Informational Influence in Organizations: An Integrated Approach To Knowledge Adoption
Informational Influence in Organizations: An Integrated Approach To Knowledge Adoption
Informational Influence in Organizations: An Integrated Approach To Knowledge Adoption
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Informational Influence in Organizations:
An Integrated Approach to Knowledge
Stephanie Watts Sussman • Wendy Schneier Siegal
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Boston University, School of Management, 595 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02106
[email protected] • [email protected]
his research investigates how knowledge workers are influenced to adopt the advice that
they receive in mediated contexts. The research integrates the Technology Acceptance
Model (Davis 1989) with dual-process models of informational influence (e.g., Petty and
Cacioppo 1986, Chaiken and Eagly 1976) to build a theoretical model of information
adoption. This model highlights the assessment of information usefulness as a mediator of
the infor- mation adoption process. Importantly, the model draws on the dual-process
models to make predictions about the antecedents of informational usefulness under
different processing
The model is investigated qualitatively first, using interviews of a sample of 40 consultants,
and then quantitatively on another sample of 63 consultants from the same international con-
sulting organization. Data reflect participants’ perceptions of actual e-mails they received from
colleagues consisting of advice or recommendations. Results support the model, suggesting
that the process models used to understand information adoption can be generalized to the
field of knowledge management, and that usefulness serves a mediating role between influence
processes and information adoption. Organizational knowledge work is becoming increas-
ingly global. This research offers a model for understanding knowledge transfer using
computer-mediated communication.
(Computer-Mediated Communication; Field Study; Informational Influence; e-Mail; Usefulness; Infor-
mation Adoption)
This research empirically investigates how people texts or other explicit representations (Nonaka 1994,
in organizations integrate received knowledge into Brown and Duguid, 1991, Davenport and Prusak
their ongoing work. A field study was conducted 1997). Knowledge recipients’ perceptions of trans-
which ex- amines how individuals are influenced to ferred information are situated in the particular place
follow cer- tain courses of action, based on actual and time of the learner. For example, received content
advice, recom- mendations, and suggestions they may be taken to heart by one recipient and ignored by
received via e-mail. In this study we developand test another, depending on these recipients’ experience of
hypotheses based on theories of adoption the learning content, structure, and process. The same
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(Technology Acceptance Model; Davis 1989) and content can engender very different responses in dif-
informational influence (e.g., Petty and Cacioppo ferent recipients (Chaiken and Eagly 1976). This
makes the knowledge transfer process very complex
1986, Eagly and Chaiken 1993), inte- grating the
to re- search empirically, particularly in the field
theories to reflect field-based knowledge transfer
where there is little about recipient processes that
work. We employ computer-mediated com-
researchers can control or even see. And in
munication (CMC) as a context to examine how indi-
organizations, knowledge is transferred among
viduals incorporate received advice into their actions
multiple entities, at multiple lev- els of analysis.
in order to understand the broader phenomenon of
Knowledge can be tacit or explicit, procedural or
or- ganizational knowledge transfer. We believe the declarative, social, pragmatic, and equivocal. Clearly,
re- sultant model of knowledge adoption has the any fruitful investigation of knowl- edge transfer
potential to inform more general processes of must limit the scope of this broad phenomenon.
organizational knowledge management. In most ways learning is more effective when it oc-
curs in a face-to-face context rather than a mediated
Theoretical Development one (Lave and Wenger 1991, Brown and Duguid 1991,
Zack and McKenney 1995). However, global knowl-
Knowledge Transfer in Organizations edge work is increasingly reliant on online document
In organizations, knowledge is transferred between transfer, underscoring the need to investigate the
and among individuals, groups, communities of prac- knowledge transfer process at the interface between
tice, and other organizations. Knowledge is embedded explicit information (i.e., texts) and personal knowl-
in the flows of communication and information that edge. Nonaka (1994) describes this process as the in-
move across these multiple arenas. Theorists conceive
ternalization phase of knowledge transfer, in which
of knowledge flows as consisting of the following five
ex- plicit information is transformed into internalized
elements (Gupta and Govindarajan 1996): (1) percep-
knowledge and meaning. This study investigates this
tions as to the value of the source knowledge, (2) the
willingness of the source to share that knowledge, (3) internalization phase of organizational knowledge
the availability of rich information channels, (4) the transfer as it transpires from received text, calling this
willingness of the recipient to acquire the knowledge, process knowledge adoption. We focus on one partic-
and (5) the absorptive capacity of the recipient(s) ular manifestation of knowledge internalization—in-
(Cohen and Levinthal 1990). We can conceptualize formation adoption in response to advice-bearing
these elements as reflecting characteristics or percep- e-mail.
tions of the source (# 1 and # 2), the channel (# 3), and E-mail is a form of asynchronous computer-
the recipient (# 4 and # 5). To understand knowledge mediated communication (CMC) that has become
transfer, we need to understand each of these commoditized in knowledge-based organizations.
