In-System Eye Scan of A PCI Express Link With Vivado IP Integrator and AXI4

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Application Note: 7 Series and UltraScale FPGAs

In-System Eye Scan of a PCI Express Link

with Vivado IP Integrator and AXI4
Author: Luis Bielich
XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014

Summary This application note describes a flow for integrating in-system Eye Scan into an AXI4-based
system with Vivado® IP integrator. When an AXI4-based processor is planned to be used in a
design, it is simple to include Eye Scan functionality to a design by memory mapping the DRP
interface of the transceiver to the AXI4 system. A reference design is provided to show how this
is implemented with IP integrator. The Eye Scan algorithm from Eye Scan with MicroBlaze
MCS [Ref 1] is leveraged in this application note to implement the Eye Scan processing. Eye
Scan with MicroBlaze MCS [Ref 1] is a great application note for standalone Eye Scan,
whereas this application note focuses on integration into an AXI4-based system.
The reference design implements the Eye Scan functionality on a PCI Express® link on the
following reference boards: AC701, KC705, VC709, ZC706, and KCU105. Starting in 2013.3,
Xilinx IP containing transceivers output the DRP interface to the top level of the IP. The
integrated block for PCI Express IP is one of the IP cores including this major ease-of-use
enhancement. This option enables the AXI4 system to memory map the DRP space of the
transceivers without having to dive deep into the PCIe® IP RTL. This ultimately maintains a
clean IP flow enabling all of the plug-and-play benefits of the Vivado Integrated Design
Environment (IDE).
The Eye Scan results provide important information for validating the design of each channel
across voltage, temperature and process. Along with the ability to validate the design of a
channel, Eye Scan also provides a very high level of debug information not previously available
in FPGA families.

Introduction All 7 series transceivers include the functionality to run an in-system 2-D statistical Eye Scan on
the receiver without requiring a predetermined pattern. This is implemented with a second
sampler parallel to the primary data sampler shown in Figure 1. Running an Eye Scan does not
affect the link integrity, while maintaining a representation of margin in a running system. The

© Copyright 2013–2014 Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx, the Xilinx logo, Artix, ISE, Kintex, Spartan, Virtex, Vivado, Zynq, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx
in the United States and other countries. ARM is a registered trademark of ARM in the EU and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 1

When to Use Eye Scan with PCI Express

Eye Scan results also incorporate the function by the transceiver equalizer showing the most
accurate analysis of the margin at the receiver.
X-Ref Target - Figure 1

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Figure 1: Offset Sample Image

This application note describes how to perform an Eye Scan on a PCI Express link. Although
this focuses on a PCI Express link, the reference design files can be leveraged for any link at
any rate.
PCI Express provides an ideal protocol to use in-system Eye Scan because it is uncommon to
place a PCI Express link in a loopback state for debug purposes. Because placing a link in a
loopback is not common in a PCI Express link, this means a predetermined pattern is generally
not available. Another reason why in-system Eye Scan is valuable for PCI Express is because
a PCI Express link can stay in the L0 state even when there are bit errors on the link. This PCI
Express protocol handles these bit errors with a replay mechanism including CRC checks.
Although the protocol maintains data integrity, the replay mechanism affects throughput;
making it important to address a marginal link. In a multi-lane implementation of PCI Express,
it can be difficult to identify which lane is marginal. Determining the marginal lane can be
quickly detected with an in-system Eye Scan.
In-system Eye Scan also takes into account the real system dependencies when all portions of
the design are running. Because the Eye Scan logic does not require a predetermined pattern,
it does not require a test mode which can change other conditions. In other words, the Eye
Scan data can be extracted during normal operation which could cover corner-case conditions
only enabled in a real system. For PCI Express, the power consumption and switching noise
differs greatly between an idle mode and a DMA mode. The results from in-system Eye Scan
include these dependencies and allow for margin analysis for all modes.

