Mon., May 23, 2011
Mon., May 23, 2011
Mon., May 23, 2011
Privatizing prisons
Police seeking
Groups to bring
man who fight with Kasich
exposed self
Delphos police are look-
to civic center
ing for the man whom several BY MIKE FORD
witnesses reported exposed
himself to children fishing in
[email protected]
“They (state
the Miami-Erie Canal and at LIMA — In an effort to prisoners) should
Waterworks Park on Sunday.
Police were stopped at
save his ship from sinking,
Governor John Kasich could be in rehabilita-
2 p.m. by a subject in ref-
erence to an incident that
be deemed as putting together tion but we’re
a fire sale to unload state-
had occurred in the area of owned entities. The governor entrusting them
Stadium Park.
Officers were advised that
wants to sell five prisons to to companies who
private companies, a move
while the juvenile victims were
opposed by three groups want prisons as
fishing in the Tenth Street area
of the canal, a male subject holding panel discussions full as possible —
around the state. One such
drove up by them and opened
the driver’s door of the vehicle. meeting will take place at 7 it’s the fox guard-
The children said when they p.m. Tuesday in the civic cen- ing the henhouse.”
looked back at the subject, they ter’s West Room. It’s open to
observed he was not wearing the public. — Mike Brickner,
any clothing from the waist The Ohio Civil Service Ohio ACLU
down. The children said once Employee Association,
they saw him, the subject left Policy Matters Ohio and the and expansion because two
Dena Martz photos
the area. American Civil Liberties of the state prisons to be sold
At 3:24 p.m., police were
called to the 500 block of 52 receive diplomas at Ottoville Union of Ohio will each be
are near the other facilities,
which would also be sold.
South Franklin Street in refer- Ottoville High School officials passed out 52 diplomas on Sunday. Above: Shayla Van Wert native Mike LoParo explains:
ence to a similar incident at Siefker delivers the Welcome Address. Below: Matthew Honigford checks out his Brickner is director of com- “By law, Ohio has to main-
Waterworks Park. diploma during commencement ceremonies. munication and public policy tain two private facilities.
The complainant advised for the state branch of the We have private prisons in
that while at the park, they ACLU. He questions handing Ashtabula County and Lorain
observed a male subject drive over a vital operation to orga- County. The state owns the
into the park and park his nizations that approach the
vehicle. A short time later property and land but con-
when the victim looked over matter with profit in mind. tracts with private vendors to
at the subject again, the male “The goal of public prisons operate the facilities. We’re
subject had opened the driv- is to contain people who have going to sell those two, as
er’s door to the vehicle and broken the law and ensure well as two state facilities;
had exposed his genital area. they don’t commit future one in Marion County and
The subject had left the crimes. The private prison one in Grafton by the private
area prior to officers being companies’ only real interest facility in Lorain County,”
called and arriving in the area. is in expanding their prof- he said.
its as much as possible. So, “We’ll package them into
they want to keep those pris- three units. In Marion, we’ll
Sports on beds as full as possible.
According to the requests for
take an empty juvenile facil-
ity and combine it with the
Wicker hired as proposals sent out by the Ohio North Central Correctional
Bearcat VB coach Department of Rehabilitation Institution (in Marion) as
The Spencerville Board and Correction, the prisons to one overall facility with two
of Education hired Kari be privatized can’t go under buildings under one manage-
Wicker as its new head vol- 90 percent capacity,” he said. ment. We’ll do the same thing
leyball coach on Thursday Kasich’s pointman in the in Lorain County with the
night. Wicker replaces debate is the prison system’s private facility and the state
Meghan Mohr, who resigned communications chief, Carlo facility at Grafton; bid by
after one season to accept LoParo. He said the capacity a vendor and both run by
a graduate assistant posi- expectation is based on Ohio one management team. These
tion at Bluffton University. prison population statistics. facilities were picked because
Wicker is a 2001 graduate “Ohio’s corrections sys- they’re right next to each
of Elida High School and a tem is currently at 132 per- other.”
2010 and 2011 graduate of cent capacity. The private However, there are several
The Ohio State University, facilities will be guaranteed questions which remain in
Lima. She has been an at least 90 percent capacity in
assistant coach at Perry for Brickner’s mind. He believes
the past five years and has their first two-year contract. prison reform is needed,
also coached Bean City However, if the inmate popu- including rethinking locking
club teams for two years. lation decreases, the contracts away non-violent offenders
“I am very excited will be adjusted down to who some may say the public
to begin my journey at reflect the decrease,” he said. doesn’t need protected from.