elements More than 10 billion e-mails are now exchanged daily,
and the way they work together to influence how peo- and this quantity is expected to increase to 35 billion
ple learn and behave in organizations. by 2005 (Levitt and Mahowald 2001). In a study of
For knowledge transfer to occur, learning must tran- managerial e-mail use, 27% of managers reported us-
spire in the mind of the recipient. This reflects the ing e-mail for equivocal communication such as ex-
widely shared view that knowledge involves changing subjective views, and 14% would use e-mail
structures and processes, and cannot be embodied as
to influence or sell an idea (Markus 1994). This evi- According to the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)
dence suggests that knowledge sharing via e-mail is a (Fishbein and Ajzen 1975, Ajzen and Fishbein 1980)
rapidly emerging phenomenon. and its derivative, the Technology Acceptance Model
Organizational use of e-mail has been widely stud- (TAM) (Davis 1989), people form intentions to adopt a
ied for its effects on social context cues (Sproull and behavior or technology based on their beliefs about
Kiesler 1986) and its relationshipto media richness the consequences of adoption and their evaluation of
(Dennis and Kinney 1998, Lee 1994, Rice 1992, Markus these consequences. An information-adoption-based
1994, Fulk 1993, Zack 1993). In this research, we focus view of knowledge transfer assumes that, just as
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on one particular type of e-mail—e-mail which recip- people form intentions toward adopting a behavior or
ients perceive to contain advice. a technology, they similarly form intentions toward
The assessment of advice is beginning to be recog- adopting partic- ular advocated ideas and behaviors.
nized as an important managerial process (Harvey et As such, factors that influence the adoption of
al. 2000, Jungermann 1999, Sniezek and Buckley 1995). behaviors or technolo- gies can be used to understand
Advice is generally viewed as information that com- the adoption of advice as well.
municates an opinion about what could or should be Research using TAM has found that beliefs about
done about a problem or issue. In our earlier example, the usefulness of adopting an advocated behavior are
any opinion or recommendation that the consultant par- ticularly consequential in determining user
re- ceives in response to her query would be adoption intentions (Davis 1989). By applying a
construed as advice. Importantly, advice is viewed as TRA/TAM- based model of adoption to the domain
advisory rather than mandatory, as the most that of knowledge transfer, we propose that perceptions of
advice givers can realistically expect is to have a the usefulness of received advice should similarly
degree of influence, given the multiple, often- predict intentions toward adopting that advice. This
conflicting responses advice seekers receive (Harvey reflects accruing evi- dence that perceived usefulness
et al. 2000). As organizations become less hierarchical, is a fundamental pre- dictor of user adoption, with
the need for nonimpositional forms of knowledge significant correlations to both current and future
transfer, such as advice giving and receiving, is likely self-reported system usage (Davis 1989). Additional
to increase. support for the centrality of message usefulness
In the following discussion, we draw upon two comes from social cognition re- search that has found
bod- ies of theory—adoption and informational that the relevance of a stimulus is the key factor
influence— to build a process model of information determining whether managers ignore the stimulus or
adoption as it occurs via advice-based e-mails in go on to interpret it during problem sensing (Kiesler
organizational con- texts. In presenting this model, and Sproull 1982). Information that is likely to
our discussion is or- ganized as follows: First, we produce useful task resolutions receives pre- cedence
describe how theories of adoption are relevant to the and weight in judgment and choice processes
transfer of ideas. Second, we present theories of (Feldman and Lynch 1988). In this sense, the advice
informational influence as a means for understanding assessment and adoption process can be conceived of
how people are influenced to adopt ideas. Third, we as a form of informational influence, whereby individ-
present our model, which integrates these two uals are influenced by information received from oth-
theoretical perspectives, a neces- sary stepfor ers to the degree that they assess it as useful evidence
describing adoption and influence in the particular about reality (Eagly and Chaiken 1993, p. 630).
domain of knowledge transfer. Finally, we describe
and report on an empirical study performed to Information Adoption and the ELM
explore and validate the model. While adoption models are useful first steps in under-
standing how intentions toward a message are
Theories of Adoption formed,
Adoption theories describe the processes people un- these models were not designed to answer questions
dergo when deciding to perform an activity for the about the influence process itself. For instance, return-
first ing to our earlier example, when a consultant receives
time (as distinguished from ongoing usage behavior).
advice from several colleagues regarding the design of rather than undertaking the greater cognitive effort of
a new distribution process, what aspects of a received elaboration (Petty and Cacioppo 1986). The central
message are more or less consequential in influencing and peripheral routes are viewed as the extremes of a
her to follow a piece of advice? And further, how is it sin- gle underlying elaboration dimension. Thus at
that different people can be influenced by the same mod- erate elaboration likelihood levels, influence
message in different ways? In what situations does the processes involve a complex mixture of both central
source of the message have a major impact? When are and periph- eral route processes.
people most likely to ignore the quality of the argu-
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ment made? While TAM and the Theory of Reasoned The Role of Argument Quality and Peripheral Cues
Action (TRA) are useful first steps in understanding According to the ELM, when an individual is able and
how behavioral intentions toward adopting a message willing to cognitively elaborate on a persuasive com-
are formed, these models were not designed to munication, the quality of the arguments contained
answer these types of questions. This study suggests within the communication will determine the degree
an alter- native model for teasing out some of the of informational influence (Petty and Cacioppo 1986).