When to Use PCI Express has several use cases for the Eye Scan feature, and are described in this section.
Eye Scan with
Debug Link Training Issues
PCI Express
Link training issues can occur due to signal integrity. Eye Scan can be used to debug link
training issues. If the link does not train to any speed, including gen 1 speeds (2.5 Gb/s), then
using Eye Scan is not recommended, and using the ltssm signal from the core is a better
option. If the link is training to a slower speed but not training to a maximum speed, then using
Eye Scan is recommended. An Eye Scan cannot be extracted when the link is changing rates,
so extracting an Eye Scan with a slower rate is the easiest solution. After the link is trained to a
slower speed, the margin can be analyzed to see if there is enough margin for a faster rate.
Each lane of the link should be analyzed to see if one specific lane is causing the issue. If the
eye appears acceptable, then it is possible that the link partner is initiating the slower speed.

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 2

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Hardware Description

Data Transfer Recovery

Going in and out of the Recovery state of ltssm might be an indication that Transaction Layer
Packets (TLP) are failing the Link CRC (LCRC) check in the data link layer. Failing LCRCs
might be an indication of a marginal link. Extracting an Eye Scan from the link while data is not
being transferred would validate that the link is marginal. It can also pinpoint if there is one
particular lane contributing to the LCRC errors.

Detection of Correctable Endpoint Errors

Reading the Device Status Register indicates whether there have been any correctable errors
detected. See the PCI Express Specification [Ref 2] for details on correctable errors. If
correctable errors are detected, it could indicate that there is a marginal link. An Eye Scan helps
determine which lane is causing the marginal link and helps determine if the link is marginal
under certain conditions. For example, if correctable errors are detected under a certain test
patterns, an Eye Scan can be extracted during the specific test pattern to see how the link is

Additional Diagnostics
When Eye Scan is integrated into a design, the data can help remotely debug a link. Along with
the XADC, the die temperature can be swept to look at the eye under different die
temperatures. Where there is control of the link partner's transmitter, the link can also be tuned
for the optimal transmitter settings. This diagnostic capability allows a design to optimize the
margin in a system.

Improving Product Yields

Learning that one out of 100 boards is not functional can make it difficult to debug. With Eye
Scan, it is possible to determine whether margin issue on the link exists. If there is a margin
issue, then the channel should be reanalyzed with IBIS-AMI simulations. IBIS-AMI simulations
can help determine the root cause from where the issue is coming. Making improvements to
the design of the serial channel improves product yields.

Hardware The reference design provided with this application note utilizes the PCI Express example
Description design provided from the generation of the 7 series FPGAs Integrated Block for PCI Express IP
or the Virtex®-7 FPGA Gen3 Integrated Block for PCI Express IP. The example design from the
IP implements a Programmed Input/Output (PIO) example design intended to function with the
drivers described in Using the Memory Endpoint Test Driver (MET) with the Programmed
Input/Output Example Design for PCI Express Endpoint Cores [Ref 3]. Although the drivers
described in Using the Memory Endpoint Test Driver (MET) with the Programmed Input/Output
Example Design for PCI Express Endpoint Cores [Ref 3] can be used with the PIO example
design, the drivers are not required to extract an Eye Scan.
The reference design adds a subsystem created by IP integrator intended to extract the Eye
Scan data from the transceiver. Implementing an Eye Scan requires access to the transceiver
dynamic reconfiguration port (DRP) interface to access the Eye Scan registers. All Xilinx IP
cores containing transceivers provide an option that allows access to the transceiver DRP
interface. This reference design does not require any other connections to the Eye Scan
subsystem, making the application note simple to integrate with any Xilinx-based IP core that
contain transceivers.

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Hardware Description

The PIO example design handles the TLPs coming from the PCI Express core, while the Eye
Scan subsystem handles the DRP accesses to the transceiver. Figure 2 shows a block diagram
of how the system is constructed.
X-Ref Target - Figure 2




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Figure 2: High-Level Block Diagram of the Reference Design

AXI Bridge to Dynamic Reconfiguration Port

The DRP interface from the PCI Express core is directly connected to the AXI to DRP Bridge IP
core. The AXI to DRP Bridge core is part of the reference design and is packaged as an IP core
in IP integrator. This IP makes it simple to access DRP registers of the transceiver through any
AXI master such as MicroBlaze™, Xilinx Zynq®-7000 All Programmable Processing System
(PS) or JTAG to AXI Master IP. Figure 3 shows how the AXI to DRP Bridge IP appears in IP
integrator. On the left-hand side, the AXI interface is connected to the AXI interconnect so that
it can be accessed by any AXI Master. The right-hand side drives the transceiver DRP interface
provided from the PCI Express IP core.
X-Ref Target - Figure 3

