Level 3 and 4 Reiki

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3 & 4

Level 3

Tibetan Dai Ko Myo

The Dai Ko Myo fulfills the. function of making the

Reiki energy amplify and accelerate all the
effects of the symbols Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki and
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.

Basically the Dai Ko Myo symbol stimulates the

development of our spiritual part and the
powerful connection with our Higher Self.

Therefore, it helps to find the mission in the life

of each person and to reconnect with our talents
and natural gifts.

It greatly helps to regain inner balance, carry out

healing on a deeper level, at the spiritual level,
and crystallize the achievements obtained by
elevating and sealing the work of all other

Nin Gis Zida

Tibetan Fire Snake

This symbol is used during the

alignment process to unify

the chakras in preparation. It
is traced with the bow on the
crown of the head and the
serpent descending on the
spine until it curls at the
base. It can be used to
connect the chakras during a
treatment or meditation.


'' Reiju '' in the Usui system

are techniques to increase
the flow of Reiki energy in
the receiver. '' Reiju '' means
'' spiritual blessing ''
and it was the way that Usui
originally raised the
vibrational frequency of his
disciples so that they can
connect with Reiki in greater

The reiju described here are

NOT a substitute for a reiki
treatment. We can use them
to complement our sessions or
also separately to increase the
level of
vibration of the receiver,

as well as the amount of vital

energy it receives. It is said
that the person who receives
these Reijus, instructed by a
teacher, will be able to
channel Reiki for a few hours
if they wish.3 Reijus for the
Usui system are described

Reiji 1: It is the best known

and traditional Reiju and does
not include symbols, only
laying on of hands and some
Reiju 2: it is a Reiju that one
of my teachers taught me and
that I have not seen anywhere
else, this only consists of

"installing" certain symbols on

the receiver.
(I recommend you practice
both and find the one you like
the most or even practice
both together).

Reiju 3: This is a Reiju for

personal practice.

Reiji 1:

We stand in front of the

person, who must be sitting
with eyes closed and doing

1) In Gassho we connect with

Reiki, we ask for the energy
and we decree our intention ``
I am going to give Reiju to
this person ''
2) We raise our hands above
our head as if receiving
energy from the sky
3) With the hands in mudra 1
we go down the middle line of
the person from above his
head to the ground and there
we separate our hands and

the aura from the sides and
in an upward movement until
we join our hands above his
4) We give Reiki for 10 or 20
seconds in the crown chakra
5) We give Reiki for 10 or 20
seconds on the temples
6) With mudra 2 we project
Reiki in the center of the
7) We surround the hands in
the Gassho position of the
person with our hands and
give Reiki for 10 or 20 seconds
8) With our open palms facing
upwards and joined by the
little fingers in an offering
gesture, we ascend from the
Earth, through the middle
line of the person
until you go over your head
and into the sky
9) We return to our Gassho
position, we bless the person
and thank the Energy.

Reiju 2:

We stand behind the person

who must be sitting with eyes
closed and doing Gassho.

1) In Gassho we connect with

Reiki, we ask for the energy
and we decree our intention:
'' I am going to give Reiju to
this person ''

2) We trace the Fire Serpent

Symbol from above the
receiver's head to his sacrum.
3) We place our palms on his
head and contracting the
perineum and, placing the tip
of our tongue on the palate,
we take 3 deep breaths

feeling / visualizing /
imagining how the energy
enters through our crown,
down through our front
midline to our perineum and
from there up through
the rear midline to the head
and redraw the same route.
4) On our third exhalation, we
release the air through the
mouth (without releasing the
contact of the tongue with
the palate) and imagine that
we breathe the Tibetan Dai Ko
on his crown, and with our
hand we guide him to the
heart chakra
5) Then we trace the Cho Ku
Rei above his head and guide
him to his heart chakra
6) We repeat the same process
with the symbols Sei He Ki and
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
7) Now we place ourselves in
front of the person and draw
the Dai Ko Myo Tibetan symbol
on their head and guide it
with our hand to the solar
8) We repeat the same
procedure with the symbols
9) We return with our hands
to Gassho, we bless the person
and thank the energy

Reiju 3 (selfreiju):

Sitting in a chair or standing:

1) We make Gassho and ask for

2) We form mudra 3 at the
level of the navel, we remain
there for a few seconds
3) Even at the level of the
navel, we disassemble mudra 3
and form mudra 2 with the
palms facing outwards and
4) We raise this mudra by our
midline until it rises above our
head, where
5) The hands separate and go
down the sides of our aura
6) Reassemble mudra 3 at the
level of the navel, where we
remain for a few seconds.
7) We repeat steps 2) to 6)
two more times, ending in
mudra 3
8) There we separate our
hands and this we raise them
by the sides of the aura until
superimposing them in front
of our third eye, where we
stay a few seconds projecting

9) We now project Reiki for a

few seconds on the sides of
the head, on the temples
10) We put mudra 2 back
together in front of us, with
palms facing outwards and at
the level of the third eye,
where we stay for a few
11) We go down a bit and stay
a few seconds with this mudra
at heart level, palms facing
12) We lower this mudra,
turning the palms inwards and
the thumbs upwards and we
place it at the level of our
second chakra.
13) We disarm this mudra and

raise both hands by the sides

of the aura until they are in
front of us at the height
above the head.
14) There we perform mudra 1
and hold for a few seconds
with the indices projected to
the sky.
15) Without disarming the
mudra, we turn the indices
towards our body and go down
the middle line to our heart
chakra. There the indices
turn down
and continue the journey of
the midline until passing the
base chakra (we lean a little
forward to be able to go down
with the mudra to the knees

16) There we disarm the

mudra, and join both palms
up, connected by the little
fingers (as a gesture of
offering) and go up the
middle line until
a height a little higher than
our head
17) The hands separate, pass
over our head, along the sides
of the temples and come
together in front of the
heart forming Gassho)
18) We appreciate the Energy

Mudra 1
Mudra 2
Mudra 3


This Reiki technique is used to

send Reiki to various people,
situations, goals, etc ...
You can build a quartz
mandala that, after being
charged with Reiki, can
continue to send Energy for
For this you will need 8 quartz

- 6 crystals with 1 point or

double point to form the
- a hexagonal crystal or a
quartz pyramid For the
- a crystal larger than the
others with 1 point, as a
master crystal

Before assembling the

mandala you have to clean the
crystals. There are several
methods and one of them is
simply giving them Reiki.
The next step is to charge
them with the Universal
Energy. We put the quartz in
the palm of our non-dominant
hand and with the
Dominant we draw symbols 4, 1,
2 and 3 on top and hold them
in our hands, applying Reiki
for 10 minutes.
Once the quartz are charged
with Reiki,
we take the 6 crystals and put
one in each vertex of a
hexagon and in the center we
put the pyramid or hexagonal
The master crystal stays
outside the mandala and is
used to charge it.

To send Reiki to people,

situations, goals, etc ...: we
put their name on a paper or
in a photo of the person,
and we place it under the

To charge the mandala, we

take the master crystal,
trace the three symbols on it
and charge them with reiki
for 10 minutes.
Next, we charge the rest of
the crystals with the master
crystal: starting with the
central crystal, we lower
towards crystal 1, from there
we go to 2 in an anticlockwise
direction, we go up again to
the center. We are going to
trace "pie slices". Now we go
down to 2, from 2 we go to 3,
we go up to the center, we go
down to 3, from 3 to 4 and
from there to the center ...
like this until we complete
the entire circle reaching
crystal 1. While we are
charging the crystals we
visualize that
requests are already fulfilled.
Reiki is very flexible and you
can create your own
affirmation to say while
carrying the
mandala. You have to charge
it every two or three days
because otherwise it will
discharge. To go on a trip it is
not necessary that you take
the mandala with you, you can
take a photo and upload it
from wherever you are


Level 4

Dai: big
Ko flame or light
Myo: shine
Meditation with the Master

We do it standing up. We place our hands in the

gassho posture at the level of the heart. We raise
both hands over the head slowly and aware of the
movements we are doing in order to increase our
perception of energy. With one of our hands we
draw the Master symbol, we take it later and we pass
it on the front of our body while we say mentally
three times: "I am daikomyo". We install it in the
hara and thus we stay with both hands on it. We
keep thinking "daikomyo daikomyo daikomyo" all the
time until our hands return naturally to the
position in front of the heart. We do this exercise
as a daily meditation or before a Reiki session or
Preparing ourselves

Before starting we stand with

our hands in the gassho posture.
Then we prepare our Palms: we
first draw the master symbol on
a palm and name it three times.
Then we do the same in the
other Palm also naming it three
times. In the second place we
draw the symbol 1 on the first
palm naming it three times And
then we repeat the same
procedure on the other palm.

