Chapter I JIHAD (Intro)

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STRUGGLE OR CONFLAGRATION: The Bona Fide Denotation of the Islamic Jihad

Belief that Set the World with Scared and Baffled Minds at Times

A Research Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School

St. John’s Academy, Incorporated
Dinalupihan, Bataan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in Research in Daily Life 1, Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems, and
Disciplines and Ideas in Social Science
Grade 11 HUMSS – St. Augustine

The Researchers
Ramirez, Andrei Lawrence S.
Alvendo, Cyrus Daniel R.
Fabia, John Gabriel C.
Mariano, Justine M.
Mallo, Jairah O.




‘Struggles’ or ‘Muslim holy war’, these are the words that come to mind of a normal

individual whenever he hears the word jihad. However, as stated by Handwerk (2003), the term

jihad is a very brimful concept that leads to different misconceptions to the people. For him,

Western people define jihad as the clash of civilization. On the other hand, most scholars of

Islam and common Muslims define the term as “exerted effort”, thus representing expansive

activities. On the other note, according to Afsaruddin (2020), in the religious and ethical realm,

jihad refers to promoting what is right and preventing what is wrong. However, Handwerk and

Afsaruddin are symmetrical to the Western or non-Islamic definition of Jihad. They both agreed

that Western people define it as the holy war. This demonstrates that jihad has various

denotations floating over the minds of the people across the globe.

In international law, as stated by Afsaruddin (2020), the concern of the classical Muslim

jurists is the state security and Islamic realms that are focused on military duties. In an article

written by Theodosiou (2016), the director of the Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilization at

Charles Sturt University stated three true interpretations of jihad that still have a basis from the

Qur’an. The first one is the struggle of an individual against his own temptations, inner desires,
and negative or wicked inclinations, which Prophet Muhammad considered as the greater jihad.

The second interpretation is for promoting social change, it is trying to amend wrongs in the

society in order to promote something good. The final interpretation is the most commonly

known form of jihad, it is the Muslim military struggle which uses assaultive force that may

invade countries and attack civilians or innocent individuals. According to the same article, as

stated by The Islamic Law of Nations’ academic Majjid Khadduri in his 1966 publication, jihad

is "Islam’s instrument for carrying out its ultimate objective by turning all people into

believers, if not in the prophethood of Mohammed, at least in the belief of God". It is quite

interesting that even Muslims themselves have different interpretations of their own belief.

In America, the once arcane word jihad is now a familiar term in the Oxford English

Dictionary. According to Streusand (2006), the first time he did a web search on the word it says,

“Jihad to remove Barney from televisions.” He then stated that jihad, as understood by the west

is a fanatical struggle.

In the Philippines jihad as a form of war against those who contradict Muslims is the

most common definition of the term as Islamic terrorist groups are rampant in the southern part

of the country. According to Magdalena (2003), the militant Muslims played as the players of

their holy war and the government or dominant ethnic groups act the role of the Muslims’

enemy. In an article written by Chalk (2016), he stated the three major Islam Militant Groups in

the Philippines, which are the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG),

and Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF). These three groups share common goals, the

establishment of an independent Islamic state of Mindanao and to purge Christian influence over

the Mindanao where Muslims in the Philippines usually dwell. Up to this date, these groups’

goals are still in the middle of nowhere. However, through years of unwavering effort, these
groups were able to convince the government to create a region for the Muslims in the

Philippines. According to De Guzman (2019), the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim

Mindanao (BARMM) is the outcome of the peace talks between the two concerned parties, the

government and the Muslim militant groups. This could be a great sign for the Muslim militant

groups in Mindanao, however, it could be a mystery box for the government and other sectors in

the Philippines.

To wrap up, it is no doubt that jihad has a varying definition circling around the globe.

The definitions depend on the understanding of the people. It is also not a debate that even

Muslims who used the word most commonly struggles to find or agree upon the real definition of

jihad. Driven by these baffling definitions of jihad, the researchers conducted a study to provide

the genuine definition of the jihad belief.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is: What is the bona fide denotation of the Islamic jihad

belief that set the world with scared and baffled minds at times?

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the etymology of the word jihad?

2. What is jihad according to the Qur’an?

3. Are there different classifications of jihad?

4. Based from the different information gathered, what can be concluded about jihad?
Significance of the Study

The outcome of the study will hopefully bring benefits to the following entities:

Radical Muslims. These are the Muslims who deeply believe that the concept of jihad is

the holy war of Muslims against the unbelievers of Islam. This handiwork will help and will be

beneficial to radical Muslims for they can penetrate through the web of interpretations about

jihad. The concluded definition of jihad will trigger the reevaluation of the radical Muslims’

interpretation of jihad. It might actuate them to change their belief and be a morally upright

Muslim that could be a positive effect of the study.

Muslims. By the output of this research, Muslims will have more knowledge and will be

enlightened with regards to what really their jihad belief means. The written facts will give them

full insight into the positive and negative effects of Jihad. It will make them baffle less on the

real meaning of the Jihad. Thus, it could pull them away from the chances of being radical


Religious Scholars. These are the people who study religions. With the help of the study,

religious scholars will be able to have a better understanding of the Abrahamic religion, Islam.

The research study can provide information for them that is related to the term Jihad.

Government. The government, not just in the Philippines but also from all over the

world, could benefit from the study. Through the help of the study which will give them a better
understanding of jihad, they will be able to conduct proper and effective peace talks with the

Muslim militant groups. It could be the key to a more prosperous and peaceful society in the


Future Researchers. Future researchers might utilize the result of this study in

conceptualizing other researchable problems of similar nature. Likewise, future researchers

might use this as a basis to further the experiment and concentrate on other areas that were not

given attention in this study.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The research study was done with the application of the historical method of research. A

method used that focused on determining the different interpretations of various sectors in the

society about a certain Muslim belief, Jihad.

The researchers used works of literature as the source of data for the research. News

articles, journal articles, and related studies were few of the resources chosen by the researchers.

Most of the data that were gathered came from the internet. However, the researchers did not just

pick up data floating above the internet. The researchers analyzed each literature that was chosen

as a resource. Pieces of literature were gathered through the relativity of the literature to the

study. The researchers checked whether the content of the literature and related studies are

applicable or can be a basis for the study. These data are used as shreds of evidence or support to

the main topic of the research.

Moreover, the study focused on discovering the different interpretations of the society

about the Jihad belief of the Muslims. The different interpretations gathered will then lead to the

synthesized definition of Jihad.

Notes in Chapter I

Afsaruddin, A. (2020). Jihad. Retrieved from:
Chalk, P. (2016). The Islamic State in the Philippines: A Looming Shadow in
Southeast Asia? Retrieved from:
De Guzman, S. (2019). BARMM replaces ARMM. Retrieved from:
Handwerk, B. (2003). What Does "Jihad" Really Mean to Muslims? Retrieved
Magdalena, F. (2003). Islam and the Politics of Identity. Retrieved from:
Streusand, D. (2006). The War on the Word 'Jihad'. Retrieved from:
Theodosiou, P. (2016). Jihad: A word which doesn't mean war against non-
Muslims. Retrieved from:

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