Ring Bendability of Pipeline Coatings (Squeeze Test) : Standard Test Method For

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Designation: G 70 – 07

Standard Test Method for

Ring Bendability of Pipeline Coatings (Squeeze Test)1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation G 70; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript
epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope Coating failure in the form of cracking or loss of adhesion is

1.1 This method covers testing the relative resistance of detected by electrical test for holidays while the test is in
pipeline coatings to cracking and spalling from deformation of process.
the pipe by observing the effects of diametral compression of 3.2 Compression of coated ring samples is controlled by use
ring samples. The method is limited to thin film coatings of a dial indicator, micrometer, or other suitable distance-
having an elongation not exceeding 5.0 %. measuring device. Dimensions are then corrected to outside
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the dimensions by subtracting the dial indicator or micrometer
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information reading from the initial pipe diameter.
only. 4. Significance and Use
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 4.1 The method will provide information on the ability of
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- pipeline coatings to resist cracking, spalling, or other mechani-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- cal damage as a result of bending. If the test is applied to
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. coated pipe samples from commercial production, the results

can be used in the selection of similar materials for service. The
2. Referenced Documents test has application as a quality control method when variations
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 in coating application or material formulation may affect
G 12 Test Method for Nondestructive Measurement of Film bending performance.
Thickness of Pipeline Coatings on Steel 5. Apparatus
G 62 Test Methods for Holiday Detection in Pipeline Coat-
ings 5.1 Compression Apparatus—An arbor press, universal test
machine, or other device that can apply sufficient force at a
3. Summary of Test Method controlled rate of movement.
3.1 The method consists of compressing coated pipe ring 5.2 Film Thickness Gage, as described in Test Method G 12.
samples in a hydraulic arbor press, universal test machine, or 5.3 Holiday Detector—A high- or low-voltage d-c holiday
other suitable device. The ring sample is compressed to an detector as specified in Test Methods G 62 shall be used to
approximate oval shape wherein the minor diameter of the oval locate breaks in the coating film. Low-voltage holiday detec-
is produced by a bending force that elongates the coating at the tors shall be used on coatings 0.51 mm (#20 mils) thick and
metal interface. The coating elongation or stretch as produced high-voltage holiday detectors shall be used on thicker coat-
in the test by compressing the ring to a gaged dimension can be ings.
calculated to produce the same coating elongation or stretch as 6. Test Specimens
would occur in actual bending of the pipe to a given radius.
6.1 The test specimens shall be coated ring samples 50 6 5
mm (2 6 0.20 in.) in length.
6.2 Five samples shall be cut from the same piece of coated
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D01 on Paint pipe by hand saw, power saw, or lathe with care not to damage
and Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications and is the direct responsibility of the coating in the holding device. All edges shall be visually
Subcommittee D01.48 on Durability of Pipeline Coating and Linings.
Current edition approved July 1, 2007. Published July 2007. Originally approved deburred. More samples may be required depending on the
in 1981. Last previous edition approved in 1998 as G 70 - 81 (1998) which was testing application.
withdrawn March 2007 and reinstated in July 2007.
6.3 Samples shall have areas of coating removed in accor-
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
dance with Fig. 1.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on 6.4 The samples shall be free of obvious coating flaws or
the ASTM website. defects.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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G 70 – 07
The rate of movement of the compression surfaces can be
determined by any suitable method such as a dial indicator,
micrometer, caliper, and a stopwatch.
8.5 Examine the specimen during compression with the
holiday detector (Test Methods G 62) constantly to determine
the point of cracking of the coating film. Note the number, size,
and type of cracks present. Examine the pipe specimen for any
loss of coating bond caused by the bending operation.
NOTE 1—The possibility of some coatings developing stress-induced
cracks in the period following the bending operation should not be
overlooked. If this is a consideration, the bent specimen should be retained
for future inspection.
8.6 If a micrometer is used, measure the distance of com-
pression of the specimen.
8.7 After finding the distance of compression, subtract this
figure from the initial pipe diameter and determine the percent
bend by calculation as shown in the Annex A1.

