Cusb Cgpa Percentage Conversion
Cusb Cgpa Percentage Conversion
Cusb Cgpa Percentage Conversion
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Regulations for Teaching and Evaluation (Undergraduate/Postgraduate Programme)
1. The undergraduate and postgraduate programmes shall have 2 semesters each year.
Some programmes may have winter / summer session. The total number of semesters in
each of the programmes is as mentioned separately.
It may not be always possible to rigidly define teaching hours, required for each credit.
Generally, one credit is defined as 10 teaching hours.
The medium of instruction is English for all the Programmes, except Indian Languages.
The change of programme after taking admission into one is permitted only once within
10 (ten) working days of the beginning of the session, but subject to (a) fulfilment of the
minimum eligibility criterion of the desired programme; and,(b)availability of seats. The
class attendance in the previous programme shall not be carried forward in the new
programme, if admitted.
2. If a student repeats any semester, s/he shall not be counted in the total number of seats
(as allotted by UATEC) to the programme in the particular academic year and are
supernumerary seats. The aforesaid student needs to follow the syllabus that is in force
in the regular semester, and be abided by the regulations laid down for that particular
period of time, if any. The aforesaid student needs to repeat all of the courses in the
semester with the current batch, with the prior permission of the Chairperson, UATEC,
by applying through proper channel.
4. A student shall be liable to disciplinary action if s/he is found involved in any unfair means (as
listed by the University) adopted during any of the examinations conducted by the University.
5. Any exceptional case such as that of a student who has otherwise fulfilled required
attendance and continuous evaluation and not covered under these regulations may be
referred to the Chair, UATEC for appropriate decision.
Class Attendance:
6. A student is required to attend, in aggregate, at least 75% of the total number of classes
held in the programme, in the specific semester, and at least 60% in each of the courses
in the programme in order to be eligible to appear in the End-semester examination.
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7. Waiving of attendance-deficit up to a maximum of 10% is permissible in the following
situations, on a case-to-case basis, by the Chair of the Academic Council.
(a) Representing CUSB in any inter-collegiate, inter- University, local, national or
international events;
(b) Participating in or organizing an activity of CUSB with prior permission of the
Competent Authority; and,
(c) Students requesting for condoning of 10% deficit from the required attendance
on medical grounds shall submit the certificate of the Registered Medical
Practitioner under whom s/he was treated for the said illness. In case of
hospitalization, a discharge summary needs to be submitted. Extra /
compensatory classes in respective course(s) need to be arranged by the
Department / Centre [such classes are required to be concluded at least a week
before the examination is scheduled to begin].
8. A student, however shall not be allowed to appear at end- semester examination, if not
covered under Sections 6 and 7. Such students shall be permitted to repeat the semester
in the subsequent academic year on payment of full semester fees. However in 1st
semester minimum 40% attendance shall be mandatory to repeat the semester. A student
who does not put in at least 40% of attendance in 1st semester shall not be promoted to
2nd semester and s/he shall has to reappear in the entrance test and qualify to take fresh
9. There shall be continuous internal evaluation of the students’ learning and performance
by the instructor(s). Considering the nature of the course, the instructor(s) shall decide
the mode of internal evaluation, which may include assignments, class tests, take-
home tests, term paper(s), presentations, case studies, the Court Room Exercises (CRE),
among others, besides Mid-semester, and End- semester examinations.
10. Evaluation pattern adopted for each course / paper of theory- intensive as well
as practical-intensive programmes shall generally have point distribution as: Out of the
total 100 points, Continuous evaluation shall be of 35 points, Mid- semester examination
15 points, and End-semester examination 50 points.
11. End-semester theory question paper shall include long and short questions (in terms of
length of answers) and/or a limited number of objective-type questions, covering the
entire syllabus. Further, the duration of the Mid-semester and End-
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semester examinations shall be of one hour and two-and-a-half hour, respectively. The
pattern of question paper / evaluation shall be announced to the students of the
respective courses at the beginning of each semester.