Figure 3: AXI to DRP Bridge IP within IP Integrator

The address mapping from the AXI interface is offset by two bits to the DRP address. The
bridge was implemented this way to keep it light weight by not supporting unaligned transfers.
This means the lower two bits of the AXI address are not used. The DRP address width of the
transceiver is nine bits wide, so only the lower 11 bits of the AXI address are used to map to the
DRP address. For example, if the base address for the AXI to DRP Bridge is 0xC0000000, then
an access to address 0xC0000010 results in an access to address 0x004 to the transceiver
DRP. The data returned to the AXI interface comes directly from DRP interface. The transceiver
DRP data width is 16 bits, therefore only the lower 16 bits of the AXI Read and Write Data

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Hardware Description

Channels are used. Software must account for both the data width and the address mapping.
Table 1 shows examples of the mapping.

Table 1: Example of Address Correlation between AXI and DRP

Address Data Address Data
x0 x00001234 x0 x1234
x4 x00005678 x1 x5678
x8 x00009ABC x2 x9ABC
xC x0000DEF0 x3 xDEF0
… … … …

One bridge is required for every transceiver that performs an Eye Scan. For example, if you
want to scan all eight lanes of a x8 link, you must have eight AXI to DRP Bridge cores in the
design. If only four lanes are desired to scan, then only four AXI to DRP Bridges are needed.
Each AXI to DRP Bridge occupies only 34 LUTs and 60 FFs; making it a fairly light-weight IP.
When multiple lanes are used, each lane needs an offset of at least 2(# of DRP address bits+2) =
211= 2 KB. As of 2013.3, IP integrator has a limitation of requiring 4k of addressable space for
each IP, so a 4k offset is used in the example design.

Processing System
MicroBlaze or the ARM® A9 core communicates to the transceiver DRP interface through the
AXI to DRP Bridge. The software running through MicroBlaze is derived from Eye Scan with
MicroBlaze MCS [Ref 1], however, it has been expanded to support GTP, GTX, and GTH
transceivers. The software included with the reference design also makes it simple to scale for
the amount of lanes in the design. To switch between GTP, GTX, and GTH transceivers, modify
the drp.h header file and include a #define GTP, #define GTX, or #define GTH. The
appropriate #define is already used depending on whether the files from the AC701, KC705,
VC709, ZC706, or KCU105 directory are used. To scale for a different number of lanes, the
header file es_controller.h needs to be modified for the appropriate lane width. The
definition of NUM_LANES represents the number of lanes in the design.
The software running on the processor implements the Eye Scan algorithm on the transceiver
and stores the data in the AXI block RAM. When the block RAM is filled with Eye Scan data, the
JTAG to AXI IP core reads the data out of the block RAM. Then it stores the data on the local
machine in a text file through the JTAG connection to the PC. The block RAM is AXI based and
can be scaled for a change in lane width. Each lane requires a minimum of 2 KB of block RAM
depth for this reference design. This can be modified with IP integrator in the Address Editor.

Local Storage
As mentioned in Processing System, the JTAG to AXI IP reads the Eye Scan data out of the AXI
block RAM. The JTAG to AXI IP places the Eye Scan data on the local machine through the
JTAG connection to the board. This continues until a full Horizontal and Vertical scan is
completed. After the Horizontal and Vertical scan completes, the processor is notified and
stops implementing the Eye Scan. When a block RAM is sized to be 2 KB, this allows for 2 KB
of data. A full Eye Scan typically requires more memory space than 2 KB. There is a maximum
of 4,096 horizontal taps and 256 vertical taps. Each error count measurement is two bytes
wide, meaning that a maximum-sized scan involves 256 × 4,096 × 2 = 2 MB of error scan data.
(Several more bytes are required to store the prescale, horizontal and vertical offsets, and the
UT sign). Because the AXI block RAM depth is only 2 KB per lane, a handshaking between the
JTAG to AXI IP and the processor is necessary. The handshaking allows for JTAG to empty the
block RAM content while the processor is filling up the block RAM with scan data. This
handshaking implementation is a drop-in solution but is not required. If the a design contains 2

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Hardware Description

MB of memory space available for each lane, then the Eye Scan data can be fully stored and
not require the handshake between the JTAG to AXI IP and the processor.

