Painting Procedure For Firefighting Piping Network
Painting Procedure For Firefighting Piping Network
Painting Procedure For Firefighting Piping Network
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Ensure that the approved materials are available to carry out the work,
as per the approved material submittal &contract specification.
Physical verification of materials will be carried out for any damages
prior taking from stores.
Prior to commencement of work, areas and access will be inspected to
confirm that site is ready to commence the work, as per approved
All items not to be painted shall be suitably covered before any surface
preparation is initiated to prevent damages.
Oil and grease to be removed by emulsion cleaning. Remove salts loose
paints and other impurities from the surface.
Painting must not take place in the following conditions:-
1. Surface are moist, greasy or may become so before application of
the first Coat of paint (primer).
2. Surface temperatures are less than 3 degree centigrade above dew
point or the relative humidity is higher than 85%.
3. Paint application/ drying takes place nearby.
Before painting clean the pipes by wire brushing and ensure that pipe
surface is clean and dry.
Painting Methodology
Ensure that painting is carried out for surface preparation in the
following sequence:-
2 coats primer
2 coats finish paint
Each coat shall be applied uniformly over the entire surface.
Holidays, run, sags, and drips shall be avoided. If they occur, they
shall be removed and the surface recoated.
Each coat shall be allowed to dry for the time specified by
manufacturer before application of any succeeding coat.
Any primer coat exposed to excess humidity or rain before drying
shall be permitted to dry and the damaged area of primer shall be
removed and the surface again prepared and primed.
The time interval between applications of coats must not exceed
that specified by the manufacturer.
Coatings shall be continuous, i.e. free of pin holes, voids, bubbles
and other defects.
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