This document contains instructions and questions for a computer exam for class 5. It is divided into 3 sections worth various point values. Section A contains multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions worth 35 marks. Section B contains short answer questions worth 10 marks. Section C contains longer answer questions worth 15 marks, requiring explanations of computer terms and features. The exam covers topics such as computer generations, operating systems, Microsoft Word and Excel features, and basic computer concepts.
This document contains instructions and questions for a computer exam for class 5. It is divided into 3 sections worth various point values. Section A contains multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions worth 35 marks. Section B contains short answer questions worth 10 marks. Section C contains longer answer questions worth 15 marks, requiring explanations of computer terms and features. The exam covers topics such as computer generations, operating systems, Microsoft Word and Excel features, and basic computer concepts.
This document contains instructions and questions for a computer exam for class 5. It is divided into 3 sections worth various point values. Section A contains multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions worth 35 marks. Section B contains short answer questions worth 10 marks. Section C contains longer answer questions worth 15 marks, requiring explanations of computer terms and features. The exam covers topics such as computer generations, operating systems, Microsoft Word and Excel features, and basic computer concepts.
This document contains instructions and questions for a computer exam for class 5. It is divided into 3 sections worth various point values. Section A contains multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions worth 35 marks. Section B contains short answer questions worth 10 marks. Section C contains longer answer questions worth 15 marks, requiring explanations of computer terms and features. The exam covers topics such as computer generations, operating systems, Microsoft Word and Excel features, and basic computer concepts.
SUBJECT : COMPUTER TIME: 2:30 HRS CLASS : V MAX. MARKS = 60 General Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory. There is no overall choice in any question. 2. This question paper contains 19 questions divided into three Sections A, B and C. 3. Section A contains questions from 1 to 8. Section B contains questions from 9 to 13. Section C contains questions from 14 to 19. Marks are indicated in front of each question. 4. Do your work with neatness.
SECTION – A (35 Marks)
● Multiple Choice Questions. (5 × 2 = 10 Marks)
Q.1: The first calculating device is _____________.
(a) Abacus (b) Napier's Bones (c) Difference Engine Q.2: Where are deleted files or folders kept on the desktop? (a) My Computer (b) Recycle Bin (c) My Document Q.3: There are ____________ types of indents. (a) Three (b) Two (c) Four Q.4: The WordArt button is present on the ______________ tab. (a) Format (b) Home (c) Insert Q.5: To combine two or more cells into one cell is called: (a) Splitting (b) Merging (c) Inserting
a. BAUACS ________________ b. ANIUVC ________________ c. OMAPTLP ________________ d. DSTPOEK ________________ e. ROSRANITST ________________
Q.7: Write True or False for the following statements. (5 × 1 = 5 Marks)
(a) The intersection of a row and a column is called a table. ( ) (b) A WordArt text can be deleted using Delete key only. ( ) (c) A watermark is a text or image that is shown behind the text. ( ) (d) An operating system controls all the activities of a computer. ( ) (e) A computer does not have any intelligence of its own. ( ) Q.8: Fill in the blanks. (5 × 2 = 10 Marks) (a) There are ______________ different generations of computers. (b) A _______________ is a collection of related information. (c) ___________ indent sets the starting points of all lines of a paragraph. (d) The _____________ features allows you to create special text effects. (e) _______________ cells option does the opposite of merging cells. —------------------------------------—------------------------------------—------------------------------------—----------------------------
SECTION – B (10 Marks)
⮚ Answer the following questions in one word. ( 5 × 2 = 10 Marks)
Q.9: What is the collection of pictures in M.S. Word called? Q.10: What is the intersection of a row and a column called? Q.11: What is combining two or more cells into one cell called? Q.12: What is the vertical space between two lines called? Q.13: Which group of the format tab is used to change colour and outline of a shape? —------------------------------------—------------------------------------—------------------------------------—------------------
SECTION – C (15 Marks)
⮚ Answer the following questions in detail. ( 2.5 × 6 = 15 Marks)
Q.14: Write any three characteristics of a computer. Q.15: Explain any two features of Windows 7. Q.16: Why do we use Header and Footer option? Q.17: What is Smart Art? Q.18 : What is a cell? What is the use of Merge cells option? Q.19: What were the features of second generation of computers?