Das2016Interventions For Adolescent Mental Healt
Das2016Interventions For Adolescent Mental Healt
Das2016Interventions For Adolescent Mental Healt
Review article
Many mental health disorders emerge in late childhood and early adolescence and contribute to the
burden of these disorders among young people and later in life. We systematically reviewed literature
published up to December 2015 to identify systematic reviews on mental health interventions in
adolescent population. A total of 38 systematic reviews were included. We classified the included reviews
into the following categories for reporting the findings: school-based interventions (n ¼ 12); community-
based interventions (n ¼ 6); digital platforms (n ¼ 8); and individual-/family-based interventions (n ¼ 12).
Evidence from school-based interventions suggests that targeted group-based interventions and cognitive
behavioral therapy are effective in reducing depressive symptoms (standard mean difference [SMD]: .16;
95% confidence interval [CI]: .26 to .05) and anxiety (SMD: .33; 95% CI: .59 to .06). School-based
suicide prevention programs suggest that classroom-based didactic and experiential programs increase
short-term knowledge of suicide (SMD: 1.51; 95% CI: .57e2.45) and knowledge of suicide prevention
(SMD: .72; 95% CI: .36e1.07) with no evidence of an effect on suicide-related attitudes or behaviors.
Community-based creative activities have some positive effect on behavioral changes, self-confidence,
self-esteem, levels of knowledge, and physical activity. Evidence from digital platforms supports
Internet-based prevention and treatment programs for anxiety and depression; however, more extensive
and rigorous research is warranted to further establish the conditions. Among individual- and family-
based interventions, interventions focusing on eating attitudes and behaviors show no impact on body
mass index (SMD: .10; 95% CI: .45 to .25); Eating Attitude Test (SMD: .01; 95% CI: .13 to .15); and
bulimia (SMD: .03; 95% CI: .16 to .10). Exercise is found to be effective in improving self-esteem (SMD:
.49; 95% CI: .16e.81) and reducing depression score (SMD: .66; 95% CI: 1.25 to .08) with no impact on
anxiety scores. Cognitive behavioral therapy compared to waitlist is effective in reducing remission (odds
ratio: 7.85; 95% CI: 5.31e11.6). Psychological therapy when compared to antidepressants have comparable
effect on remission, dropouts, and depression symptoms. The studies evaluating mental health
Conflicts of interest: The authors do not have any financial or nonfinancial competing interests for this review.
Disclaimer: Publication of this article was supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The opinions or views expressed in this supplement are those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the funder.
* Address correspondence to: Zulfiqar A. Bhutta, Ph.D., Centre for Global Child Health, The Hospital for Sick Children, 686 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M6S 1S6,
E-mail address: zulfi[email protected] (Z.A. Bhutta).
1054-139X/Ó 2016 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
S50 J.K. Das et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 59 (2016) S49eS60
interventions among adolescents were reported to be very heterogeneous, statistically, in their pop-
ulations, interventions, and outcomes; hence, meta-analysis could not be conducted in most of
the included reviews. Future trials should also focus on standardized interventions and outcomes for
synthesizing the exiting body of knowledge. There is a need to report differential effects for gender,
age groups, socioeconomic status, and geographic settings since the impact of mental health interventions
might vary according to various contextual factors.
Ó 2016 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access
article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Adolescence is a period for the onset of behaviors and con- studies targeted youth (aged 15e24 years) along with adoles-
ditions that not only affect health at that time but also lead to cents, exceptions were made to include reviews targeting ado-
adulthood disorders. Unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, lescents and youth. We did not apply any limitations on the start
drinking, and illicit drug use often begin during adolescence and search date or geographical settings. We considered all available
are closely related to increased morbidity and mortality and published systematic reviews on the interventions to prevent
represent major public health challenges [1]. Many mental and treat adolescent mental health disorders. A broad search
health disorders emerge in mid- to late adolescence and strategy was used that included a combination of appropriate
contribute to the existing burden of disease among young people keywords, medical subject heading, and free text terms; the
and in later life [2]. More than 50% of adult mental disorders have search was conducted in the Cochrane Library, and PubMed. The
their onset before the age of 18 years [3,4]. Poor mental health abstracts (and the full sources where abstracts are not available)
has been associated with teenage pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, other were screened by two abstractors to identify systematic reviews
sexually transmitted diseases, domestic violence, child abuse, adhering to our objectives. Any disagreements on selection of
motor vehicle crashes, physical fights, crime, homicide, and reviews between these two primary abstractors were resolved by
suicide [2]. Globally, neuropsychiatric disorders are the leading the third reviewer. After retrieval of the full texts of all the re-
cause of years lost because of disability among 10- to 24-year- views that met the inclusion/exclusion criteria, data from each
olds, accounting for 45% of years lost because of disabilities [5]. review were extracted independently into a standardized form.
