This document contains 8 problems related to differential calculus in several variables. The problems cover topics like distance between points in Rn, continuity of functions from compact to metric spaces, properties of connected and convex sets in Rn, continuity of various multivariable functions, linear transformations, partial derivatives, and directional derivatives.
This document contains 8 problems related to differential calculus in several variables. The problems cover topics like distance between points in Rn, continuity of functions from compact to metric spaces, properties of connected and convex sets in Rn, continuity of various multivariable functions, linear transformations, partial derivatives, and directional derivatives.
This document contains 8 problems related to differential calculus in several variables. The problems cover topics like distance between points in Rn, continuity of functions from compact to metric spaces, properties of connected and convex sets in Rn, continuity of various multivariable functions, linear transformations, partial derivatives, and directional derivatives.
This document contains 8 problems related to differential calculus in several variables. The problems cover topics like distance between points in Rn, continuity of functions from compact to metric spaces, properties of connected and convex sets in Rn, continuity of various multivariable functions, linear transformations, partial derivatives, and directional derivatives.
Differential Calculus in Several Variables March 14, 2016
A column vector X ∈ Rn is denoted by X = (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn )0 .
1. Here we define another ‘notion’ of distance between two points
X = (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn )0 , Y = (y1 , y2 , · · · , yn )0 ∈ Rn by n X d1 (X, Y ) = |xi − yi |. i=1
Let d(X, Y ) be the usual Euclidean distance we considered in Lecture-
1. Show that d1 and d are equivalent in the sense that there exist constants A, B (calculate A and B explicitly) such that for any two points X, Y ∈ Rn we have Ad1 (X, Y ) ≤ d(X, Y ) ≤ Bd1 (X, Y ). 2. Let A ⊆ Rn be a compact set and f : A → Rm be continuous. Show that f (A) is compact. 3. Show that connected subsets of R are intervals. Show that any convex set in Rn is connected. 4. Show that the ( following functions are continuous from R2 to R. sin(xy) √ if (x, y) 6= (0, 0) (a) f (x, y) = x2 +y 2 0 otherwise (b) ( 3 3 x +y x2 +y 2 if (x, y) 6= (0, 0) (c) f (x, y) = . 0 otherwise ( x4 y 4 (x2 +y 4 )3 if (x, y) 6= (0, 0) 5. Show that the function f (x, y) = 0 otherwise approaches the origin along any straight line but NOT continuous at origin. 6. Compute the matrix of the linear transformation A : R2 → R3 given by A(x, y)0 = (x, x − y, x + y)0 with respect to the basis (1, 0)0 , (0, 1)0 of R2 and basis (1, 0, 0)0 , (1, 0, 1)0 , (1, 1, 1)0 of R3 . 7. Calculate the first order partial derivatives and directional deriva- tives for the following real-valued functions defined on R3 . (a) f (x) = kxk4 . (b) f (x) = x · L(x) where L : R3 → R3 is a linear function. (c) f (x) = 3i=1 3j=1 aij xi xj where aij = aji . P P
8. Let f1 , f2 , · · · , fn are real valued differentiable functions from
(a, b). For each x = (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ) where a < xi < b, i = 1, 2, · · · n define f : Rn → R by f (x) = f1 (x1 ) + f2 (x2 ) · · · + fn (xn ). Show that f is differentiable at each point of its domain and also calculate the directional derivatives.