Soal Tugas 1 Meh - Gasal - 2018-2019
Soal Tugas 1 Meh - Gasal - 2018-2019
Soal Tugas 1 Meh - Gasal - 2018-2019
Kerjakan soal-soal berikut (ditulis manual) sesuai ketentuan untuk Kelompok masing-masing …
1). (a). Assemble the stiffness matrix for the assemblage shown in Figure P3–19 by superimposing the
stiffness matrices of the springs. Here k is the stiffness of each spring. (b). Find the x and y components of
deflection of node 1.
2). For the truss shown in Figure P3–22 solve for the horizontal and vertical components of displacement
at node 1 and determine the stress in each element. Also verify force equilibrium at node 1. All elements
have A = 1 in.2 and E = 10×106 psi. Let L = 100 in.
3). For the plane truss structure shown in Figure P3–20, determine the displacement of node 2 using the
stiffness method. Also determine the stress in each element. Let A = 5 in.2, E = 1×106 psi, and L = 100 in.
4). Find the horizontal and vertical displacements of node 1 for the truss shown in Figure P3–21. Assume
AE is the same for each element.
5). For the truss shown in Figure P3–23, solve for the horizontal and vertical components of displacement
at node 1. Also determine the stress in each element. Let A = 1 in.2, E = 10.0 ×106 psi, and L = 100 in.
6). Determine the nodal displacements and the element forces for the truss shown in Figure P3–24.
Assume all elements have the same AE.
7). Determine the displacement components at node 3 and the element forces for the plane truss shown in
Figure P3–27. Let A = 3 in.2 and E = 30×106 psi for all elements. Verify force equilibrium at node 3.
8). For the plane trusses supported by the spring at node 1 in Figure P3–33 (a), determine the nodal
displacements and the stresses in each element. Let E = 210 GPa and A = 5.0 ×10-4 m2 for both truss
9). dan 10). For the plane trusses shown in Figures P3–29 and P3–30, determine the horizontal and
vertical displacements of node 1 and the stresses in each element. All elements have E = 210 GPa and A =
4.0 ×10-4 m2 .
11). For the plane trusses supported by the spring at node 1 in Figure P3–33 (b), determine the nodal
displacements and the stresses in each element. Let E = 210 GPa and A = 5.0 ×10-4 m2 for both truss
Instruksi Tugas:
Peserta kuliah MEH dibagi menjadi 11 Kelompok (@ 4 mhs), diantaranya ada 3
Kelompok dengan anggota 5 mhs, yaitu Kelompok yang mengerjakan soal No. 6, 8, dan
Tiap Kelompok mengerjakan 1 Soal dari 11 soal di atas, untuk pemilihan soalnya
dikoordinasikan oleh Komting.
Tiap anggota kelompok harus aktif ikut mengerjakan tugas kelompoknya masing-masing.
Kerjakan dengan bahasa dan tulisan yang baik serta rapi. Pekerjaan dengan tulisan yang
jelek dan tidak/sulit terbaca, tidak akan dinilai.