Tcl Post Processing

After the JTAG to AXI IP reads the Eye Scan data out of the block RAM, the data is stored
locally in a file labeled CH#.dump where the # represents the lane number. This file contains all
of the error count data read from the error_count register of each transceiver's DRP space
at each horizontal and vertical location. The CH#.dump file must be converted to a format that
Vivado tools can read so Vivado can display the Eye Scan data in the Vivado IDE. The Vivado
Eye Scan viewer requires bit error rates as inputs instead of the error count. The error count
values must be converted to bit error rates. This post-processing is done in the Tcl script
provided in the reference design. This Tcl script is derived from XAPP743 [Ref 1] and modified
to allow simple scaling for multiple lanes and also can be used with the JTAG to AXI IP core
instead of XMD. The output from the post processing is a CSV file that can be read in by Vivado
as an Eye Scan. Figure 4 shows how a scan appears in the Vivado IDE.
X-Ref Target - Figure 4

Figure 4: Eye Scan Result in Vivado IDE

IP Integrator System
The Eye Scan subsystem is built with the ipi_<board name>.tcl file located in the <board
name>/source/ipi_tcl directory. When this file is sourced, all of the previously-described
components are connected together with IP integrator as shown in Figure 5. This subsystem
can be added into any design with or without an already existing processor in the design. The

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Implementing the Reference Design

Zynq-7000 example is not a drop-in solution because there is only one Processing System per
Zynq-7000 device. When using Zynq-7000, the software from the example must be integrated.
X-Ref Target - Figure 5

Figure 5: IP Integrator Eye Scan Subsystem

Clocks and Resets

The AXI_aclk and reset input to the subsystem are provided by existing signals in the PIO
example design. The reset line is tied to the user_lnk_up output of the PCI Express core,
holding the subsystem in reset until the link is at L0. The AXI_aclk is a clock coming from the
ext_ch_gt_drpclk output from the PCI Express core, which is the same clock driving the
transceiver DRP interface.
For a custom implementation, the AXI_aclk must be the same as the DRP clock to the
transceiver. The reset can come from anywhere provided that the signal is deasserted when
implementing an Eye Scan. The reset must also be deasserted while the AXI_aclk is stable.

Implementing Click here to download the design files associated with this application note.
the Reference The reference design source files are provided in the following five directories:
Design • AC701
• KC705
• VC709
• ZC706
• KCU105
The reference designs target a particular evaluation board indicated by the name of the
directory. To leverage the design files for a custom design, choose the appropriate design
according to the transceiver type. If using Virtex-7, note that some Virtex-7 devices contain
GTX transceivers. If a Virtex-7 device contains GTX transceivers, then it is best to use the
KC705 files as a reference.

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Implementing the Reference Design

To create a bit file, open the Vivado IDE and go to the Tcl Console at the bottom of the Vivado
IDE or go to Window > Tcl Console.
X-Ref Target - Figure 6