important effects of this extremely complex Thus the ELM identifies argument quality as the criti-
knowledge adoption process. cal determinant of informational influence under con-
To understand the process by which individuals will ditions of high elaboration likelihood. When an indi-
be influenced by the messages that they receive, we
vidual is either unable or unwilling to process the
draw on the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of
arguments presented in a message, peripheral cues
informational influence. The ELM was developed by
Petty and Cacioppo (1986, also see Petty et al. 1981) to will play a more critical role in the influence process.
account for reported differences in influence results Peripheral cues are informational indicators that
across individuals and contexts. The ELM states that people use to assess content other than the content it-
in different situations, different message recipients self (Petty and Cacioppo 1986). A potentially infinite
will number of these heuristics exist in interpersonal com-
vary in the extent to which they cognitively elaborate munication contexts (Gergen 1982). For instance, in
on a particular message, and these variations in elab- groups people are influenced by consensus cues and
oration likelihood affect the success of an influence at- attributes of the groupleader, such as charisma. Indi-
tempt, along with other factors. Elaboration involves vidually, people often use cues pertaining to the mes-
attending to the content of the message, scrutinizing sage’s source when they are unable or unwilling to ex-
and assessing its content, and reflecting on issues rele-
pend the effort to elaborate on the message’s content
vant to the message. Because of the cognitive effort
(Petty and Cacioppo 1986). Research indicates that in-
involved, receivers don’t elaborate on every message
they receive, and some receivers elaborate on fewer dividuals following the peripheral route can be influ-
messages than others do. enced by the source’s attractiveness, likeability, and
According to ELM, informational influence can oc- credibility. To understand how individuals are influ-
cur at any degree of receiver elaboration, but as the enced by advice transmitted via e-mail in the work-
result of very different influence processes; high levels place, we are interested in the peripheral cues and
of elaboration represent a central route to influence, that are most salient in such contexts.
while low levels result in a peripheral route. The cen- Early research on the use of peripheral cues in CMC
tral route occurs when recipients carefully consider contexts found that the social presence of the com-
the municator varies by media and affects persuasive
issues presented by the message, whereas the periph- com- munication by attenuating potential peripheral
eral route occurs when recipients use simple decision
cues (Short et al. 1976). For example, research on rich
rules to evaluate the message rather than analyzing its
versus lean media (Worschel et al. 1975, Andreoli and
content. As elaboration likelihood decreases, periph-
eral cues have increasingly important effects on recip- Worschel 1978) and vividness effects (Pallak 1983)
ient attitude, belief, and consequent influence, since sup- ports the notion that lack of peripheral cues and
re- heu- ristics for informing attitude judgments serves to
cipients use these cues as heuristics or decision rules force
message recipients to elaborate on the nature of the members’ attitudes towards organizational change im-
arguments presented, especially when the arguments plementation processes (Ellis 1992). In information
are complex (Chaiken and Eagly 1976). In this stream sys- tems research, source credibility has been shown
of research, source likeability was the peripheral cue to positively influence low-participation users’ accep-
investigated, a cue that is clearly attenuated by text- tance of recommendations made by knowledge-based
based media. But not all peripheral cues are systems (Mak and Lyytinen 1997, Mak et al. 1997). On
attenuated by computer-mediated communication. the Internet, perceptions of source credibility play an
While face-to- face interaction provides the many important role in our judgments of cognitive authority
peripheral cues that enable us to establish a shared (Rieh and Belkin 1998).
context (Zack 1993), we know that peripheral cues do In addition to its role as a peripheral cue under low
operate in CMC contexts (Walther 1992). For example, elaboration-likelihood conditions, source credibility has
people use cues to delete e-mails they receive been conceptualized as a variable which might bias
without scrutinizing the argu- ments they contain or mes- sage processing—changing a message recipient’s
even reading them at all. pro- pensity to support or counter argue an advocated
While there are many potential cues which may op- posi- tion. Further, research suggests that under
erate within a CMC context, this research focuses on conditions of high elaboration likelihood, a credible
one peripheral cue, source credibility, that the litera- source may poten- tially serve as an additional
ture suggests may be relevant both within the context argument in favor of an ad- vocated position (Chaiken
of CMC and within knowledge work more generally and Maheswaran 1994). Thus, although it is known that
construed. In the context of text-based messages, source credibility plays an im- portant role in
source credibility refers to a message recipient’s per- informational influence, the mechanisms underlying the
role that it plays appear to be complex.