Spencerville High School LoParo stresses there is Ohio ranks levels of violence
as a Lady Bearcat. I hope no cause to worry. He says and corresponding prison
to continue building a the state already has two pri- security levels numerically
program that is full of tra- vately-operated prisons and between one and four. The
dition and hardworking part of the sale proposal is
athletes,” Wicker said. something of a consolidation See PRISONS, page 9
Missouri tornado
Sixty percent Sweet treat for
chance of kills at least 89
showers, storms
Tuesday. JOPLIN, Mo. (AP)
seat belt users
Cooler; — A massive tornado that St. John’s High
high in low tore through the southwest School SADD members
70s. See page 2. Missouri city of Joplin killed and the Delphos Police
at least 89 people, but authori- Department conduct-
Index ties warned that the death toll ed a seat belt check as
Obituaries 2 could climb today as search student drivers arrived
State/Local 3 and rescuers continued their for school this morn-
Politics 4 work at sunrise. ing. Safety Officer Kevin
Community 5 City manager Mark Rohr Klaus reported less than
Sports 6-7 announced the number of a half-dozen students
Announcements 8 known dead at a pre-dawn were without seat belts
Classifieds 10 news conference outside the when they pulled into the
TV 11 wreckage of a hospital that school parking lots. Those
World News 12 took a direct hit from Sunday’s wearing seat belts were
storm. Rohr said the twister given a coupon for a free
cut a path nearly six miles McFlurry.
Nancy Spencer photo
See TORNADO, page 9
encouraged doping
John R. Harbert, 68, of
Hicksville and formerly of Vol. 141 No. 290
Spencerville, died at 10:13 Nancy Spencer, editor
p.m. in the Odessa Regional Ray Geary, general manager,
naval base
By EDDIE PELLS biggest rider in the team and throughout his career. He said Medical Center in Odessa, Delphos Herald Inc.
The Associated Press he helped to call the shots,” he has provided the same tes- Texas. Don Hemple, advertising manager
Hamilton said. “He doped him- timony to a Los Angeles-based Funeral arrangements Tiffany Brantley,
Tyler Hamilton used to pull self, you know, like everybody grand jury looking into the are incomplete at Thomas circulation manager
Lance Armstrong up moun- else, but he was just being part Armstrong case. By ADIL JAWAD
E. Bayliff Funeral home,
tains, chasing down breakaway of the culture of the sport.” “I feel bad that I had to go The Associated Press
Spencerville. The Daily Herald (USPS 1525
threats by other riders and In the interview, Hamilton here and do this,” Hamilton 8000) is published daily except
making sure Armstrong was revealed other observations said. “But I think at end of KARACHI, Pakistan — Sundays and Holidays.
kept out of harm’s way.
That was years ago.
about the U.S. Postal team
the day, like I said, long-term,
the sport’s going to be better
Pakistani commandos regained
control of a naval base today
BIRTH By carrier in Delphos and
area towns, or by rural motor
Hamilton is finally com- —Team leaders, including for it.” from a team of Taliban mili- ST. RITA’S route where available $2.09 per
ing clean about doping in the doctors and managers, encour- Armstrong long has denied tants who attacked then occu- A boy was born May 20 week. By mail in Allen, Van
cycling world, and his version aged and supervised doping; doping and has never tested pied the high-security facility to Carry Brinkman and Drew Wert, or Putnam County, $105
of the truth is anything but —Doping was going on positive. per year. Outside these counties
for 18 hours — an exception- Skaggs of Delphos. $119 per year.
helpful to the planet’s most inside the U.S. Postal team His attorney, Mark Fabiani, ally audacious act of insurgent
famous cyclist. Once one of even before Armstrong joined released a statement chiding Entered in the post office
Armstrong’s key teammates,
Hamilton is casting more
in 1998;
the CBS report.
“We have already respond-
violence that dealt a humiliat-
ing blow to the military. WEATHER in Delphos, Ohio 45833 as
Periodicals, postage paid at
The attackers — thought Delphos, Ohio.
doubts on an unparalleled drugs, including EPO and ed in great detail at www.fact-
to number around six — Delphos weather No mail subscriptions will be
career that some people believe human growth hormone, were,” Fabiani said. accepted in towns or villages
was tainted by drugs. handed out to cyclists in white “Throughout this entire process, destroyed at least two U.S.- High temperature Sunday
supplied surveillance planes where The Daily Herald paper
In an interview aired on “60 lunch bags; CBS has demonstrated a seri- in Delphos was 82 degrees, carriers or motor routes provide
Minutes,” Sunday, Hamilton —Team members were met ous lack of journalistic fairness and killed 10 security officers, low was 64. Weekend rainfall daily home delivery for $2.09
said Armstrong not only took at the airport, driven to hotels, and has elevated sensationalism officials said. At least four of was recorded at .02 inch. High per week.
performance-enhancing drugs, told to lie down and give blood over responsibility. CBS chose the attackers were killed, and a year ago today was 85, low 405 North Main St.
he also encouraged other that could be transfused back to rely on dubious sources while two others may have escaped, was 55. Record high for today TELEPHONE 695-0015
cyclists on the U.S. Postal into their bodies at a later date. completely ignoring Lance’s said Pakistan Navy chief is 93, set in 2007. Record low Office Hours
team to take them as part of Hamilton said he held onto nearly 500 clean tests and the Nauman Bashir. is 31, set in 1963. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
an extensive doping program the secret for a long time, but hundreds of former teammates The Pakistani Taliban POSTMASTER:
designed to keep Armstrong in decided it was time to tell the and competitors who would WEATHER FORECAST Send address changes
claimed responsibility for
front at the Tour de France. truth. This was his first pub- have spoken about his work Tri-county to THE DAILY HERALD,
the assault in the city of
“He obviously was the lic admission that he doped ethic and talent.” Associated Press 405 N. Main St.
