Faya Ayyuhal Muslimuun

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[Friday, 22 Feb.

2021] First Khutbah

Faya ayyuhal muslimuun.

Jama’ah Jum’at Rahimakumullah

Allah makes the believers brothers. Brothers in religion.

ٌ‫ِإ َّن َما ا ْل ُمْؤ ِم ُنونَ ِإ ْخ َوة‬
"The believers are brothers." [Quran Al-Hujurat: 10]
Brotherhood because of this faith is very great in the sight of Allah Azza wa Jalla. A shade that shades
those who believe in God and the Last Day. Live in whatever age they are. Be wherever they are with a
variety of ethnicities, languages, and nasab. Brotherhood by faith is a strong bond of God.
Among the consequences of brotherhood because of faith are that the believers are commanded to be
gentle and united. They are forbidden from everything that can lead to division. Allah said, "O My
people, worship God;
‫ُون‬ ْ ‫ِإنَّ َه ِذ ِه ُأ َّم ُت ُك ْم ُأ َّم ًة َواحِدَ ًة َوَأ َنا َر ُّب ُك ْم َف‬
ِ ‫اع ُبد‬
"Verily this (religion of Tawhid) is the religion of all of you; I am your Lord, so worship Me." [Quran Al-
Anbiya: 92]
Likewise with His word,
‫اع َتصِ ُموا ِب َح ْب ِل هَّللا ِ َجمِي ًعا َوال َت َف َّرقُوا‬
ْ ‫َو‬
"And hold fast to the ropes of Allah, and do not be divided." [Quran Ali Imran: 103]
And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
‫َو ُكو ُنوا ِع َبادَ هَّللا ِ ِإ ْخ َوا ًنا‬
"Be servants of the brothers of God." [Muttafaqun 'alaihi].
Therefore, let us increase our piety to Alah. Travel the streets that can make us meek and united. Try
ways that can make us United and love each other. Because the believers are like a body. If the other
limb feels pain, then one body can become feverish and unable to sleep because of it.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

