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Activity 1

1. Does the teaching profession fulfill all the elements of a profession? Explain
your answer
Yes, the teaching profession can fulfill all the elements of a profession. The teacher
must need to take the four-year course which can fulfill to the first element which
is the Initial Professional Education.
2. Is professionalization synonymous to professionalism? When teaching was
professionalized with the enactment of RA 7836, did this mean all teachers
automatically demonstrated professionalism? Explain your answer
No, they are linked but mean different things. Republic Act (R.A.) 7836 (The
Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994) mandates the conduct of the
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). The law stems from the belief that
professionalization will improve the quality of teachers, quality of teaching and,
therefore, quality of students.
3. Create a timeline of the Historical Development of Teaching as a profession
in the Philippines
4. Watch “Discovering Your Life’s True Calling – Lou Sabrina Ongkiko at
Youtube. Based on the video that just watched, what is our life’s true calling?
How can you apply that in your calling to teach?
Activity 2
1. Between the professional and personal qualities of a teacher, which ones
are perceived to be more important? Is there really such a thing as more
important that the other?
Positive personal attributes such as fairness, humor and kindness, I believe, should
be considered necessary attributes for a teacher. But positive personal attributes
help provide the essence of 'quality' in teaching, that vital capacity of teaching to
transform learners.
2. What are the personal characteristics of an ideal teacher? Explain how
these characteristics can help students develop into good, productive, and
responsible citizens?
skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and
patience. A great teacher creates a sense of community and belonging in the
classroom. With those characteristics of a teacher, they give motivation to their
students, They, develop and they open the mind of their students into reality and
teach how to communicate well and be responsible in their ways.

3. Do you believe that teachers are treated unfairly compared to other

professions? Explain your answer.
The main reasons teachers walk away from their jobs is because of the poor
working conditions, unreasonable demands, and unrealistic expectations they face
every day. Collectively, these factors make the teaching profession unbearable for
even the best educators
Activity 3
1. What is meant by vocation/ mission?
Vocation is literally your "calling", what you are good for or destined for. It
usually is a property/talent/predisposition of your person. A mission, in contrast,
is a particular task given to you. Even if you are on "a mission from God", there
may be retirement from it eventually.
2. Teaching as a job or a mission. What’s the difference?
If you teach because it does not interfere with your other activities, it's a job. If you
are committed to teaching even if it means letting go of other activities, it's a
mission. Some teachers regard teaching as just a job, and others see it as their
3. To be your vocation and mission as a teacher, you have to “have more, do
more in order to be more” to your students and all others to whom you were
sent. What does “do more, have more in order to be more” mean
To Be More, means being the person you are already envisioning to be. If you
want to be the best, then feel like you are already the best. Internalize what it takes
to be the best and what you need to do to be that kind of person.
4. The greatest Teacher, Jesus Christ, spent much time to prepare his apostles
before he “sent” them for their mission to “go into the world baptizing them
in the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” What is the
equivalent of this preparation in your life as a future professional teacher?
The fact that I am in a college right now and taking Bachelor of Elementary
Education, studying, are of the equivalent life events of my preparation as future
professional teacher. Our instructor Sir Efren spent time on us so we will be
harness as a professional teacher. I must work hard and study well in order to gain
the title of being a professional teacher by completing the requirements it needed
like passing this semester and soon taking up LET. And when the time comes, I
will be sent off to the real battle or fields of teaching. I know that I am prepared
and I’m able to teach them in order to develop them.
Activity 4
1. Will filing a justified complaint against a fellow teacher do well for a
community of professional teachers? If you were the one intending to file a
complaint, would you do so?
Yes. If I were the one intending to file a complaint, I will go to administrators or to
our head teachers or principal and tell my complaints.

2. Which Filipino trait makes it difficult sometimes for professional teachers

to function as a collegial community? Crab mentality was one of the difficult
traits that hinders the collegial community of the school has. Sometimes, even
some of the colleague treat it by envy specifically if that person received a certain
promotion or a success that leads to others to react negatively.
Activity 5
1. The schools are the “nurseries of the citizens of the state.” What are
nurseries from? Why are schools called “nurseries of the citizens of the
state?” Schools are called the nurseries of the citizen of the state because this is
the place that everyone start to build their dreams. In other word schools are the
foundation towards learning and development progress of every learner. Based on
Article 2 Section 1 of Code of Ethics For Professional teachers The schools are the
nurseries of the future citizens of the state; each teacher is a trustee of the cultural
and educational heritage of the nation and is under obligation to transmit to
learners such heritage as well as to elevate national morality, promote national
pride, cultivate love of country, instill allegiance to the constitution and for all duly
constituted authorities, and promote obedience to the laws of the state. It is
believed that schools are the nurseries of the citizens of the state.
Therefore, teachers must be able to fully transmit cultural and educational heritage
to their learners. Teachers must be able to provide an environment that is
conducive to learning and growth of the youth.
2. “Each teacher is trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the
nation and is under obligation to transmit to learn such heritage.” In what
ways can teachers do this? the teacher can transmit learning about cultural and
educational heritage through allowing students to relate previous experiences to
their learning inside the schools, and mold them to realize the importance of
historical perspectives of cultures and education.
3. In what ways can the professional teacher help elevate national morality,
promote national pride and cultivate love of country? Professional teacher help
elevate nationality, morality, promote national pride and cultivate love of country
by including to her strategies in teaching, the appreciation of our countries valuable
description, the importance of our own beliefs and traditions, the character of being
good citizen, recognize our heroes who fought for the freedom from colonization
of our country and emphasize that they the learners are also obliged to maintain
our country harmonious and progressive
4. What steps do employers take to ensure that a teacher is physically,
mentally and morally fit? The first thing to be considered will be the capability of
a teacher if she was flexible to do the task of her chosen profession, to measure
teachers capabilities in terms of physical attributes is the demonstration , it can
determine if the teacher can handle certain situations in field, and to measure its
mental capability she must undergo to an interview to test the teachers ability to
think normally or critically in whatever scenario and the most important is the
teachers moral, how she handle different learners behavior during the
demonstration, and do the teacher showed respect to her superiors.
5. Cite actions of a professional teacher that violate section 5, Article II.
The section 5 of article II states that the teacher shall not engage promotion that
related political, religious or partisan aspects, this going to be bias for her co -
teachers or even to her students, with in this case I think the teacher need to stop
working as a teacher done by a petition because this is not part of her promises to
her duties during oath taking. 
6. How can a professional teacher violate sec. 6 and section 7 of Article II.
If the teacher uses her profession to encourage students or parents as well as her co
- teachers to support any political willingness of a person. An example is a High
School teacher who encourage her students to vote for the political position of a
person close to her during the election and the consequence if they will not, they
will get low grades from her, it is obviously violating Article II, Section 7
7. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom. What does academic freedom
mean? Is this academic freedom absolute? Academic Freedom of a teacher
means that the teacher is not just teaching because of the salary she got monthly
but she also obliged to modified learning, not just depend everything on the
content of the curriculum but her suggestions and revisions must be raised. But for
me Academic Freedom is not always absolute because there are superiors whose,
feeling very powerful and do not want to hear or accept suggestions from his
fellow teacher's. That’s why there are misunderstanding sometimes between
teachers and supervisors.
Activity 6
Based on the Preamble and Article 1, answer the following questions:

