FAR.2830 Financial Liabilities Summary DIY.
FAR.2830 Financial Liabilities Summary DIY.
FAR.2830 Financial Liabilities Summary DIY.
FAR.2830 –Financial Liabilities Summary (DIY) MAY 2020
1. Which statement is incorrect regarding PFRS 9? 7. Which of the following liabilities is a financial liability?
a. The objective of this PFRS is to establish principles a. Deferred revenue.
for the financial reporting of financial assets and b. A warranty obligation.
financial liabilities that will present relevant and c. A constructive obligation.
useful information to users of financial statements d. An obligation to deliver own shares worth a fixed
for their assessment of the amounts, timing and amount of cash.
uncertainty of an entity’s future cash flows.
b. An entity shall apply this PFRS to all items within 8. Financial liabilities exclude
the scope of PAS 39 Financial Instruments: a. Bank overdraft
Recognition and Measurement. b. Debenture issued by an entity requiring it to make
c. An entity shall apply this Standard retrospectively, annual interest payments in perpetuity
in accordance with PAS 8 Accounting Policies, c. Note payable in government bonds
Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors, d. Payments under operating lease that are not yet
except as specified in the Standard. due
d. None of these.
9. Which of the following is most likely to be classified as
2. PFRS 9 permitted which of the following requirements financial liability?
er as
to be applied without applying the other requirements a. Ordinary shares.
at the same time? b. Non-cumulative, non-redeemable preference
a. The classification and measurement for financial
eH w shares.
assets. c. Cumulative, redeemable preference shares at the
b. The expected credit loss model for impairment. option of the holder.
c. The general hedge accounting requirements. d. Cumulative, redeemable preference shares at the
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d. The requirements related to the fair value option option of the issuer.
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b. Obligations under employee benefit plans issuer for a fixed amount of cash on a future date
c. Obligations under insurance contracts (i.e., the entity has an outstanding share that it
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a. Loan commitments that the entity designates as issue a variable number of own shares in return for
financial liabilities at fair value through profit or cash at a future date).
ed d
loss. c. A written call option that gives the holder the right
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b. Loan commitments that can be settled net in cash to purchase a fixed number of the entity's ordinary
or by delivering or issuing another financial shares in return for a fixed price (i.e., the entity
instrument. would issue a fixed number of own shares in return
c. Commitments to provide a loan at a below-market for cash, if the option is exercised by the holder, at
loan that is to be paid out in installments in line instrument for which interest will be paid for all
with the progress of construction. eternity, but the principal will not be repaid).
5. Which of the following represents a liability? 11. At what amount is a financial liability measured on
a. The obligation to pay for goods that a company initial recognition?
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13. A contract that requires the issuer to make specified 20. Which statement is incorrect regarding the application
payments to reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs of the effective interest method?
because a specified debtor fails to make payment a. Fees that are an integral part of the effective
when due in accordance with the original or modified interest rate of a financial instrument are treated
terms of a debt instrument is a (an) as an adjustment to the effective interest rate,
a. Financial guarantee contract unless the financial instrument is measured at fair
b. Insurance contract value, with the change in fair value being
c. Derivative contract recognized in profit or loss.
d. Hybrid contract b. If the financial instrument is measured at fair
value, with the change in fair value being
14. PFRS 9 requires financial guarantee contract within its recognized in profit or loss, the fees are recognized
scope to be measured subsequently at as revenue or expense when the instrument is
a. The loss allowance. initially recognized.
b. The amount initially recognized less, when c. Fees that are not an integral part of the effective
appropriate, cumulative amount of income interest rate of a financial instrument are
recognized in accordance with PFRS 15. accounted for in accordance with PFRS 15
c. The higher of a and b. d. The description of fees for financial services is
d. The lower of a and b. always indicative of the nature and substance of
the services provided.
15. Guarantees that require payments in response to
changes in a specified credit rating or credit index are 21. An entity may reclassify financial liabilities
considered subsequently measured at
a. Financial guarantee contracts a. Amortized cost.
b. Insurance contracts b. Fair value through profit or loss
er as
c. Derivative contracts c. Fair value through OCI
d. Hybrid contracts d. None of the above.
as held for trading?
eH w
16. Which of the following derivatives should be classified 22. Which statement is incorrect regarding derecognition
of a financial liability?
a. A derivative that is a financial guarantee contract. a. An entity shall remove a financial liability from its
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b. A derivative that is designated and effective statement of financial position when, and only
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17. An entity shall present in profit or loss all fair value for the liability.
gains and losses on the following, except c. Payment to a third party, including a trust
aC s
a. Loan commitments and financial guarantee (sometimes called ‘in-substance defeasance’), does
vi re
contracts that are designated as at fair value not, by itself, relieve the debtor of its primary
through profit or loss. obligation to the creditor, in the absence of legal
b. Financial liabilities held for trading. release.
d. Financial liability designated at fair value through instrument, the debt is not extinguished if the
profit or loss with respect to change in fair value issuer is a market maker in that instrument or
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that is attributable to changes in credit risk of that intends to resell it in the near term.