Figure 6: Tcl Console Showing How to Source Build Files

In the Tcl console, change the working directory to the run_here directory within the
appropriate directory according to the board. In the run_here directory, type the following
>> source ./build_bitstream.tcl
Running this Tcl script performs the following:
• Creates the Vivado Project with the IP integrator design.
• Adds all the RTL and IP cores into the project.
• Runs Synthesis and Implementation.
• Creates a bitstream with the software embedded in the LMB block RAM.
• Sources the Scanning Tcl files to prepare Vivado for a scan.
• This allows the you to type “run_eyescan” in the Tcl console to implement a scan.
After the Tcl script completes, it is now possible to program the FPGA. It is necessary to plug
the evaluation board into a PCI Express slot. Apply power to the FPGA and program the FPGA
within the Vivado IDE. Do not remove the JTAG connection as this connection is required for
the JTAG to AXI IP. Turn on the host containing the evaluation board plugged in and
programmed. This establishes a link and the system is now ready to perform an Eye Scan on
the transceiver. Type the following in the Tcl console:
The run_eyescan command comes from the run_eyescan.tcl file in the scan_time
directory. If the project is closed, then the run_eyscan.tcl file needs to be sourced again. If
the run_eyescan.tcl file is modified, it also must be sourced again within Vivado. The Tcl file
might need to be modified for several variables shown in the following example. The
explanation of when to modify them is listed in Table 2.
# horz_step: Horizontal sweep step size. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value
depends on data rate mode (see user guide and rate variable below).
set horz_step($i) 4

# vert_step: Vertical sweep step size. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is

set vert_step($i) 4

# max_prescale: Maximum prescale value for sample count. Minimum value is

0. Maximum value is 31.
set max_prescale($i) 5

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 8

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Implementing the Reference Design

# data_width: Parallel data width interface. Valid values are 16, 20, 32,
and 40.
set data_width($i) 40

# lpm_mode: Set to 1 for LPM mode. Set to 0 for DFE mode.

set lpm_mode($i) 0

# rate: Set depending on full, half, quarter, octal, or hex modes (see user
set rate($i) 64

Table 2: Description on Tcl Variables

Variables Description When to modify
This value can be increased to reduce the
Describes the resolution of the amount of time the scan takes. A larger
horizontal scan. value results in less horizontal resolution.
For optimal resolution, set to 1.
This value can be increased to reduce the
Describes the resolution of the amount of time the scan takes. A larger
vertical scan. value results in less vertical resolution. For
the optimal resolution, set to 1.
Changes the amount of time
spent at each vertical/horizontal
If a need for a finer BER, make this value
sample. See the Gear Shifting
max_prescale larger; this results in a longer scan time. For
section of Eye Scan with
a faster scan, make this value smaller.
MicroBlaze MCS [Ref 1] for more
The internal data width. See 7
This is design dependent. The BER
Transceivers User Guide [Ref 5]
data_width calculations is incorrect if this is not set
and 7 Series FPGAs GTX/GTH
Transceivers User Guide [Ref 6]
for more information.
This specifies whether the
If the LPMEN port of the transceiver is High
lpm_mode transceiver is in DFE or LPM
set this to 1. Set to 0 if LPMEN is set Low.
Use the following to determine the correct
rate = 32
rate = 64
rate Specifies the horizontal resolution
rate = 128
rate = 256
rate = 512

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 9

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Scaling for Different Lane Widths

Scaling for Follow the steps to scale for different lane widths.
Different Lane 1. The IP integrator AXI block RAM must be scaled.
Widths Each lane needs 2 KB of block RAM. This can be scaled with the Address Editor in IP
integrator. Be sure to modify the width for jtag_axi_0 and mb_ps/microblaze_1.
Figure 7 displays the Address Editor.
X-Ref Target - Figure 7

Figure 7: Adding More Block RAM to Scale for More Lanes

If the base address of the AXI block RAM is moved from 0xC2000000, then the
run_eyescan.tcl file also must be modified. The axi_bram_addr variable is shown in
Figure 8 in the in the run_eyescan.tcl file and it needs to match what is listed in the
Address Editor.
X-Ref Target - Figure 8

Figure 8: axi_bram_addr Variable in the run_eyescan.tcl File

2. Match the AXI to DRP Bridge count with the lane width.
This can be done by removing or adding AXI to DRP Bridges into/from the design. When
adding or removing the AXI to DRP Bridges, make sure to keep the addresses contiguous
in the Address Editor. If they are not contiguous, then the software also needs to be
modified. Notice the difference between a 4-lane and 8-lane implementation in the IP
integrator canvas in Figure 9.

