Catalog Pexgol
Catalog Pexgol
Catalog Pexgol
Technical Catalogue for Pexgol Pipes
for Water Infrastructure and Industry
V- 5-2005
modified: 16.12.2007
Golan Plastic Products Ltd. Kibbutz Shaar-Hagolan15145 Israel. Tel: +972-4-6677432, Fax: +972-4-6677451
Web site: E-mail: [email protected]
PEXGOL pipes are produced by Golan Plastic Products, an industrial enterprise owned by Kibbutz Shaar Hagolan.
Golan Plastic Products, started in 1960 as an extrusion plant and today it is one of the biggest plastic products
producers in the building sector in Israel. In 1975 Golan Plastic Products started manufacturing hot water pipes
made of polyethylene crosslinked by the Peroxide high pressure process. These pipes, sold under the name of
PEXGOL, are now well-known for their quality and reliability in Israel as well as on the international market.
In 1991 Golan started manufacturing PEX-c pipes crosslinked by irradiation (electron beam).
In 1997 Golan started manufacturing a new multilayer pipe, sold under the name of MULTYGOL. This pipe is
a Pex pipe reinforced by aluminum.
Whereas the products shown in this catalogue illustrate and describe the current state of their development, Golan reserves the right
at all times to make such technical alterations as it shall see fit to its products. Although every care has been taken in the preparation
of the information, specifications and other data included in this catalogue, we cannot rule outinadvertent errors or omissions.
Purchasers should take into account possible deviations or variations which will not substantially diminish the functionality or
performance of the products and in many cases designed to improve the same.
Peroxide (Chemical) crosslinking Pex-a
Standard to
Mechanical Properties Value Unit which tested
Density 938 kg/m3
Tensile strength (at 20!C) 20-26 N/mm2 DIN 53455
(at 100!C) 9-13 N/mm2
Elongation at break (at 20!C) 350-550 % DIN 53455
(at 100!C) 500-700 KJ/m2
Impact strength (at 20!C) No failure KJ/m2 DIN 53453
(at -100!C) No failure mg/4d
Moisture absorption (at 22!C) 0.01 -
Coefficient of friction on steel 0.08 - 0.1 N/m
Surface energy 34x10-3 gm/m3 x day
< 0.1 DIN 4725
Oxygen permeability (at 40!C) for pipe with
oxygen barrier coating
E-beam crosslinking Pex-c.
Standard to
Mechanical Properties Value Unit which tested
Density 945 DIN 53429
Tensile strength (at 20!C) 23-26 DIN 53455
(at 100!C) 9-13
Elongation at break (at 20!C) 350-550 DIN 53455
(at 100!C) 500-700
KJ/m2 DIN 53453
Impact strength (at 20!C) No failure
(at -100!C) KJ/m2
No failure
Moisture absorption (at 22!C) 0.01
Coefficient of friction on steel 0.08-0.1
Surface energy 34x10-3
gm/ DIN 4726
Oxygen permeability (at 40!C) for pipe with <0.1
oxygen barrier coating
Worldwide Approvals
China Standard C American National Standard
Institute Approval FO
DE 19
24 Institute Approval
Ireland Standard
International ISO 9001 Approval Institute Approval
Kibbutz Shaar-Hagolan15145 Israel. Tel: +972-4-6677432, Fax: +972-4-6677451 GOLAN PLASTIC PRODUCTS Ltd.
Web site: E-mail: [email protected]
The combination of a special raw material of a very high molecular weight and the crosslinking
process itself, result in a special pipe having several important qualities:
* Corrosion resistance
* Excellent mechanical resistance
* Unique chemical resistance
* Very low friction coefficient
(C=155 in Hazen-Williams Formula)
* Excellent abrasion resistance
* Very good resistance to heat
* Excellent longevity
* No longitudinal crack formation or other stress cracks
* Low creep
* No stone sediments due to pipe smoothness
These properties provide many advantages compared
to normal pipes (which are not crosslinked):
1. High working pressures.
2. High working temperature (up to 110!C and above).
3. Excellent durability in harsh corrosive surrounding conditions:
- industrial
- sewage
- sea water
- corrosive ground
4. Immunity against improper pipe laying procedures.
5. Low head losses enabling considerable saving.
Regular polyethylene pipes are limited to a working temerature of up to 40!C (according to ISO Standard 4427).
Comparison with other Plastic Pipes
They are also very sensitive to scratches resulting from careless handling during transportation and
laying of the pipes. In non-crosslinked pipes (such as PE, PP or PB), cracks may appear after a few years.
