Maintain Seaworthiness of The Ship-1

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13.Menjaga kelaiklautan kapal (Maintain seaworthiness of the ship)


1. A ship moving through heavy seas is affected by the water pressure at the bows
causing an effect known as "Panting". What structure in the forward region of
the ship combats the effects of Panting?
a. Panting beams and stringers
b. Collision bulkhead and deck
c. Centreline bulkhead
d. Double bottom tanks and floors
2. From which locations is it normally possible to close watertight doors?
a. Watertight doors can be closed adjacent to the door and remotely from
bridge and also one emergency remote control station
b. Watertight doors can be closed from the bridge and an alarm sounds at
the door
c. Watertight doors can be closed locally and also a remote control station
within the accommodation
d. A watertight door can only be closed by a control adjacent to the door
3. How can an approximate value of the initial transverse Metacentric Height
(GM) be found from the Curve of Statical Stability (GZ curve)?
a. Drawing a tangent to the curve through the origin and erecting a
perpendicular through the angle of heel of 57.3 degrees
b. The value in metres from the X axis of the point where the curve
changes from concave to convex shape.
c. Drawing a tangent from the highest point of the curve to the X axis and
measuring it in metres
d. It is impossible to establish the GM value from the curve of righting
levers (GZ)
4. What are the ideal conditions required to satisfactorily conduct an Inclining
a. All of the suggested answers
b. Moorings slack, head wind, minimum people on board
c. All derricks lowered and no moving items on deck and in store rooms
d. Minimum ballast and bunkers on board and all tanks pressed up.

5. What can be done to minimize the reduction of GM due to free surface?

a. Reduce the number of slack tanks.

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