ception of the credibility of a message source,
reflecting nothing about the message itself (Chaiken
Conceptual Model
1980). Early laboratory experiments on the role of The ELM enables us to make predictions about the
credibility in in- formational influence found relative impact of various factors on information
significantly more opin- ion change in the direction adop-
advocated by the commu- nicator when the tion under different levels of elaboration likelihood,
material was attributed to a high-credibility but it excludes the role of information usefulness in
source than when it was attributed to a low- the
credibility source (Hovland 1951, Hovland et al. influence process. Yet we know from the adoption lit-
1953). These results were thought to be due to the as- erature that usefulness is a key construct in adoption
sociation of high-credibility sources with favorable behaviors. Empirically, the amount of adoption vari-
outcomes. More recently, ELM researchers have taken ance explained by TAM generally exceeds levels of
a cognitive response approach to source credibility. In persuasion variance explained by theories of infor-
this view, higher levels of source credibility can inter- mational influence. We therefore expect that useful-
act with other variables to produce patterns quite dif- ness will be more strongly associated with
ferent from the simple enhancement effect produced information
by Hovland (Heesacker et al. 1983). For example, adoption than the peripheral cues and argument fac-
when people are highly involved in a message topic, tors studied under ELM. Further, we posit that
source credibility has little impact on attitude change
tions of information usefulness can be explained by
since individuals will scrutinize the argument rather
theories of informational influence. For these two rea-
than assess this peripheral cue. In contrast, when
sons, in the context of information adoption we expect
individ- uals are not involved in a topic, source
that perceptions of information usefulness will medi-
credibility has been found to be an important
ate between influence outcomes (i.e., intentions
predictor of attitude change in general (Petty et al.
1981). In organizations, source credibility has been
an advocated behavior) and the constructs of argu-
found to influence collab- orative filtering (Ehrlich
ment quality and source credibility. In this way, ELM
and Cash 1996), and to affect
processes are influential to the extent that they con-
tribute to the perceived usefulness of the message.
Our integrated model of the information adoption
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process is presented in Figure 1. From TRA/TAM, we ability and motivation—and both must be present for
know that a critical aspect of the process by which extensive elaboration to occur (Petty and Cacioppo
individuals in organizations act on an advocated issue 1986). Researchers in ELM manipulate these modera-
or behavior is the extent to which they believe the in- tors to understand information processing under dif-
formation contained within a message is useful for the ferent contexts. By measuring differences in factors
task at hand. From ELM, we understand how this pro- that are likely to alter levels of elaboration likelihood,
cess depends on elaboration likelihood, and have sug- we can find evidence of interactions among central
gested two likely antecedents of usefulness from this and peripheral information-processing activities. We
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stream of research. In this way, our model integrates there- fore include them in our in situ model to
key internal validity factors from the informational in- confirm the basic tenets of ELM and to learn more
fluence literature with theory from TRA and TAM about how cen- tral and peripheral processes work
that has established the need to ascertain the external during actual in- terpretation processes.
va- lidity of a particular message. Thus, we view Prior expertise of the message recipient alters elab-
organi- zational knowledge transfer in terms of the oration likelihood by affecting individuals’ ability to
cognitive structures involved in assessing the process: Higher levels of receivers’ prior knowledge
usefulness of re- ceived knowledge and the influence and comprehension about the message topic increase
processes in- volved in changing them. the quantity and depth of issue-relevant thoughts that
The discussion in the preceding sections and con- occur to them and their ability to understand them,
sequent relationships as depicted in Figure 1 are sum- which in turn increases the likelihood of elaboration
marized in the following hypotheses, and apply to the and decreases reliance on peripheral cues
context of received, computer-mediated advice. (Ratneshwar and Chaiken 1991). Thus, drawing on
the ELM, we would predict that in forming attitudes
Hypothesis 1. The higher the perceived argument
toward re- ceived advice, experts and gurus will
quality of a message, the more useful the message will be
attend less strongly to peripheral cues such as source
perceived to be.
credibility than will message recipients with lower
Hypothesis 2. The higher the perceived credibility of levels of ex- pertise, and will attend more strongly to
a message source, the more useful the message will be per- the quality of arguments. Source credibility will be
ceived to be. most important for messages received by nonexperts.
Hypothesis 3. Messages perceived to contain infor- Motivation levels also alter recipients’ elaboration
mation of high usefulness will be associated with higher likelihood. High levels of recipient involvement—op-
lev- els of information adoption than messages perceived to erationalized as the personal relevance of the issue to
con- tain information of low usefulness. the reader—tend to motivate increased elaboration on
the message: As issues become increasingly important
Hypothesis 4. Usefulness will mediate the effects of
to the receiver, he or she is more likely to undertake
source credibility on information adoption, and argument
the cognitive effort to thoughtfully consider the mes-
quality on information adoption.
sage (Petty and Cacioppo 1986, Petty et al. 1981). Re-
Moderators of the Informational Influence Process ceivers that are highly involved with the message
According to the ELM, two factors influence the issue are likely to engage in high elaboration, while
degree of elaboration that a receiver is likely to those that are not involved will be less likely to
engage in— engage in elaboration and more likely to be
influenced by pe- ripheral cues such as source
credibility (Petty et al.
Figure 1 Model of Information Adoption
1981, Stamm and Dube 1994). We expect to find that
argument quality is more salient than source credibil-
ity under such conditions, while less involved recipi-
ents will be influenced by high levels of perceived
source credibility.
