Skeleton of Proposal
Skeleton of Proposal
Skeleton of Proposal
To highlight the fact that advertising and marketing are extremely dynamic in nature and are
dependent on the increase/decrease in urban transactions of an economy.
To prove that the newer methods of advertising boost the bottom line of businesses.
Relevance: This particular case should be discussed because it provides knowledge about
how advertisements are capable of luring consumers into spending more on non-essential
products even during times of crises when people spend every paisa of their earning very
Usage of the power of nostalgia during the current times in TV adverts positive response
from consumers
Why did the advertising sector have to amp up their game digitally during the pandemic?
Less revenue generated on non-essential products
Advertisement expenses are fictitious assets that act like momentary expenses
Less allocation of budgets to this department, which gave rise to the economical method
of digital marketing.
Why did the spending patterns of consumers change that brought about the need to change
advertising techniques?
Layoffs and furloughs
Less income
Less demand for non-essential goods.
Usage of hedonic values in visual representation as compared to print media has more impact
on people.
Many companies have integrated their Corporate Social Responsibility and Sales &
Marketing Departments because consumers have been responding very well to ads that they
are able to relate with during the pandemic.
A major digital marketing technique, User Generated Content has been creating a boom in
sales for many cosmetic companies
3. Problem statement (What is the key argument which you have identified? What are the
arguments that can support the main argument?) Sub-arguments
Due to the decreased ad spend of companies, their focus on conventional advertising via
physical means has moved towards newer, cost effective, and labour-saving trends of
promoting products in the digital space, which have been generating more revenue by
giving rise to positive consumer response.
User generated content in social media has worked as the base for a new revolution in
digital marketing. It requires less new investments and provides social proof and
authenticity to the brand value, thereby making consumers more prone to buying the
portrayed products.
Digital marketing requires less physical infrastructure and more productivity can be
acquired from a smaller number of employees due to the ease in creating content virtually.
Consumers spend most of their times indoors during lockdowns. The increase in screen
time acts as an advantage for companies to push in seconds long visuals into online
streaming services, etc.
4. Plan of Action How do you want to go about doing this
(Discuss how you are going to go about working on the case)
By browsing through the social media pages of various firms that sell non-essential goods and
trace the increase in consumer participation before and after the pandemic
By read scientific and market research studies on how nostalgia acts a major driver in
changing consumer perception.
By going back to the social media pages of the firms and check whether or not they use this
technique of nostalgia to appeal to their customers. Doing the same while re-watching tv
adverts of those firms broadcast during lockdowns.
Going through the income statements of firms to see how the revenues fell right after the virus
hit the country and then note the increase in their revenue after they adopted digital marketing.
Taking interviews of digital marketeers and asking them questions related to how their
approach to creating engaging content has changed, whether or not they include more
relatable matter w.r.t the pandemic
Sending around surveys to people about what kind of ads appeal to them more during times of
Amalgamating all of this information and writing the case with appropriate data.