Karachi. The militants said it Delphos, Ohio 45833
was revenge for the May 2 TONIGHT: Mostly
POLICE REPORT American raid that killed al-
Qaida chief Osama bin Laden,
cloudy. Chance of showers Scholars of the Day
and thunderstorms in the eve-
Assaulted man Police probe Lima man cited
and the insurgents were under ning then chance of show-
orders to fight until the death. ers and a slight chance of
seeks medical home break-in for driving under “They do not want to come
out alive, they have gone
a Thunderstorm after mid-
night. Lows in the lower 60s.
attention At 6:33 p.m. Friday,
Delphos police were contact- suspension there to embrace martyrdom,”
said spokesman Ahsanullah
Southwest winds 5 to 15 mph.
Gusts up to 25 mph in the
At 11:15 a.m. on Saturday, ed by a resident of the 600 At 10:11 a.m. on Saturday Ahsan. evening. Chance of rain 50
Delphos police were contacted block of East Sixth Street in while on routine patrol in The insurgent team armed percent.
by a subject in reference to an reference to a burglary com- the 200 block of West Fifth with grenades, rockets and TUESDAY: Showers and
assault complaint. plaint. Street, officers came into con- automatic weapons stormed thunderstorms likely. Highs
Upon speaking with the Upon speaking with the tact with Taft Mangas, 26, of Naval Station Mehran under in the lower 70s. Northwest St. John’s Scholar of the
victim, it was found that he victim, it was found someone Lima, at which time it was cover of darkness late Sunday, winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of
was at a residence in the 100 had gained entry to their resi- Day is Holly
found that Mangas was oper- using ladders and cutting the rain 60 percent.
block of East Seventh Street dence and had taken personal wire to get into the facility, Krites.
ating a motor vehicle while TUESDAY NIGHT:
at which time, the victim stat- items from inside. having his driving privileges Interior Minister Rehman Congratulations
Partly cloudy. Chance of
ed he was assaulted. As a The case was forwarded suspended. Malik said. showers and thunderstorms in Holly!
result of the assault the victim to the Detective Bureau for As a result, Mangas was Once inside, they scattered the evening then chance of Jefferson’s Scholar of the
was transported to St. Rita’s further investigation. cited into Van Wert Municipal around the compound, setting showers and a slight chance of
Medical Center for medical Court on the charge. Day is Austin
Victim reports
off explosions and hiding in a storm after midnight. Lows
attention. the sprawling facility. Lucas.
in reference to a domestic dis- residence in the 600 block of Navy helicopters flew over the Highs in the mid 70s. Southeast
At 11:26 a.m. on Saturday, pute complaint. East Jackson Street in refer- base, and snipers were seen on winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance
Delphos police were called Upon officers’ arrival at ence to serving an outstand- a runway control tower. of rain 60 percent.
that location, the victim stated ing arrest warrant issued By the afternoon, Haq WEDNESDAY NIGHT: CLEVELAND (AP) —
to the 700 block of South
Washington Street in refer- that while in the 900 block of out of Van Wert Municipal said the militants had been Showers and thunderstorms These Ohio lotteries were
ence to a theft complaint. Lima Avenue, they and a fam- Court. defeated. “Thanks be to God, likely. Lows in lower 60s. drawn Sunday:
ily or household member had Upon officers’ arrival, they the base is cleared and the Chance of rain 60 percent.
Upon officers’ arrival, the
victim stated someone had
graduation is no time to learn gotten into a domestic dispute located Jason Stevenson, 35, operation is over,” he said. THURSDAY: Mostly Mega Millions
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you haven’t saved
gained entry into a storage and the victim left the resi- of Delphos, at which time Commandos leaving the com- cloudy with a 40 percent
shed at the residence and had dence to allow the situation to Stevenson was arrested on the plex flashed victory signs to chance of showers. Highs In million
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BRIEFS Fed. welfare mandate If YOU want to SEE your kids read
share a light meal. The event is 23 percent, meaning less a row, according to the U.S. past three years. – Seniors Day Monday & Tuesday –
is free, although donations are than a quarter of Ohio adults Department of health and “People can come on the No other discounts apply.
accepted. collecting welfare meet the Human Services. Benefits are system and go off without Elida Road, Lima Next to WENDY’S
Dialogues are an agenda- requirements, The Columbus supposed to be suspended if getting any assistance find- Ph. 419-225-PACK
free, informal opportunity Dispatch reported Sunday. welfare recipients don’t meet ing a job or stabilizing their
to get to know each other, The newspaper said that rate the work requirements. lives,” said Joel Potts, execu-
exchange ideas and build rela- is the lowest since 1997, when More than half of Ohio’s tive director of the Ohio Job
tionships, according to David strict work guidelines for wel- welfare recipients met the and Family Services Directors
Adams, a member of the fare recipients were imposed. requirements from 1999 to Association.
