PCOL - Diabetes Mellitus
PCOL - Diabetes Mellitus
PCOL - Diabetes Mellitus
Type IA is the most common form
- Genetics and some viruses may
contribute to development
- Located behind the stomach, at
- More common than Type 1;
upper left abdomen
associated with genetic and
- Surrounded by intestine, liver, and
metabolic defects that impact
glucose production
4 Hormone-Producing Cells - Progresses slowly ADULT onset
- Greater than 40 years old and obese
1. Alpha glucagon and proglucagon
are at high risk
2. Beta insulin, proinsulin, amylin
(pancreatic hormone) Ketoacidosis
3. Delta somatostatin (GH-IH)
- Starts when the body starts using
4. F-cell pancreatic polypeptide
FAT as energy at a greater extent
Epsilon cell Ghrelin (hormone
producing ketone bodies acidity
that induces hunger)
Type 3
- Peripheral or hepatic insulin
- Opposite of insulin; INCREASES
blood sugar
- Chronic pancreatitis aka chronic
Amylin aka islet amyloid polypeptide continuing inflammatory process of
the pancreas irreversible,
- Storage and anabolic hormone of morphological changes
Gestational DM
Pancreatic polypeptide
- During pregnancy, the placenta
- Stimulated by exercise, eating, and makes hormones that causes
fasting glucose buildup in the bloodstream
- Can inhibit gall bladder contraction not enough insulin will cause DM
and pancreatic exocrine excretion - PLACENTAL HORMONES: Human
Placental Growth Hormone, Human
DM Placental Lactogen
Diagnosis 1. Insulin
- Usually dispensed as pens or 10 mL
1. FBS
- Normal levels are 70-100 mg/dL
- Insulin pen consists of a cartridge,
- Common side effect of OHAs is
dial for dosage measurement, and
hypoglycemia; managed with 1 tsp
disposable needle
of sugar or candy
- To use the pen: Open the pen
2. Glycosilated HgB
check for injection site (SQ in thighs,
- Used to check if OHAs are working
abdomen, buttocks), press injection
button and wait 10 seconds; do not - Usually used with short acting rapid
rub the skin onset insulin
- Bedtime insulin is associated with
Based on Source
less weight gain
A. Bovine A. Lente
- From Bos taurus or cow - Insulin-zinc suspension
B. Porcine - Semilente prompt insulin-zinc
- From Sus scrofa or pig/hog suspension
C. Recombinant Insulin
- Can use yeasts or bacteria
- They have superior level of purity 3. Long Acting
and quality; does not cause - Last for 24 hours
hypersensitivity reactions - Modified: Insulin detemir has added
- NPH Neutral Protamine FATTY ACID side chain more
Hagedorn protein bound to albumin slower
Recombinant DNA Technology
- Insulin Glargine decreased
Scientists build human insulin in the solubility at neutral pH
laboratory - PZI contain excess protamine
They remove a loop of bacterial DNA and onset starts after 2 hours
called plasmid Insulin Delivery Systems
Insulin plasmid is introduced to the
bacteria - Syringes are usually 0.5 cc
Plasmid + bacterial DNA - 100 units/mL is common
recombinant DNA - Insulin pumps are programmed to
Recombinant DNA is put into a pump individualized basal and bolus
fermentation tank harvested and replacement doses based on the
purified for medicinal uses blood glucose self-monitoring results
- CSII and devices should be replaced
Based on the DOA after 2-3 days with sterile techniques
1. Short Acting with Rapid Onset Undesirable Effects
A. Regular Insulin
- Cannot be given orally as it would be Lipodystrophy is the abnormal
destroyed by gastric acid distribution of fat managed by
- Most common routes are SQ, rotation of injection site
intranasal, and IV Urticaria or hives are pale, red bumps
- For tight control, supplemental rapid on skin
acting insulin should be taken before
meals (before lunch/dinner)
*All should be given before lunch time;
usually 30-60 minutes before meals Insulin Secretagogues
- Increase insulin secretion from
pancreatic beta cells
2. Intermediate Acting 1. Sulfonylureas
- Cover half a day or overnight - 1st line for NON OBESE
- Block K channel by binding to First generation Sulfonylureas
sulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1)
partial depolarization and activation
of calcium channels Ca influx
exocytosis or release of insulin
- Goal is to render cell depolarized
- Usually C/I with geriatrics - Can cause WEIGHT LOSS; need to
- Cannot be given to patients with be used with exercise to maximize
hepatic or renal insufficiency weight loss
- Are those with suffix -AMIDE - If creatinine levels fall above 0.15
mmol/L or 150 mg/100mL, stop
Second generation Sulfonylureas
- With prefix GLI-
- For those with sulfa allergy 4. Thiazolidinediones
disulfiram reactions hangover, - MOA: Activates peroxisome
throbbing headache, flushing, proliferator-activated receptor
nausea, vomiting, and dizziness gamma (PPAR-y)
- Lowers glucose by improving target
2. Meglitinides cell response to insulin, specifically
- Suffix -GLINIDES in the ADIPOSE TISSUE where the
- Same MOA as sulfonylureas K drug promotes glucose upake,
ATP channel blocker utilization, modulates synthesis of
- Shorter duration but rapid action lipid hormones and other proteins
- Taken 30 minutes before meals - It acts mainly at adipose tissue
- Rosiglitazone can cause MACULAR
3. Biguanides EDEMA causing swelling macula
- Only available form is Metformin in (area inside retina for central vision);
the Philippines permanent loss of vision in some
- 1st line therapy for OBESE cases but is easily managed due to
- Does not cause hypoglycemia slow progression
- Phenformin is associated with
- MOA is not clearly defined; decrease 5. Alpha Glucosidase Inhibitors
hepatic gluconeogenesis via - MOA; Converts complex CHO to
inhibition of mitochondrial respiratory simpler and more absorbable forms
chain complex decreased - C/I in inflammatory bowel syndrome
signaling response to glucagon and
synergizes with insulin to promote
glucose uptake 6. Incretins
- AMPK adenosine - Commonly administered as
monophosphate-activated protein parenteral (SQ)
kinase - DPP IV are taken orally
- PCOS abnormal sex hormones in
women causing the growth of
ovarian cysts 7. Na Glucose CO-transporter 2
inhibitors (SGLT2)
- Canagliflozin 8. Amylin Analog
- Dapagliflozin - Used to maintain postprandial
- Empagliflozin glucose levels
- Newer drugs that inhibit reabsorption - Does not decrease glucose levels
of glucose and increase urinary alone; should be taken with insulin
excretion of glucose 9. Glucagon
- Action is in kidneys