Importance of Reliable Geotechnical Investigation For Safe and Economical Foundation Design of Civil Structures
Importance of Reliable Geotechnical Investigation For Safe and Economical Foundation Design of Civil Structures
Importance of Reliable Geotechnical Investigation For Safe and Economical Foundation Design of Civil Structures
Importance of Reliable Geotechnical Investigation for Safe and Economical Foundation Design of Civil Structures
B.V. Sushma
Senior Engineer, TCE Consulting Engineers Ltd., Bangalore–560 001, India.
E-mail: [email protected]
ABSTRACT: Geotechnical report is a tool used to communicate the site conditions, design and construction recommendations.
The importance of adequate site investigation and preparation of comprehensive geotechnical report cannot be over
emphasized. Reliability of the information contained in geotechnical report has a strong influence on design, construction,
project cost, safety and resolution of contractual disputes and hence the report must be clear, concise and accurate. Inadequate
geotechnical investigations are many a times source of costly, over designed foundations, project delays, disputes, claims, and
project cost overruns. Lack of adequate information from the Geotechnical Report may sometimes lead to deeper excavation
for founding depths and hence an uneconomical design of foundation. This paper illustrates how an inaccurate geotechnical
report for a power project led to selecting expensive foundation designs initially, which was subsequently optimized based on
actual conditions realized at site.
Importance of Reliable Geotechnical Investigation for Safe and Economical Foundation Design of Civil Structures
An area inside existing power plant boundary is proposed for Following are the excerpts from the Report, which was made
the extension unit. In the selected location, some auxiliary available to the design office responsible for foundation design.
buildings (such as Workshop, Fire station and other non plant Sub soil profile indicated 8–9 m of fill of soil/rock.
buildings) of the operating unit was existing before. The Encountering Ground water level at around 6–9 m level
space for the extension unit was created by dismantling and below N.G.L.
relocating the structures of the operating unit. In general the
For foundations resting on fill, it is recommended that
terrain is flat without large undulations in ground levels.
Geotechnical investigation work was initiated in this area. the fill shall be replaced by plum concrete upto the virgin
soil layer.
Plate load tests conducted at 2 m below N.G.L area
3. DETAILS OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION indicates excessive settlements.
For any construction project, a site investigation is normally The founding levels for isolated shallow/raft foundations
carried out. Site investigation has been defined as investigation are suggested at 8–9 m below N.G.L in the Virgin soil
of the physical characteristics of the site and includes layer (weathered rock layer), below fill.
documentary studies, site surveys and ground investigation. S.B.C’s were suggested in the range of 55–65 t/m 2
In broad sense, site investigation should also include study of depending on the loading of structures
the site history and environment, interpretation and analysis
Since the engineers at design consultant office were not
of all available data, and making recommendations on the
familiar about the conditions existing at the site, review of
favorable/unfavorable locations, economic and safe design,
the report was done assuming that the data and information
and prediction of potential risks (Za-Chieh Moh 2004). given in the report are factual. However, observing the
The Geotechnical investigation for the above mentioned area general sub soil profile, doubts arose about the huge extent of
was carried out by the contractor and the report was submitted fill in the area which was subsequently clarified was due to
to the design consultant. 40 boreholes were drilled in the area the fact that the site has been reclaimed after dismantling of
and in addition to this the field tests such as DCPT, the existing structures in the area. Also since all the
Pressuremeter test, Plate load tests, Cross hole shear tests, etc boreholes and plate load tests carried out in the area reflected
were conducted in the area. The sub soil profile of the area as a similar profile, the soil data submitted in the borelogs was
included in the report is shown in Table 1. considered as correct and the foundation levels and SBC’s
recommended were cross checked. Considering huge extent of
It can be seen from the sub soil profile that the fill comprising fill at shallow depths, the design consultant office strictly
of soil/broken stones exists in the area up to a maximum recommended to rest the isolated shallow/raft foundations on
depth of 8 m below the Natural Ground Level. The next layer the virgin soil layer, which is available at a depth of around 8–
below the fill is weathered rock layer, which is having thickness 9 m below N.G.L. With this recommendation the Geotechnical
of around 3 m. The next layer below is hard biotite rock report was appro-
layer. In the fill layer, no samples were collected and no ved and the excavation for foundations was initiated at site.
information was given regarding type and classification of
the material.