group’s steering committee. Ohio has been hit with 2006, but job and welfare Some county officials say
More than 170 officials $136 million in penalties by officials say pressures from with so many cases to handle,
have participated since April federal regulators because it the recession left them few cutting benefits hasn’t been a
2003. Total attendance is did not meet the work-par- options but to ignore the priority.
1,371. The monthly dialogues ticipation benchmark of 42 regulations as unemployment But the problem is getting
began more than eight years percent in the past four years. increased. renewed attention because of
ago, April 2003. That doesn’t include a penalty “The economy has not been the federal penalties. State
Members of the Planning for 2010, which has not been good, and there haven’t been officials said 2,750 out of
Committee are David Adams assessed. The money would many opportunities, especial- about 66,000 adult welfare
(Lima City Council), Syl be deducted from the annual ly for people with barriers to recipients lost benefits in
Essick, Roy Hollenbacher $727 million the state gets employment,” said Benjamin April because they didn’t ful-
(Bath Township Trustee), to pay for Temporary Aid Johnson, a spokesman for the fill the work or other require-
Millie Hughes (Lima Area to Needy Families and help Ohio Department of Job and ments.
One of the Cincinnati Art cealed weapons in Ohio is Think how he must be wishing
Museum’s most famous works, more wide-reaching than such that we could know today
Vincent van Gogh’s 1890 measures in most other states,
masterpiece “Undergrowth how nothing but our sadness
said Brian Malte, director of
with Two Figures” appears to state legislation for the Brady can really pass away.
most visitors to be a beautiful, Campaign to Prevent Gun And think of him as living
well-preserved, post-Impres- Violence in Washington.
in the hearts of those he touched...
sionist painting. “What Ohio wants to do
After 121 years, the broad, is totally different from what
for nothing loved is ever lost -
vigorous brushstrokes of we’re seeing elsewhere,” partly 320 N. Canal St., Delphos
and he was loved so much.
green, yellow and white on because sports stadiums would
the forest floor and the impos- be included, Malte told the 419-692-9871 or 419-69COLOR In loving memory,
ing gray-blue tree trunks still newspaper. Mom, Dad, Deb, Family & Friends
pop from the canvas, provid-
E N E?
ing a stark contrast to the
two shadowy figures walking
through them.
We BuyWE
Gold & Silver
The painting is a visitor
Concrete leveling of floors, sidewalks, patios,
tion, van Goghs have fetched
tens of millions of dollars at steps, driveways, pool decks, etc. Top dollar paid on the spot!
But most visitors don’t see 419-236-1496
Call Dave at
what the museum’s chief con-
419-692-5143 home/office/fax
servator, Per Knutas, sees in
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great artist’s last masterpiec- FREE ESTIMATES
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gestion, the museum has con- Ages 3-12
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the painstaking conservation with 7 students minimum
work like never before.
POLITICS “You can construct the character of a man and his age not only from what he
does and says, but from what he fails to say and do.”
— Norman Douglas, British author (1868-1952)
Loomis makes
gains 5 members St. Francis
Delphos Post Office By Amanda Ewton and Tigers and Bears, OH dean’s list
MY! Taylor Loomis of Delphos
CALENDAR OF Nicole Winhover called
the meeting of the Delphos
Relay for Life set for June
17-18 at the Jefferson High
was named to the University
of St. Francis Dean’s List for
EVENTS Pathfinders to order on May
12. Marie Mueller counted
School. Luminaries to be set
up starting at 8 a.m. on Friday
the Fall 2010 semester.
To make the dean’s list,
attendance with 21 present morning of the relay. The students must complete 12
TODAY and five new members wel- group will have a shaved ice or more hours of coursework
7 p.m. — Washington comed. stand as well as tattoos and with a grade point average of
Township Trustees meet at Ethan Culp presented the face-painting with proceeds 3.5 or above.
the township house. health report on proper foot- going to the Delphos Relay
7:30 p.m. — Jefferson
Athletic Boosters meet at the
Project books were handed
for Life.
Livestock weight is set
Bendele on Mar-
high school library.
Spencerville village council
out to all the members.
Chicken BBQ tickets were
for June 4. Members can call
Van Wert Fair Board for the Jessica Miller
Brian Miller ietta dean’s list
meets at the mayor’s office.
Delphos Eagles Auxiliary
handed out to be sold for the
main 4-H fundraiser which
Project judging days Miller earns Miller earns Dean Bendele of Fort
Jennings, has been named
The Delphos
hall. Steve and Jeanne Miller of and the great-grandson of Rita
Jim Rosen
Venedocia; the granddaughter Grubenhoff of Delphos.
Please notify the Delphos Roy Moffitt
of Margie Koester of Ottoville Dr. Miller is pursuing a
Herald at 419-695-0015 if Doris Brinkman and Ken and Cheryl Miller of traveling physical therapy
there are any corrections Gene Siefker Delphos; and the great-grand- position where he can choose
or additions to the Coming daughter of Rita Grubenhoff to work different regions in ... Your No. 1 source
Events column. of Delphos. the United States. for local news.
