Unit 2

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Leaders and Managers

Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4
Slide 5, Answer Key
 2f
 3b
 4c
 5e
 6g
 7a
 8d
Slide 6
Slide 7
Slide 8
Slide 9
Slide 10
Slide 11, Answer Key
 1D
 2B
 3C
 4D
 5A
 6B
Slide 12, Quiz Time!
Very expressive and confident behavior can be termed

 A) Immersed

 B) Flamboyant
Slide 13, Quiz Time!
Attention to every detail can be termed as_______

 A) Nitty-gritty

 B) Originality
Slide 14, Quiz Time!
As a leader, it is important to care about people!

 Yes

 No
Slide 15
Slide 16, Answer Key
 1. Founder 2. Venture 3. Underlying 4. Flamboyant 5.
From Scratch 6. Lavish praise on 7. Slipped up 8.
Firing 9. Immersed 10. Ins and outs 11. Stake
Slide 17, Speaking
Slide 18
Slide 19, Grammar Workshop
Slide 20, Answer Key
 1b
 2a
 3c
 4a
 5d
Slide 21
Slide 22, Answer Key
 1g
 2d
 3a
 4c
 5b
 6e
 7f
Slide 23
Slide 24, Quiz Time!
Figure out the meaning of ‘hands on’.

 A) Practical approach

 B) Venture

 C) Vision
Slide 25, Quiz Time!
The art of managing time properly and effectively is
Quality Management!

 True

 False

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