The overall prevalence of depression in adolescents is around 6% Information was extracted on (1) the characteristics of included
and that for children (younger than 13 years) is 3% [6]. Major studies; (2) description of methods, participants, interventions,
depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the leading causes of outcomes; (3) measurement of treatment effects; (4) methodo-
disability, morbidity, and mortality and is a major risk factor for logical issues; and (5) risk of bias tool. We extracted pooled effect
suicide [7]. MDD also puts adolescents and young adults at a size for outcomes reported by the review authors with 95%
greater risk for suicide as they are seven times more likely to confidence intervals (CIs). We assessed and reported the quality
complete suicide than those without MDD [8]. Suicide itself ac- of included reviews using the 11-point assessment of the
counts for 9.1% of deaths in 15- to 19-year age group and ranks as methodological quality of systematic reviews criteria (AMSTAR)
the third major cause of mortality in this age group, preceded [17]. We excluded nonsystematic reviews, systematic reviews
only by accidents and assault [9]. focusing on preventive and therapeutic mental health in-
Given the prevailing burden and impact of mental health terventions targeting population other than adolescents and
disorders in children and adolescents, it is essential that effective youth, and reviews not reporting outcomes related to mental
interventions are identified and implemented. This article is part health (Table 1).
of a series of reviews conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Figure 1 describes the search flow. Our search identified 107
potential interventions for adolescent health and well-being. potentially relevant review titles. Further evaluation of the
Detailed framework, methodology, and other potential inter- abstracts and full texts resulted in the inclusion of 38 eligible
ventions have been discussed in separate articles [10e16]. Our reviews. We classified the included reviews into the following
conceptual framework depicts the individual and general risk categories for reporting the findings:
factors through the life cycle perspective that can have implica-
tions at any stage of the life cycle [10]. We also acknowledge the School-based interventions (n ¼ 12)
fact that mental health interventions take a life course perspec- Community-based interventions (n ¼ 6)
tive and that interventions earlier in life can have impacts in Digital platforms (n ¼ 8)
adolescence; however, the focus of our review is to evaluate Individual-/family-based interventions (n ¼ 12)
potential mental health interventions targeted toward adoles-
cents and youth only. With this focus, we aimed to systematically Table 2 describes the characteristics of the included reviews
review the effectiveness of interventions to prevent and manage while Table 3 provides the summary estimates for all the
mental health disorders among adolescents and youth. interventions.
Methods Results
Table 1
Inclusion/exclusion criteria
between 5 and 11 with a median score of 7.5. Five of the included barriers to learning arising from social, emotional, or behavioral
reviews focused on school-based mental health promotion difficulties in an inclusive, supportive manner) have an imme-
interventions; three reviews evaluated school-based programs diate positive impact on the social and emotional well-being of
for prevention and early intervention for existing mental health young people [20]. Due to heterogeneity of design, it was not
conditions while four reviews evaluated school-based programs possible to conduct a meta-analysis, and the studies were
for suicide prevention. A review on school mental health pro- examined for effectiveness qualitatively. A review evaluating
motion programs based on the findings from 15 studies suggests solution-focused brief therapy in schools has suggested mixed
that an approach focusing on mental health promotion rather results with some promise in working with students in school
than on mental illness prevention is effective in promoting settings, specifically for reducing the intensity of students’