Figure 2 presents the overall model of information approach. First, 40 semistructured interviews were
adoption. Recipients’ perceptions of message useful- un- dertaken to gather rich qualitative data about the
ness are the direct determinant of information adop- phe- nomenon. Based on the findings from the
tion, mediating the ELM-based informational influ- interviews, a survey was developed and conducted
ence processes described above. Message recipients’ with a second sample of consultants regarding
domain-based expertise and involvement serve as particular e-mails they had received.
moderators of the credibility usefulness and argument The unit of analysis for the study is the individual
quality usefulness relationships by affecting elabora- e-mail message. Informants were asked to select
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tion likelihood through mechanisms of ability and actual e-mail messages they received that contain
motivation. advice, rec- ommendations, and suggestions for how
The preceding discussion and consequent relation- to solve prob- lems. This is consistent with the
ships as depicted in Figure 2 are summarized in the definition of knowl- edge as professional intellect
following hypotheses: involving knowing how, what, and why (Quinn et al.
Hypothesis 5a. The greater the recipient’s expertise
Below we briefly describe the qualitative phase of
in the topic of the message, the more argument quality
this study. We then discuss the methods and results of
affects perceived message usefulness.
the quantitative phase of this research. Before we
Hypothesis 5b. The greater the recipient’s expertise begin these descriptions, we discuss the research site,
in the topic of the message, the less source credibility since it is common to both phases of the study.
factors affect perceived message usefulness.
Research Site
Hypothesis 6a. The greater the recipient’s involve- This research took place at the city office of a multi-
ment in the topic of the message, the more argument national public accounting firm comprised of 103,000
quality affects perceived message usefulness. professionals worldwide. However, the study was
Hypothesis 6b. The greater the recipient’s involve- ited to their North American operations, henceforth
ment in the topic of the message, the less source credibility re-
factors affect perceived message usefulness. ferred to as ICBM, a pseudonym used to ensure con-
fidentiality. ICBM revenues were $12 billion in 1999.
ICBM is organized into three divisions—assurance,
Methods tax, and consulting. Consulting is the smallest but
Overview est growing of the three divisions. Each division is
The theoretical model above was assessed through a structured into multiple lines of business. While sev-
study of the e-mail behavior of consultants in the con- eral of the topconsulting firms have specialized in in-
sulting division of a major multinational public ac- formation technology consulting within the past de-
counting firm. It employed both qualitative and quan- cade, ICBM is not one of these. ICBM has geographic
titative data collection and analysis in a two-phase headquarters throughout the United States, each with
its own consulting division serving the five lines of
business (finance, manufacturing, IT & knowledge
Figure 2 Moderated Model of Information Adoption
management, consumer, and strategy). Informants
were all members of the consulting division and were
headquartered at the city office where this research
was conducted, but varied across lines of business.
Consulting organizations typically have mobile
workforces, and ICBM is no exception. Only admin-
istrative staff and senior partners have offices. The
reserve office space as needed on a daily basis. Con-
sultants spend most of their time at their client sites,
on assignments ranging from a few days to several
Information Systems Research
Vol. 14, No. 1, March 2003 53
months or more. The mobile nature of their work the interview was primarily for the purpose of instru-
makes them extremely reliant on e-mail and other ment refinement and validation of the quantitative
tele- communications technologies for getting their measures to be used in the second phase of the study.
work done. All informants were officially Prior to each interview, informants were instructed to
headquartered in one city but they worked at client save the next two to four e-mail messages that they re-
sites all over the United States. So while interviews
ceived that consisted of work-related but
took place in the office of one city, informants were
nonadministra- tive advice or recommendations.
geographically dis- bursed to client sites, and this
Informants were in- structed to select messages that
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were asked to complete the survey instrument in ad- mailing to verify that the e-mail had been
dition to answering interview questions. received by
From these and similar data we concluded that the
model was sufficiently supported to proceed with the
quantitative, confirmatory phase of the study, as
questions was rearranged within the questionnaire to al- low for ment were collected, and these items are listed in Ap-
testing of order effects. Twenty-two consultants returned this pendix III. All actual e-mail messages except three
packet. Researchers then telephoned those consultants that had not were also collected. The focus on actual messages dur-
returned either packet to solicit additional responses. This resulted ing interview and survey completion allowed us to
in an additional four surveys being returned. In total, surveys tar- get the informant on the specific stimuli that
were returned by 63 ICBM consultants for a 35% response rate. elicited the focal attitudes.
Fifty- four of these completed two instruments as requested— one
for each of two separate e-mails received—and sent in these two e-
Each of the constructs in the theoretical model are op-
mails along with their corresponding sur- veys. Five completed erationalized using validated measures or measures
only one survey and sent in the one e-mail that corresponded to it, adapted from validated instruments. All measures
and the remaining three completed one e-mail instrument but did were pretested prior to use on the sample of
not include the actual e-mails. interviewees.