23. In a debt extinguishment in which the debt is settled
18. The effective-interest method of amortizing discount by a transfer of assets with a carrying amount less
on financial liabilities than the carrying amount of the debt, the debtor
a. Is another name for the straight-line method. would recognize
19. When interest expense is calculated using the 24. An entity shall disclose a gain or loss recognized in
effective-interest amortization method, interest debt for equity swaps as a separate line item in
expense (assuming that interest is paid annually) a. Profit or loss
always equals the b. The notes to financial statements.
a. Actual amount of interest paid. c. Other comprehensive income
b. Book value of the bonds multiplied by the stated d. Either a or b
interest rate.
c. Book value of the bonds multiplied by the effective
interest rate.
d. Maturity value of the bonds multiplied by the
effective interest rate.
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25. In a debt settlement in which the debt is continued 29. Which statement is incorrect regarding accounting for
with substantially modified terms, a gain should be a compound instrument?
recognized at the date of settlement whenever the a. The issuer shall classify the liability and equity
carrying amount of the debt is components of a compound instrument separately
a. Less than the total future cash flows. as financial liabilities, financial assets, or equity
b. Less than the present value of the future cash instruments.
flows discounted using the effective interest rate b. A bond or similar instrument convertible by the
computed at initial recognition. holder into a fixed number of ordinary shares of
c. Greater than the present value of the future cash the entity is a compound financial instrument.
flows discounted using the prevailing interest rate c. The sum of the carrying amounts assigned to the
on the date of settlement. liability and equity components on initial
d. Greater than the present value of the future cash recognition is always equal to the fair value that
flows discounted using the effective interest rate would be ascribed to the instrument as a whole.
computed at initial recognition. d. Classification of the liability and equity components
of a convertible instrument is revised as a result of
26. When the interest payment dates of a bond are May 1 a change in the likelihood that a conversion option
and November 1, and a bond issue is sold on June 1, will be exercised.
the amount of cash received by the issuer will be
a. Decreased by accrued interest from June 1 to 30. How are the proceeds from issuing a compound
November 1. instrument allocated between the liability and equity
b. Decreased by accrued interest from May 1 to June components?
1. a. First, the liability component is measured at fair
c. Increased by accrued interest from June 1 to value, and then the remainder of the proceeds is
November 1. allocated to the equity component (with-and-
er as
d. Increased by accrued interest from May 1 to June without method).
1. b. First, the equity component is measured at fair
eH w value, and then the remainder of the proceeds is
27. When bonds are sold at a premium and the effective allocated to the liability component (with-and-
interest method is used, at each interest payment without method).
date, the interest expense: c. First, the fair values of both the equity component
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a. Remains constant. and the liability component are estimated. Then
ou urc
b. Is equal to the change in book value. the proceeds are allocated to the liability and
c. Increases. equity components based on the relation between
d. Decreases. the estimated fair values (relative fair value
28. When bonds are retired prior to maturity with proceeds d. The equity component is measured at its intrinsic
from a new bond issue, gain or loss from the early value. The liability component is measured at the
aC s
extinguishment of debt, if material, should be par amount less the intrinsic value of the equity
vi re
of extinguishment.
d. Recognized in income from continuing operations
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1. D 11. C 21. D
2. D 12. D 22. D
3. D 13. A 23. B
4. D 14. C 24. D
5. B 15. C 25. D
6. A 16. C 26. D
7. D 17. D 27. D
8. D 18. D 28. D
9. C 19. C 29. D
10. C 20. D 30. A
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SUMMARY of PFRS 9 in relation to (b) Upon initial recognition it is designated by the entity
Financial Liabilities as at fair value through profit or loss. An entity may
use this designation only when permitted, or when
Scope doing so results in more relevant information, because
(i) it eliminates or significantly reduces a
PFRS 9 applies to lease receivables and payables only in
measurement or recognition inconsistency
limited respects:
(sometimes referred to as ‘an accounting
• PFRS 9 applies to lease receivables with respect to the
mismatch’) that would otherwise arise from
derecognition and impairment provisions.
measuring assets or liabilities or recognizing the
• PFRS 9 applies to lease payables with respect to the
gains and losses on them on different bases; or
derecognition provisions.