adolescent and youth mental health [18]. However, study pop- negative feelings, managing conduct problems, and externalizing
ulations were limited, and studies either lack clarity regarding behavioral problems [21]. These findings are based on seven
who implemented interventions or lack theoretical foundations, studies while meta-analysis could not be conducted. School-
process evaluations, or youth viewpoints [18]. Meta-analysis was based mental health interventions specifically focusing on low-
not conducted due to variations in interventions and outcomes. and middle-income countries (LMICs) suggest that the majority
Another review reported from 27 studies that school-based of the school-based life skills and resilience programs indicated
preventive health care is popular with young people and positive effects on students’ self-esteem, motivation, and
provides important mental health services [19]. However, self-efficacy. However, there were mixed results, including dif-
meta-analysis was not done due to study quality. Findings from a ferential effects for gender and age groups [19], and effect
review based on 16 studies focusing on targeted group-based estimates could not be pooled. A systematic review on the
interventions delivered in school settings suggest that nurture effectiveness of school nurse implemented mental health
groups (short-term, focused intervention which addresses screening for adolescents in schools did not find any evidence of
Characteristics of the included reviews
School-based O’Mara and Lind [18] Social and emotional health and well-being, positive Mostly HICs 15 reviews d Subclinical internalizing and externalizing
interventions youth development, health promotion, mental problems, academic achievement, mood
health promotion, primary prevention disorders, anxiety, depressive symptoms,
self-concept, self-esteem, coping skills,
interpersonal skills, quality of peer and
adult relationships, self-control, problem-
solving, self-efficacy, school misbehavior,
aggressive behavior and violence,
interpersonal sensitivity, conflict resolution,
school attendance, social functioning
Mason-Jones School-based health care including comprehensive HICs 27 (RCTs and 7 Utilization of mental health services,
et al. [19] services based at schools, dedicated adolescent health observational ever considered suicide, attempted suicide
services, school-linked services based at local health studies)
centers, and servicing a number of schools and other
Harrod et al. [28] Any intervention that (1) targeted students without HICs 8 RCTs 11 Completed suicide, suicide attempt, suicidal
known suicidal risk (i.e., primary prevention); (2) ideation, changes in knowledge, attitudes
had the prevention of suicide as one of its primary and behaviors
purposes; and (3) was delivered in the postsecondary
educational setting in any country
Harlow and Suicide prevention programs that have been evaluated HICs 11 programs 6 Suicide ideation, knowledge, attitude
Clough [29] for indigenous youth
Community-based Bungay and Music, dance, singing, drama and visual arts, taking Mostly HIC except 20 (RCTs and 5 Behavioral changes, self-confidence,
interventions Vella-Burrows [30] place in community settings or as extracurricular one in Tanzania observational) self-esteem, levels of knowledge,
activities and physical activity
Waddell et al. [31] Parent training or child social skills training and HICs 15 RCTs 6 Conduct disorder, anxiety, and depression
universal cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Durlak and Primary prevention intervention designed specifically HICs 144 programs 5 Competencies, performance, successful transitions
Wells [32] to reduce the future incidence of adjustment problems
Table 2
AMSTAR ¼ assessment of the methodological quality of systematic reviews criteria; BMI ¼ body mass index; HIC ¼ high-income country; LMIC ¼ low- and middle-income country; RCT ¼ randomized controlled
adolescents in schools [22].
and cost CBT delivered to young people in secondary schools can reduce
the symptoms of depression (standard mean difference
[SMD]: .16; 95% CI: .26 to .05) and anxiety (SMD: .33; 95%
CI: .59 to .06) [24]. School-based therapeutic mental health
programs specifically targeting adolescents with existing mental
52 RCTs
findings [25].
