1.44678!courses Cosse

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Course programmes for the COSSE Master's Programme
Participating member Universities: KTH, Stockholm
TUB, Berlin
TUD, Delft
FAU, Erlangen/Nürnberg
The COSSE programme, Computer Simulation in Science and Engineering,
consists of core courses (45 ECTS credits) and preparatory courses
of (about 15 ECTS) taken the first year at the home university.
In the second year specialization courses (about 15 ECTS) and
electives/extracurricular courses (about 15 ECTS) are given at the
host university.


KTH: KTH1 Biocomputing

KTH2 Computational Material Science
TUB: TUB1 Computational Control Theory
TUB2 Computational Optimization

TUD: TUD1 Computational Fluid Dynamics

TUD2 Numerical Linear Algebra

FAU: FAU1 High Performance Computing

FAU2 Scientific Visualization and Medical Image Processing

A) Core courses (Equivalent course package for KTH,TUB,TUD,FAU)


KTH DN2221 Applied Numerical Methods, part 1, 6 cr

DN2222 - " - , part 2, 3 cr
DN2266 Math Models , 7.5 cr
DN2260 FEM , 6 cr
DN2255 Num Sol of Diff Eqns , 7.5 cr
DN2264 Parallel Computations , 6 cr
DN2265 - " - , 3 cr
DN2258 High Performance Computing , 7.5 cr

TUB 230 L 206 Numerical Linear Algebra , 5 cr

230 L 298 Stochastic Models , 10 cr
230 L 201 Numerical Analysis , 10 cr
230 L 210 Numerical Analysis II , 5 cr
230 L 214 Scientific Computing , 7 cr
230 L 283 Modeling with Diff.Eqns , 8 cr

TUD wi3606 Numerical Methods II , 6 cr

wi4201 Scientific Computing , 6 cr
wi4202 Stochastic Processes , 6 cr
wi4203 Applied Functional Analysis , 6 cr
wi4204 Advanced Modeling , 6 cr
wi5205 Applied Finite Elements , 6 cr
wi4019 Non-linear Diff Eqns , 6 cr
FAU NumPDE I Numerical Methods for PDEs , 10 cr
NumPDEII Numerical Methods for PDEs , 10 cr
GM Geometric Modeling , 7,5 cr
ParAlg Parallel Algoritms , 7.5 cr
SiSci-1 Simulation and SciComp I , 7.5 cr
SiSci-2 - " - II , 7.5 cr

The table below shows suitable preparatory courses given by

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the home university as preparation for the specializations
(KTH1,KTH2,TUB1,TUB2,TUD1,TUD2,FAU1,FAU2 ) given by the host
B) Preparatory courses

These are recommended courses for the specializations. Individual

differences after consultation with the program adviser can occur.
Preparation course for the specialization given at

KTH SF2822 Applied Nonlinear Optimization , 7.5 cr -> TUB1,TUB2

DN2275 Advanced Comp in Fluid Mech , 7.5 cr -> TUD1
DN2281 Comp Meth for Stoch DiffEqns , 7.5 cr -> TUB1,TUB2
DN2230 Fast Num Alg for Large problems , 7.5 cr -> TUD2,FAU1
DD2257 Visualization , 7.5 cr -> TUD1,FAU2
DN2295 Project Course in SciComp , 7.5 cr -> TUD2,FAU2

TUB 434 L 717 Stat and Machine Learning to

Inference in Biol Networks , 5 cr -> KTH1
434 L 502 Acquisition and Analysis of
Neuronal Data , 5 cr -> KTH1
433 L 110 Digital Image Processing , 5 cr -> KTH1
531 L 210 Fluid Dynamics I , 5 cr -> KTH2,TUD1
432 L 596 Parallel Programming , 5 cr -> KTH2,TUD2
230 L 258 Mathematical Visualization I , 10 cr -> KTH2,TUD1
230 L 209 Advanced Num Linear Algebra , 5 cr -> TUD2
230 L 329 Num Lin Alg (Student Seminar) , 6 cr -> TUD2

