Astm C 1265
Astm C 1265
Astm C 1265
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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C1265 − 94 (2011)
6. Apparatus and Accessory Materials 6.3 Caulking Gun, for extruding sealant from cartridges
6.1 Tensile Testing Machine, capable of producing a tensile when applicable.
load on the specimen at a rate of 5.06 0.5 mm (0.20 6 0.02 6.4 Glass Substrates, of the same type(s) as used in the joint
in.) per minute. The machine shall be capable of measuring the design being evaluated.
load to 64 N (61 lb). See Fig. 1. NOTE 2—This test method is based on glass substrates of 6.3 by 25 by
6.1.1 Fixed Member—A fixed or essentially stationary 76 mm (0.25 by 1.0 by 3.0 in.) in size. Other thicknesses may be tested;
member carrying a grip. however, consideration should be given to preventing breakage or
6.1.2 Movable Member—A movable member carrying a excessive bending of the glass during testing.
second grip. NOTE 3—The sample tested should reflect the actual IG unit edge
construction; that is, glass with sensitive coatings should be tested as they
6.1.3 Grips—The grips should be suitable to firmly grasp are used. If a coating is edge-deleted in practice, it should be edge-deleted
the test fixture that holds the test specimen and should be for the test.
designed to minimize eccentric specimen loading. Specimen
6.5 Edge Spacer—The spacer should be identical in
loading should be perpendicular to both glass substrates. A
material, cross section, and surface finish to the spacer to be
swivel or universal joint near one or both ends of the test
used in the IG edge seal design being evaluated.
specimen may be helpful for alignment purposes.
6.1.4 Grip Fixture—A fixture capable of being held by the 6.6 Primary Sealant—This sealant or sealant tape, that is
grips and furnishing a tensile force to the joint specimen. non-structural, provides a vapor seal for the IG unit. Its
presence and configuration affects the geometry and behavior
6.2 Spatulas, for use in applying sealant.
of many structural IG edge seal designs; therefore, it should be
included as part of the specimen.
6.7 Assembly Spacer(s)—Spacer(s) or end blocks, or both,
made from TFE-fluorocarbon or other suitable non-bonding
material are used to maintain the proper specimen dimensions
during specimen assembly. Because details of specimens tested
by this test method will vary, it is not possible to define a single
spacer or end block shape.
6.8 Glass Substrate Cleaning Materials:
6.8.1 Primary—Materials common to industry practice for
the IG unit being evaluated.
6.8.2 Alternate—Clean, dry, lint-free cloths. A 0.1 % solu-
tion of clear hand dishwashing detergent.3 The solution should
be made up in distilled or deionized water.
6.9 Edge Spacer Cleaning Materials:
6.9.1 Primary—Materials common to industry practice of
the IG unit being evaluated.
6.9.2 Alternate—Clean, dry, lint-free cloths. Isopropyl alco-
hol (99 %).
7. Test Specimen Assembly
7.1 Assembly:
7.1.1 Glass Cleaning Procedure: Prior to assembly, clean the glass using the methods
recommended by the manufacturer of the IG unit being
evaluated. When no manufacturer’s cleaning guidelines are
available, wipe substrates with a clean, dry, lint-free cloth, then
thoroughly clean with a second clean, lint-free cloth and 0.1 %
solution of a clear hand dishwashing detergent,3 as described in
6.8. Rinse the surfaces (without touching them) in distilled or
deionized water and allow to air dry.
7.1.2 Edge Spacer Cleaning Procedure: Prior to assembly, clean the edge spacer using the
methods used by the manufacturer of the IG unit being
Dawn, made by Proctor and Gamble Co., P.O. Box 599, Cincinnati, OH 54201,
and Palmolive Green, made by Colgate Palmolive Co., 300-T Park Avenue, New
FIG. 1 Suggested Assembly Method York, NY 10022, have been found suitable for this purpose.