9 RCTs
7 RCTs
Community-based interventions
Table 3
Summary estimates for adolescent mental health interventions
School-based School-based CBT Symptoms of depression: effect size range: .21 to 1.40
interventions (n ¼ 12) CBT in secondary schools Depression (SMD: L.16; 95% CI: L.26 to L.05)
Anxiety (SMD: L.33; 95% CI: L.59 to L.06)
Classroom instructions Knowledge of suicide (SMD: 1.51; 95% CI: .57 to 2.45)
Knowledge of suicide prevention (SMD: .72; 95% CI: .36 to 1.07)
Community-based Person-centered programs Social acceptance at 3-month follow-up (SMD: .03; 95% CI: .10 to .04)
interventions (n ¼ 6) Affective education (SMD: .33; 95% CI: .18 to .48)
Aggregate of positive mental health outcome (SMD: .03; 95% CI: .19 to .25)
Person plus environment interventions Aggregate of positive mental health outcome (SMD: .27; 95% CI: .16 to .37)
Environment-only interventions Aggregate of positive mental health outcome (SMD: .38; 95% CI: .15 to .60)
Digital platforms (n ¼ 8) Mass media Discrimination: effect size range: SMD .85 to .17
Prejudice: effect size range: SMD 2.94 to 2.40
Individual-/family-based Media literacy and advocacy approach Internalization or acceptance of societal ideals relating to appearance
interventions (n ¼ 12) at a 3- to 6-month follow-up (SMD: L.28; 95% CI: L.51 to L.05)
Eating attitudes and behaviors and BMI at 12- to 14-month follow-up (SMD: .10; 95% CI: .45 to .25)
adolescent issues Eating Attitude Test at 6- to 12-month follow-up
(SMD: .01; 95% CI: .13 to .15)
Eating Disorder Inventory “bulimia” at 12- to 14-month
follow-up (SMD: .03; 95% CI: .16 to .10)
Self-esteem approach Close friendship at 3-month follow-up (SMD: .01; 95% CI: .09 to .06)
Exercise alone Self-esteem (SMD: .49; 95% CI: .16 to .81)
Exercise as a part of a comprehensive intervention Self-esteem (SMD: .51; 95% CI: .15 to .88)
Exercise compared to control Depression (SMD: L.62; 95% CI: L.81 to L.42)
Dropouts (RR: 1.00; 95% CI: .97 to 1.04)
Exercise compared to psychological therapies Depression (SMD: .03; 95%CI .32 to .26)
Exercise compared to antidepressant Depression (SMD: .11; 95% CI: .34 to .12)
Vigorous exercise versus no intervention Anxiety scores (SMD: .48; 95% CI: .97 to .01)
Depression score (SMD: L.66; 95% CI: L1.25 to L.08)
Vigorous exercise to low intensity exercise Anxiety scores (SMD: .14; 95% CI: .41 to .13)
Depression scores (SMD: .15; 95% CI: .44 to .14)
Exercise with psychosocial interventions Anxiety scores (SMD: .13; 95% CI: .43 to .17)
Depression scores (SMD: .10; 95% CI: .21 to .41)
Waitlist versus CBT for anxiety Anxiety remission (OR: 7.85; 95% CI: 5.31 to 11.6)
Participants lost to follow-up: (OR: .93; 95% CI: .58 to 1.51)
Psychological therapy versus antidepressant Remission (OR: .62; 95% CI: .28 to 1.35)
medications for depression Dropouts (OR: .61; 95% CI: .11 to 3.28)
Suicidal ideation (SMD: L3.12; 95% CI: L5.91 to L.33)
Depression symptoms (SMD: .16; 95% CI: .69 to 1.01)
Combination therapy versus antidepressant Remission (OR: 1.50; 95% CI: .99 to 2.27)
medication for depression Dropouts (OR: .84; 95% CI: .51 to 1.39)
Suicidal ideation (OR: .75; 95% CI: .26 to 2.16)
Depression symptoms (SMD: .27; 95% CI: 4.95 to 4.41)
Functioning (SMD: .09; 95% CI: .11 to .28)
Combination therapy versus psychological therapy Remission (OR: 1.61; 95% CI: .38 to 6.90)
Dropouts (OR: 1.23; 95% CI: .12 to 12.71)
Suicidal ideation (SMD: .60; 95% CI: 2.25 to 3.45)
Depression symptoms (SMD: .28; 95% CI: 1.41 to .84)
Combination therapy versus psychological Dropouts (OR: .98; 95% CI: .42 to 2.28)
therapy plus placebo Remission (OR: 2.15; 95% CI: 1.15 to 4.02)
Depression symptoms (SMD: L.52; 95% CI: L.78 to L.26)
Antidepressants compared to placebo to Number of relapsed recurred (OR: .34; 95% CI: .18 to .64)
relapse and recurrence Suicide-related behaviors (OR: 1.02; 95% CI: .14 to 7.39)
Dropouts (OR: 1.02; 95% CI: .38 to 2.79)
Behavioral therapy compared to all other Response (RR: .97; 95% CI: .86 to 1.09)
psychological therapies Remission (RR: .91; 95% CI: .8 to 1.04)
Response at follow-up (RR: .77; 95% CI: .59 to 1.01)
Depression severity (SMD: .03; 95% CI: .2 to .15)
Dropouts (RR: 1.02; 95% CI: .65 to 1.61)