(ii) a group of financial assets, financial liabilities or
• PFRS 9 applies to derivatives embedded in leases.
both is managed and its performance is evaluated
on a fair value basis, in accordance with a
Financial guarantees
documented risk management or investment
PFRS 9 applies to financial guarantee contracts issued.
strategy, and information about the group is
However, if an issuer of financial guarantee contracts has
provided internally on that basis to the entity’s key
previously asserted explicitly that it regards such contracts
management personnel, for example the entity’s
as insurance contracts and has used accounting applicable
board of directors and chief executive officer.
to insurance contracts, the issuer may elect to apply either
PFRS 9 or PFRS 4 Insurance Contracts to such financial
Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost
guarantee contracts. The issuer may make that election
contract by contract, but the election for each contract is Default category for financial liabilities that do not meet
er as
irrevocable. the definition of financial liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss. Examples are accounts payable, notes
eH w
Accounting by the holder is excluded from the scope of
PFRS 9 and PFRS 4 (unless the contract is a reinsurance
payable, issued
debt instruments and deposits from
contract). Therefore, paragraphs 10-12 of PAS 8
rs e
Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and
ou urc
Loan commitments
Loan commitments are outside the scope of PFRS 9 if they
aC s
instrument, they are not designated as financial liabilities
at fair value through profit or loss, and the entity does not Financial Liabilities Measurement Summary
have a past practice of selling the loans that resulted from
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss. Financial guarantee contracts are recognized:
• initially at fair value. If the financial guarantee contract
A financial liability at fair value through profit or loss is a was issued in a stand-alone arm's length transaction to
financial liability that meets either of the following an unrelated party, its fair value at inception is likely to
conditions. equal the consideration received, unless there is
(a) It is classified as held for trading. A financial liability is evidence to the contrary.
classified as held for trading if it is: • subsequently at the higher of (a) the amount loss
(i) incurred principally for the purpose of repurchasing allowance determined in accordance with Section 5.5
it in the near term; and (b) the amount initially recognised less, where
(ii) part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments appropriate, cumulative amount of income recognised
that are managed together and for which there is in accordance with the principles of PFRS 15.
evidence of a recent actual pattern of short-term
profit-taking; or
(iii) a derivative (except for a derivative that is a Reclassification of Financial Liabilities
financial guarantee contract or a designated and An entity shall not reclassify any financial liability.
effective hedging instrument).
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transactions (see PFRS 2) with the following exceptions:
er as
• The debtor should measure the equity instruments ◦ this standard applies to contracts within the scope of
issued to the creditor at fair value, unless fair value is PAS 32.8-10 (see below)
eH w
not reliably determinable, in which case the equity
instruments issued are measured at the fair value of
◦ paragraphs 33-34 apply when accounting for
treasury shares purchased, sold, issued or cancelled
the liability extinguished. by employee share option plans or similar
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• If only part of a liability is extinguished, the debtor
ou urc
must determine whether any part of the consideration PAS 32 applies to those contracts to buy or sell a non-
paid relates to modification of the terms of the financial item that can be settled net in cash or another
remaining liability. If it does, the debtor must allocate financial instrument, except for contracts that were
the fair value of the consideration paid between the entered into and continue to be held for the purpose of the
liability extinguished and the liability retained. receipt or delivery of a non-financial item in accordance
aC s
• The debtor recognises in profit or loss the difference with the entity's expected purchase, sale or usage
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between the carrying amount of the financial liabiilty requirements. [PAS 32.8]
(or part) extinguished and the measurement of the
equity instruments issued.