Importance of Reliable Geotechnical Investigation for Safe and Economical Foundation Design of Civil Structures
Table 2: Sub-soil Profile of the Borehole Revised as Per the Actual Conditions at Site
Depth/Run Total
SPT: Core
Type of length of RQD
No. of recovery Description
From To sample core pieces (%)
blows (%)
0.00 0.15 C >100 0.1 93 Nil Concrete Floor 0.15 m
0.15 1.70 C 0.1 12 “
1.70 2.50 D “ Crushed/Broken Rock with Soil
2.50 3.50 U Fill 1.7 m
3.50 4.50 U Dark Grey Silty Clay 2.5 m
4.50 6.00 U
Yellowish Brown Sand with Clay
6.00 7.50 C 0.3 19 “
Binders 6.0 m
7.50 9.00 C 0.2 15 “
9.00 10.5 C 0.5 33 “
Importance of Reliable Geotechnical Investigation for Safe and Economical Foundation Design of Civil Structures
Site investigation is a specialized operation and requires
specialized organizations and specialized personnel.
Ground is an extremely variable and uncertain material.
The potential for incurring financial and time losses is
great if the ground investigations are not properly carried
out and properties of the soil and rock are not adequately
quantified. This can only be achieved by carrying out an
Fig. 2: Excavation Being Carried at Site Up to appropriate site investigation.
the Suggested Founding Level
It is recommended that site investigations be carried out
in two stages: preliminary—to verify desk study data and
5. OPTIMIZATION OF FOUNDING LEVELS characterize the thickness, distribution and properties of
strata present, followed by a detailed investigation with
There was a time constraint to conduct confirmatory boreholes
targeted tests to study specific problems and find
and also no clear cut strength (N value) data was available in
appropriate solutions. Such an approach would enable the
the earlier report. In view of non availability of accurate data
geotechnical engineer to be more accurate in providing re-
and to minimize the potential risk involved, it was decided to
commendation for geotechnical design parameters and less
optimize the founding levels only for the lightly loaded conservative and thereby economical foundation designs.
structures and to retain original founding levels for heavily
The practice of recommending lowest tender as the main
loaded structures.
criteria for site investigation should not be preferred, on
The joint site inspection had revealed the presence of harder the contrary be discouraged. Selection should be made
strata at a depth of 5–6 m below the N.G.L. It was decided to on the basis of the geotechnical consultant’s competency
rest the foundations at this level for lightly loaded structures. and investigation contractor’s ability to provide reliable
Hence the founding levels were revised by generally raising factual data.
the founding levels 2 m higher than the earlier indicated In case serious discrepancies are observed in the first
levels. Had the site investigations been carried out more detailed soil investigation, it is preferable to carry out few
accurately and factual data furnished in the report, probably borelogs along with some required field tests, instead of
the founding levels would have been further optimized to resorting to only selected field tests.
still shallower levels for all foundations, thereby achieving As India is rapidly progressing with infrastructure develop-
more significant savings in construction cost and time. ment, there is an urgent need for developing a process
for accreditation of geotechnical investigation agencies.
The above experience once again brings out the fact as to the
This will help improve the quality of geotechnical investi-
importance of reliable and factual soil investigation data to
gations and reports which is vital for safe and economical
avoid over design or unsafe design. It also highlights the need
design of foundations for buildings and engineering
for the full time supervision on site by qualified geotechnical
engineer for any ground investigation work in order to ensure
the quality and reliability of the investigation results. It would
not be out of place to mention that the above experience is not REFERENCES
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developing a process for accreditation of investigation Foundation Failures Due to Limited Site Investigations”,
agencies and laboratories like in UK. International Conference on Structural and Foundation
Failures, Singapore, pp. 404–409.
Importance of Reliable Geotechnical Investigation for Safe and Economical Foundation Design of Civil Structures
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