Evidence-based youth-focused psychotherapy Effect size (SMD: .31; 95% CI: .16 to .44)
versus usual clinical care
Evidence-based parent-/family-focused Effect size (SMD: .16; 95% CI: .01 to .33)
psychotherapy versus usual clinical care
Multisystem approaches Effect size (SMD: .35; 95% CI: .19 to .52)
Combinations Effect size (SMD: .29; 95% CI: .06 to .52)
mental health promotion efforts and attempts to help negotiate Individual-/family-based interventions
stressful transitions yield significant mean effects on reducing
problems and increasing competencies [32]. Evidence from We included 12 systematic reviews focusing on individual- or
community-based mental health delivery programs specifically family-based interventions, of which 10 reviews performed
targeting mental health promotion of young people in LMICs meta-analysis. AMSTAR rating ranged between 6 and 11 with a
suggests positive impacts on mental health outcomes; however, median score of 11. One review focused on interventions for
pooled analysis could not be conducted [19]. Another review eating disorders; four reviews focused on physical activity and
evaluating community-based mental health and behavioral exercise interventions; six reviews focused on CBT, psychother-
programs for low-income urban youth suggested that person- apy, behavioral, and pharmacological interventions for anxiety
only interventions had a nonsignificant impact on improving and depression; while two reviews focused on home-based
mental health (measured by an aggregate outcome measure; multisystemic interventions.
SMD: .03; 95% CI: .19 to .25) while person plus environmental A systematic review on the effectiveness of eating disorder
interventions (SMD: .27; 95% CI: .16e.37) and environment-only programs for adolescents focused on eating disorder awareness,
interventions had a significant positive impact (SMD: .38; 95% CI: healthy eating attitudes and behaviors, media literacy and
.15e.60) [33]. One review reporting the impact of treatment of advocacy skills, and promoting self-esteem [43]. All included
adolescent mental health disorders in primary care settings studies were conducted in high-income countries (HICs). In-
suggests some preliminary evidence that treatments by terventions focusing on eating attitudes and behaviors showed
specialist staff working in primary care were effective, although no impact on body mass index at 12- to 14-month follow-up
quality of included studies was variable. Meta-analysis could not (SMD: .10; 95% CI: .45 to .25), Eating Attitude Test at 6- to
be conducted. Some educational interventions showed potential 12-month follow-up (SMD: .01; 95% CI: .13 to .15), and bulimia
for increasing skills and confidence of primary care staff, but at 12- to 14-month follow-up (SMD: .03; 95% CI: .16 to .10).
controlled evaluations were rare, and few studies reported the Combined data from two eating disorder prevention programs
actual change in professional behavior or patient health out- based on a media literacy and advocacy approach showed a
comes [34]. significant reduction in the internalization or acceptance of
societal ideals relating to appearance at a 3- to 6-month follow-
up (SMD: .28; 95% CI: .51 to .05). Two studies focusing on
Digital platforms for mental health interventions self-esteem approach showed no impact on close friendships
(SMD: .01; 95% CI: .09 to .06) and social acceptance
We report findings from eight systematic reviews evaluating (SMD: .03; 95% CI: .10, .04) at 3-month follow-up. There is not
impact of digital platforms for mental health disorders. None of enough evidence to suggest any harm from any of the prevention
the included reviews conducted meta-analysis. AMSTAR rating programs included in the review.
ranged between 4 and 11 with a median score of 9. A review Four systematic reviews evaluated the impact of exercise and
evaluating the impact of mass media interventions from two physical activity on mental health outcomes among adolescents
studies suggests an impact ranging from SMD .85 to .17 on and youth. Exercise alone was evaluated in eight studies showing
discrimination while the impact on prejudice ranged between significant impact on self-esteem (SMD: .49; 95% CI: .16e.81).