These stress cracks occur as a result of the internal pressure or external stresses such as pipe bending or stone
impregnations (as a result of poor sand bedding). This phenomena is also known as S.C.G.: Slow Crack
Growth. The sensitivity to stress cracking is a material property, common for non-crosslinked pipe materials.
S.C.G. does not appear with crosslinked PE pipes due to the 3-dimensional crosslinked structure of PEXGOL pipes,
which totally blocks the growth of these cracks. The excellent resistance of PEXGOL pipes to Slow Crack
Growth makes it an ideal choice for industrial piping, gas transportation, chemical and regular sewage
transportation. For that reason it is possible to lay PEXGOL pipes in trenches without sand bedding!
Domestic water supply systems made of Pexgol pipes have been and are being
installed in domestic housing, hotels and office buildings in Israel and all over the world!
For more information, please ask for Pexgol - Instructions for Installation of
a Residential Water Supply System.
Thanks to their unique resistance against corrosion in any of the above conditions,
Pexgol pipes may be installed anywhere and will operate without leaking. No need
for repair or replacement!
Large continuous lengths of Pexgol pipes may be supplied on drums, thus minimizing
the need for connections.
Each pipe connection, even the best one, is a weak spot!
Pexgol pipes have been laid in municipal water supply lines in various countries as well
as in Israel. Settlements in the Arava region in the southern part of Israel consider the
Pexgol pipe to be their only choice!
Industrial applications
The Pexgol pipe with its excellent abrasion resistance and chemical resistance is an ideal conduit for a wide range
of industrial applications where conventional pipes would be unsatisfactory due to the abrasives of conveying
slurries or because of vulnerability to chemical attack of solutions and acids - Pexgol pipes present a successful
and cost-effective solution.
Pexgol pipes are produced according to the DIN Standards 16892/16893 and the Israeli Standard 1519 Part 1.
These Standards show the working pressures of Pexgol pipes at various temperatures.
The working pressures for PEXGOL pipe are The values of s change with the temperature as follows:
determined by the following equation:
Temp.(!c) 20 60 95
2st 2st or s
P= or P= s (kg/cm2) 76 48 32
D-t SDR-1 s
P = Maximum working pressure (kg/cm2) The design stress s is calculated with
s = Long term strength 2at the design a safety factor of 1.25, according to
temperature (kg/cm ) DIN 16893-2000 Table 4.
D = Outside diameter (mm)
t = Wall thickness (mm)
S = ISO 4065 series
SDR (Standard Dimensions Ratio) = = 2s + 1
Please note !
1. Pexgol Pex-c pipes are available in various colors:
Natural, Black, Red, Blue etc.
2. The pipes may be ordered with oxygen barrier
(EVOH) coating.
Working pressures: 19 bar at 20!C , 8 bar at 95!C , 11.5 bar for gas Working pressures: 24 bar at 20!C , 10 bar at 95!C , 15 bar for gas
5.1 Pexgol pipes may be laid in trenches with no sand bedding. 4. Stainless steel saddles
The trenches may be backfilled using the original material
from the trench. 4.1 Available from 110mm up to 500mm outside diameter.
6. Pressure test should be made according to the page 4.2 The saddles are available either with flanged or threaded
Instructions for pressure testing of Pexgol pipes. outlet.
6.1 After having carried out the pressure test in the presence of 4.3 The maximum outlet diameter is up to half the main pipes
Golans representative, a certificate will be submitted confirm- diameter.
ing that the test has been carried out properly.
4.4 Stainless steel branch-off saddles can be used for all temp-
7. It is possible to make side outlets from Pexgol pipe in diameters erature and pressure ranges allowed for Pexgol pipes.
of up to half of the leading pipes diameter, using Branch-off
saddles.The saddles are made from brass, stainless steel or 4.5 Saddles with internal rubber coating including the flange can
plastic. (See pages referring to Pexgol saddles and their be ordered in case corrosive materials are used, which stainless
Installation instructions) steel fittings would not withstand.
8. It is recommended to design the line with as few connections as 5. Golans Flanged Couplers
Municipal water supply pipelines
possible. For this purpose it is recommended to consult Golans
field service department. 5.1 Available from 63mm to 500mm outside diameter.
Appendix: Recommendations for Pexgol pipe 5.2 All couplers comply with ASA 150 standard, some
of them comply with other standards as well.
