Crime Against Environmental Law in India: By: Mansi Dagras
Crime Against Environmental Law in India: By: Mansi Dagras
Crime Against Environmental Law in India: By: Mansi Dagras
This research paper focuses on crimes that are against environment, with a
close emphasis with law, it is meant to understand what law has to do with
environment, especially when there is damage caused to the environment
because of human activities, which are in the nature of self-harm. By this
research it would become a little clearer that why we humans are self-harming
ourselves, or bringing ourselves close to human extinction on earth, as we know
that law is the command of the sovereign, backed by a sanction.
Environmental crime refers to the violation of laws intended to protect the
environment and human health. These laws govern air and water quality and
dictate the ways in which the disposal of waste and hazardous materials can
legally take place. Individuals or corporations can be found guilty of a white
collar crime when violations of environmental law are committed.
Crime against environment and wildlife are the acts that cause damage to the
environment and wildlife around us, they are considered as a category under the
organized criminal activities around the globe, it is the fourth largest area of crime
in the list of organized crime. These are under crimes against environment, these
are listed by the United Nations Inter-regional Crime and Justice Research
These crimes are on the rise, according to a survey done in 2017, in India, there
had been a humongous jump of cases in India against environment and wildlife,
which has been around 790% from that in 2016. There have a lot of steps taken
up by the government to increase the reporting of the cases, as there has been rise
in awareness of the crime against environment and wildlife. Due to awareness,
there has been a rise in the activist movement all over the country to bring the
animal rights in India, with proper law enforcement, there has been a rise in the
When we kill an animal, we are taking away a life, just to fulfil some mere desires
of a human nature, when we cut a tree, we are welcoming our own end, we
humans have disrupted the Food chain, with every step we move forward towards
development, we are causing mass murder of species. If this isn't a crime, what
will be. By damaging the environment, we are damaging our own future, with
which we are losing our own world. There are many people that die, or lose
everything they have just because of human activities, which have been
unprecedented. There are droughts, vanishing of rivers, melting of ice caps, rise
in the water level, global Warming all because of the humans. Existing laws in
India, for prevention of crime against environmental and wildlife prevention.
In India there have been many different legislations, passed by the parliament,
and different States, with focusing of different areas of environment, like air,
water, prevention of pollution, forest, and many more, all the acts that are
currently under enforcement, are listed down below, with the mentioned year that
they were introduced also with their major aims and objectives.
The above were laws that relaxed the restriction by the government the following
are the amendments which helped the government have proper regulations in
environmental policies, they are as follows:
• The motor vehicles act (Amendment)2019- this law specifically focused
on increasing the penalty of violations of any motor vehicle law, by 100%
earlier the people who were required to pat Rs. 100 now had to pay Rs.
1000 for the same crime, this law had a lot of impact, people started
following road laws, and proper equipment in the cars to prevent
environmental damage. But different states in India brought the situation
Case law are the cases, which have the power of being binding in domestic courts.
They play an important law, by being a source of law, there have been many cases
in the past, both in international and domestic legal sphere, the following are some
This part of the paper tries to deal with how law provides remedies to the
environment, by punishing the wrong doers. This will only cover the domestic
Indian laws, that are used to punish them. The nature on these remedies can be
divided into three parts, as Constitutional, Civil and Criminal.
1. Constitutional Remedies:
• 42nd Constitutional Amendment- It gave the constitution many
amendments, but for the environment, there were two major
amendments, they were 48-A and 51-A, they are explained
o Article 48-A- It is under part IV of the Indian Constitution,
under the Directive Principle of State Policies, it is titled as
Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding
of forests and wildlife it is interoperated that the government
has the responsibility to safeguard the forest and wildlife.
The court has the power to apply financial sanctions on the
wrong doers, but recently they have started using
imprisonment, as a tool, under the jurisdiction of the court and
the intensity of the crime.
o Article 51-A, it is under the Part V of the Indian Constitution,
under the fundamental duties, it is titled as fundamental
duties there was an addition of a duty (g) which is interpreted
that the people have the duty and the obligation towards the
environment, that they need to protect the rivers, wildlife, and
they are needed to have compassion for all the living creatures
around them.
• Article 21- Article 21 of the Indian constitution has the most
expansive interpretation, it deals with the right to life and
personal liberty, it guarantees it, till the time there is no need to
take away this right by law. So, under M.C Mehta vs. Union of
India, it was also held that the people have the right to have a safe
and UN-polluted environment, and it should be guaranteed by the
government itself. It is the responsibility of the government and
the citizens of the nation, to guarantee this right to each other,
this right is not only for the citizens, it is also for the non-citizens
2. Criminal Remedies:
The following are the Criminal Remedies under the Indian Penal Code
The following sections of the IPC deal with public safety, public health,
public nuisance, negligence:
In conclusion I can say, that with every step that we plan to take towards the
environment we should take only after assessing every factor, we should follow
the principles, and laws. We should respect and take care of the environment, as
we can only develop till the time life exist in this planet, and existence of life is
really close to an environment. Without environment there is no life, and without
life there are no humans.