Medgas Number of Stations 2021

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HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book

Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition

Table MG-1 ‒ Station Outlets for Oxygen, Vacuum (Suction), Medical Air, and Instrument Air Systems in
Hospitals1 Source: Table 2.1-3, Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals by FGI (2018)

HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition

Table MG-1 ‒ continuation)

HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition
Table MG-2 ‒ Minimum Outlets and Inlets Per Station
Source: Table 1305.3, Chapter 13 Health Care Facilities and Medical Gas and Medical Vacuum Systems, Uniform Plumbing Code (2021)

Table MG-3 ‒ Number of Outlets/Inlets Required for Each Gas Type

Source: Extracted from Table B-1, UFC 4-510-01 Design: Military Medical Facilities (2019)
ANCW1 Anesthesia, Clean Workroom 4 1 1 1 1 1 D
APAM1 Appliance, Adjust / Modify 4 1 1 1 J
APFB1 Appliance, Brace Shop 4 1 1 1 J
APLA1 Appliance, Lamination / Molding 4 1 J
APMS1 Appliance, Machine Shop 4 1 1 J
APSH1 Appliance, Sewing / Shoe Shop 4 1 1 J
APWA1 Appliance, Welding Area 4 1
BMCW1 Biomedical, Common Work Area 4 1 1 1 1 D
BMCW2 Biomedical Work Area, All-Inclusive 4 1 1 1 1 D
BMER1 Biomedical, Electronic Repair 4 1 1 1 1 D
BMER2 Biomedical, Mobile Imaging Equipment Repair 4 1 1 1 1 D
BMWS1 Biomedical, Workstation 4 1 1 1 1 D
BRIC1 Bedroom, ICU / CCU 1 1 6 3
BRII1 Bedroom, ICU / CCU, Airborne Infection Isolation 2 1 6 3
BRII2 Bedroom, ICU / CCU, Protective Environment 2 1 6 3
BRIT1 Bedroom, Airborne Infection Isolation 2 1 2 2
BRIT2 Bedroom, Protective Environment 2 1 2 2
BRMS1 Bedroom, Medical / Surgical 2 1 2 2 A, M
BRUN1 Bedroom, Acuity Adaptable 1 1 6 3 A
CSDE1 Central Sterile, Decontamination, Small 4 1
CSDE2 Central Sterile, Decontamination, Medium 4 1
CSDE3 Central Sterile, Decontamination, Large 4 1
CSIA1 Central Sterile, Assembly, Small 4 1 1
CSIA2 Central Sterile, Assembly, Medium 4 1 1
CSIA3 Central Sterile, Assembly, Large 4 1 1
CSWS1 Central Sterile, Scope / Wash 4 1
DNPB1 Dental, Prosthodontic / Orthodontic, Laboratory 4
DNPC1 Dental, Porcelain / Ceramics, Small 4
DNPC2 Dental, Porcelain / Ceramics, Medium 4
DNPC3 Dental, Porcelain / Ceramics, Large 4
DNPL1 Dental, Prosthodontic Laboratory, Small 4
DNPL2 Dental, Prosthodontic Laboratory, Medium 4 1 1 B, L
HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition
Table MG-3 ‒ continuation
DNPL3 Dental, Prosthodontic Laboratory, Large 4 1 1 B, L
DNSC1 Dental, Instrument Decontamination, Small 4 1 B
DNSC2 Dental, Instrument Sterilization, Small 4 1 B
DNSC4 Dental, Instrument Decontamination, Medium 4 1 B
DNSC5 Dental, Instrument Sterilization, Medium 4 1 B
DNSC7 Dental, Instrument Decontamination, Large 4 1 B
DNSC8 Dental, Instrument Sterilization Large, 4 1 B
DNSS1 Dental, Support, Substerile 4 1 1 B
DNTB1 Dental Treatment Room, Orthodontic 3 2 2 K
DNTC1 Dental Treatment Room, Comprehensive 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 D, K
DNTE1 Dental Treatment Room, Endodontic 3 2 1 2 1 1 D, K
