Classic Rock AOR Magazine
Classic Rock AOR Magazine
Classic Rock AOR Magazine
Don'\ Ever Wanna Lose Va 2 loved Along The Way Priuce 01 Paupers
The peachiest track from After a nineteen year These graceful Swedes
their new album of covers break from the limelight have been in operation
and acoustic versions,
Don'! Ever Wanna Lose Ya • following her last LP,
1992's Squeeze, the one
under various guises
for a quarter century or
finds Sweden's finest
taking on the sole Top 40 flltN.'\'~ , time Bob Dylan co-star
from New Jersey returns
her an excellent new
so now, which seems
a fine time to drop v!ha
single cut by Bostonian aficionados will agree is
AORsters New England, 1J"" album, aided and abe ed their masterpiece, and
from their self-titled 1979 debut album. It's a fine by husband-and-wife team Robin Bec (and \,':hat newcomers will surely gree'. as ihejr fns~
act of earnest hero worship on the part of these Hause Of Lords' James Christian. as she still s.ep along he j)oth 10 manie d;: . a ed G-<>"
Swedes and should go some way to convince the got i ? Yes she has. Don't believe I..s? 5:- ~ 's "s;c ;a Gm. guest appea-a-:e ;k -r; - c~:
few remaining doubters that their love for AOR is oice sli'!er of AOR brilliance, an ;r",- :::"3:; ~s
no ironic affectation - Houston mean it, maaan i ara· 1 geticemail oreverh<l-g::_ ....:~:=,~_:
Taken from: Relaunch on Spinefarm. Taken from U lb I on t" e 0- - -::
Formed by brothers-in
arms (and in reallife)
Dave and Mike Zublena,
Soul Seiler hail from
Santhia, Northern Italy,
and took a decade to
perfect the follow-up to
their 2000 debut album.
Aficionadoes of glam-lined anthemic rock will
savour the band's sassy cocktail of Europe
pomp and epic Bon Jovi ambition, while true
AORsters will relish guest appearances from
luminaries Dave Rox and Oliver Hartmann.
Taken from: Bock Ta Life on Avenue Of AIIies
Def Leppard knew what they were Up to when they fashioned the sleeve
to epochal 1983 album Pyromania. Their second collaboration with canny
German producer Robert 'Mutt' Lange, who'd introduced exacting new studio
processes to a band used to raggedly rockin' through their tunes, it found
the Leps endlessly rerecording their songs until they were absolutely perfect,
honing the group's skills until they were as sharp as the assassins caught in
the act on Pyromania's action-packed cover. And so it is with AORmania: the
bands contained herein are no lazy slackers turning in their tapes with
a lackadaisical'will this do?' attitude... No, they have all polished their
choruses, buffed every vocal track and delivered their guitar licks with the
mastery of professionals. The result is 15 blasts of thrill-Iaden majesty that
will rock you without mercy: in fact, until you drop. Every track's a killer.
Attroction, a sleek streetwalking cheetah of than Tommy Denander on this here opening
a beast that harbours plenty of AaR gems like
this bold and bolshy anthem.
track, lending lean guitar lines to one of his
dad's expertly-crafted masterpieces. - _. ..__.""._._
. .. .
Austria's not previously
been known for its rock
'{OIlr I.ove·~ ARunaway
Swedish quintet Grand
Design - c1early big fans
exports, but the third of TV's favourite Keep up bang to date with AOR
album from Moedling's architecture buff Kevin news at the virtual home of Classic
Cornerstone might McCloud - unabashedly
change all that. Regular describe their sound as Rock,
visitors to the UK, their 'c1assic 80s rock'. While You'll find a host of activity there
heroic AaR anthems we bet that's already - including free MP3s in our
speak the sort of language that should win them gotten you salivating, cast an ear towards
a place in your hearts: massive choruses built for the majestic epic that is Your Love's A Runowoy, popular Track Of The Day feature.
radio airplay, delivered by a vocalist, Patricia a highlight from their recent second album In recent weeks we've offered
Hillinger, who holds her own with the greats. Idolizer. Yeah. We thought you'd like that. And gratis down loads from the likes of
They won't be strangers for very long... there's nine more gems where that came from.
Taken tram: Somewhere In Americo on Atom. Taken tram: Idolizer on AOR Heaven. Ten, Shakra, Eden's (urse, Oliver
Weers, M.ILL.ION and more.
So log on now and get web-wise
with the full melodic-rock monty,
solo joint #4. Playing every single instrument Sounds and were adored by Kerrang! back in the
If you ,,"ould like your COs and OVOs to be recycled
and singing every vocal on what feels like his day, their only album never quite got released.
magnum opus, Ferreira foregrounds his able Thanks to Angel Air, it has been now - along
songcraft and lush execution. A must for fans with all the tracks off their First B!ood EP - i3lld
Please respect the environment and dispose of
Taken fram: Are You In? on Playrec. Taken tram: Transfusion on Angel Air.