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 10

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Scaling for Different Lane Widths

X-Ref Target - Figure 9

Figure 9: IP Integrator Canvas When Scaling for Different Lane Widths

Because more AXI to DRP Bridges are used, the AXI Interconnect must be adjusted to
accommodate for the number of AXI to DRP Bridges.
3. A new ELF must be generated.
This requires modifying the original C code. To modify the C code and create a new ELF,
the hardware specification must be exported. This can be done at several different stages,
but it is easiest to do immediately after synthesis. In IP integrator, right-click the
eyescan_subsystem and select Export Hardware for SDK shown Figure 10.

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 11

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Scaling for Different Lane Widths

X-Ref Target - Figure 10

Figure 10: Exporting IP Integrator Subsystem to SDK

4. After selecting Export Hardware for SDK, select the options shown in Figure 11. This
launches the SDK with the hardware specification.
X-Ref Target - Figure 11

Figure 11: Launching SDK from Vivado

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 12

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Scaling for Different Lane Widths

5. Next, create a new Board Support Package (BSP) by clicking File > New > Board Support
Package as shown in Figure 12.
X-Ref Target - Figure 12

Figure 12: Creating a Board Support Package

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 13

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Scaling for Different Lane Widths

6. Change the name of the BSP to eyescan_software_bsp as shown in Figure 13 and

select Finish. The name of the BSP must be changed so the application can be imported
X-Ref Target - Figure 13

Figure 13: Changing the BSP Project Name

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 14

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Scaling for Different Lane Widths

7. Select the default options for the BSP shown in Figure 14.
X-Ref Target - Figure 14

Figure 14: BSP Settings

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 15

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Scaling for Different Lane Widths

8. Right-click in the Project Explorer panel and select Import as shown in Figure 15.
X-Ref Target - Figure 15

Figure 15: Importing Eye Scan Software Step 1

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 16

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Scaling for Different Lane Widths

9. An Import window launches. Select General > Existing Projects into Workspace and then
click Next as shown in Figure 16.
X-Ref Target - Figure 16

Figure 16: Importing Eye Scan Software Step 2

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 17

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Scaling for Different Lane Widths

10. In the next window, choose the Select archive file: option and browse for the appropriate
zip file in the “source/software” directory. The appropriate file is referring to either the GTP,
GTX, or GTH software file. In the Projects panel, make sure the software directory is
selected as shown in Figure 17. Click Finish.
X-Ref Target - Figure 17

Figure 17: Importing an Archive File

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Scaling for Different Lane Widths

11. Locate the es_controller.h file and change NUM_LANES to the appropriate number of
lanes. Save the changes and recompile to create a new ELF file in the Debug directory
shown in Figure 18.
X-Ref Target - Figure 18

Figure 18: Modifying es_controller.h for Different Lane Widths

12. After modifying the ELF, include the ELF in Vivado project (MicroBlaze only). To perform
this, make sure to be in the Project Manager view and go to Tools > Associate ELF Files
(Figure 19).
X-Ref Target - Figure 19

Figure 19: Associating ELF Files to MicroBlaze Part 1

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 19

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Scaling for Different Lane Widths

13. Select the new ELF file in the subsequent window and click OK.
X-Ref Target - Figure 20

Figure 20: Associating ELF Files to MicroBlaze Part 2

14. After the ELF is mapped, generate the bitstream. The run_eyescan.tcl file must be
modified. The NUM_CH must be modified the actual number of lanes.
X-Ref Target - Figure 21

Figure 21: Modifying run_eyescan.tcl for Different Lane Widths

15. Create a boot image (Zynq-7000 only)

A boot image generally requires three files. A bit file, a software application, and an FSBL.
The bit file and software application are already created. To create an FSBL, go to File >
New > Application Project, shown in Figure 22.
X-Ref Target - Figure 22

Figure 22: Creating an FSBL

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 20

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Scaling for Different Lane Widths

16. The name of the FSBL is not important, but this application note names it myfsbl. It is
important to use the existing BSP linked to the software application as shown in Figure 23.
X-Ref Target - Figure 23

Figure 23: Labeling FSBL Project

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 21

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Scaling for Different Lane Widths

17. Select Zynq FSBL and click Finish.

X-Ref Target - Figure 24

Figure 24: Specifying a Zynq FSBL Template

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 22

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Scaling for Different Lane Widths