5.3 Golans flanged couplers can be used for the same
1. Plassons Mechanical connections (including saddles).
temperature and pressure range allowed for Pexgol
1.1 Available up to 160mm diameter.
Please ask for our publications on municipal
1.2 Can be used for class 10, 12 or 15 up to a temperature of 60!C.
pipeline installations.
1.3 For pipe classes 12 and 15 it is recommended to use Plassons
series 18 .
1. Pipe Class Selection According To: 8. Plasson Mechanical Fittings (incl. Saddles).
1.1 Design Temperature. 8.1 Available up to 160mm .
1.2 Working Pressure. 8.2 May be used for classes 10, 12 or 15 Pexgol pipes
1.3 Influence of the chemical resistance of Pexgol pipe on up to 60!C.
permitted working pressures (seechemical resistance 8.3 For pipe classes 12 or 15 Plasson fittings of series 18
table of Pexgol pipes). should preferably be used in diameters up to 63mm.
1. Coils
From diameter 25mm to 160mm Pexgol pipes may be ordered in standard coils
of 50m or 100 meters.
Longer pipe lengths may be ordered in coils according to customers specifications.
see table below for details.
flow conditions
chart for fullInstallation
flow conditions
chart for fullInstallation
Water Hammer
Water hammer is a series of pressure pulsations, of varying The value of E the modulus of elasticity of PEXGOL pipes
magnitude, above and below the normal pressure of the is much lower than the value of E for steel pipes, concrete
liquid in the pipe. The amplitude and periodicity depends pipes or asbestos-cement pipes. Since the velocity of the
on the velocity of the liquid extinguished, as well as the pressure wave is related to - E, the velocity decreases as
size, length and material of the pipeline. Shock results from the value of E is lower.
these pulsations when any liquid, flowing with a certain The following example shows the rates of maximum
velocity, is stopped in a short period of time. pressures caused by the water hammer for different pipes.
The pressure increase, when flow is stopped, is independent
of the working pressure of the system. example
The maximum pressure, in any pipe line, occurs when the
total discharge is stopped in a period of time, equal or less The velocity of water in a pipe is 1.5 m/sec:
than the time required for the induced pressure wave to
travel from the point of valve closure to the inlet end of the a) Steel pipe 6 dia. 4.76mm wall thickness:
line and return. This time is: (E = 2.1 x 1010 kg/m2)
t= a
a= = 1255 m/sec
Where: 0.15
t = time for pressure wave to travel the Length of the pipe 1 + 2.11 x 108 x
and return (sec.) 2.1x1010x4.76x10-3
L = Length of pipe line (m)
a = velocity of pressure wave (m/sec) 1000x1255x1.5
p= =192000 kg/m2 =19.2 kg/m2
When the liquid in the pipe is water, the velocity of the
pressure wave a is determined by the following equation:
The amount of vacuum that a Pexgol pipe can withstand depends basically on
the pipes S.D.R. A pipe with sufficient wall thickness must be selected in order
to resist the collapsing forces generated by the vacuum.
The following table includes maximum rates of vacuum that can be supported
by Pexgol pipes of different classes:
Maximum rates of vacuum values recommended for Pexgol pipes laid above ground:
When a Pexgol pipe collapses it will show an oval deformation which increases
Vacuum or Suction Pipelines
We would like to emphasize that when a Pexgol pipe collapses due to vacuum it can
be returned to its original round shape by applying a brief internal pressure at high
The following drawing shows a schematic above-ground situation of Pexgol pipe under
The pipes cross section is slightly flattened because of the vacuum inside the pipe.
Do Dvh
When DvH/Do is below 1.2 a Pexgol pipe laid above ground is considered safe
against vacuum failure.
Abrasion Resistance
Transporting solid materials by fluids (in the form of a slurry) is commonly used
in industry, mining and in many piping systems. In most cases, the flow is kept turbulent
to avoid sedimentation.
Abrasion is the result of removal of material from the inner surface of the pipe.
The rate of abrasion for various slurries is determined by many factors such as:
Flow rate
Density of the particles
Size distribution of the particles
Hardness of the particles
liquid temperature
Viscosity of the liquid
The resistance to abrasion, is one of the most important characteristics of Pexgol pipes.
This pipe material, being resilient and tough, frequently displays greater resistance to
abrasion than metal pipes.
The excellent resistance to abrasion of Pexgol pipes is a result of the unique structure
of cross-linked polyethylene.