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8 – The Herald Monday, May 23, 2011
Robert and Mary Ann Garber of Delphos announce the
engagement of their daughter, Jamie Lynn, to Travis John
Wilson, son of Karen Wilson of Arcanum and the late
Lauren Wilson.
The couple will exchange vows July 23 at Romer’s
Catering and Entertainment Facility.
The bride-elect is a graduate of Jefferson High School
and is currently attending Miami-Jacob Career College. She
is employed at United Rehabilitation Services, Dayton.
Her fiance is a graduate of Franklin Monroe High School
in Pitsburg, Ohio and Sinclair Community College in Mr. and Mrs.
Dayton. He is employed at Whirlpool in Greenville and the
Greenville Township Fire Department.
Gregory Wittler
Martha Ann Moskal and Gregory N. Wittler were united
Smith/Smith in marriage on Dec. 18, 2010 at St. Sebastian Catholic
Church in Akron, the Rev. Matthew Pfieffer officiating.
YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR NEWS Wayne and Lisa Smith of Delphos, announce the The bride’s parents are Lt. C. John Andrew and Tammy
M. Moskal of Carmel, Ind. The groom’s parents are Leroy
All the news you need to know engagement of their daughter, Stephanie, to Clifford Smith,
son of Tim and Rachel Smith of North Fairfield. and Jane Wittler of Fort Jennings.
- right here in black and white! The couple will exchange vows on July 9. Nutpial music was provided by organist Lynn Frey-
Steward and the St. Sebastian Parish Choir.
Stay on top of current events in your area and around the The bride-elect is a graduate of Cedarville University
Matron of Honor was Christina Kruithoff of Fishers, Ind.,
world with our local, national and international news reports. with a degree in Early Childhood Education. sister of the bride.
The Delphos Herald Her fiance is a graduate of Cedarville University with a
degree in comprehensive communication. He is employed
Bridesmaids were Stephanie Ma of San Francisco, Alison
Constantine of West Lafayette, Ind., Stephanie Rothrauff of
Your #1 Source for Business. as an Agronomy Sales Consultant for Sunrise Cooperative Massillon, Janice Sinsheimer of Evanston, Ill., and Karen
To subscribe, call 419-695-0015 in Crestline. Heilman of Indianapolis, all friends of the bride.
Flower girl was Brooke Kavanaugh of New Baltimore,
Mich., Martha’s cousin’s daughter; and the ring bearer was
Rihanna, Swift take prizes in Billboard’s return Carder Knebel of Jefferson, Ga., son of the best man.
Best man was Matthew Knebel of Jefferson, friend of the
By NEKESA Wayne with Mary J. Blige, cial “Millennium” Award a top 10 record,” he quipped. Groomsmen were Timothy Burkhart of Kalida, Mark
MUMBI MOODY and Neil Diamond leading for her career achievements: “I don’t know what it means Rudecki of Findlay, Kyle Diemer of Chicago, Terry Diemer
The Associated Press the audience in a sing-a- The 29-year-old phenome- exactly to be an icon. I’ve of Toledo and Paul Rudecki of Gahanna, all friends of the
long to “Sweet Caroline” non was lauded in a video always wanted to be one groom.
Rihanna and Taylor Swift and “America.” by an array of legends and and I guess now I am.” Ushers were John A. Moskal II and James Moskal of
were two of the key win- Among Rihanna’s wins luminaries, including Stevie This year marks the Carmel, Ind., brothers of the bride; Darrell Wrasman of
ners at the Billboard Music were for radio artist of the Wonder, Barbara Streisand, Billboard Awards’ rebirth. Continental, friend of the groom; Christopher Kruithoff of
Awards, which returned year and top female artist. Bono, Lady Gaga and The Billboard Awards had Fishers, brother-in-law of the bride; and Jeremy Smith of
after a five-year hiatus Swift won the evening’s Michelle Obama. been a staple since 1989, Cleveland, friend of the groom.
with a major dose of star first award, as top album “This is a moment I but gave out what appeared Lectors were Laura Baird of Columbus, cousin of the
power, featuring Beyonce, artist, behind the multimil- have to soak in because it’s groom; and John A. Moskall II.
to be its last award in 2006.
U2, the Black Eyed Peas — lion sales for “Speak Now.” gonna be — and it is — Grandparents of the bride are Albin Knoblock, Arlene
This year, the show was Knoblock and the late Michael and Virginia Moskal.
even First Lady Michelle She also won top country one of the best moments brought back.
Obama. artist. of my life,” said Beyonce Grandparents of the groom are Thelma Hoersten and the
It was held in Las Vegas, late Arthur Hoersten and the late John and Emma Wittler.
