Valentines Card Invitation
Valentines Card Invitation
Valentines Card Invitation
for the ones we care about! for the ones we care about!
Let’s get together to give Let’s get together to give
valentines wishes. valentines wishes.
Join us for the “chosen few” Join us for the “chosen few”
Valentine’s Day meet up of Valentine’s Day meet up of
February 14, 2022 Manat NHS AVR Stakeholders.
February 14, 2022 Manat NHS AVR
Monday 10:30 AM Monday 10:30 AM
Join us for the “chosen few” Join us for the “chosen few”
Valentine’s Day meet up of Valentine’s Day meet up of
February 14, 2022 Manat NHS AVR Stakeholders.
February 14, 2022 Manat NHS AVR
Monday 10:30 AM Monday 10:30 AM