Bal Bharati Public School Pitampura, Delhi - 110034 Class - VI (2021-22) Computer Science Revision Term-2

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Class – VI (2021-22)
Revision Term-2

Q-1 Microsoft Excel is a powerful _____ program.

a) Presentation
b) Spreadsheet
c) Painting
d) Documents

Q-2 Name Box in Excel displays cell reference of _____

a) Active Cell
b) Spreadsheet
c) Painting
d) Documents

Q-3 Which option is correct for Formula bar of Excel

a) enter and edit formula
b) perform calculations
c) both a and b are correct
d) both a and b are incorrect
Q-4 A cell is the intersection of a row and a _____ in a worksheet
a) column
b) row
c) column heading
d) None of the above
Q-5 What is the cell address of 5th row 7th column
a) E7
b) G5
c) G7
d) E5
Q-6 Title bar shows name of opened _____
a) Worksheet
b) Cell
c) Row
d) Workbook
Q-7 Each cell in Excel has unique _____
a) pointer
b) view
c) address
d) None of the above
Q-8 Each cell in Excel has unique _____
a) pointer
b) view
c) address
d) None of the above
Q-9 Excel by default _____ aligns text and _____ aligns number.
a) left, right
b) right, left
c) center, right
d) center, left
Q-10 Column names have___
a) alphabets
b) numbers
c) date
d) None of the above

Q-11 Ways to change column width

a) double-click between column headers(AutoFit Feature)
b) right-click on column name and select column width
c) place mouse over right edge of column heading
then drag
d) All the above

Q-12 AutoFill feature to add duplicate entries or data series to your worksheet cells.
a) True
b) False
Q-13 Shortcut key to make test bold is:
a) Ctrl+bold
b) Ctrl+b
c) Ctrl+I
d) Ctrl+U
Q-14 Two types of alignment in Excel are:
a) Horizontal
b) Vertical
c) Both a and b
d) None

Q-15 icon is to add ___ to a cell.

a) Border
b) Fill color
c) Text color
d) Change text alignment
Q-16 icon is to add ___ to a cell

a) Border
b) Fill color
c) Text color
d) Change text alignment

Q-17 icon is to change ___ of a cell

a) Border
b) Fill color
c) Text color
d) Change text alignment
Q-18 _____ feature to assign certain formatting, only when the value of the cell
meets the specific condition.
a) AutoFill
b) AutoFit
c) Conditional Formatting
d) None of the above
Q-19 A group of related cells in a worksheet is called_____
a) Cell reference
b) Formula
c) Function
d) Cell range
Q-20 A formula is a sequence of values, cell references , names of functions or
operators that produce a new value from existing values.
a) True
b) False
Q-21 Three worksheet views are Page Break, Normal and Page Layout.
a) True
b) False
Q-22 Which of these is not a chart type:
a) Line
b) Bar
c) Column
d) Legends
Q-23 Charts are _____ representation of data
a) Character
b) Graphical
c) Both a and b are incorrect
Q-24 Y-axis is vertical axis of the chart and is also known as _____
a) Category
b) Value
c) Data
d) Label
Q-25 Give output of following

a) =A1+B1  5+21=26
b) =A2^B2  7x7=49
c) =B3-A3  111-14=97
d) =A1*B2  5x2=10
e) =A3/B2  14/2=7
f) =B3>A1  111>5=True
g) =A3<=B2  14>=2=False
h) =A1<>B2  5<>2=True
i) =SUM(B1,A1,A2,B2)  21+5+7+2=35
j) =AVERAGE(A1:A3) 5+7+14/3=26/3=8.7
k) =MAX(A1:B3)  111(B3)
l) =MIN(A1:B3)  2(B2)
m) =COUNT(A1:B3)]  6
n) =(A1+B1)-B2+(A1^2)  (5+21)-2+(5^2)=26-2+25=24+25=49

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