Like many other awards “The impact of an album after getting the award from broadcast live on ABC and
shows, the three-hour is all determined by the her mother, Tina Knowles. A reception was held at Cleveland Marriot Downtown.
hosted by “The Hangover Following a wedding trip to St. Lucia, the couple live in
Billboard Awards served fans,” she told the audience Beyonce also performed her 2”’ star Ken Jeong. Akron.
more as a promotional vehi- when she picked up her new song, “Run the World The Billboard Music The bride is a Carmel High School and University
cle for today’s top pop stars first. “You’ve just given me (Girls).” Awards are given out to of Purdue graduate. She is employed by The Timken
than a trophy presentation. another reason to be com- U2 was also honored music’s most popular art- Company.
The show was packed with pletely in love with you.” for their blockbuster “360” The groom is a graduate of Fort Jennings High School and
ists. The finalists and win-
performances — a piano- Other award winners tour as the top touring act Bowling Green State University. He is employed at Metro
levitating Cee Lo Green, a included Justin Bieber, ners are determined by their
of 2010, while Diamond Health Hospital and he is continuing his education at the
scantily clad Rihanna on Lady Antbellum and the received Billboard’ “Icon” rank on the Billboard charts University of Akron.
“S&M” joined by Britney Black Eyed Peas. award. and their “social and stream- The couple met through an online dating site. They talked
Spears, a much-bleeped Lil Beyonce received a spe- “I would have settled for ing activity.” via e-mail and IM and over the phone for three weeks before
they actually met face-to-face at a Dave and Busters in
Cleveland. When Martha first arrived at D & B, she saw a
good-looking man standing up against a wall and assumed he
Honor or remember a loved one... was waiting for some other gorgeous girl until it occurred to
her he might be waiting on her. She called his cell and when
For a $2.00 donation to The Delphos Herald Relay for Life team you can be he answered, it was that good-looking man standing against
a part of the moon or star pages published in The Delphos Herald as an “In the wall and he had been waiting for Martha.
Honor of” or “In Memory of” your loved one. Your loved one’s name will be
published in The Delphos Herald and displayed in The Delphos Herald office.
A Salute to Your
“Little All-Star”
✰ * Dance ✰
* Gymnastics
✰ * Other Activities✰
Just send us your picture
of your
To donate please fill in the form (please “Little All-Star”,
print), include your donation
and bring in or send to: their name and parents
The Delphos Herald 405 N. Main St. name and we’ll do the rest.
Delphos, OH 45833
Please publish my loved one’s name
Parent’s Names
____in honor of ____in memory of City
candidate must be an ex- Jefferson. 419-852-0833.
Card Of Thanks 001 Services Help Wanted
perienced carpenter,
painter, electrician and
040 Help Wanted 080 Wanted to Buy 080 290 2 BR, 1 BA, Apt. at Ka-
plumber. Be able to coor- lida Golf Course. Garage. A VERY special day cele- LAMP REPAIR dinate maintenance pro- WANTED PERSON who W/D Hook-up. No pets.
brating my 90th Birthday
was held in Ottoville on
Table or floor.
Come to our store.
jects with outside contrac- likes and enjoys working
with flower gardens will be
Raines 419-302-7724
work. The Delphos Herald the responsibilities of the Built 1977
Misc. for Sale
advertising dept. can set Maintenance Staff. To Pond view
Send Resumes to: Mainte-
this up for you. No other maintain and schedule nance Staff, P.O. Box 150,
Everyone Welcome
jects with outside contrac- TENNESSEE TOMA - Van Wert, Lima, Ohio City
Situated along the Historic Lincoln Hwy. tors. Porter Auction TOES & fresh rhubarb, areas. Pictures and ad-
19326 CO. Rd. 60 sweet potato plants at
Saturday, May 28th @ 9:00 am Qualifications: Previous
Grover Hill, OH
For info call
MC Gessner’s Produce. 1 mi.
dress’s at: www.creative-
4535 W. Lincoln Hwy, Gomer, Ohio 45809 supervisory experience “Put your dreams in our hands” (419) 587-3770 DISCOVER north of Delphos on 66.
preferred not required. LAND CONTRACT or
This auction is to settlement of the personal property portion of the “Shirley Gudakunst
Estate”. Auction will be conducted in 2 or 3 rings at the same time, so bring a friend!!!
202 N. Washington Street
Delphos, OH
High School 45833 or
Office: 419-692-2249
Fax: 419-692-2205
Free & Low Price
920 Merchandise 580 For Rent or Lease Short term Rent to own
homes. Several available.
Should be an exciting sale with something for everyone! Addresses and pictures at
Collectables: Thread Cabinet, WPA Ohio can, hanging oil lamps, swinging bridge oil lamp with
961 Southridge Dr.
FREE 36” Zenith TV
DELPHOS SELF Storage www.creativehomebuying-
reflector, cast iron dispensers, banks & skillets, Coca Cola signs, clay marbles, ball pitchers, wolf’s Benefits: Retirement DELPHOS. Beautiful on Gressel Drive: Maxi-
NEW needs repair. Free for the
head sword, wooden cigarette dispenser, walking sticks & cane collection , Local & Gomerbilia: Package