SMD 2.94 and 2.40. The studies were very heterogeneous, Exercise as a part of other comprehensive interventions was
statistically, in their populations, interventions, and outcomes, evaluated in four studies and showed a significant improvement
and hence meta-analysis could not be conducted [35]. Evidence in self-esteem (SMD: .51; 95% CI: .15e.88). However, these con-
pertaining to mass media suggests that mass mediaebased clusions are based on several small number of trials reporting
behavioral treatments have a moderate effect while computer- poolable data with lack of long-term follow-up data [44].
ized CBT for mental health suggests that such interventions are Another review reporting the effects of physical activity pro-
cost-effective and often cheaper than usual care [36,37]. grams (including outdoor adventure, sport and skill-based and
Another review evaluating online youth mental health promo- physical fitness program) included 15 studies. Due to small
tion and prevention interventions indicates that there is some number of studies and large heterogeneity in terms of study
evidence that skills-based interventions presented in a module- length, sample size, assessment of outcomes, and participants,
based format can have a significant impact on adolescent meta-analysis was not conducted. Some studies suggested pos-
mental health; however, an insufficient number of studies limit itive impacts on social and emotional well-being; however, due
this finding. The results from online interventions indicate sig- to mixed findings and the high risk of bias, the efficacy of physical
nificant positive effect of computerized CBT on adolescents’ and activity programs could not be concluded [45]. Evidence on the
emerging adults’ anxiety and depression symptoms [38]. These use of exercise for depression compared to no treatment suggests
findings are based on 20 studies; however, meta-analysis could significant impact in reducing depression from 35 trials
not be conducted in this review due to heterogeneity in studies. (SMD: .62; 95% CI: .81 to .42) while there was no impact on
Evidence from four Internet-based prevention and treatment dropouts (relative risk [RR]: 1.00; 95% CI: .97e1.04). Exercise
programs for anxiety and depression suggests early support for when compared to psychological therapy and pharmacological
the effectiveness; however, more extensive and rigorous treatment found no significant difference on depression
research is warranted to further establish the conditions (SMD .03; 95% CI: .32 to .26 and SMD: .11; 95% CI: .34 to
through which effectiveness is enhanced, as well as to develop .12, respectively) [46]. Vigorous exercise when compared to no
additional programs to address gaps in the field [39]. Three intervention led to reduced depression score (SMD: .66; 95%
reviews evaluating the acceptability and feasibility of mental CI: 1.25, .08) with no impact on anxiety scores (SMD: .48;
health resources among youth suggested that young people 95% CI: .97, .01) while vigorous exercise when compared to low
regularly use and are generally satisfied with online mental intensity exercise and psychosocial interventions showed com-
health resources [40e42]. parable results. However, the small number of studies and the
S58 J.K. Das et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 59 (2016) S49eS60
clinical diversity of participants, interventions, and methods of approach has shown to be most effective, and participants could
measurement limit the ability to draw conclusions [47]. benefit from the involvement of at least one health professional
Six systematic reviews reported findings on interventions for from a psychology or psychiatric background. Further high-level,
anxiety and depression among adolescents and youth. A review high-quality research using standardized outcome measures is
on the effectiveness of CBT for anxiety disorders included required to support these findings and determine key parame-
41 studies. CBT compared to waitlist was effective in reducing ters, such as an optimal frequency and duration for day therapy
remission (odds ratio [OR]: 7.85; 95% CI: 5.31e11.6). There was programs [54].
nonsignificant impact on participants lost to follow-up (OR: .93;
95% CI: .58e1.51) [48]. A review evaluating the impact of psy- Discussion
chological therapies and antidepressant medication, alone and
in combination, for the treatment of depressive disorder for We report findings from a total of 38 systematic reviews with
adolescents included 11 studies. Findings suggest that psycho- an AMSTAR rating ranging between 7 and 11 and a median score
logical therapy when compared to antidepressants had com- of 8. Evidence from school-based interventions suggests that
parable effect on remission (OR: .62; 95% CI: .28e1.35), dropouts targeted group-based interventions and CBT were found to be
(OR: .61; 95% CI: .11e3.28), and depression symptoms (SMD: .16; effective in reducing depressive symptoms and anxiety. School-
95% CI: .69 to 1.01) while psychological therapy significantly based suicide prevention programs suggest that classroom-
reduced suicidal ideation (SMD: 3.12, 95% CI: 5.91 to .33) based didactic and experiential programs increased short-term
when compared to antidepressant. Combination therapy was knowledge of suicide and knowledge of suicide prevention
also found to be comparable to antidepressant medications for with no evidence of an effect on suicide-related attitudes or
remission (OR: 1.50; 95% CI: .99e2.27), dropouts (OR: .84; 95% behaviors. Community-based creative activities had some posi-
CI: .51e1.39), suicidal ideation (OR: .75; 95% CI: .26e2.16), tive effect on behavioral changes, self-confidence, self-esteem,
depression symptoms (SMD: .27; 95% CI: 4.95 to 4.41), and levels of knowledge, and physical activity. Evidence from digital
functioning (SMD: .09; 95% CI: .11 to .28). Combination ther- platforms supports Internet-based prevention and treatment
apy was also found to be comparable to psychological therapy programs for anxiety and depression; however, more extensive
for remission (OR: 1.61; 95% CI: .38e6.90), dropouts (OR: 1.23; and rigorous research is warranted to further establish the con-
95% CI: .12e12.71), suicidal ideation (SMD: .60; 95% CI: 2.25 to ditions. Among individual- and family-based interventions,
3.45), and depression symptoms (SMD: .28; 95% CI: 1.41 to interventions focusing on eating attitudes and behaviors showed
.84). Psychological therapy when compared to combination no impact on body mass index, Eating Attitude Test, and bulimia.