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C1265 − 94 (2011) When no manufacturer’s cleaning guidelines are sealants) at 23 6 2°C (73 6 4°F) and 50 6 6 % relative
available, wipe substrates with a clean, dry, lint-free cloth, then humidity. List any deviations in curing conditions in the report.
thoroughly clean with a second clean, lint-free cloth and 7.3.2 Remove all assembly spacer sections, but not the IG
diisopropyl alcohol (99 %) and allow to air dry. edge spacer. If assembly spacers are removed prior to the cure
7.1.3 Construct the test specimen assemblies by forming a time given in 7.3.1, note this in the report.
sealant cavity 50 mm (2.0 in.) long, with a cavity width and
depth as dictated by the joint design being evaluated. (See Fig. 8. Procedure
2). Care should be taken to ensure that assembly of the 8.1 Testing
substrate panels, IG joint spacer, and primary IG joint seal are 8.1.1 Measure and record to the nearest 0.5 mm (0.02 in.)
representative of the actual joint design. the actual minimum length (dimension L), minimum bond
7.2 Sample Preparation: width (dimension W) and minimum IG spacer setback (dimen-
7.2.1 Prepare a minimum of five specimens for each sealant, sion S), as shown in Fig. 2.
substrate, and geometry combination being tested, as shown in 8.1.2 All specimens are pulled on the tensile test machine at
Fig. 2. 23 6 2°C (73 6 4°F) and 50 6 6 % relative humidity. Test
speed shall be 5 6 0.5 mm (0.2 6 0.02 in.) per minute. The
NOTE 4—Five test specimen assemblies should be prepared for each orientation of the specimen in the test grips is shown in Fig. 3.
additional environmental condition being evaluated. 8.1.3 Record tensile load, in Newtons (lbs) versus elonga-
7.2.2 Each specimen in each set should be individually tion percent by a continuous plot or at 0.5 mm (0.02 in.)
identified. intervals to an elongation of 10 %. Also record the load at
7.2.3 Fig. 1 shows a suggested approach to assembly of the elongations of 25, 50, and 100 %. Record the initial load peak
two pieces of glass, the IG edge spacer, and the two primary IG at failure of the primary IG seal (see Fig. 3). Record the
edge seals prior to application of the secondary structural elongation when maximum load is first reached and the highest
sealant. Special care must be given to accurate placement of all value of elongation achieved at maximum load, if some
assembly components. Also, it is important that the final yielding of the maximum load is evident.
configuration (thickness, width, and position) of the primary IG 8.1.4 Record the nature of the failure, whether cohesive or
edge seal match that seen in the actual joint design being adhesive, or what percentage is cohesive.
evaluated. See Appendix X1 for a discussion of assembly 8.2 Observations:
procedures that have been found suitable. 8.2.1 If possible, observe and record the elongation causing
7.2.4 Fill each assembly with the secondary structural failure of the IG primary seal. This may be taken as the
sealant that is to be tested. Immediately tool the sealant surface elongation corresponding to the initial load peak due to the
to ensure complete filling of the cavity and wetting of the primary IG seal failure if such a peak is evident.
substrate surfaces. Take special care to strike off the sealant 8.2.2 Observe the specimens and record any obvious air
flush with the glass edges. bubbles trapped in the sealant during the preparation of the test
7.3 Conditioning: specimens.
7.3.1 The structural sealant manufacturer’s recommended
curing conditions and time should be followed. In the absence 9. Calculation
of specific manufacturer’s recommendations, cure the speci- 9.1 Calculate the force per unit length or joint (R), in N/mm
mens for 21 days (one part sealants) or seven days (two part (lbs/in.):
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Intertek Testing Services NA (Intertek Testing Services NA) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C1265 − 94 (2011)
Specimen 1 2 3 4 5
Actual Width, W
Actual Setback, S
Actual Length, L
Test Load 10%
at Various 25%
Elongations: 50%
Max. Test Load:
FIG. 3 Typical Load Versus Elongation Plot Elongation at Max. Load:
Primary Seal Load:
Sketch of Specimen Cross-Section: Substrate Cleaning Procedure:
Rs 5 T/Ls 5 setback (1) (Include a detailed sketch,
tracing, or ink pad impression of
where: the spacer cross-section.)