DNTG1 Dental Treatment Room, General 3 2 2 K
DNTG2 Dental Treatment Room, Oral, Hygiene 3 2 2 K
DNTG3 Dental Treatment Room, Two Chair 3 2 2 K
DNTG4 Dental Treatment Room, Multi-Chair 3 2 2 K
DNTP1 Dental Treatment Room, Prosthodontic 3 2 1 2 K, L
DNTP2 Dental Treatment Room, Periodontic 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 D, K
DNTS1 Dental Treatment Room, Oral Surgery 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 D
DNTT1 Dental Treatment Room, Training 3 2 2 K
EXEB1 Exam / Treatment, Emergency Department, Bariatric 2 1 1 1
EXEN1 Exam, ENT 3 1
EXEN2 Exam / Treatment, Emergency Department, ENT 2 1 1
EXER1 Exam / Treatment, Emergency Room 2 1 1 1
EXER2 Exam / Treatment, Emergency Department, Airborne
2 1 1 1
Infection Isolation
LBAR1 Laboratory, Autopsy 4 2 2
LBBD1 Laboratory, Blood Donor Station 3 1 1
LBDR1 Laboratory, Decontamination 4 1 1 1 B
LBDS1 Laboratory, Bone Dissection (ENT Use) 4 1 1 B
LBEN1 Laboratory, Entomology 4 1 1 B
LBRB1 Laboratory, Research Biochemistry 4 1 1 B
LBRC1 Laboratory, Research Clean 4 1 1 B
LBRC2 Laboratory, Research Containment 4 1 1 B
LBRI1 Laboratory, Radioimmunoassay 4 1 1 B
LBSM1 Laboratory, Solution and Media Preparation 4 1 1 B
LDAT1 Antepartum Testing 3 1 1 1 B
LDAT2 Antepartum Testing, Multi-Station 3 1 1 1 B
LDDR1 Operating Room, Labor and Delivery, C Section 1 7 13 5 2 2 2 C, D
LDEP1 Labor and Delivery, Exam and Preparation 3 1 1 1 B
LDRP1 Labor and Delivery, LDR / LDRP 1 2 2 2 E
LDRP3 Labor and Delivery, LDR / LDRP, Airborne Infection
1 2 2 2 E
LMAB1 Laboratory, Anaerobic Bacteria - TB 4 1 1 B
LMCH2 Laboratory, Chemistry, Small 4 1 B
LMCH3 Laboratory, Chemistry, Medium 4 1 B
LMCH4 Laboratory, Chemistry, Large 4 1 B
LMCY1 Laboratory, Cytology, Small 4 1 B
LMCY2 Laboratory, Cytology, Medium 4 1 B
LMCY3 Laboratory, Cytology, Large 4 1 B
LMHC1 Laboratory, Histopathology, Medium 4 1 B
LMHC2 Laboratory, Histopathology, Large 4 1 B
LMHI2 Laboratory, Hematology, Small 4 1 B
LMHI3 Laboratory, Hematology, Medium 4 1 B
LMHI4 Laboratory, Hematology, Large 4 1 B
LMHS1 Laboratory, Histology, Medium 4 1 B
HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition
Table MG-3 ‒ continuation
LMHS2 Laboratory, Histology, Large 4 1 B
LMM02 Laboratory, Microbiology, Small 4 1 B
LMM03 Laboratory, Microbiology, Medium 4 1 B
LMM04 Laboratory, Microbiology, Large 4 1 1 B
LMML1 Laboratory, Automated, Molecular, Diagnostic 4 1 1 B
LMML2 Laboratory, Reagent Preparation, Amplification Room 4 1 1 B
LMML3 Laboratory, Specimen Processing, Preamplification 4
1 1 B
LMML4 Laboratory, Amplification / Instrument Room 4 1 1 B
LMMP1 Laboratory Microbiology / Parasitiology 4 1 B
LMMY1 Laboratory Mycology 4 1 B
LMS01 Laboratory, Serology, Small 4 1 B
LMS02 Laboratory, Serology, Medium 4 1 B
LMS03 Laboratory, Serology, Large 4 1 B
LMT01 Laboratory, Toxicology 4 1 B
LMU02 Laboratory, Urinalysis, Small 4 1 B
LMU03 Laboratory, Urinalysis, Medium 4 1 B
|LMU04 Laboratory, Urinalysis, Large 4 1 B
LMV01 Laboratory, Virology, Medium 4 1 B
LMV02 Laboratory, Virology, Large 4 1 B
NBCD1 NBC Decontamination Suite 3 1 1 1 1 B
NBCD2 Decontamination Shower 3 1