LISTING Available, Vaca- newer ranch home mum security achieved in- 419-586-8220
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Auto Repairs/
tion, Sick Days and Health with open floor plan,
810 Parts/Acc.
Lima Black Gold letter opener, Furniture: rare teacher cabinet/book shelf, drop front desk, marble Insurance 3 PAIR new jeans size with access via your per-
top dresser, wardrobes, table & chairs, trunks-boxes & cases, hutches and cabinets, calendar &
3 BR, 2 BA, large
kitchen, 2 car garage, 36X30, 2 pair Jean shorts sonal gate code. Why set-
cuckoo clock, Primitives: wood pitch fork, crockery, block plane, oak bench, stone hammer heads,
sye with cradle, jobbers, Pottery: large collection in color schemes, Glass: large collection of art & Position: Maintenance
basement. Call Stephanie Clemons for an appt. 419-234-0940 size 36. $40. Phone tle for less? Phone any-
stretched glass, cracker jar, bi-colored & cobalt, blown, Yard & Barn: Horse bits & Haines, crates, Staff 419-236-5239 time 419-692-6336.
Midwest Ohio
tools, oilers, axes, corn knife, hay hooks, tin lamps, sprinkling & water cans, rocks & stones dbl trees,
block & tackle, sausage grinder, boot jacks & scrapers, Children’s: Tin toys, lighted 9 room miniature Basic Function and Scope
doll house, child’s wood sled, books, Curious George, banks, pull toys busy boy tool box, Radio
scooter, Textiles & Stitches: bedding and more Hunting Collectables: Duck Decoys, Duck and
of Responsibilities: To Auto Parts
work directly in the main-
Bird Prints, traps, Books, Paper & Prints: manuals-Ferguson-Ford-Nash-Chevrolet-Dodge-farm
implements, Fur n Fish, Rock Roll, Shooting, Chilton’s, Spells & magic, birds, hunting, Kitchen & tenance of all buildings or
Such: cookie cutters, crockery, cast iron, slaw cutters, butter churn, milk bottles, cookie jars, hand grounds. The candidate Windshields Installed, New
held coffee grinder, graniteware, porcelain organizer, flow blue and MORE!!! must be an experienced Lights, Grills, Fenders,Mirrors,
The family has lived in the property for over 50 years. They were local carpenter, painter, electri- Hoods, Radiators
schoolteachers and avid collectors in many categories. cian and plumber.
4893 Dixie Hwy, Lima
See photos and complete Auction Ad on Qualifications: High 1-800-589-6830
Food Service by Waggamon’s School Diploma or GED
Terms: Cash or grood locak check. Seller not responsible for accidents, theft or loss.
Allen County Probate Case# 2010ES513, William Vandemark attorney for the Gudakunst
Benefits: Retirement 820 & Mopeds
LEO E. GEISE Geise Joe Wickey
estate, and a small consignment for the Estate of Goldia S. Schimmoeller, Allen County Package Available, Vaca-
Probate Case# 2008ES23, James Patrick, attorney. tion, Sick Days and Health
Auctioneers Duane Ridenour, Mike Jackson, Tim Levi and apprentice Ron Young Jr & ASSOCIATES
Transmission, Inc. Construction 2006 KAWASAKI Vulcan,
black, cobra pipes.
419-549-0597 Interior & Exterior Painting • Pole Barns • Siding • Windows $5,500. Call 419-230-3689
Send Resumes
Drywall to: Repair
& Plaster Mainte- • automatic transmission • Roof Replaements
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PRE-OWNED CARS Massage Therapy 31 years experience • reference
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be moved. $15,000.
6921 2010 FORD MUSTANG V6, convertible, chrome wheels, one owner, clean Carfax, white, 14K mi....... $22,995 • Framing • Siding • Roofing
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6898 2008 LINCOLN MKZ Heated leather, one owner, clean carfax, lt. sage, 34K mi. ............................. $20,495 Attention Farmers FREE ESTIMATES Visit website for photos
6856 2008 LINCOLN MKZ FWD, Leather, roof, Headrest DVD’s, white suede 34,530 miles .................... $17,995 Tony Jacomet, LMT • Pole Barns
FULLY INSURED and details of services RENT OR Rent to Own. 2
6858 2008 FORD TAURUS LTD FWD, Leather, moonroof, chrome wheels, merlot 22,819 miles ...................... $17,995 By appointment: • Painting • New Barns Mark Pohlman bedroom, 1 bath mobile
6925 2009 MERCURY GRAND MARQ. LS heated seats, steer wheel mounted, controls, silver, 12K mi. .......................... $17,795
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6890 2009 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER 4 cyl, heated leather, moonroof, black 33K mi. ................................................ $17,295 cell 419-233-9460
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Visit me on Facebook • Ditch Banks
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11260 Elida Rd., Delphos
low price! or 419-230-8128 419 695-0015 Bill Teman 419-302-2981
Ernie Teman 419-230-4890 419 695-0015 Monday, May 23, 2011 The Herald – 11
mom is
By Bernice Bede Osol
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Because there is likely to be a large
array of opportunities presented to you
in the next year, you may not be able
to take advantage of all of them. This
will necessitate you making choices
and being very wise about doing so.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
Dear Annie: I have always My husband does not think -- View things realistically instead
been a generous person. I she is being inconsiderate. He of trying to prove to everyone that
conditions are better than they appear.
have allowed my brother, says if she invites us again, I
niece, nephew and now should bring my own food.
