Eng. - Gestión Académica para El Estudiante - en
Eng. - Gestión Académica para El Estudiante - en
Eng. - Gestión Académica para El Estudiante - en
The subjects that make up your curriculum are distributed in the following manner to form the
240 ECTS credits of the Higher Art Education in Design Degree
• Basic Education - BE: 66 ECTS
• Compulsory- CO: 103 ECTS
• Electives - OP: 45 ECTS
• Company internships - CI: 6 ECTS
• Final Project - FP: 20 ECTS
Below, we show how we recommend distributing the 240 credits over the four years of the
degree (however, each year’s enrolment will depend on the credits passed and those pending
in each academic year):
· 1st Academic Year – 60 ECTS — BE and CO
· 2nd Academic Year – 60 ECTS — BE and CO
· 3rd Academic Year – 60 ECTS — BE and CO, 15 OP and 6 FI
· 4th Academic Year – 60 ECTS — 30 OP, 20 FP, 10 BE and CO
Exam sessions
Each enrolment gives the right to 2 exam sessions during each academic year: 1st and 2nd exam
session. You can have up to a total of 4 exam sessions per subject over your entire academic
In extraordinary circumstances, you may request that the Administration grant an extra 5th exam
Every subject features continuous evaluation and the criteria are as follows:
• In-person attendance is mandatory. Attendance is mandatory to pass the subject. You must
attend 100% of the classes, but the school understands that circumstances that prevent you
from attending. With this in mind, unjustified absences can reach up to 25% of total class hours
without penalization. This means the minimum required attendance to be evaluated is 75%.
In the event that an absence coincides with an assignment due date or an exam, the professor
may approve a later exam or due date.
• If absences exceed 25%, we recommend informing the cause to the professor, although the
lack of attendance will continue to be recorded on your student record.
The only events that would justify an absence and would not be recorded on your student record
o Court summons, for example, if you are called to testify.
o You are seriously ill. For example, if you are admitted to the hospital for an
o An illness or death of an immediate family member.
o A professional sport competition.
Arriving 15 minutes after the start of the lesson will count as an absence. However, based on
the type of class and the professor’s judgement, you may still be allowed entry if you arrive
tardy, although you will still be considered absent from the lesson.
• 10% of the total of the course grade is based on your involvement during the course.
• Each subject has certain specific evaluation criteria that you can consult in the curriculum and
the corresponding course teaching plan.
• Assignments must always be carried out under the professor’s supervision. No assignments
created without supervision will be accepted.
Extraordinary single evaluation: In extraordinary situations, this option will be offered which
will allow for a single evaluation at the end of the semester following the teacher’s guidelines
and without attending in class. To request this option, you must comply with the following
requisites during the previous academic year:
• You must have failed the subject with a grade of between 3.5 and 4.9.
• You must have attended at least 50% of the classes.
You will receive the link by email that will lead you to the online form that you will
have to fill out next:
▪ If you are a student who passed all subjects in the 1st exam session:
July 8, 9, 12, and 13.
▪ Or if you are a student who passed in the 2nd exam session:
July 22 and 23.
▪ Or, if you are student who had an extra exam session: July 23.
Deadline for changes: Students will have 10 calendar days from the start of
the academic year.
Enrolment requirements:
✓ You must always enroll in subjects that you failed in the previous academic
✓ It is not possible to enroll in two subjects whose schedules overlap. If there
is an overlap, the subject from the earlier academic years will always have
✓ It is only possible to enroll in the final project if you have passed the first,
second, and third academic years and you have no pending subjects.
The school can neither guarantee the group nor the language for subjects that
students take for a second time. Students who repeat subjects must attend the
group that is available, whether in the morning or the afternoon, and whether in
Catalan or in English, in order to allow the students who are taking the subject for
the first time to attend with their regular group. Elective subjects must have a
minimum number of students enrolled in order to be offered and will also have a
maximum number. For subjects that have too many students trying to enroll, places
will be assigned by order of grades on the student record. Priority will be given,
whenever possible, to students who have chosen this particular route of study.
The list of students enrolled in each elective will be published in September.
- When you want to access a new specialty within the same degree, all credits you have
earned corresponding to the basic education subjects will be recognized.
- The School’s Administration is in charge of the design and regulation of the credit
transfer system.
For the other academic years, you must pass at least 50% of the credits in which you are enrolled.
Students who do not pass at least 50% of the credits they are enrolled in for two consecutive
academic years may not continue the official studies.
Students can request to withdraw from the subject’s exam session within the established period
before 50% of the time dedicated to teaching the subject has elapsed. Withdrawing from the
exam session does not exempt students from the requirements that must be met to remain
enrolled nor the economic criteria set forth by the school. Therefore, the tuition for the subject
from which the student has withdrawn will not be refunded or applied to future years.
The exam schedule will be listed on the academic calendar and cannot be modified.
The date may only be modified in the following cases:
a) You are hospitalized and/or undergo an operation
b) You experience the death of an immediate family member
c) You receive a court summons
d) You have a professional sport competition
Make-up exams
• These exams must be taken within the established period.
• The maximum overall grade in the 2nd exam period will be 7 out of 10
• Make-up exams make it possible for students to pass subjects that they have failed, not to
improve their grade.
Revisions can only be carried out during the period established in the academic calendar.
5. Which entities or institutions can issue the certificate? Which certificates confirm
this linguistic skill level?
On Omnivox you will find the PDF list of all the entities and certificates that accredit
the required linguistic skill level.