The ability of the pipe material to absorb the kinetic energy of the hard particles
inside the slurry, and its resistance to deformation, make Pexgol pipes extraord-
inary abrasion resistant conduits.
Unavoidable scratches in Pexgol pipes cause no damage.
Results of tests performed on pipes after being subjected to scratches as deep
as 20% of the pipe wall - show that no damage is caused to the pipe during
intensive pressure tests. The cross-linked molecular structure is the main reason
for the insensitivity of Pexgol pipes to scratches.
This property, which is also manifested by the resistance to slow-crack-growth,
results from the restraining action of the adjacent molecular chains of the
cross-linked network, which absorb the energy of the tearing forces
The excellent abrasion resistance of Pexgol pipes was tested and approved in laboratory
tests as well as in on-site conditions.
Pexgol pipes were installed at the Dead Sea Works instead of steel pipes, which had
to be replaced every year. Pexgol pipes have been at work for already 15 years
and it is still not necessary to replace them.
In the gold mines in South Africa, Pexgol pipes were installed in Backfill lines, working
at a very high line velocity, transferring very abrasive material for many years without
any failure.
In the Dead Sea Works 450mm Pexgol pipes have been installed more than 10 years
ago.These pipes are connected to Dredgers which Harvest the salt particles.
Non-Cross-Linked PE pipes which were installed in these lines failed after a few months.
Abrasion Resistance
Technical test reports about resistance to abrasion of Pexgol pipes are available
upon request.
Underground Installation
Trench Width:
The following table shows the minimum required trench width for Pexgol pipes.
90 250
110 250
125 265
140 280
160 300
200 400
225 400
280 450
315 550
355 650
450 750
500 850
The width can be increased to allow for more comfortable work in the trench.
The minimum recommendation depth of the trench is 60cm (to prevent mechanical
damage of the pipe).
For a route change (e.g 90! angle) it is recommended to
dig the trench with the suitable radius.
(see page Bending radius in Pexgol pipes).
1. The excellent scratch resistance of Pexgol pipes allows laying them in trenches
with no sand bedding.
2. It is allowed to backfill the trench using the original earth removed from the trench.
(see ISO 14531 Part 4)
Underground Installation
3. If sand bedding is required, the trench should be filled with sand up to 10cm above the pipe.
Underground Installation
5. In case corrosive soil is used for covering Pexgol pipes which are connected with metal fittings, the fittings should be
covered by sand and not by the corrosive soil.
6. Pexgol pipes can be installed below a road or a pavement without need for a protective sleeve.
6.1 In this case it is important to use controlled compacting of the ground (according to designers instructions)
when covering the pipe, in order to prevent sinking of the ground.
The smaller the distance between the Fixpoints, the smaller the theoretic increase
in pipe length. As a result lateral deflections will decrease and the pipeline will be
Designing a line with fewer Fixpoints will of course result in lower installation cost but
ground installation
the pipe will look less straight.
Pexgol Installation
pipe Above
Kibbutz Shaar-Hagolan15145 Israel. Tel: +972-4-6677432, Fax: +972-4-6677451 GOLAN PLASTIC PRODUCTS Ltd.
Web E-mail: [email protected]
Horizontally supported pipes are subject to vertical deflections between supports due to the weight of the pipe
and the transported materials, and also due to thermal deflection. It is recommended to minimize the deflection
in order to avoid high values of stresses within the pipe wall. Choosing proper distance between supports helps
to minimize thermal deflections.
The calculation of the distance between supports is based upon the formulas for continuous beam and the
maximum allowable deflection is 6mm.
The following figures give the recommended distance between supports for various S.D.R.s and pipe diameters,
at 20!C.
For higher temperatures shorter distances are recommended and the values shown in the figures should be
multiplied by the following values:
For 60!C - 0.91; For 80!C - 0.83.
Nominal pipe diameter (mm)
400 class 24
Flanged for Pexgol pipes
Coupler Installation
Flared Ends
The loose flange is usually mounted over the pipe before the flaring process.
Alternatively split flanges may be used, which can be mounted later.
When connecting two flared ends together, or a pipe with a flared end to a
Flanged fitting, no gasket is needed!
The flared-end connection is suitable for both hot and cold media.
Flared Ends
Golans metal saddles are suitable for the full temperature and pressure ranges of Pexgol pipes.
Brass saddles with threaded outlets may be used for pipes from 32mm up to 160mm diameter (see page instructions for the
installation of saddles).
For diameters bigger than 110mm stainless steel saddles with threaded or flanged outlets (according to standard requirements)
are available.