18. Next, create the image by right-clicking the eye_scan_software project and select
Create Boot Image as shown in Figure 25.
X-Ref Target - Figure 25

Figure 25: Creating a Zynq-7000 Boot Image

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Incorporate a Custom Design

19. Change the output extension to .mcs as shown in Figure 26 and select Create Image.
X-Ref Target - Figure 26

Figure 26: Specify Boot Image File Name

Incorporate a There are two primary ways to incorporate the reference design files into a custom design.
Custom Design 1. Add the entire IP integrator subsystem and connect to DRP interfaces
2. Add the IP integrator design and consider modifications:
• Remove MicroBlaze and replace with another AXI master. Potential options:
- PCI Express
- Ethernet
• Remove the AXI block RAM and replace with a deeper memory. Potential options:
- DDR3
- Flash
- Local memory of system
• Replace JTAG to AXI IP with another AXI master. Potential options:
- PCI Express
- Ethernet

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• Use an existing MicroBlaze and incorporate software

The option 1 is fairly straight-forward and is not discussed further in this section due to the
simplicity. Option 2 allows for flexibility, yet is very simple from a hardware standpoint due to the
AXI4 plug-and-play functionality with IP integrator.
Figure 27 shows an example of how to integrate the example into a design.
X-Ref Target - Figure 27




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Figure 27: Example System Showing Integration Options

Figure 27 shows one implementation option where MicroBlaze can store all of the scan data in
the DDR3 SDRAM. After it completes, then it can upload the data using the Ethernet Controller
so the scan can be displayed later. In this example, the MicroBlaze performs the functions of
the original MicroBlaze from the reference design as well as the function of the JTAG to AXI IP
where it pulls the data from storage. Instead, the communication off of the FPGA would be
through Ethernet.

Upgrading To upgrade to a newer version of Vivado, the reference design needs to generate all of the
output products in Vivado 2013.3. After the output products are generated, the project can be
opened with a newer version of Vivado to upgrade the IP core. For details, follow the upgrade
guidelines from Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing with IP [Ref 4].

Using the Prebuilt bitstreams for the AC701, KC705, VC709, and KCU105 are provided to run the
Prebuilt Images examples quickly without building all of the outputs files. An MCS image is provided for the
ZC706 to load the PS software and PL bitstream. The bitstreams can be programmed with
Vivado, while the MCS image needs to be programmed with SDK.

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Resource Utilization

To use the prebuilt images open the Vivado IDE and change the working directory to the
prebuilt_images directory within the Tcl console. After the boards are programed, run the
following command in the Vivado Tcl console:
>> open_hw
Source the source_eyescan.tcl file with the following command in the Tcl console:
>> source -quiet ./source_eyescan.tcl
Depending on the targeted board, the next command varies. For example, if using the VC709
evaluation board, run the following command in the Tcl Console:
>> source_eyescan -board VC709
A scan should begin and finish by uploading the Eye Scan results to the Vivado IDE.

Resource Table 3 describes the resource utilization for x4 lane subsystem.

Utilization Table 3: Resource Utilization for x4 Lane Subsystem
Eye Scan Subsystem
(x4 Lanes)
MicroBlaze 788 655 0
Interconnect 1,864 1,677 0
4 DRP Bridges 136 240 0
AXI block RAM 293 270 2
Local block RAM 12 6 4
JTAG to AXI 1,488 1,801 0

Table 4 describes the resource utilization for x8 lane subsystem.

Table 4: Resource Utilization for x8 Lane Subsystem
Eye Scan Subsystem
(x8 Lanes)
MicroBlaze 795 655 0
Interconnect 3,522 3,270 0
8 DRP Bridges 272 480 0
AXI block RAM 295 276 4
Local block RAM 12 6 4
JTAG to AXI 1,487 1,801 0

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File Description

File Description Table 5 describes the directory structure of the reference design.
Table 5: File and Directory Structure Description
Directory and Files <> Refers to a
<Board Name: AC701, KC705, VC709,
KCU105, or ZC706> This Tcl script creates the Vivado project and run
through the tools to generate a bit file. This also sources
the Eye Scan scripts so that it is ready to be scanned.