TUD wi4011 Computational Fluid Dynamics , 6 cr -> KTH2

wi4049 Intro to High Performance Comp , 6 cr -> KTH2,TUB1,TUB2,
wi4055 Comp Aspects of Stoch Diff Eqns , 6 cr -> TUB1,TUB2
in4177 Math Biology: the Virtual Cell , 6 cr -> KTH1
wi4220 Bio Environmental Statistics , 6 cr -> KTH1,FAU2
in4307 Medical Visualization , 6 cr -> KTH1,FAU2

FAU STiSC Special Topics in SciComp , 2.5 cr -> TUD2

CG Computer Graphics , 7.5 cr -> TUD2,KTH1
SciVis Scientific Visualization , 7.5 cr -> KTH1,TUD1
NuSiF Numerical Simulation of Fluids , 7.5 cr -> KTH2,TUD1
NumP Numerical Meth in Particle Techn , 7.5 cr -> KTH2

C) Specialization courses
KTH1 SK2530 Introduction to Biomedicine , 7.5 cr
DD2435 Mathematical Models in Biol.Syst , 9 cr

KTH2 MH2425 Simulation and Modeling on the

Atomic Scale , 6 cr
DN2280 Comp Meth for Micro- and Macro
Scales , 7.5 cr
TUB1 230 L 285 Nonlinear Optimization , 5 cr
230 L 254 Variational Methods and
Optimal Control , 5 cr
230 L 238 Optimal Control of PDEs , 5 cr
TUB2 230 L 285 Nonlinear Optimization , 5 cr
230 L 209 Advanced Numerical Linear Alg , 5 cr
230 L 329 Num Lin Alg (Student Seminar) , 6 cr

TUD1 wi4011 Computational Fluid Dynamics , 6 cr

wi4212 Advanced Numerical Methods , 6 cr
wi4054 Environmental Simulation and
Data Assimilation , 6 cr
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TUD2 in4049 Intro to High Performance Comp , 6 cr
wi4017 Parallel Computing , 6 cr
FAU1 PTfS Programming for Supercomputers , 5 cr
AdvPara Advanced Parallel Num Alg , 7.5 cr

FAU2 MedIP I Medical Image Processing I , 5 cr

MedIP II Medical Image Processing II , 5 cr

D) Elective Courses
These courses can be chosen to broaden the knowledge
in Computer Simulation but can also be used to add up
to the total of 90 ECTS cr of courses stipulated.
KTH DA2205 Intro to Philosophy oc Science , 7.5 cr
DN2274 Computational Electromagnetics , 7.5 cr
DD2325 Applied Progr and Computer Sci , 7.5 cr
DD2396 Bioinformatics , 6 cr
SG2212 Computational Fluid Dynamics , 7.5 cr
BB2300 Computational Chemistry , 7.5 cr

TUB 230 L 212 Numerical Methods of DAEs , 5 cr

230 L 211 DAEs , 5 cr
430 L 050 Multi-Input Output Contr Syst , 5 cr
430 L 020 Discrete Control Systems , 6 cr
430 L 060 Nonlinear Control Systems , 6 cr
531 L 212 Fluid Dynamics II , 5 cr
230 L 215 Numerical Solution of PDE(CFD), 5 cr
432 L 520 Cluster Computing , 5 cr

TUD wi4154 Computational Finance , 6 cr

wi4055 Comp Aspects of Stoch Diff Eqns , 6 cr
in4049 Intro to High Performance Comp , 6 cr

FAU MGC Efficient Multigrid Methods in

Computer Vision and Med Im Proc , 7.5 cr
PhyTurb I Physics of Turbulence , 3 cr
PhyTurb II - " - , 3 cr
E) Extracurricular courses (not all of them will give credits)

KTH DA2205 Intro to Philosophy of Science

and Research Methodology , 7.5 cr
Language courses given by the member Universities

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