• When only part of the liability is extinguished, the
ed d
debtor must determine whether the terms of the PAS 32 specifies that a financial asset and a financial
remaining debt have been substantially modified liability should be offset and the net amount reported
ar stu
(taking into account any portion of the consideration when, and only when, an entity: [PAS 32.42]
paid that was allocated to the remaining debt). If there • has a legally enforceable right to set off the amounts;
has been a substantial modification, the debtor should and
account for an extinguishment of the old remaining • intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the
liabiilty and the recognition of a new liability (see PAS asset and settle the liability simultaneously. [PAS
39.40). 32.48]
Key definitions
Financial liability: any liability that is:
• a contractual obligation:
◦ to deliver cash or another financial asset to another
The stated objective of PAS 32 is to establish principles for entity; or
presenting financial instruments as liabilities or equity and ◦ to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities
for offsetting financial assets and liabilities. [PAS 32.1] with another entity under conditions that are
potentially unfavourable to the entity; or
PAS 32 addresses this in a number of ways: • a contract that will or may be settled in the entity's own
. clarifying the classification of a financial instrument equity instruments and is
issued by an entity as a liability or as equity ◦ a non-derivative for which the entity is or may be
. prescribing the accounting for treasury shares (an obliged to deliver a variable number of the entity's
entity's own repurchased shares) own equity instruments or
. prescribing strict conditions under which assets and ◦ a derivative that will or may be settled other than by
liabilities may be offset in the balance sheet the exchange of a fixed amount of cash or another
financial asset for a fixed number of the entity's own
PAS 32 is a companion to PFRS 9 Financial Instruments: equity instruments. For this purpose the entity's own
Recognition and Measurement. PAS 39 deals with, among equity instruments do not include: instruments that
other things, initial recognition of financial assets and are themselves contracts for the future receipt or
liabilities, measurement subsequent to initial recognition, delivery of the entity's own equity instruments;
impairment, derecognition, and hedge accounting. puttable instruments classified as equity or certain
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er as
subsequently changed based on changed circumstances.
[PAS 32.15] Classifications of rights issues
eH w In October 2009, the IASB issued an amendment to IAS
A financial instrument is an equity instrument only if (a) 32 on the classification of rights issues. For rights issues
the instrument includes no contractual obligation to deliver offered for a fixed amount of foreign currency current
cash or another financial asset to another entity and (b) if practice appears to require such issues to be accounted for
rs e
the instrument will or may be settled in the issuer's own as derivative liabilities. The amendment states that if such
ou urc
equity instruments, it is either: rights are issued pro rata to an entity's all existing
• a non-derivative that includes no contractual obligation shareholders in the same class for a fixed amount of
for the issuer to deliver a variable number of its own currency, they should be classified as equity regardless of
equity instruments; or the currency in which the exercise price is denominated.
asset for a fixed number of its own equity instruments. Some financial instruments – sometimes called compound
vi re
If an entity issues preference (preferred) shares that pay a presented separately according to their substance based
ed d
fixed rate of dividend and that have a mandatory on the definitions of liability and equity. The split is made
redemption feature at a future date, the substance is that at issuance and not revised for subsequent changes in
ar stu
they are a contractual obligation to deliver cash and, market interest rates, share prices, or other event that
therefore, should be recognized as a liability. [PAS changes the likelihood that the conversion option will be
32.18(a)] In contrast, preference shares that do not have exercised. [PAS 32.29-30]
a fixed maturity, and where the issuer does not have a
contractual obligation to make any payment are equity. In To illustrate, a convertible bond contains two components.
this example even though both instruments are legally One is a financial liability, namely the issuer's contractual
termed preference shares they have different contractual obligation to pay cash, and the other is an equity
terms and one is a financial liability while the other is instrument, namely the holder's option to convert into
equity. common shares. Another example is debt issued with
detachable share purchase warrants.
Illustration – issuance of fixed monetary amount of equity
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er as
determined using level 3 inputs including impacts on
profit and loss, other comprehensive income and
Information about the significance
eH w of financial sensitivity analysis
instruments ◦ information if fair value cannot be reliably measured
Statement of Financial Position The fair value hierarchy introduces 3 levels of inputs based
rs e
• Disclose the significance of financial instruments for an on the lowest level of input significant to the overall fair
ou urc
entity's financial position and performance. [PFRS 7.7] value (PFRS 7.27A-27B):
This includes disclosures for each of the following • Level 1 – quoted prices for similar instruments
categories: [PFRS 7.8] • Level 2 – directly observable market inputs other than
◦ financial liabilities at fair value through profit and Level 1 inputs
loss, showing separately those held for trading and • Level 3 – inputs not based on observable market data
those designated at initial recognition
aC s
◦ financial liabilities measured at amortized cost Note that disclosure of fair values is not required when the
vi re
profit and loss, including disclosures about credit risk reliably. [PFRS 7.29(a)]
ed d
measurement.[PFRS 7.9-11]
◦ information about compound financial instruments
with multiple embedded derivatives [PFRS 7.17]
◦ breaches of terms of loan agreements [PFRS 7.18- J - end of FAR.2830 - J
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