While a 35% response rate is not high, it is reason- able
considering the demands placed on the time of these
The section on demographics and electronic com- Table 1 Industries in Which Respondents Consult
munication behavior was adapted from those mea-
sures used by Sproull and Kiesler (1986). Items Line of Business % Respondents
ity items are a subset of those used and validated by
Other 4%
Bailey and Pearson (1983). The measures of issue in-
volvement and expertise are from Stamm and Dube
A number of authors have studied the underlying 8.4 per day. This is in addition to the 7.5 voice mails
structure of source credibility, both at the individual they receive and the 6.5 voice mails they send each
and organizational level (see Newell 1993 for a re- work day. They check their e-mail an average of 2.7
view). While many dimensions have been identified, times per day when they are at their client site, and 4.7
two subdimensions originally identified by Hovland times per day at headquarters. On the whole, this mo-
(1951) have consistently emerged—competence and bile work force relies on mediated communication to
trustworthiness (Weiner and Mowen 1986, McGinnies perform their everyday work, however, for the major-
and Ward 1980, Mowen et al. 1987). Competence- ity, the content of their everyday work is not IT-based.
based source credibility refers to expertise and expert- T-tests were used to test for effects of respondent char-
ness, while trustworthiness-based source credibility is acteristics. There were no significant differences by
a function of the perceived character and integrity of age, education, line of business, organizational tenure,
the source. We utilized this subdimensional structure or any of the telecommunications characteristics
in our operationalization of source credibility. measured.
Table 2 Descriptive Results and Correlation Matrix Table 3 Internal Consistency of Model Constructs
(5) Expertise 4.81 1.46 1–9 0.17 0.33 0.31 0.34 Involvement 2 0.7306
(6) Involvement 4.40 1.79 0–1 0.07 0.39 0.33 0.34 0.52 Expertise 2 0.7426
Note. N 59.
Finally, the dependent variable of information more useful. Hypothesis 6 repeats this theoretical ar-
adop- tion is regressed onto both the independent gument for the moderator of involvement, since in-
variables of argument quality and source credibility, volvement also increases elaboration likelihood. To
and the me- diator, usefulness. Results are again test for these moderating effects, moderated multiple-
significant, with an adjusted r of 0.22, F 6.95 (d.f. regression models were built in which all data were
3,56; p 0.001). The effect of argument quality on standardized, and product terms were built by multi-
information adop- tion is significant in the second plying the indicators of the independent construct
regression (without usefulness), but is nonsignificant with those of the hypothesized moderator (Jaccard
in the third regres- sion which includes usefulness (B et al.
0.11, t 1.15). The effect of source credibility on 1990). The independent constructs of argument
information adop- tion is also significant in the quality and source credibility were analyzed
second regression (with- out usefulness), but is separately since the hypothesized moderating effects
nonsignificant in the third re- gression which are in opposing directions and would therefore
includes usefulness (B 0.08, t obscure one another. Table 4 below presents results of
0.98). Usefulness is highly significant in this last re- these analyses. In it we see that the beta values of the
gression (B 0.40, t 4.18 Sig. T 0.001). These interaction terms are significant for argument quality,
findings, taken together, indicate pure mediation of but only marginally so for source credibility. The F-
both of the independent variables in the model, argu- statistic of the change in R for each overall model
ment quality and source credibility, by the mediator indicates the extent to which whether the addition of
usefulness. the moderator signifi- cantly increased the variance
Hypothesis 5 states that expertise will moderate the explained by the model over that explained without
effects of argument quality and source credibility on the moderator.
usefulness. Our model suggests that individuals with These analyses indicate that argument quality sig-
higher levels of expertise will perceive the quality of nificantly interacts with both expertise and involve-
the message argument to be of high utility, while ment to affect perceptions of message utility, in sup-
those with lower levels of expertise will find port of Hypotheses 5 and 6. Message recipients who
credibility cues are experts in the topic or highly involved in it will be
find argument quality more useful than will novice re- According to the ELM, individuals following the
cipients, or those not involved in the topic at hand. pe- ripheral route are not able or motivated to process
We see weaker evidence of moderation of source the arguments in a message, and thus are influenced
credibil- ity by expertise and involvement, but only pri- marily by peripheral cues. In our study, the
the effect of involvement is significant. Figure 3 below
peripheral cue selected for investigation was source
presents these results graphically for the moderator of
exper- tise, by splitting the sample (n 59) at the credibility. The rationale for choosing this cue from
median expertise. This technique provides visual among the many cues potentially operating in CMC
Downloaded from by [] on 11 October 2014, at 06:16 . For personal use only, all rights
support for the consequences of moderation by contexts was as follows: First, early research suggests
elaboration likeli- hood. We see that usefulness is the impor- tance of source credibility in learning and
significantly correlated with source credibility for knowledge transfer (Hovland et al. 1953). Second,
those recipients reporting lower levels of expertise, many of the other peripheral cues typically examined
but this correlation is not sig- nificant at higher in studies of ELM, such as perceptions of source
reported levels of expertise. This is consistent with attractiveness and likeability, are less likely to be
theory, since the influence of the pe- ripheral cue of
salient in a CMC context than in face-to-face or other
source credibility decreases as elabo- ration likelihood
visually rich situations. Finally, the heuristic “trust an
increases. Usefulness is significantly correlated with
argument quality only at high levels of reported expert” seemed plausi- ble for the task at hand—
expertise, as is also predicted by theory. These determining which pieces of advice to follow in a
findings support the theory that elaboration work context.