For corrosive materials which might damage the stainless steel saddle, saddles can be supplied with internal rubber
lining at the flange outlet.
Please note!
All types of saddles (Brass, Stainless steel, Plasson pressure saddles and electrofusion saddles) have to be mounted
on the pipe prior to drilling the hole into the pipe. (see tables).
Golan Brass Saddles for hot and cold water Golans Stainless Steel Saddles
Pipe Dia. Thread Outlet Saddle Outlet Thread outlet Hole saw
in inches Drill size in inches inch dia. (mm)
32 Male thread 3/4 13mm drill Female thread outlet 1 1/2 40
32 Female thread 1/2 13mm drill Female thread outlet 2 51
40 Male thread 3/4 13mm drill Flanged outlet 2 40
40 Female thread 1/2 13mm drill Flanged outlet 3 70
50 Female thread 3/4 22mm hole saw Flanged outlet 4 92
60 Female thread 3/4 19mm hole saw Flanged outlet 6 140
63 Female thread 1 24mm hole saw
75 Female thread 1 1/2 35mm hole saw Torquing of the saddles:
90 Female thread 1 1/2 33mm hole saw The saddles are fastened by a torque wrench supplied by Golan.
110 Female thread 2 36mm hole saw
160 Female thread 2 36mm hole saw
Wrenches for Fastening of the Saddles:
Saddles up to 63mm - 11mm wrench.
75mm and 90mm Saddles - 14mm wrench.
Tighten the bolts until the two parts meet.
For drilling the side outlet, use hole saw 30mm. For tightening use 3/4 or 19mm wrench.
32 22
32 28
32 36
32 36
For tightening use 1/2 or 13mm wrench.
Test pressure
10 12 7
12 14 8.5
15 18 11
24 29 17
3.3 Changes in the pipeline topography (which may create higher local pressure due to a water column),
should be taken into account and the test pressure should be reduced accordingly.
4. Pressure testing:
4.1 Bring up the pressure to the test pressure (see table) and then close the feeding line.
4.2 As the pipe is flexible and tends to increase its diameter under pressure, the line pressure
will go down to 10-20% of the test pressure.
4.3 The line pressure should be increased again (up to the test pressure).
4.4 With each cycle of pressure reduction and re-pressurization the pressure is expected to decrease less.
5.1 After 3-4 cycles, the pressure should be lowered down rapidly to 75% of the working pressure
(by letting out water from the line).
6.1 After closing the valve, the pressure should go up (as the result of the tendency of the pipe to
Repair Instructions
1.1 Uncover the pipe, 2 meters along the pipe and 0.5 meter below the pipe.
1.2 Carefully clean the pipe from soil and make sure no scratches go out of the repair
1.3 For repair, use a repair fitting (Supplied by Golan) or a branch-off saddle.
2. Large hole.
2.1 Uncover the pipe, 3 meters along the pipe, 0.5 meters below the pipe.
2.2 A section of the pipe should be cut out and replaced by a new section.
2.3 In most cases the maximum section of the pipe will not exceed 1 meter in length.
3. The repair should be executed only by technicians who were trained by GOLANS
field service personel.
Repair Instructions
Chemical Resistance
General Classification
The PEXGOL Chemical Resistance List is based upon A. Resistant. Can be used within the working pressures.
information included in the professional literature. B. Conditionally resistant. Restrictions must be made as
The list is only intended as a guide. Changes in the comp- regards pressures.
C. Conditionally resistant. Can be used within pressures
osition of the medium or special working conditions could
up to 60% of the working pressures.
lead to deviations.It is recommended to consult the experts D. Conditionally resistant. Can be used within pressures
of GOLAN PLASTIC PRODUCTS in each specific case. up to 20% fo the working pressures.
U. Not recommended.
Chemical Resistance
Chemical Resistance
Chemical Resistance
Chemical Resistance
Chemical Resistance
Chemical Resistance
Chemical Resistance
Potassium Supersulphate A A A U
Potassium Tetracyao Cuprate A A Sodium Chlorate A A A
Potassium Thiosulphate A A Sodium Chloride A A A A
Propargyl Alcohol A Sodium Chlorite 50% A
Propane Acid see Propionic Acid Sodium Chlorite and Bleach A B
Propane Diol see Propylene Glycol Sodium Chlorite and Water A
Propane Triol see Glycerine Sodium Chromate A A
Chemical Resistance
Chemical Resistance