Relevant Information Agri Water
Relevant Information Agri Water
Relevant Information Agri Water
Project title:
Changing the fate of the Hindon river by evaluating the impact of agriculture on the water
balance Developing a template for a cleaner Ganga river
This project is innovative in that it lays the basis for an enhanced observation network for long term
hydrological monitoring. creating an integrated modelling platform to be used for stakeholder
discussions, impact assessment and knowledge sharing. enlarging the possibilities to develop
pathways to a more sustainable agriculture and water management of the Hindon basin, which may
serve as a template for upscaling to the larger Ganges basin.
The proposed approach can subsequently be used as a template for othersubbasins within the
1. Installation of base measurement network;
2. Data platform based on Delft FEWS presented during stakeholder workshop in Year 2;
3. Generation of interim report used for advisory board meeting and stakeholder workshop;
4. Integrated modeling framework;
5. Midterm report;
6. Final project report.
Dutch partners
Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands (Dr Albrecht Weerts)
Dr Albrecht Weerts holds a position both at WUR and Deltares. He is an experts in hydrological
forecasting systems, distributed modelling and data assimilation. Through his role at Deltares, he
was involved in the World Bank funded Strategic Basin Planning for Ganga River Basin in India