Being objective will save you a lot of
mother-in-law to live with I think I should stay home CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- If
your curiosity gets totally out of hand
me on a temporary basis in and eat. My husband thinks =, you will be construed as nosy, not
order to get their lives togeth- this would be rude. I think concerned. There are certain things
er. This hasn’t been easy, she acts like she was raised people want to keep to themselves, so
don’t push it.
and I have tried to deal with by wolves. Is this accept- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Limit
them in the calmest possible able behavior nowadays? your shopping to essential items that
way, but somehow -- Hungry and you can’t do without. If this is not a
good time to be lavish and /or go into
they always resent Old Fashioned in debt, place a lid on your spending.
it when I ask what Baton Rouge, La. You’ll suffer later if you don’t.
their future plans Dear Hungry: If VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) --
are. your stepdaughter is Forgo wasting your time jousting
with windmills or chasing waterfalls.
My 72-year-old deliberately making It behooves you to make a list of
mother-in-law cur- foods you cannot meaningful goals and focus on
rently lives with us eat, it is both rude achieving them. Don’t let fun and
games throw you off-course.
and, for the most and inconsiderate. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Be
part, keeps to her- However, it is in careful with whom you match tall
self in her room. your best interests tales. You could end up looking and
feeling rather foolish if you attempt
My wife and I to get along with to go up against someone who is
agreed to let her her, so we recom- experienced at telling whoppers and
move in because Annie’s Mailbox mend you ignore spinning yarns.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) --
her other daugh- this. Take your hus- It’s a mistake to depend on backup
ters kept taking advantage band’s advice and bring your people when it comes to business
of her and using her small own food. Say as sweetly as matters, especially if what they do
or don’t do influences whether or not
apartment for themselves. you can, “I have allergies and you finish in the black.
We thought it would be a sometimes cannot eat what SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec.
good temporary change. We others prepare.” 21) -- If you’re not careful, you could
never expected her to stay Dear Annie: I had to inadvertently let someone who does
not have your best interests at heart
here for the rest of her life. reply to “Annoyed,” who has step in and call the shots. They aren’t
Mom does annoying a shy 12-year-old niece. I likely to be in your favor. SNUFFY SMITH
things that drive the rest of have a 12-year-old daughter CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
-- It’s never a good idea to criticize
us completely insane. I tell with learning disabilities. It someone who isn’t present to defend
her, politely, but it continues. was particularly hard for her him or herself. You can take bets that
I want to tell her to move out, to talk on the phone. Not what you say will be repeated in a
far more disparaging way than you
but I feel extremely guilty. having the benefit of seeing intended.
My wife agrees that Mom’s the person for visual clues AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)
presence is creating prob- was just too stressful for her. -- Unless you are extremely careful
about handling your resources, it
lems, but she, too, is reluctant After three years of work could have a far more deleterious
to ask her to leave. Mom’s with a therapist and special ed effect on your affairs than you ever
retirement income is suffi- teachers, she was finally able considered possible.
PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20)
cient to afford her own place. to carry on a phone conversa- -- No one will be inspired to follow
She also has two sisters she tion with trusted people. your lead unless you first set a very
visits on the weekends who My daughter has come a good example. Attempting to demand
have offered to let her move long way. But she avoids people do as you say will only make
in. How do we break the those who are as insensitive
them more defiant.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
news without looking like the and pushy as “Annoyed.” -- It’s not the norm for you, yet
bad guys? -- In-Law Crazy And I certainly wouldn’t some negative thinking could take
precedence over your more positive
in California force her to change her behav- thoughts. Don’t let self-doubts distort
Dear California: When ior to accommodate them. -- what’s at hand.
Mom moved in, did you tell Mother of a Terrific “Shy” TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
-- Be careful not to take a situation
her it was temporary and Daughter that you’re managing for another too
give her a time limit, or did Annie’s Mailbox is written lightly, especially if there is money
you just assume she would by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy involved. Strive to live up to the faith
someone has placed in you.
know? If you don’t make Sugar, longtime editors of the
these things crystal clear at Ann Landers column. Copyright 2011, United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
the outset, there are bound
to be surprises and hurt feel-
ings. There’s no pleasant way
to tell someone they have BORN LOSER
overstayed their welcome.
Your wife should talk to her
mother. Mom might be hap-
pier and have a more active
social life if she lived in a
community of her peers. You
both can offer to go with
Mom to look at some senior
communities or check out the
services near her sisters.
Dear Annie: My husband
has a 32-year-old daughter
from a previous marriage.
She lives nearby, but only FRANK & ERNEST
visits when I invite her fam-
ily for dinner. I make sure to
serve foods I know they all
In the 10 years that we’ve
been married, she has invited
us to dinner at her home three
times. Each time, she served
only dishes that contain
tomatoes, which she knows I
am allergic to.
Monday Evening May 23, 2011
8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30
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