Fiona I,.
\ ... )
r two decades' silence, the New FIO
V ..
Jersey roc prillcess re MIS.
T'$ COMEBACK TIME for melodie OfThe Night, which draws comparisons to
---- _.. -_..
Knock Out Kaine Sol~y Mourning_. Richie Kotzen Cornerstone
R.O.C.K.S h\l; :tr' :'CER ,e ~J- Set The Night On Fire EP Zaire ~11,n(}()(,.l(fCOR[l~ 24 Hours WN\.~',~Jto-jl KL.:r,"iJ-J.r:. '.1
Bi;; Nlll'IVegian l"t,(,!-. 1'1 JIIl ,!\\ v:.~ .10::-....... 11 1;." 'll: 'v/fr
Ilig ln ßelgilll I '\ da,' make,e;, ). pttt;l, an, Ii)UP'"(
hig Nlln '<'f,tlau •(.a:kt 1'$ SpPf'(I~ .<I.';lr,' rrwh I'r,olll It'sdifficult Thisformer Indicating the
Ronseal would prümisil1!!; I 'l( nc'\comers. to predict Poison and Mr market
be proud: the Riding high on whether the ßig axeman vagaries for
debut album the back of patronage of has excelled at melodie rock,
from 0510'5 their recent Belgium's both singing Corners tone
Humbucker European melodie rock cognoscenti will and guitar'playing for over two were restricted to playing such
does exactly what it says on jaunt with aid Soley Mourning's mission. decades. Like its predecessor humble spots as The Axe And
the tin. Safely keeping subtlety Steven Adler, Midlands·based However, it seems our friends Peoce Sign. 24 Hours' rock, blues Cleaver and Old Nick's Tavern
at arms' length, R.O.CK.S kicks sleaze merchants Knock Out across the channel have stolen and R&B influences are here rather than more prestigious
off with a huge biker rock riff Kaine pave the way for their lull a march on us Brits when it played to the fore. The album venues on their recent UK tour.
and a Kiss namecheck and then debut with this five tracker. comes to embracing this fine opens with the more rocking Yet Cornerstone don't
proceeds, without hesitation, Sparting the same cocksure, band. Soley Mourning have songs, such as the title track, deserve banishment to the pub
deviation but lots of repetition, middle-digit attitude that made been making a big noise in naturally progressing into the band circui!. Somewhere In
to stomp all over anything that superstars out of vagabonds Belgium since 2007, but it is slower tempos until reaching Americo offers more of the
gets in its way. like Mötley Crüe back in the the support of fellow West the end with Twist Of Fote, hook-Iaden, euphorie songs sat
As befits a band whose sole day, there's a raw energy and Midlanders Magnum that is featuring the calming tones of somewhere between Bon Jovi
concession to shtick involves freshness to this that is both a more telling barometer of this a nylon-string guitar. Prior to and Roxette that this Austrian
wearing identical black shades endearing and compelling. quintet's potential. Previous that, Love 15 Blind and Stop Me band specialise in. Their
on the CD booklet. Humbucker Brash guitars, pumping touring guests of Tony Clarkin mark the highlights. undoubted budgetary
have no truck with high-falutin' rhythms and angst-ridden and co, it appears valuable With only rare exceptions restrictions prevent them from
ideas. Doing My Job (In A Rock vocals characterise superbly lessons have been learnt: Zaire (such as a heartfelt vocal ad Iib attaining the same lush level of
And Roll Band) is a big, chest hook laden songs such as Set is confident, accomplished and by Jerry Cantrell from Alice In production both those bands
beating brute 01 a song, while The Night On Fire, Time and varied enough to appeal to AOR Chains on Stop Me), all the achieve, but the album is still
Priscilla - featuring the ghost the swaggering Littfe Crystol. stalwarts and hard rockers instruments, including drums pretty engaging. Strut and
of a slide guitar, their sole Indeed, my only complaint is alike. Mat Partridge's soulful and piano, are credited to Breathing For You are the pick of
concession to pretension that at 22 minutes, it simply voice, coupled with a funk Kotzen's unlimited skills. A the numerous ballads, and the
is one herpes sore away from ain't long enough l infused rhythm section, makes must-have album for fans of both gutsy Like AStranger and
AC/DCs The Jack. Areal bundle of fun, bristling for an eclectic record where breathtaking melodies and the Tom Petty-like High And Low
Not clever, but very, very, very with energy - I predict a big melody always rules. fascinating virtuoso show that they're equally adept
big. future for Knock Out Kaine l Mourning's glory? You bel. performances. at adding more volume.
••••••• •
Dave Everley
Dove Cockett
• •••••••
Simon Rushworth
M6nico Costedo-L6pez
Rich Wilson