likelihood moderates the relationships among argu- Source credibility is significantly associated with in-
ment quality, source credibility, and usefulness. formation usefulness in our model, and tends to func-
tion as a peripheral cue as we had predicted based on
Discussion the ELM. However, empirical support for this
This study lends support to an informational function is weak, consistent with the notion that
influence view of information adoption as it relates to source credi- bility plays a more complex role in the
receiving advice in organizational contexts. In the ELM than that of a simple heuristic cue (Heesacker et
study, it was found that consultants varied in the al. 1983). As noted, in previous research, source
degree to which they were influenced to adopt credibility has been found to function as an additional
specific pieces of advice based on their perceptions of argument factor for those following the central route,
the usefulness of that ad- vice. Importantly,
and some have claimed that it may bias people’s
perceptions of usefulness were dif- ferentially affected
perceptions of ar- gument quality (Chaiken and
by elements of the received mes- sages, depending on
Maheswaran 1994). Ex post facto, it is difficult to test
the elaboration likelihood of the situation.
for these alternative hy- potheses regarding the role of
source credibility. While our findings could be an
Figure 3 The Moderating Effect of Expertise indication that central pro- cessors were using source
credibility as an additional argument for advice
usefulness, further research is needed which is
specifically designed to examine the impact of source
credibility under different elaboration conditions in
the information adoption process.
Without strong results explaining how source cred-
ibility functions in the information adoption process,
the model is not very good at accounting for the be-
havior of peripheral processes. It seems likely that
some additional cues played a role in the influence of
Note. Pearson correlation coefficients greater than 0.45 are significant. peripheral processes in this study. While prior
research has identified several cues that have an
impact under the peripheral route, it may be that
cues specific to a
CMC-context are most critical in CMC-based infor- We believe that our conceptualization of the infor-
mation adoption behavior. For instance, cues relating mation adoption process, with usefulness playing a
to the relationship of the source to the recipient (e.g., major mediating role, offers interesting avenues of re-
relative hierarchical status) or characteristics of partic- search both for ELM researchers interested in advice
ular e-mail themselves (e.g., the subject heading; num- adoption and for others interested more generally in
ber of people copied in the message; status of people knowledge transfer. For example, we need to under-
copied in the message) may be particularly fruitful as stand how well this model reflects information adop-
Downloaded from by [] on 11 October 2014, at 06:16 . For personal use only, all rights
the basis for further investigation to gain a better un- tion in other organizational contexts. Perhaps knowl-
derstanding of the heuristics that operate in CMC- edge workers that are afforded more slack time for
based knowledge work. research and innovation take a less instrumental ap-
Perhaps the most important result of our study is proach to information adoption, one in which useful-
the finding that information utility assessments medi- ness figures less prominently. Also, this model may be
ate influence processes in knowledge adoption con- more or less valid for explaining information adoption
texts. This was found to be the case for both central via technologies other than e-mail. For instance, how
and peripheral processes. In these data, argument would a “pull” technology such as a discussion board
quality (and to a lesser extent source credibility) were compare to the “push” technology of e-mail studied
found to be associated with usefulness but not infor- here?
mation adoption. The influence of these two factors This study contributes to theory in information sys-
occurs as a function of their transformation into per- tems in several ways. When knowledge sharing takes
ceptions of usefulness, a transformation that appears place across time and distance it necessarily transpires
to be affected by the elaboration likelihood of the ad- via various media rather than face-to-face. For this
vice context. One may wonder why this important rea- son, knowledge transfer is increasingly a
role of usefulness has not been acknowledged in problem of interest to information systems
previous work under the ELM. Two possible researchers, and this study offers a theoretically
explanations could account for this “oversight.” First, grounded approach to this complex problem. Here,
most studies con- ducted under the rubric of the ELM knowledge transfer has been operationalized as the
have been tested in situations where the usefulness of adoption of advice, and infor- mants report that a
messages has not been allowed to vary in the significant amount of their received e-mail falls into
experimental task. For in- stance, many ELM studies this category. These findings support the accruing
have been conducted as paper-and-pencil tasks where evidence that CMC is being used for am- biguous and
participants receive a single communication about an complex communication in organizations (Markus
issue (e.g., Senior Year Comprehensive Exams) and 1994). Knowledge work is becoming increas- ingly
then are asked to form a judgment. Obviously, in mobile, global, and reliant on telecommunica- tions,
such tasks, usefulness is held constant, making it and this study presents a theory of how one form of
difficult to assess a mediating role played by knowledge is transferred in such contexts.