1. Are teachers who have no license considered professional? Teachers who

have no license is not considered as a professional. A professional is one who went
through long years of preparation to earn a teacher education degree recognized by
CHED, after which she\he hurdled a LET administered by Board for Professional
Teachers with the supervision of the professional Regulation Commission.
2. What do technical and professional competence mean? (You may refer to
the lesson on the Teacher as a Professional). The technical and professional
competence means the behaviors directly related to the nature of training and the
technical proficiency required to exercise effective control. Competency on the
task requires a match between the operator’s competencies and the competencies
required to safely and effectively perform that task. Professional competence in
teaching means that a teacher is able to plan a lesson, assess a lesson, and
find/create activities that address all modalities so that students can learn apply the
concepts of the lessons to the world. It also means that the teacher has to have the
knowledge and has the ability to import that knowledge to his class that he must
also be able to communicate with his class to explain the concepts patiently and
3. Are private school teachers required of a license? What about preschool
teachers, vocational teachers, ALS teachers, School heads, Education
Supervisors and Schools Division Superintendents? A Private School Teachers
are not required to have a licensed in terms of teaching. The Department of
Education-National Capital Region issued regional memo 78, s. 2018 that requires
all private schools in the region to strictly comply with the prescribed license
Activity 7
With Teacher Macrina’s philosophy of education as an example, formulate
your own philosophy of education.
Activity 8

1. The doctors, the lawyers and all other professionals also claim their
profession to be the noblest? Do you agree? Why or why not? Yes. I agree,
because the medical profession or being doctor is considered to be one of the
noblest professions. The word noble means that a doctor should have qualities like
compassion, caring, giving, sharing, concern, helping, etc. They keep studying till
the end of their practicing lives in order to keep up with the latest medical
advancements. Also, Law is a noble profession still, but to continue to remain so, it
is essential that people who come into the practice of law must come not because
they see it as just another means of livelihood. For me if a person in a profession
shows Possessing hereditary rank in a political system or social class derived
from a feudalistic stage of a country's development and having or showing
qualities of high moral character, such as courage, generosity, or honor: a noble
2. What advantages does the practice of the teaching profession have over that
the other professions? e.g teaching deals with healthy clients (learners).
Doctors deal with sick patients, lawyers deal with people at their lowest
moment because they are in trouble.
For me, in Teaching profession the advantage of doing the practice teaching is that
you can provides basic skills for students. Practice and drills give students an
opportunity to learn certain concepts quickly and effectively. allow students to
build on mastered skills. Hard for students to focus when done too often. And you
can a perfect environment to your students due to process learning.

3. Add to the list of the advantages of teaching as a profession.

Expanding the ideas of your pupils. Helping their apprentice to learn more. Being
able to share such ideas to many. To expand the ideas of the students since
teaching is an absolute profession that is capable of giving helpful information in
such subjects. Life long learning and a friendship.
4. Make your own story of a teacher to prove that teaching is the noblest of all

Teaching is a noble profession which comes with so much responsibility and duty
towards students. Teachers do not only teach and impart knowledge but inspire and
motivate students for life and take important steps in life. They keep working to
boost the confidence of students and direct them in the right direction. And If we
say that someone is a noble person, we admire and respect them because they are
unselfish and morally good. And my example here is our instructor Sir Efren Pena
Florida. when I didn't know him as my teacher or instructor when I just watched
him on TV, I admired him because of what he does, his ways of teaching children,
I remember that the school was still what he brought to the students. child, the
books he carries in the cart and the children he teaches I admire so much. he is an
inspiration for me and I'm sure many more admire him, so when I met him because
he's our teacher I was surprised so I had a lot of respect for him so when it seemed
like I was told when I collaborated with others group. I cried as in because I feel
like I disappoint him hahhhaah it's funny to think but yes I cried then at the same
time, sir ask to open our camera to take a picture, I couldn't open cam.

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