9. Report
9.1 The initial test report shall include the following (see
Fig. 2):
9.1.1 Complete identification of the coated pipe tested,
including: name and type of coating; average coating thick-
ness; minimum coating thickness; maximum coating thickness;
manufacturer’s lot number; date of manufacture; nominal pipe
9.1.2 Rate of compression.
FIG. 1 Specimen
9.1.3 Temperature of the pipe specimen as tested.
9.1.4 Percent bend and corresponding distance of compres-
sion at which cracking first occurred.
7. Conditioning 9.1.5 Description of the type of cracking that is visible, or
7.1 Where compression testing at room temperature is indicated, or both, by the holiday detector.
required, the specimen shall be exposed to these conditions for 9.1.6 Extent of any loss in pipe-to-coating bond.
a sufficient time to ensure thermal equilibrium in the pipe and 9.1.7 Number of specimens tested.
coating. A temperature in the range from 20 to 25°C (68 to 9.1.8 Any peculiar characteristics of the specimen noted
77°F) shall be considered room temperature. A relative humid- during the test or after immediate removal from the test
ity of 50 6 5 % shall be considered standard. apparatus.
7.2 Tests at other temperatures shall be made in such a 9.1.9 Post-bend retention time in days.
manner as to ensure that thermal equilibrium is maintained
between the specimen and its conditioning environment. 10. Precision and Bias

10.1 Precision data are limited to adjacent specimens taken

8. Procedure from the production-coated pipe assuming that the production
8.1 Measure the outside diameter and wall thickness of each process was uniform with respect to pipe surface condition and
specimen using a suitable measuring instrument. coating material. Specimens that were not adjacent in the
8.2 Measure the applied coating thickness of each specimen as-produced condition or were taken from different lengths of
in accordance with Test Method G 12. pipe may represent differing process conditions.
8.3 Place specimen between the compression surfaces and 10.2 Repeatability—When the same instrument is used by
apply sufficient compressive force to barely hold the sample. the same operator, duplicate measurements on the same speci-
The direction of compression shall be as shown in Fig. 1. men shall agree within 68 %.
8.4 Apply compressive force by movement of the compres- 10.3 Reproducibility—Different operators using different
sion surfaces at a constant rate of speed. holiday detectors set at the same voltages, inspecting the same
8.4.1 The rate of movement of the compression surfaces specimen shall obtain average results agreeing with each other
shall be in accordance with the following guidelines: within 615 %.
Specimen Diameter, mm Testing Speed, mm/min
50 to 200 2 to 20 11. Keywords
200 to 400 20 to 40
400 to 600 40 to 60 11.1 bendability; coating; compression; deformation; pipe-
>600 60 to 100 line; ring sample; squeeze

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G 70 – 07
DATA SHEET AND REPORT Report No.__________
Specimen No.________
Squeeze Test for Bendability of Pipeline Coatings Date_______________
Pipe OD mm (in.) Wall mm (in.) Initials
Type Grade Manufacturer
Coating: Thickness, mm (in.): max min avg

Applied by Method
Holiday Detector:Type Manufacturer Voltage
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
Results Observed Temperature Cracks Spalling
Compressed State
Initial Testing
Final Dis- Elapsed
Run Distance Percent Speed, Not
Line tance A−B Date Time, °C °F Visible No Yes Negative Positive
No A, Stretch mm/min visible
B mm (in.) min: s
mm (in.) (in./min)
mm (in.)
11 Comments: Apply to Line ( )

12 Summary

FIG. 2 Suggested Form for Recording Data


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Given—Squeeze a ring in a vise a limited amount, A1.2.1 That when a ring specimen is squeezed (com-
forming an oblate. See Fig. A1.1. pressed) between two parallel platens a limited amount, por-
tions of the specimen will be reduced to portions of a ring
A1.2 Assumptions:

FIG. A1.1 Ring Sample

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G 70 – 07
having smaller radii than the original ring. The new, small ring
portions will have radii close enough to a true circle that it may
be assumed that true circle portions are represented.
NOTE A1.1—It may be argued that the original pipe section is not a
perfect circle but is so regarded when Barlow’s formula is applied.
A1.2.2 That when a portion of a ring is deformed into ring
having a smaller radius, the part of the surface of the original
ring that is deformed into a smaller ring is elongated uniformly.
FIG. A1.3 Small Ring
A1.2.3 If the original ring outer surface is coated and that
surface is elongated, the adhered coating must not only
elongate but the new adhered surface must be less than the Let:
original adhered surface. Hence the adhered surface must be D1 = outside diameter of the small ring,
reduced. The only exception to this would occur with a sticky t = wall thickness of ring (same as Fig. 1),
coating wherein the coating is an adhesive that will flow to d = arc of small ring measured as a fraction of 360°,
accommodate the larger surface. a = length along neutral axis subtended by arc d, and
A1.2.4 That the adhering property of the coating will be the c = length along outer surface subtended by arc d.
same whether the metal surface interface is longitudinal or Then:
peripheral with the pipe. a 5 dp~D1 2 t!, and (A1.3)
A1.2.5 That the wall thickness of the ring is not changed
when the ring is squeezed. c 5 dpD1 (A1.4)
NOTE A1.2—If any of these assumptions are known to be questionable, A1.3.3 Select an arbitrary value for arc u. Any value is
the percent stretch (elongation) must be calculated in a different way. suitable as long as it is always less than the arc subtended
Other ways of determining the percent elongation would be by direct outside the platens of the vise because the arc d will be
measurement while the ring is compressed or by comparison to standard
obtained as a ratio of u. For example, let u = 41⁄2 ° = 4.5/
radii bends.
360 = 0.0125. Now find d by letting a = b.
A1.3 Calculations (See Fig. A1.2 and Fig. A1.3): a5b (A1.5)
A1.3.1 In Fig. A1.2: Then:
dp~D1 2 t! 5 up~D 2 t! (A1.6)
D = outside diameter of the large ring, Since u = 0.0125:
t = wall thickness of ring, ~D 2 t!
u = arc of large ring measured as a fraction of 360°, d 5 0.0125 (A1.7)
~ D1 2 t !
b = length along neutral axis subtended by arc u, and
d = length along outer surface subtended by arc u.
~D 2 t!
Then: c 5 dpD1 5 0.0125
~D 2 t!
pD1 (A1.8)
b 5 up~D 2 t!, and (A1.1) which is the elongated surface.
If P is the percent of elongation or stretch:
d 5 upD (A1.2)
A1.3.2 In Fig. A1.3: P 5 d 3 100 (A1.9)

~D 2 t!
0.0125 pD1 2 0.0125pD
~ D1 2 t !
P 5 0.0125pD (A1.10)

~D 2 t!
D 2D
~ D1 2 t ! 1
P 5 D 3 100 (A1.11)

percent of elongation in the compressed ring.

NOTE A1.3—While the selected value for u appears to drop out of the
equation at this point along with p, it will be needed for evaluating the
equations in order to limit the functions to arcs formed outside the platens
of the compressive device.
A1.3.4 Development of Percent Stretch vs Ring Deflection
FIG. A1.2 Large Ring Curve—In Eq A1.11, we know t as the wall thickness and D as


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G 70 – 07
the outside diameter of the ring. Eq A1.11 is used to calculate ~73 – 5.2!~51!
– 73
the P or percent stretch value for a given ring deflection as in ~51 – 5.2!
P5 73 3 100 (A1.13)
the sample calculation below.
~D 2 t!D1 P 5 3.42 %
~D 2 t! In this way one continues to obtain as many points as
P 5 D 3 100 (A1.12)
necessary to make an acceptable calibration curve.
For 73 mm outside diameter − 5.2 mm wall steel pipe,
t = 5.2 mm, D = 73 mm, we desire to know what the percent
stretch of the coating when the ring is compressed to 51 mm.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website


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