Level 3 and 4 Reiki
Level 3 and 4 Reiki
Level 3 and 4 Reiki
3 & 4
Level 3
Reiji 1:
the aura from the sides and
in an upward movement until
we join our hands above his
4) We give Reiki for 10 or 20
seconds in the crown chakra
5) We give Reiki for 10 or 20
seconds on the temples
6) With mudra 2 we project
Reiki in the center of the
7) We surround the hands in
the Gassho position of the
person with our hands and
give Reiki for 10 or 20 seconds
8) With our open palms facing
upwards and joined by the
little fingers in an offering
gesture, we ascend from the
Earth, through the middle
line of the person
until you go over your head
and into the sky
9) We return to our Gassho
position, we bless the person
and thank the Energy.
Reiju 2:
feeling / visualizing /
imagining how the energy
enters through our crown,
down through our front
midline to our perineum and
from there up through
the rear midline to the head
and redraw the same route.
4) On our third exhalation, we
release the air through the
mouth (without releasing the
contact of the tongue with
the palate) and imagine that
we breathe the Tibetan Dai Ko
on his crown, and with our
hand we guide him to the
heart chakra
5) Then we trace the Cho Ku
Rei above his head and guide
him to his heart chakra
6) We repeat the same process
with the symbols Sei He Ki and
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
7) Now we place ourselves in
front of the person and draw
the Dai Ko Myo Tibetan symbol
on their head and guide it
with our hand to the solar
8) We repeat the same
procedure with the symbols
9) We return with our hands
to Gassho, we bless the person
and thank the energy
Reiju 3 (selfreiju):
Mudra 1
Mudra 2
Mudra 3
Level 4
Dai: big
Ko flame or light
Myo: shine
Meditation with the Master
Level 1
The receiver of this attunement will
remain seated with palms together at
heart level, with eyes closed. They should
be relaxed and without the need to think
or do anything in particular. Once the
preparation of the room is done, we stand
behind the student with our hands in the
gassho position and mentally say "This is to
tune you into the first level of reiki" We
begin by drawing the fire serpent symbol
on the recipient's back between his crown
and tailbone. We try to keep the palm on
the Aura about 10 cm away from the body
and when we reach the base of the column
we name the symbol three times. Then we
place our hands on the crown, taking care
to keep the fingers
together. We inhale deeply and bring the
air to the navel area and exhale. Then we
place the tongue on the palate, contract
the point of the perineum and begin a
serie of three breaths. We inhale taking
the air to the perineum area, we exhale as
if we could see that the air rises through
the spine and leaves through our hands.
While we keep our hands on the head we
do a second similar breath. Finally we
inhale again and when we exhale we
separate the palms and blow the Tibetan
symbol on the crown of the receiver,
guiding it with our hand to the base of
the skull, there we install it by naming it
mentally three times. We leave our left
hand hanging at the side of the body and
with our right hand we draw the usui
master symbol vertically and slowly guide
it to the base of the skull where we name
it three times.
Then we draw symbol 2 slowly and guide
it to the base of the skull and the same
with symbol 3, we draw it with all its lines
with the palm and guide it to the base of
the skull where we name it three times.
Very gently, we take the palms of the
student that are in front of his heart in
the gassho posture and slowly raise them
until they are placed on the crown of
the head. We take the student's palms
with one of our hands and with the other
we draw the symbol 1 that we pass
through the palms and then through the
crown to install it where we installed the
others before, at the base of the skull.
there we name the symbol 1 three times
and slowly we lower the student's hands,
placing them again at the height of his
We move in an anti-clockwise direction to
finish in front of the person.We take
their hands, we open them, separating
them from each other and we draw a
symbol 1 on both palms at the same time
naming it 3 times and imagining that it
travels from the palms through the arms
and to the heart. We close their palms
again and very carefully leave them in
the Gassho position. We inhale deeply,
retain the air and begin to blow from
the hands on the chest towards the
crown, then we go down to the first
chakra and finish in the hands.
Level 2
The receiver of this tuning will remain
seated with palms together at heart
level, with eyes preferably closed. They
should be relaxed and without the need
to think or do anything in particular
Once the preparation of the room is
done, we stand behind the student with
our hands in the rooster position and
mentally say "This is to tune in to the
second level of reiki" We begin by
drawing the fire serpent symbol on the
recipient's back between his crown and
tailbone. We try to keep the palm on the
Aura about 10 cm away from the body
and when we reach the base of the spine
we name the symbol three times. Then
we place our hands on the crown, taking
care to keep the fingers together.
We inhale deeply and bring the air to
the navel area and exhale. Then we place
the tongue on the palate, contract the
point of the perineum and begin a series
of three breaths. We inhale taking the
air to the perineum area, we exhale as if
we could see that the air rises through
the spine and leaves through our mouth.
While we keep our hands on our head we
do a second similar breath. Finally we
inhale again and when we exhale we
separate the palms and blow the Tibetan
symbol on the crown of the receiver,
guiding it with our hand to the base of
the skull, there we install it by naming it
mentally three times. We leave our left
hand hanging on the side of the body and
with our right hand we draw the usui
master symbol vertically and slowly guide
it to the base of the skull where we
name it three times.
Level 3
Level 4