We draw the symbol 1 in

front of us covering the
Aura and connecting the
energy centers from the
crown to the height of the
first chakra.

We draw the symbol 1 in

each of our energy centers
To finish we return to place
the hands in gassho position
Preparing the space

From gassho position we begin to draw the

reiki symbols in the air of the room to seal
the space, protect it and give it energy.
First of all with your full palm You draw the
master symbol and name it three times and
then clockwise draw the Tibetan master
symbol and also name it three times. Next to
this, we draw the symbol of the fire serpent
that we also name three times. We continue
and draw the symbol 1 always following the
clockwise direction, and we name it three
times. Next to it the symbol 2 which we also
named three times. And finally the symbol 3
with which we close the sequence of
protection of the place.
We can return with our hands to the gassho
posture, ask for the assistance of our
teachers and guides And clearly define the
intention: "I am going to tune this person in
to x level of reiki".

Level 1
The receiver of this attunement will
remain seated with palms together at
heart level, with eyes closed. They should
be relaxed and without the need to think
or do anything in particular. Once the
preparation of the room is done, we stand
behind the student with our hands in the
gassho position and mentally say "This is to
tune you into the first level of reiki" We
begin by drawing the fire serpent symbol
on the recipient's back between his crown
and tailbone. We try to keep the palm on
the Aura about 10 cm away from the body
and when we reach the base of the column
we name the symbol three times. Then we
place our hands on the crown, taking care
to keep the fingers
together. We inhale deeply and bring the
air to the navel area and exhale. Then we
place the tongue on the palate, contract
the point of the perineum and begin a
serie of three breaths. We inhale taking
the air to the perineum area, we exhale as
if we could see that the air rises through
the spine and leaves through our hands.
While we keep our hands on the head we
do a second similar breath. Finally we
inhale again and when we exhale we
separate the palms and blow the Tibetan
symbol on the crown of the receiver,
guiding it with our hand to the base of
the skull, there we install it by naming it
mentally three times. We leave our left
hand hanging at the side of the body and
with our right hand we draw the usui
master symbol vertically and slowly guide
it to the base of the skull where we name
it three times.
Then we draw symbol 2 slowly and guide
it to the base of the skull and the same
with symbol 3, we draw it with all its lines
with the palm and guide it to the base of
the skull where we name it three times.
Very gently, we take the palms of the
student that are in front of his heart in
the gassho posture and slowly raise them
until they are placed on the crown of
the head. We take the student's palms
with one of our hands and with the other
we draw the symbol 1 that we pass
through the palms and then through the
crown to install it where we installed the
others before, at the base of the skull.
there we name the symbol 1 three times
and slowly we lower the student's hands,
placing them again at the height of his
We move in an anti-clockwise direction to
finish in front of the person.We take
their hands, we open them, separating
them from each other and we draw a
symbol 1 on both palms at the same time
naming it 3 times and imagining that it
travels from the palms through the arms
and to the heart. We close their palms
again and very carefully leave them in
the Gassho position. We inhale deeply,
retain the air and begin to blow from
the hands on the chest towards the
crown, then we go down to the first
chakra and finish in the hands.
Level 2
The receiver of this tuning will remain
seated with palms together at heart
level, with eyes preferably closed. They
should be relaxed and without the need
to think or do anything in particular
Once the preparation of the room is
done, we stand behind the student with
our hands in the rooster position and
mentally say "This is to tune in to the
second level of reiki" We begin by
drawing the fire serpent symbol on the
recipient's back between his crown and
tailbone. We try to keep the palm on the
Aura about 10 cm away from the body
and when we reach the base of the spine
we name the symbol three times. Then
we place our hands on the crown, taking
care to keep the fingers together.
We inhale deeply and bring the air to
the navel area and exhale. Then we place
the tongue on the palate, contract the
point of the perineum and begin a series
of three breaths. We inhale taking the
air to the perineum area, we exhale as if
we could see that the air rises through
the spine and leaves through our mouth.
While we keep our hands on our head we
do a second similar breath. Finally we
inhale again and when we exhale we
separate the palms and blow the Tibetan
symbol on the crown of the receiver,
guiding it with our hand to the base of
the skull, there we install it by naming it
mentally three times. We leave our left
hand hanging on the side of the body and
with our right hand we draw the usui
master symbol vertically and slowly guide
it to the base of the skull where we
name it three times.