usefulness. Alternatively, it may be that in- formation The central contribution to information systems re-
usefulness is particularly relevant to the do- main search here is the integration of ELM with TAM
investigated in this paper. In organizational ad- vice (Davis
giving and receiving, the objective may not be to 1989) and the light this may shed on our understand-
convince others to change their attitudes toward a ing of the antecedents of usefulness. In this respect,
given behavior as much as it is to convince others that this study builds on the growing body of literature on
the advice given is credible. While this is a subtle distinc- the antecedents of usefulness in the context of TAM
tion, it leads to a different model of the influence pro- (Agarwal and Prasad 1997, Karahanna et al. 1999,
cess—one in which assessments of usefulness (i.e., at- Venkatesh and Davis 2000). These studies have gen-
titudes toward the information) rather than attitudes erally taken an inductive approach to understanding
toward the behavior determine adoption intentions. predictors of usefulness, as is appropriate given the
lack of available theory in the technology domain. By
focusing on adoption of information rather than adop- knowledge transfer as dual-process informational in-
tion of technology, we have been able to apply a well- fluence that reflects complex trade-offs among central
developed body of theory to the problem of under- and peripheral processing routes. For example, it may
standing antecedents of usefulness. It remains to be sometimes be appropriate to design knowledge work
seen whether this integrative model can contribute to so that elaboration likelihood is increased when
our understanding of technology adoption processes. central route processes are optimal. For important
It should be noted that this research is limited to tasks and decisions, distractions and multitasking can
be mini- mized to induce elaboration. This leads us to
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Systems Research Center. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or Appendix II. Survey Instructions to Informants
recommendations expressed in this material are those of the Dear ICBM Consultant, November 12, 1997
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National My research investigates how people perceive and use work-
Science Foundation. related knowledge that is transferred electronically. This study in-
vestigates “electronic knowledge” in the form of e-mail. Enclosed is
a survey that consists of two parts: (1) demographics, and (2) two
identical sheets of survey questions, each pertaining to an e-mail
Appendix I. Qualitative Interview Guide that has been sent to you for work-related purposes.
(1) Do you receive work-related e-mails that consist of advice Over the next few weeks, please print out and set aside the first two
Downloaded from by [] on 11 October 2014, at 06:16 . For personal use only, all rights
and recommendations? If so, how many in what period of time? In e-mails you receive that advise you regarding a nonadministrative
gen- eral, are they helpful to you? Do you use them? Do you solicit action. The action can be anything, small or large (e.g., make a de-
them? (2) When you receive information from a colleague via e- cision, provide a response, give feedback, form a plan of attack,
mail, how do you decide whether or not to act on its etc.). It doesn’t matter whether you have acted (or plan to act) on
recommendations? Probe if credibility is mentioned: What you them or not. I am as interested in e-mails you have not acted on as
mean when you say that someone is credible? Probe if argument I am in those you have.
quality is mentioned: What do you mean when you say the advice Once you have two of these, please complete the attached material
is well-argued? Probe if use- fulness or relevant is mentioned: What as follows:
do you mean when you say (1) Complete the cover sheet asking about demographics and
the advice is useful/relevant? telecommunications history.
(3) When trying to solve a problem, what things do you look for (2) Complete both sides of the e-mail survey for each of the two
in an e-mail to decide whether or not to follow the advice in the e-mails you have set aside. Some of the questions are repetitive for
e-mail? statistical purposes—please go though it fairly quickly.
(4) When you receive advice or a recommendation via e-mail, (3) Staple the e-mail surveys to the actual e-mails you printed
how do you decide whether or not the source is credible? If you out, and mail them directly to me along with the demographic sheet
have some preconceptions in this regard, do you rely on them? If in the enclosed stamped, self-addressed envelope.
not, what else do you do? As an academic researcher, I hold the confidentiality of your re-
(5) Can you think of an instance in which you received advice sponses in the highest regard: I have signed a ICBM nondisclosure
electronically from someone credible but then chose not to follow agreement. You will be assigned a code number so that your
that advice? If so, please describe the situation and talk about some answers to my questions will be known only to me, and the key to
this coding sheet will be destroyed as soon as the data is entered
of the reasons why you disagreed with or chose not to follow the
into my com- puter (within 48 hours of receipt). All e-mails will
advice it contained.
also be assigned numerical codes. You may also choose to white-
(6) Can you think of an instance in which you received advice
out any specifics on them as you see fit.
electronically from someone you did not think was very credible,
I am confident that my findings will provide value to ICBM in its
but chose to follow it anyway? If so, please describe the situation
knowledge management initiatives, and will keepyou informed of
and talk about some of the reasons why you chose to follow that
the results of my analyses as I complete them. Please e-mail me at
[email protected] or telephone (617) 321-4321 if you have any ques-
(7) Can you think of an instance in which you received advice tions. Your participation is greatly appreciated!
electronically from a credible source about a topic about which you
did not know very much? If so, please describe the situation and
talk about some of the reasons why you did or did not chose to
follow that advice. Probe: Does it make a difference how much you
Appendix III. Quantitative Measures and
know about the topic? Indicators
(8) Can you think of an instance in which you received advice Source credibility (a 0.8296): Adapted from Wu and Shaffer (1987)
electronically from a credible source about a topic which you were Competence-Based (2):
extremely interested in? If so, please describe the situation and talk How knowledgeable is the person who wrote this message, on the
about some of the reasons why you did or did not chose to follow topic of the message?
that advice. Probe: Does it make a difference how interested you are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
in the topic? Not knowledgeable Knowledgeable
(9) Now let’s talk about each of the e-mails you brought with
you today. Starting with the first, please tell me why you received To what extent is the person who wrote this message an expert on
it, and what thoughts occurred to you upon first reading it? Did the message topic?
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when you re- ceived it?
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Alan Dennis, Associate Editor. This paper was received on January 5, 2000, and was with the authors 8 months for 3 revisions.