T = the applied tensile force and L is the dimension L in Fig. Observations:
9.2 Calculate the nominal elastic stiffness of the joint per
FIG. 4 Suggested Format for Test Data
unit length in N/mm/mm (lbs/in./in.) at the 10 % elongation
level by the approximation (see Fig. 3):
11.1.1 I(r)—The repeatability (within a given laboratory)
10 % 5 T 10 %/ ~ 0.1*L*W ! (2) interval for 1 material tested by five laboratories is 17.630 psi.
where: In future use of this test method, the difference between two
10 % = the measured or estimated force at 10 % test results obtained in the same laboratory on the same
elongation, material will be expected to exceed 17.630 psi only about 5 %
L = length of bond, and of the time.
W = the width between inside faces of the substrate 11.1.2 I(R)—The reproducibility (between given laborato-
panels. ries) interval for one material tested by five laboratories is
40.562 psi. In future use of this test method, the difference
10. Report between two test results obtained in a different laboratory on
the same material will be expected to exceed 40.562 psi only
10.1 Report the following information:
about 5 % of the time.
10.1.1 The test data and observations are to be reported on
the form shown in Fig. 4 or similar. 11.2 Test Method for Edge Seal Strength 1⁄4 in. (6 mm)
10.1.2 Provide a scale sketch of the specimen cross section, Setback, 25 % Elongation at Test Load:
showing details of IG edge spacer and primary seal placement 11.2.1 I(r)—The repeatability (within a given laboratory)
and the setback of the spacer. interval for one material tested by five laboratories is 23.308
10.1.3 Report the substrate cleaning procedure. Also, report psi. In future use of this test method, the difference between
if the spacers were removed prior to the end of the cure period, two test results obtained in the same laboratory on the same
if the curing conditions deviated from those listed, and any material will be expected to exceed 23.308 psi only about 5 %
other deviation from the method. of the time.
10.1.4 Report tensile force per unit length in N/mm (lbs/in.) 11.2.2 I(R)—The reproducibility (between given laborato-
at 10, 25, 50, 100 % and at maximum elongation, as calculated ries) interval for one material tested by five laboratories is
in 9.1. 72.665 psi. In future use of this test method, the difference
10.1.5 Report percent elongation at maximum tensile load. between two test results obtained in a different laboratory on
10.1.6 Report nominal elastic stiffness at 10 % elongation, the same material will be expected to exceed 72.665 psi only
as calculated in 9.2. about 5 % of the time.
10.1.7 Report mode of failure in percent cohesive failure. 11.3 Test Method for Edge Seal Strength 1⁄4 in. (6 mm)
10.1.8 If evident, report the load and elongation at the initial Setback, 50 % Elongation at Test Load:
load peak due to the primary IG sealant failure. 11.3.1 I(r)—The repeatability (within a given laboratory)
10.1.9 Report any observations from 8.2. interval for one material tested by five laboratories is 27.916
psi. In future use of this test method, the difference between
11. Precision and Bias two test results obtained in the same laboratory on the same
11.1 Test Method for Edge Seal Strength 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) material will be expected to exceed 27.916 psi only about 5 %
Setback, 10 % Elongation at Test Load: of the time.
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C1265 − 94 (2011)
11.3.2 I(R)—The reproducibility (between given laborato- psi. In future use of this test method, the difference between
ries) interval for one material tested by five laboratories is two test results obtained in the same laboratory on the same
103.242 psi. In future use of this test method, the difference material will be expected to exceed 11.481 psi only about 5 %
between two test results obtained in a different laboratory on of the time.
the same material will be expected to exceed 103.242 psi only 11.6.2 I(R)—The reproducibility (between given laborato-
about 5 % of the time. ries) interval for one material tested by five laboratories is
11.4 Test Method for Edge Seal Strength 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) 57.896 psi. In future use of this test method, the difference
Setback, 100 % Elongation at Test Load: between two test results obtained in a different laboratory on
11.4.1 I(r)—The repeatability (within a given laboratory) the same material will be expected to exceed 57.896 psi only
interval for one material tested by five laboratories is 40.034 about 5 % of the time.
