Accounting For NPO Summary
Accounting For NPO Summary
Accounting For NPO Summary
-Refer to resources received in non-reciprocal transactions. Contributions exclude those that result from
exchange transactions.
1. Cash and other Non-cash assets
a. recognized as revenues in the period received.
b. measured at fair value at the date of contribution.
2. Unconditional promises – promise to give cash or other non-cash assets in a future period.
a. recognized when the unconditional promise to give is received from the donor.
b. generally classified as a temporarily restricted contribution.
c. an allowance for uncollectability is recognized when the promised contribution becomes
doubtful of collection.
3. Conditional promises – promises which depend on the occurrence of a specified future and
uncertain event to bind the promisor.
a. recognized only when the attached conditions are substantially met (reasonably certain).
b. a transfer of assets with a condition promise to contribute them shall be accounted for as a
refundable advance (liability) until the conditions have been substantially met.
4. Services - recognized if the services received:
a. create or enhance nonfinancial assets
b. require specialized skills, are provided by individuals possessing those skills, and would
typically need to be purchased if not provided by donation.
5. Work of art and similar items – not recognized if donated items are added to collections that is:
a. held for public exhibition, education, or research in furtherance of public service rather
than financial gain.
b. protected, kept unencumbered, cared for, and preserved.
c. proceeds from sales of collection items are to be used to acquire other items for collections.
Entity A receives the following donations:
a. Unrestricted donation of P1M cash.
b. Cash of P2M restricted for the acquisition of a building.
c. Investment in stocks of P3M. Entity A can only use the investment income.
Entity A acquires a building for P2M and receives dividends of P100,000 from the investment at the end
of the period.
SFAS No. 117 requires expenses to be presented in the statement of activities or in the notes
according to their function. The function qualifications are as follows:
a. Program Services – are the activities that result in goods and services being distributed to
beneficiaries, customers, or members that fulfill the purposes or mission for which the
organization exists.
b. Supporting Activities – are all activities other than program services. Generally, these include
management and general, fund-raising, and membership-development activities.
A complete set of general-purpose financial statements of an NPO consists of the following:
Statement of financial position
Statement of activities
Statement of cash flows
PFRS-based financial statements may present net assets using the classifications above either on
the statement of financial position or in the notes.
Statement of Activities
The statement of activities shows information on revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets for
a period. NPOs however may opt to present a separate statement of changes in net assets. SFAS No. 117
requires that the statement of activities report the changes in net assets for each of the three categories of
support separately. PFRS-based financial statements may present changes in net assets using the
classifications above either on the statement of activities or in the notes. In a statement of activities, the
term profit or net income is replaced by the term change in net assets.