Amazing Bird Nests Vocabulary Cards

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Routine for Lesson Vocabulary All Together
Introduce  The bird has a long bill. A bill is • The word bill has more than one
the beak of a bird. Let’s say the word together: meaning. I’m going to tell you two
bill. sentences using bill. If the meaning is
“the beak of a bird,” say “Yes.” If it is
Demonstrate  The bird carries fish in its bill.
not, say “No.”
The woodpecker pecked the tree with its bill.
The toucan has a large bill. The parrot crushed peanuts in its bill.
Apply  What do birds use their bills for? The bill for the repairs was high.
Display  Now I will write the word on the • I’m going to name some animals. If an
board. Let’s read the word together: bill. animal has a bill, say “Bill.” If it does not,
say “No bill.”
rhinoceros flamingo
rat cockatoo

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 5 • Amazing Bird Nests

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Routine for Lesson Vocabulary Team Talk
Introduce  He has green goo in his hand. • Chocolate chips in hot cookies often
Goo is a sticky or messy substance. Let’s say look like goo. Discuss why people
the word together: goo. say hot cookies are like goo.
Demonstrate  After eating dinner, the baby • Take turns completing these sentence
was covered in goo. The leak made black goo frames:
drip from the ceiling. After they made cookies,
The goo was as sticky as __________.
the kitchen counter had goo stuck on it.
The goo was the same color as
Apply  Would you rather be splattered with
water or goo? Why?
Display  Now I will write the word on the
board. Let’s read the word together: goo.

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 5 • Amazing Bird Nests

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Routine for Lesson Vocabulary Action!
Introduce  Lions are hunters. Hunters are • Let’s all pretend we are lions who are
animals or people who go after animals for hunting. Show how these hunters would
food or sport. Let’s say the word together: try to sneak up on their prey. Be sure not
hunters. to make any noise.
Demonstrate  Owls are hunters that look for • Bird hunters often make bird calls to trick
food at night. The ducks on the river did not the birds into coming closer. Let’s all do
know that the hunters were there. All hunters our best bird calls. We’ll vote to see who
must learn to be quiet as they wait. sounds the most like a bird.
Apply  What animals are known as good
Display  Now I will write the word on the
board. Let’s read the word together: hunters.

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 5 • Amazing Bird Nests

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Routine for Lesson Vocabulary All Together
Introduce  These are pieces of material. • I’m going to name some things. Together
Material is cloth. Material is also the substance say what material or materials each thing
from which something is made. Let’s say the can be made from.
word together: material.
a paper clip
Demonstrate  The cup is made from a
a door
plastic material. Wood is the main material in
the desk. One material in a window is glass. a purse

Apply  What materials would you need to • Listen as I say the following poem. Then
make a poster? let’s say the poem together.

Display  Now I will write the word on the What material do you need to make
board. Let’s read the word together: material. a home?
Some wood, some brick, some glass,
some stone.
What material do you need to build
a bike?
There’s metal and plastic and colors I like.

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 5 • Amazing Bird Nests

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Routine for Lesson Vocabulary Pencil Talk
Introduce  People waiting for a train stand • Draw a picture of people using a platform
on a platform. A platform is a flat, raised in some way. Write a sentence that
structure or surface. Let’s say the word explains how they are using it. Use the
together: platform. word platform in your sentence.
Demonstrate  The winners of the race stood • Make a list of words related to the
on a platform. A stage is a platform at the word platform. Start with words in the
back of a theater. The workers stacked the definition, such as flat, raised, and
bricks on a platform next to the house. surface.
Apply  Where have you seen a platform? • Complete this sentence frame:
What material was the platform made of?
The __________ jumped off the platform
Display  Now I will write the word on the and into the pool.
board. Let’s read the word together: platform.

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 5 • Amazing Bird Nests

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Routine for Lesson Vocabulary Team Talk
Introduce  The train is carrying tons of • Talk to your partner about things that
wood. A ton is a unit of weight equal to weigh many tons. Take turns naming
2,000 pounds. Tons are more than one ton. heavy objects. Make a list of all the
Let’s say the word together: tons. objects that weigh tons.
Demonstrate  The pickup truck weighed • Explain to your partner that the word tons
about two tons. Tons of garbage have been is also used to mean “a lot.” For example,
dumped in the landfill. The ship carries many “He spent tons of money” means “He
tons of coal. spent a lot of money.” Take turns saying
sentences using tons with this meaning.
Apply  Which weighs more, three tons of
rock or 1,000 pounds of rock? How do
you know?
Display  Now I will write the word on the
board. Let’s read the word together: tons.

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 5 • Amazing Bird Nests

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Routine for Lesson Vocabulary Pencil Talk
Introduce  The twigs are in a pile. Twigs are • Write two original sentences using the
small, thin branches of trees or other woody word twigs.
plants. Let’s say the word together: twigs.
• Make a diagram of a tree. Draw a large
Demonstrate  The bird used twigs to make tree and then label the following parts
a nest. Hundreds of twigs fell from the tree of the tree: branches, twigs, trunk, and
during the storm. Campers collect twigs to start leaves.
a fire.
• Complete this sentence frame:
Apply  Which is bigger, a twig or a branch?
We used the twigs to make ___________.
How do you know?
Display  Now I will write the word on the
board. Let’s read the word together: twigs.

Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 5 • Amazing Bird Nests

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