psi. In future use of this test method, the difference between 11.7 Test Method for Edge Seal Strength 1⁄2 in. (12.5 mm)
two test results obtained in the same laboratory on the same Setback, 50 % Elongation at Test Load:
material will be expected to exceed 40.034 psi only about 5 % 11.7.1 I(r)—The repeatability (within a given laboratory)
of the time. interval for one material tested by five laboratories is 12.877
11.4.2 I(R)—The reproducibility (between given laborato- psi. In future use of this test method, the difference between
ries) interval for one material tested by five laboratories is two test results obtained in the same laboratory on the same
126.137 psi. In future use of this test method, the difference material will be expected to exceed 12.877 psi only about 5 %
between two test results obtained in a different laboratory on of the time.
the same material will be expected to exceed 126.137 psi only 11.7.2 I(R)—The reproducibility (between given laborato-
about 5 % of the time. ries) interval for one material tested by five laboratories is
11.5 Test Method for Edge Seal Strength 1⁄2 in. (12.5 mm) 67.293 psi. In future use of this test method, the difference
Setback, 10 % Elongation at Test Load: between two test results obtained in a different laboratory on
11.5.1 I(r)—The repeatability (within a given laboratory) the same material will be expected to exceed 67.293 psi only
interval for one material tested by five laboratories is 9.714 psi. about 5 % of the time.
In future use of this test method, the difference between two 11.8 Test Method for Edge Seal Strength 1⁄2 in. (12.5 mm)
test results obtained in the same laboratory on the same Setback, 100 % Elongation at Test Load:
material will be expected to exceed 9.714 psi only about 5 % 11.8.1 I(r)—The repeatability (within a given laboratory)
of the time. interval for one material tested by five laboratories is 10.737
11.5.2 I(R)—The reproducibility (between given laborato- psi. In future use of this test method, the difference between
ries) interval for one material tested by five laboratories is two test results obtained in the same laboratory on the same
40.303 psi. In future use of this test method, the difference material will be expected to exceed 10.737 psi only about 5 %
between two test results obtained in a different laboratory on of the time.
the same material will be expected to exceed 40.303 psi only 11.8.2 I(R)—The reproducibility (between given laborato-
about 5 % of the time. ries) interval for one material tested by five laboratories is
11.6 Test Method for Edge Seal Strength 1⁄2 in. (12.5 mm) 82.270 psi. In future use of this test method, the difference
Setback, 25 % Elongation at Test Load: between two test results obtained in a different laboratory on
11.6.1 I(r)—The repeatability (within a given laboratory) the same material will be expected to exceed 82.270 psi only
interval for one material tested by five laboratories is 11.481 about 5 % of the time.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Check the fit of the edge spacers in the assembled Place the two pieces of glass on edge adjacent to opposite sides
spacers prior to cleaning the edge spacer. Following proper of the edge spacer. Take care not to contaminate the glass
cleaning of the glass and edge spacers, place the primary surfaces that will be in contact with the structural sealant. Align
sealant beads on each side of the edge spacer. Take care to the glass pieces to center the edge spacer. Hand press the glass
provide the proper amount in the correct position for the pieces into the primary sealant beads, keeping the bottom
particular edge spacer being used. Avoid contamination of the edges of the glass in contact with the flat surface. The primary
edge spacer surface that will be in contact with the secondary, sealant should hold the glass in position for final clamping.
structural sealant. Place the edge spacer in the assembly spacer Place the clamping angles on each side of the assembly and
cavity. Press it into the bottom of the cavity with a clean install the clamping screws and nuts. Carefully tighten the
spatula. Set the upright assembly spacer on a flat level surface. clamping screws to compress the glass against the assembly
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C1265 − 94 (2011)
spacer. Check for proper compression of the primary sealant
beads. The specimen is now ready for application of the
secondary sealant.
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