Các dạng bài biến đổi theo thời gian thì chúng ta có thể áp dụng khoảng 90% công thức này

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Các dạng bài biến đổi theo thời gian thì chúng ta có thể áp dụng
khoảng 90% công thức này

The given line/bar/table illustrates how số liệu của cái gì đó + tại

quốc gia nào đó/doanh nghiệp nào đó + changed + from x năm
tới y năm hoặc between x năm tới y năm:

The given line chart illustrates how birth rates of China and
America changed from 1920 to 2000.

Overall, the percentages of birth rates in China And America

experienced downward trends. In addition, China had higher
proportion of children born//(natality: tỉ lệ sinh đẻ) than the USA.

In 1920, the natality in China was recorded at 11%, compared to

10% in USA. By 1945, there were considerable drops in of 5% and
4% in the birth rates in China and America to 5%, respectively.
Nevertheless, China and America witnessed sharp jumps in the
birth rates in these counties to 20% and 15% by 1945,

After reaching a peak in 1945, the figure for America steadily

declined to just 10%, while there was a drastic decrease to 5% in
Chinese birth rate in 1970. In the next thirty years, that the
proportions of children born in China and America continued to
decline to just 3% and 7%.

The proportion of birth rate in China decreased significantly

from over 10% in 1920 to under 5% in 1945. At the same time,
the figure for America was a similar fall by 5% to 5% in 1945.

In 1920, the birth rate/natality in China was recorded at 11%,

compared to 10% in USA. In 1945, there were dramatic
declines of 5% and 4% in the birth rates in China and USA to
5%, accordingly. However, China and America experienced big
jumps in the birth rates to 20% and 15% in 1945, respectively.

The proportion of birth rate in China decreased significantly from

over 10% in 1920 to under 5% in 1945. At the same time, the
figure for America fell by 5% to 5% in 1945.

After 5 years, it can be seen from the graph that the percentage
of children born in China and the US increased to 15% and 20%,
respectively. From 1955 to 2000, America seen the dramatically
decline in the birth rate by nearly 18% to 2% in 2000. Meanwhile,
that of/in China slightly fell from under 15% to 6%.
The given line chart illustrates how the percentages of
infants/children born in China and the USA from 1920 to 2000.

The given line chart illustrates how the amounts of fish, chicken,
beef, and lamb consumed in a certain/particular European
country changed from 1979 to 2004.

Overall, the amount of chicken consumption /eaten experienced

upward trend, while that of beef, fish, lamb decreased in the
research period. In addition, the figure for fish was by far lowest
during 25 years. In addition, fish was least popular/favorite type
of food in 25 years.

The given line chart illustrates how the percentage tourists

visiting the Art Gallery, Pavilion, Pier and Festival in Brighton of
England changed from 1980 to 2010.

Overall, the percentages of tourists who visited Pavilion and Pier

experienced upward trends, while the figures for festival and art
gallery decreased in the research period. Additionally, Pavilion
was by far the favorite destination.

Additionally, the rate of people coming to Pavilion was by far


Additionally, the rate of people coming to Pier was by far lowest

in 30 years.

The given line chart illustrates how the amounts of money

allocated to books in Germany,… and Austria changed from 1995
to 2005.

The given line chart illustrates how the percentage of difference

in the amount of money earned between males and females in
five different countries changed from 1978 to 2008.

The given line chart illustrates how the percentages of people in

four age groups going to cinemas in the UK changed from 1984
to 2000.

The given line graph illustrates how the average amount of time
allocated by four car producers to make vehicles at their
factories changed from 1998 to 2005.

The given line graph illustrates how fast four car producers make
vehicles at their factories from 1998 to 2005.

The given line graph illustrates how the amounts of oil consumed
by four different regions changed from 2009 to 2015 and the
projection/prediction/forecast for 2030.
The given line chart illustrates how the birth rate of females in
various age groups changed between 1973 and 2008.

The given bar chart illustrates how the numbers of oil barrels
produced in six regions changed from 1990 to 2010.

The given bar chart illustrates how the scores of three teams
changed from 2002 to 2005.

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