ً ‫ض ُه َب ْع‬
‫ضا‬ ُ ‫ش ُّد َب ْع‬ ِ ‫ِن َكا ْل ُب ْن َي‬
ُ ‫ان َي‬ ِ ‫ِإنَّ ال ُمْؤ مِنَ لِ ْل ُمْؤ م‬
"Verily, the believers are like a building. One part strengthens the other."
Ayyuhal mukminun,
Verily Allah has prescribed for us the teachings that unite our hearts and make us meek. As God has
prescribed for the right between one and the other in our midst. That the other side has to fulfill. The
goal is for us to feel brotherhood, closeness, and mutual affection.
The fundamental right of fellow Muslims is the clean heart of each other. Let fellow Muslims have a
feeling of wanting good for each other. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
"For the sake of Dzat whose soul is in His hands, does not believe (perfectly) a servant in that he loves
good for his neighbors as he loves good for himself."
The point of not believeing one of you is that you do not realize the consequences of the obligation of
faith until you like your Muslim brothers get good as you like it. Allah praises the condition of a people,
ِ ُ‫ان َوال َت ْج َعلْ فِي قُل‬
‫وب َنا‬ ِ ‫س َبقُو َنا ِباِإلي َم‬ ْ ‫َوا َّلذِينَ َجا ُءوا مِنْ َب ْع ِد ِه ْم َيقُولُونَ َر َّب َنا‬
َ َ‫اغف ِْر َل َنا َوِإِل ْخ َوا ِن َنا ا َّلذِين‬
‫وف َرحِي ٌم‬ ٌ ‫ِغاًّل لِ َّلذِينَ آ َم ُنوا َر َّب َنا ِإ َّن َك َر ُء‬
And those who came after them say: Our Lord! Our Lord, You are the Most Forbearing, the Most
Merciful." [Quran Al-Hadid: 10]
Ayyuhal mukminun,
There is a hadith that summarizes the rights of fellow Muslims. Hadith narrated by the Muslim Imam in
his saheeh from Abu Hurairah radhiallahu 'anhu, The Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"There are five other Muslim rights to Muslims: replying to his greetings, visiting them when sick,
delivering his body, fulfilling his invitation, and answering his sneeze."
This hadith is the main hadith in the discussion of the rights of fellow Muslims. When a person practices
hadith, it means that he has practiced love in his heart and embodies the brotherhood of faith. Among
the rights of Muslims to other Muslims is to say hello to him when meeting. Greetings are greetings in
Islam. whose function fosters love and strengthens the sense of brotherhood among fellow Muslims.
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
"You will not enter Paradise until you believe. And you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I
tell you about something that if you do, you will surely love each other? Send greetings among you."
Therefore, let us spread the greeting until it is truly visible in the community. We say to people we know
and don't know. We say to those who answer it or do not answer it. For saying greetings is idolatrous.
And it's best to say it first.
Then the right of Muslims over other Muslims is when he sneezes then praise Allah we answer with
yarhamukallah. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
‫ َفِإ َذا َقال َ َل ُه َي ْر َح ُم َك‬، ُ ‫ َي ْر َح ُم َك هَّللا‬: ‫صا ِح ُب ُه‬
َ ‫ َو ْل َيقُلْ َل ُه َأ ُخوهُ َأ ْو‬، ِ ‫ ا ْل َح ْم ُد هَّلِل‬: ْ‫س َأ َح ُد ُك ْم َف ْل َيقُل‬
َ ‫ِإ َذا َع َط‬
‫صلِ ُح َبا َل ُك ْم‬ ْ ‫ َي ْهدِي ُك ُم هَّللا ُ َو ُي‬:ْ‫هَّللا ُ َف ْل َيقُل‬
"If you sneeze, say, 'Alhamdulillah'. Then the one who hears it says 'yarhamukallah (may Allah die
you)'. When anyone says to you, say, "Peace be upon you.
Among other Muslim rights is to visit them when they are sick. Cheer them up. And ask them what they
need. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
‫ِإنَّ ا ْل ُم ْسلِ َم ِإ َذا َعادَ َأ َخاهُ ا ْل ُم ْسلِ َم َل ْم َي َزلْ فِي ُخ ْر َف ِة ا ْل َج َّن ِة َح َّتى َي ْر ِج َع‬
"Indeed a Muslim when visiting his muslim brother (who is sick), he is harvesting in heaven until he
comes home." [ HR . Muslims]
As long as he was visiting his brother who was a sick Muslim, he was harvesting fruit in heaven.
Memetic his goodness. Get its blessings and its delicacy. Until he came home. It's really a great gift.
Another Muslim right is to fulfill his invitation. In The Muslim Saheeh there is a hadeeth narrated by Abu
Hurairah radhiallahu 'anhu, The Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"Whosoever does not fulfill the invitation, he has made good on God and His Messenger."
And more emphasized wedding invitations. Then the rights of these fellow Muslims are not cut off by
death. Even after death they still have rights. That is, his body was taken care of and accompanied until
Ayyuhal mukminun,
Have fear of God. Take care of these rights. Practice this in our society and continue to take care of it.
The advice referred to by the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam is something that can show a
person to good in the world problems especially the problem of the hereafter. And they have knowledge
of the evils of this world and the Hereafter.
Ayyuhal mukminun,
The right of Muslims to other Muslims is to help their needs. Allah said, "O My people, worship God;
ِ ‫َو َت َع َاو ُنوا َع َلى ا ْل ِب ِّر َوال َّت ْق َوى َوال َت َع َاو ُنوا َع َلى اِإل ْث ِم َوا ْل ُعدْ َو‬
"And help you in righteousness and piety, and do not help in sin and transgression." [Quran al-Maidah:
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
"Whosoever is involved in fulfilling his brother's needs, God will also be involved in fulfilling his needs."
This is emphasized even more to the weak and needy. For there is sustenance and help for the weak.
Because they pray and pray for the people who help them.
Ayyuhal mukminun,
Have fear of God. And take care of the rights of the weak. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
"The one who works in order to provide for the widow, and the poor, as he who strives in the way of
Allah, or as he who prays at night, fasts during the day." [ HR . Bukhari and Muslims].
These are some of the rights of others that we need to take care of and do. In addition to improving our
relationships, this will also improve our hearts. help us to be consistent in kindness. And remember the

[Sit down a while]

2 Khutbah

In this second khutbah, khatib again reminds the importance of sticking to the Al-quran, because Allah mentions
that the Al-quran is a guidance for pious people. Which means that not all humans can follow the qur'an, except
only those who are devout, who believe in Allah and His Messenger, those who really expect for the day of
afterlife, those who carry out His commands and prohibitions. Because the commands of Allah in the Al-quran
are not often in accordance with the human desire. Human desire often denotes disobedience, but Allah and His
Messenger call us to the goodness, but goodness is difficult for us to carry out.
To end this khutbah, let us pray to Allah, let us make du'a so that we will always be given the convenience of
sticking to the Al-quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Allah give a smoothness to us in
carrying out the obligation as a muslim and avoid the prohibitions, so that in the day of afterlife, we are brought
together in a glorious place. Aamin

Aqimi shalaah…

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