Very gently, we take the palms of the

student that are in front of his heart in
the Gassho posture and slowly raise them
to place them on the crown of the head.
We take the student's palms with one of
our hands and with the other we draw
the symbol 1 that we pass through the
palms and then through the crown to
install it where we installed the others
before, at the base of the skull. there
we name the symbol 1 three times. We do
the same with symbols 2 and 3 and when
we finish we lower the student's hands,
placing them again at the height of his
heart. We move in an anti-clockwise
direction to finish in front of the

We take their hands, we open them,

separating them from each other and we
draw a symbol 1 on both palms at the
same time naming it 3 times and
imagining that said symbol travels from
the palms through the arms and to the
heart. We repeat with the symbol 2 and
3. We close the palms again and very
carefully leave them in the Gassho
position.We inhale deeply, hold the air
and begin to blow from the hands on the
chest towards the crown, then we go
down to the first chakra and finish in
the hands

Level 3

The receiver of this tuning will remain

seated with palms together at heart
level, with eyes closed and preferably
closed. They should be relaxed and
without the need to think or do anything
in particular Once the preparation of the
room is done, we stand behind the
student with our hands in a rooster
position and mentally say "This is to tune
in to the third level of reiki" We begin
by drawing the fire serpent symbol on
the recipient's back between his crown
and tailbone. We try to keep the palm on
the Aura about 10 cm away from the
body and when we reach the base of the
column we name the symbol three times.
Then we place our hands on the crown,
taking care to keep the fingers

We inhale deeply and bring the air to the

navel area and exhale. Then we place the
tongue on the palate, contract the point
of the perineum and begin a series of
three breaths. We inhale taking the air
to the perineum area, we exhale as if we
could see that the air rises through the
spine and leaves through our mouth.
While we keep our hands on our head we
do a second similar breath. Finally we
inhale again and when we exhale we
separate palms and blow the Tibetan
symbol on the crown of the receiver,
guiding it with our hand to the base of
the skull, there we install it by naming it
mentally three times.

We leave our left hand hanging on the

side of the body and with our right hand
we draw the usui master symbol
vertically and slowly guide it to the base
of the skull where we name it three
Very gently, we take the palms of the
student that are in front of his heart in
the Gassho posture and slowly raise them
to place them on the crown of the head.
We take the palms of the student with
one of our hands and with the other we
draw the Dai Ko Myo Tibetan symbol that
we pass through the palms and then
through the crown to install it where we
installed the other before, at the base
of the skull. there we name the symbol
three times. We repeat with Fire Serpent
We repeat with symbol 1. We repeat with
symbol 2. We repeat with symbol 3.

We move in an anti-clockwise direction to

finish in front of the person. We take
their hands, open them, separating them
from each other and draw a Dai Ko Myo
Tibetan symbol on both palms at the same
time naming it 3 times and imagining
that said symbol travels from the palms
through the arms and even the heart.
We repeat with the Fire Serpent symbol
and with the symbols 1, 2 and 3.
We close the palms again and very
carefully leave them in the Gassho
We inhale deeply, retain the air and
begin to blow from the hands on the
chest towards the crown, then we go
down to the first chakra and finish in
the hands.

Level 4

The receiver of this tuning will remain

seated with palms together at heart
level, with eyes closed and preferably
closed. They should be relaxed and
without the need to think or do anything
in particular Once the preparation of the
room is done, we stand behind the
student with our hands in the rooster
position and mentally say "This is to tune
you into the master level of the Usui
reiki system"
We begin by drawing the fire serpent
symbol on the recipient's back between
his crown and tailbone. We try to keep
the palm on the Aura about 10 cm away
from the body and when we reach the
base of the column we name the symbol
three times. then we place our hands on
the crown taking care to keep the
fingers together.

We inhale deeply and bring the air to the

navel area and exhale. Then we place the
tongue on the palate, contract the point
of the perineum and begin a series of
three breaths. We inhale taking the air
to the perineum area, we exhale as if we
could see that the air rises through the
spine and leaves through our mouth.
While we keep our hands on our head we
do a second similar breath. Finally we
inhale again and when we exhale we
separate the palms and blow the Tibetan
symbol on the crown of the receiver,
guiding it with our hand to the base of
the skull, there we install it by naming it
mentally three times.

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