<Board Name: AC701, KC705, VC709, This Tcl script contains the procedures for running an
KCU105, or ZC706> Eye Scan. After this file is sourced, it is required to
execute the run_scan command to extract an Eye Scan.
This file contains variables that need to be correct for the
run_eyescan.tcl Eye Scan to work properly.
<Board Name: AC701, KC705, VC709,
KCU105, or ZC706> This Tcl script contains the primary procedures which
poll control registers and also reads the Eye Scan data
from the block RAM.
<Board Name: AC701, KC705, VC709,
KCU105, or ZC706> This Tcl script takes the CSV files created from the Eye
<scan_time> Scan and display them within the Vivado IDE.
<Board Name: AC701, KC705, VC709,
KCU105, or ZC706> This folder contains all the RTL for the PCI Express
example design
<Board Name: AC701, KC705, VC709,
KCU105, or ZC706> This Tcl script creates the IP integrator design. This was
originally created with the write_bd_tcl command when
the subsystem was originally created.
[board name]_ipi.tcl
<Board Name: AC701, KC705, VC709, These two directories contain custom IP for the IP
KCU105, or ZC706> integrator design. The <custom_ip> directory needs to
<source/custom_ip> be added to the project’s IP repository. These IPs were
packaged with the Vivado IP packager. This example
<drp_bridge_ip> does not use the drp MUX IP, however, the MUX was
<drp_mux_ip> provided two separate modules want to access the DRP.
<Board Name: AC701, KC705, VC709,
KCU105, or ZC706> This directory contains the source file for the PCI
Express core. The extension is .XCI.
<Board Name: AC701, KC705, VC709,
KCU105, or ZC706> This directory contains the Vivado constraints file for the
PCI Express example design. The extension is .XDC.
<Board Name: AC701, KC705, VC709,
KCU105, or ZC706> The prebuilt_elf.elf is the software compiled for
MicroBlaze that runs the Eye Scan algorithm. The ELF is
ultimately packed into the MicroBlaze local block RAM.
<Board Name: AC701, KC705, VC709,
KCU105, or ZC706>
This zip file is an archived software project for SDK. This
file can be imported into SDK to compile your own ELF.
eyescan_software_[GT type: GTP,
GTX, or GTH].zip

XAPP1198 (v1.1) November 19, 2014 27

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Table 5: File and Directory Structure Description (Cont’d)

Directory and Files <> Refers to a
This directory contains bit files for the AC701, KC705,
<prebuilt_image> KCU105, and VC709. For the ZC706, an MCS image is
provided. All images are ready to execute an Eye Scan.
This Tcl Script executes an Eye Scan for the targeted

Conclusion Extracting an Eye Scan from a link allows you to measure an accurate amount of margin in a
real system. A predetermined pattern is not necessary and running an Eye Scan is completely
non-destructive, allowing Eye Scan to be added into any transceiver link. By utilizing the files
provided in the reference design, including the logic to extract the Eye Scan is very simple to
implement. The reference design files leverage the ease of use of the IP integrator tool as well
as the plug and play functionality of AXI. Such ease of use allows you to quickly add Eye Scan
as a new feature for your product.

References This document uses the following references

1. Eye Scan with MicroBlaze MCS (XAPP743)
2. PCI-SIG® Specifications
3. Using the Memory Endpoint Test Driver (MET) with the Programmed Input/Output Example
Design for PCI Express Endpoint Cores (XAPP1022)
4. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing with IP (UG896)
5. 7 Series FPGAs GTX/GTH Transceivers User Guide (UG476)
6. 7 Series FPGAs GTP Transceivers User Guide (UG482)

Revision The following table shows the revision history for this document.
Date Version Description of Revisions
11/19/2014 1.1 • Added UltraScale support.
01/06/2014 1.0 • Updated DRP Address x3 in Table 1: Example of Address
Correlation between AXI and DRP.
• Updated eye_scan_software in step 18.
• Updated description in Table 5: File and Directory Structure
12/18/2013 1.0 Initial Xilinx release.

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Notice of The information disclosed to you hereunder (the “Materials”) is provided solely for the selection and use of
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