up. These detect
components with already-discovered vulnerabilities (i.e. known CVEs), but not new vulnerabilities.

Additionally, software such as Fortify, WebInspect, SonarQube, are offered commercially or for free, to
perform software composition analysis (SCA), Static AppSec Testing (SAST), or Dynamic AppSec
Testing (DAST). These tools can allow you to discover new vulnerabilities in software without manual

If one or more tools were to be fully integrated with a framework that allowed for code scanning,
exploit generation, exploit mutation, exploit confirmation, and exploit execution, it would make
exploiting security vulnerabilities in open-source projects trivial compared to traditional human-
powered methods.

To counter the risk of a wide-scale automated software exploitation tool from being used on many
open-source projects, perhaps to great effect, a method must be devised for automatically detecting and
patching open-source software vulnerabilities, before threat actors are able to auto-detect and auto-
exploit software vulnerabilities.

In this paper I plan to survey the current publicly available research in this paper’s domain (Automated
software vulnerability discovery, exploitation, and patching), and perform analyses of OSS using freely
available automated tools to see how easy it is to automatically discover, exploit, and perhaps even
patch software vulnerabilities.
In this paper, I propose a novel model of discovering, enumerating, exploiting, and patching software
vulnerabilities, using taint analysis, abstract syntax tree parsing and exploit detection/confirmation
using dynamic application security testing, and fuzzing with genetic algorithms.
These methods of analyzing, exploiting, and patching vulnerabilities alone are not new. However,
incorporating all of these techniques into a single framework is.
I wish to also propose extensions to this model to react to external sources of information. To the
current open-source ecosystem, publicly available vulnerability disclosure ecosystem, such as the NIST
NVD, MITRE CVE, as well as harvesting proof-of-concept exploits from various databases, or event
OSINT sources.
There already exists a large number of papers covering how to parse application source code into tree
structures [8] and analyze the “taint” introduced by handling user input through an application’s data
flow. Below is a simplified example (fig. 2) of how the flow of an SQL Injection vulnerability could be
detected by a method of Taint Analysis. The code can be seen in (fig. 1).

var username = Request.get("username");

var sqlcommand = "SELECT * FROM

usernames WHERE username = " + username
+ ";"


Figure 2: Source code vulnerable to SQL


Figure 1: A simplified example of Taint Analysis on the Figure 3: A tree of the parsed source code,
flow of data through a web application. generated from
In (fig 3.), you can see the “+” operator shown to contain both the string literal “SELECT * FROM …”
as well as the second binary expression (username + “;”). This tree structure allows the movement of
the data from “Request.get()” to be tracked all the way to “DB.exec()” by making rules that track the
flow of data through variables, assignment, transformations, and function calls.
There are a number of useful properties that parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree has. It
allows you to extrapolate vulnerabilities by taking advantage of the properties of graphs as a data
structure [4],[6],[7].
If we combine this static graph analysis approach with a dynamic application scanning approach, such
as sending HTTP requests through some sort of fuzzing engine (such as SQLMap), we can marry the
code parsing benefits of static tree analysis with the exploit-confirmation benefits of dynamic
application security testing.
Once the code has been transformed into a tree structure, taint can be tracked, and vulnerabilities can
also be extrapolated by analyzing patterns of code organization [8] and mutating them in order to
generate new code graphs that “look similar to” known-exploitable sub-trees that exist within our code.
Once we have an analysis engine that can analyze the code as a graph, and its properties and trends, we
can add another module to automate the patching of security vulnerabilities by leveraging “taint
cleanse” rules (fig. 4). To build on the
SQL Injection example, we would be
able to automatically generate a code
fix by suggesting we modify the code
graph to include a “taint cleanse” node
of “Parameterize Query” that would
prevent the tainted data from reaching
the database in an unsafe way.
We would be able to generate fixes
automatically because of the nature of
our analysis engine – Because the
code is already in a tree format, we
can fix vulnerabilities by performing
operations on the graph itself (node
swaps, node replacements, node
deletion), and transforming the tree
back into application source code.
We can also leverage databases such
create new sources of taint within our
application, or even across multiple
applications, because we will be able
to associate vulnerable components
Figure 4: An example of a "taint cleanse" rule, Bind Parameters,
with specific CVEs. preventing tainted data from reaching a Taint Sink, the database.
This model of parsing source code, analyzing vulnerabilities, extrapolating vulnerabilities, and
confirming vulnerabilities through dynamic testing is also extendable through machine learning [3] and
by using genetic algorithms [8],[7],[6] to mutate properties. By taking these techniques and applying
them to our proposed model of exploit detection and confirmation, we can create a model that should
be able to detect a large number of obvious vulnerabilities, but also more difficult-to-detect
vulnerabilities due to the large dataset of not only general-purpose machine learning datasets, but code
as data, and therefore code trees as data.

• [1] Z. Wang, Y. Zhang, Z. Tian, Q. Ruan, T. Liu, H. Wang, Z. Liu, J. Lin, B. Fang, and W. Shi,
“Automated Vulnerability Discovery and Exploitation in the Internet of Things,” Sensors, vol.
19, no. 15, p. 3362, Jul. 2019 [Online]. Available:

• [2] “Vulnerability scanning of IOT devices in Jordan using SHODAN,” IEEE Xplore. [Online].

• [3] “The Coming Era of alphahacking?: A survey of automatic software vulnerability detection,
exploitation and patching techniques,” IEEE Xplore. [Online]. Available:
• [4] “A machine learning-based approach for automated vulnerability remediation analysis,”
IEEE Xplore. [Online]. Available:
• [5] “Robot hacking games,” Center for Security and Emerging Technology, 05-Oct-2021.
[Online]. Available:
• [6] “Automated vulnerability analysis: Leveraging control flow for evolutionary input crafting,”
IEEE Xplore. [Online]. Available:
• [7] Kameleonfuzz: Evolutionary fuzzing for black-box XSS detection. (n.d.). Retrieved October
24, 2021, from
• [8] F. Yamaguchi, A. Maier, H. Gascon and K. Rieck, "Automatic Inference of Search Patterns
for Taint-Style Vulnerabilities," 2015 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2015, pp. 797-
812, doi: 10.1109/SP.2015.54.
Extra Resources
For a tools table, see “Henry Post - NYU-CS-GY-6813 - Automated software vulnerability discovery,
exploitation, and patching - Tools List.fods”.

Vulnerable Software List

For a list of vulnerable software, see “Henry Post - NYU-CS-GY-6813 - Automated software
vulnerability discovery, exploitation, and patching - Vulnerable Software List.fods”


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