therapy was effective in reducing remission (OR: 2.15; 95% Exercise was found to be effective in improving self-esteem and
CI: 1.15e4.02). Combination therapy significantly reduced reduced depression score with no impact on anxiety scores. CBT
depression symptoms (SMD: .52; 95% CI: .78 to .26) compared to waitlist was effective in reducing remission. Psy-
compared to psychological therapy plus placebo [49]. Another chological therapy when compared to antidepressants had
review evaluating the impact of interventions for relapse and comparable effect on remission, dropouts, and depression
recurrence of depressive disorders included nine trials. Findings symptoms. Most of the evidence is from HICs, limiting the
suggest reduction in number of relapsed recurred (OR: .34; 95% generalizability of the findings for LMICs. Meta-analysis could
CI: .18e.64) with no impact on suicide-related behaviors (OR: not be conducted in many of the included reviews due to het-
1.02; 95% CI: .14e7.39) and dropouts (1.02; 95% CI: .38e2.79) erogeneity in their populations, interventions, and outcomes.
[50]. However, there is considerable diversity in the design of One of the limitations of our review was that the scope of our
trials, making it difficult to compare outcomes across studies review was limited to interventions targeting adolescents and
[50]. Behavioral therapy when compared to all other psycho- youth only; however, mental health interventions take a life
logical therapies is reported to be equally effective for depres- course perspective. Mental health disorders are linked in
sion response (RR: .97; 95% CI: .86e1.09); remission (RR: .91; different ways and levels, exerting a dimensional effect between
95% CI: .8e1.04); response at follow-up (RR: .77; 95% CI: environmental, genetic factors and other biological mechanisms
.59e1.01); depression severity (SMD: .03; 95% CI: .2e.15); [55e57]. Evidence from recent literature suggests interventions
and dropout (RR: 1.02; 95% CI: .65e1.61) [51]. Another review to support parenting offer much scope for improving mental
evaluating the performance of evidence-based youth psycho- health among children and adolescents later in life [58e62].
therapies compared with usual clinical care suggests that psy- Evidence suggests that early childhood development (ECD)
chotherapies outperform usual care (SMD: .31; 95% CI: .16e.44), interventions including stimulation in early childhood, preschool
but the advantage is modest and moderated by youth, location, level interventions, and ECD consultations have shown to be
and assessment characteristics [52]. effective in improving health behaviors, conduct problems, and
Evidence suggests that home-based multisystemic therapy social skills and are also low-cost interventions delivered in
resulted in improved externalizing symptoms, and they spent home and at school [63e67]. Evidence also suggests that ECD
fewer days out-of-school and out-of-home placement. Intensive and parenting interventions can be implemented effectively in
home-based crisis intervention using the “Homebuilders” model LMICs’ schools and community settings; however, evidence for
(components include relationship building, reframing problems, scaling-up and sustainability of mental health promotion in-
anger management, communication, setting treatment goals, terventions in LMICs needs to be strengthened [68].
and CBT) did not show any impact when compared to routine There are challenges pertaining to adolescent mental health
inpatient care [53]. Day therapy programs for adolescents with due to the associated stigma. Furthermore, there are gaps related
mental health disorders (including anxiety disorders, social to monitoring the health behavior of adolescents, even with
phobia, and behavioral issues) suggest that it may be an effective multicountry surveys, for example, most of the data are gathered
intervention for adolescents with mental health disorders. A among older adolescents. More widespread developmentally
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