12. Each course instructor(s) shall design the examination / evaluation system (Mid
and End-semester examinations and continuous assessment) for the course s/he offers
with the approval of the Department / Centre Committee (DC / CC). The DC / CC shall
appoint one faculty member for moderation of question papers of Mid-semester and
End- semester examinations, respectively. And, the same has to be put on record at the
Office of the Controller of Examinations, before the examination begins.
13. Generally, each course shall be taught by one instructor / faculty, who shall maintain all
the records related to attendance, teaching and evaluation in a systematic manner. In
case, the faculty is assisted in teaching by other instructor(s) / faculty, the faculty (in-
charge of the course) shall be responsible for coordinating teaching and evaluation,
including award of final grade. Monthly records of attendance of students in each of the
courses have to be submitted by the Head / Coordinator of the programme to the Office
of the Controller of Examinations at least 15 days before the end semester examinations.
14. The DC / CC, constituted by the Chair, Academic Council, shall organize teaching of
courses and propose four (4) names of External Members and one Member of DC / CC
for the Board of Examiners (BoE) for the End-semester examination. The BoE shall be
approved by the Chair, Academic Council. The BoE shall review, in particular, the
quality of the questions, whether these cover the syllabus, and the level of markings
(under-marking / over-marking) in the answer scripts. The BoE will ensure fairness of
evaluation by going through the evaluated scripts / assignments, reports of internal /
continuous assessment, etc. The BoE shall also conduct viva-voce /practical, if
necessary, as required by the nature of the course. The evaluation / grades approved by
the BoE shall be considered as final. The External Member(s) of BoE shall submit a
Confidential Report to the Controller of Examinations.
15. The Board of Examiners shall consist of two External and one Internal Members, at least
two of whom (one internal and one external) must be present to conduct the evaluation
and finalize the assessment and submit it to the Controller of Examinations for
declaration of the results.
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16. A student of the programme may appeal to the Chair of the DC / CC regarding marking /
Grade and attendance. The Chair of the DC / CC may, if necessary, call the meeting of
the DC / CC and address the grievance. If the student is still aggrieved, s/he may appeal
to the Board of Examiners (BoE) through the Controller of Examinations (COE). The
decision of the BoE has to be accepted as final.
17. There shall be 10-point Scale Grade System starting with 4 (except education
programmes) and ending at 10. There shall be additional Grade ‘F’ with Grade Point
‘zero’. A student obtained Grade ‘F’ in a course shall have to reappear in the
examination of the said course. The following Grading System shall be used:
Grade BA.B.Ed. / M.Sc. /
Grade BA.LLB. M.A. M.Ed
Point B.Sc.B.Ed. M.Tech.
90 and 85 and 85 and 90 and 90 and
A+ 10
above above above above above
A 9 80 to <90 75 to <85 80 to <85 85 to <90 80 to <90
A- 8 70 to <80 65 to <75 70 to <80 75 to <85 70 to <80
B+ 7 60 to < 70 60 to <65 60 to < 70 65 to <75 60 to <70
B 6 50 to <60 55 to < 60 55 to <60 60 to < 65 50 to < 60
B- 5 40 to < 50 50 to < 55 50 to < 55 55 to < 60 40 to < 50
C 4 - 45 to < 50 40 to < 50 45 to < 55 -
F 0 <40 <45 < 40 <45 < 40
18. There shall be a Semester Grade Points Average (SGPA) calculated for each semester on
the basis of grades obtained in that semester. The SGPA for the j-th semester is calculated as:
∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑚𝑖 𝑐𝑖 )
𝑆𝐺𝑃𝐴𝑥𝑗 =
∑𝑛𝑖=1(𝑐𝑖 )
where, n is the number of courses in the jth semester, mi denotes the numerical value of the
grade obtained in the ith course of the semester, ci denotes the number of credit for the
ith course of the semester. For example, consider the numerical grade and credit of a student
given in the following Table:
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7𝑥2+8𝑥2+ 5𝑥4+ 7𝑥2 +6𝑥2+8𝑥2+ 8𝑥2 108
The SGPA for the jth semester is calculated as: = = 6.75
2+2+4+2+2+2+2 16
The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for k semesters is given as:
∑𝑘𝑗=1(𝐺𝑃𝐴𝑗 × 𝐶𝑗 )
∑𝑘𝑗=1 𝐶𝑗
Where 𝐶𝑗 is the total number of credits in the jth Semester.
Calculation of CGPA:
Consider the SGPA’s obtain by a student in four semester along with total credit in each
semester is given as follows:
Semester First Second Third Fourth
GPA 6.75 6.00 8.12 7.62
Total Credit 16 20 18 16
CGPA = = 7.08
19. The Grade sheet of the students will show the Grades obtained in all the courses offered
in each semester, grades/categories without numerical value (if applicable), the SGPA
and the promotion status.
20. To be eligible for the award of Master’s Degree in Social Sciences and Languages, a
student must secure a minimum final Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 4.0.
For M.Sc./BA.LLB, it is 4.5 and for M.Tech / B.Sc.B.Ed / B.A.B.Ed. / M.Ed. Degree,
the minimum final CGPA must be 5.0.
21. To find percent equivalent to CGPA the following formula may be used: Percent = CGPA X 10.
22. Grades shown in the award sheet of a student without any numerical value are NA (Not
Appeared) and SP (Satisfactory Performance) for course(s) extending beyond a semester
such as project work.
Promotion to next semester:
23. A Student shall be declared as ‘Passed’ and promoted to the next semester when s/he
earns ‘C’ Grade [‘B-’ in the case of B.A.B.Ed / B.Sc.B.Ed / M.Ed.] or above in the last
concluded semester examination, maintaining the spirit and pattern of semester system
and covering the mandatory components, such as continuous evaluation, mid-
term and end-term examinations in all the courses for which s/he was registered in the
said semester.
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24. A Student shall be deemed as ‘Failed’ in a semester when s/he gets below ‘C’ Grade [‘B-
’ in the case of B.A.B.Ed / B.Sc.B.Ed / M.Ed.] in 50% or more of the courses offered in
the semester, or does not appear in the examination to meet the requirements as per Sec.
10 above. Such students will be advised by the Board to repeat the semester on payment
of semester fees. The student shall be allowed only once to repeat the semester. If s/he
fails again, s/he requires withdrawing from the programme.
25. If a student fails to appear, or fails as such, in the End-semester examination only in 1 out of
4, or 2 out of 5 / 6 courses, 3 out of 7 / 8 courses, 4 out of 9 / 10 courses s/he will also be
provisionally promoted to the next semester subject to the condition that s/he would appear
for examination(s) in such course(s) one time only as and when the same is/are being held
next time.
26. The re-examination of the backlog course(s) of each semester shall be conducted within
3 weeks of commencement of the following semester. And, the (provisional) results
shall be announced within one week (subject to the ratification by the BOE when it
meets next).
27. The backlog course(s) re-examination shall comprise of 50 points for each paper. The
points scored by the candidate in the Continuous Evaluation for 35 points, besides
the Mid-semester examination for 15 points, shall be carried forward.
28. If a student so desires may apply to the Controller of Examinations through the
concerned HOD (or, I/C) along with the fee of ` 100/- only (in the form of a
nationalized bank demand draft drawn in favour of “Central University of South
Bihar”, or in cash) for each course in which s/he wants to reappear.
29. A student who fails to qualify for promotion to the next semester even after re-
examination (even in one paper) shall stand demoted to the previous semester and has
to continue in the same during the next academic session, followed by successive
semesters. Semester Fee paid by such students on his/her provisional promotion will be
adjusted with the semester fee required to be paid on account of repeating the previous
30. The Registration of a student for a Programme shall remain valid, provided s/he
accomplishes the attendance requirement, for a period as per the following Chart:
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