NMDC1 Nuclear Medicine, Dose Calibration 4 1 1 1
NMGS1 Nuclear Medicine, General Scanning 3 1 1
NMIR1 Nuclear Medicine, Injection Room 3 1 1 1
NMSS1 Nuclear Medicine, Special Scanning 3 1 1 1
NMUR1 Nuclear Medicine, Uptake Room 3 1 1 1
NYEC1 Nursery, Extracorporeal Membrane
2 3 3 3 G
Oxygenation (ECMO) Room
NYFA1 Nursery, Feeding Area 3 1 1
NYIC1 Nursery, Level II 2 2 2 2 G
NYIC2 Nursery, Level III 1 3 3 3 G
NYIR1 Nursery, Isolation 2 3 3 3 A
NYNN1 Nursery, Level I 3 1 1 1 H
NYPR1 Nursery, Procedure 2 1 1 1 G
NYUN1 Bedroom, NICU, Single Birth 1 3 3 3 G
|NYUN2 Bedroom, NICU, Multiple Births 1 3 3 3 G
OOHR1 Observation / Hydration 3 1 1
OOTR1 Observation / Treatment Room 2 1 1 1
OPCR1 Cast Room 3 1 1 1
OPCR2 Cast Room, Multi-Station 3 1 1 1 B
OPCT1 Intravenous Infusion, Therapy 3 1 1 B
OPEC1 ECG (Electrocardiogram) 3 1 1
|OPEE1 EEG (Electroencephalogram) 3 1 1
|OPNR1 Nephrology Renal Study 3 1 1 1
OPPE1 Echocardiograph 3 1 1
OPPE2 Echocardiograph, Stress 3 1 1
OPPF2 Pulmonary Function, Analysis 3 1 1 1 B
OPPF4 Pulmonary Function, Whole Body Analysis 3 1 1 1 B
OPPF5 Pulmonary Function, Treadmill 3 1 1 1 B
OPPF6 Pulmonary Function, Sleep Study 3 1 1 1 B
OPRC1 Respiratory, Equipment, Clean N 1 1 1 B
OPRS1 Respiratory, Equipment, Soiled N 1 1
OPRT1 Respiratory, Treatment, Multi-Station 3 1 1 1 B
OPTM1 Stress Testing, Treadmill 3 1 1 1 B
HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition
Table MG-3 ‒ continuation
OPVL1 Laboratory, Vascular 3 1 1 1 B
ORCS1 Operating Room, Cystoscopic 1 6 12 8 2 4 2 C
ORCT1 Operating Room, Cardiothoracic 1 6 12 8 2 4 2 C
ORCW1 Operating Room, Workroom, Clean 4 1 1 1 I
ORDA1 Operating Room, Decontamination 4 1 1 1
OREC1 Operating Room, Equipment Cleanup 4 1 1 1
ORGS1 Operating Room, Integrated 1 6 12 8 2 4 2 C
ORHY1 Operating Room, Hybrid 1 6 12 8 2 4 2 C
ORNS1 Operating Room, Neurology 1 6 12 8 2 4 2 C
OROS1 Operating Room, Orthopaedic 1 6 12 8 2 4 2 C
OROS1 Operating Room, Orthopaedic Preparation / 3
1 1 1 B
ORPP1 Operating Room, Patient Preparation / 2
1 1 1 B
Induction, Multi-Station
RDC01 Renal Dialysis, Airborne Infection 3 2 1 1
RDC02 Renal Dialysis, Multi-Station 3 2 1 1 B
RRIR1 Recovery, Isolation 2 1 3 3
RROP1 Recovery, Phase II 2 1 3 3 B
RROP2 Recovery, Phase II, Multi-Station 2 1 3 3 B
RRSS1 Recovery, Phase I 1 1 3 3 B
TRCS2 Procedure, Cystoscopic 2 1 1 1
TREE1 Procedure, Endoscopy 2 1 2 1
TREN1 Treatment, ENT 3 1 1
TRET1 Treatment, Emergency Trauma, Multi-Bed 1 1 3 2 B
TRET3 Treatment, Emergency Trauma 1 1 3 2 B
TRET4 Treatment, Emergency Care 2 1 2 2 B
TRET5 Treatment, Emergency Care, Multi-Bed 2 1 2 2 B
TREY1 Treatment, Ophthalmology 3 1 1
TREY2 Treatment, Eye - Laser 2 1 1
TREY3 Treatment, Eye - LASIK / PRK 2 1 1
TRGM1 Treatment, General 3 1 1
TRGM2 Treatment, General, Multi-Bed 3 1 1 1 B
TRGS1 Treatment, General Surgical 3 1 1 1
TRGS2 Treatment, General Surgical, Airborne
3 1 1 1
Infection Isolation
TRGS3 Treatment, General Surgical, Laser 3 1 1 1
TROB1 Treatment, OB / GYN C 1 1 1
TROR1 Procedure, Orthopaedic 3 1 1 1
TRPE1 Procedure, Proctoscopy (LGI) 2 1 2 1
TRPE2 Procedure, Bronchoscopy 2 1 2 1
USCL2 Utility, Scope Wash, Soiled 4 1 1
VCSS1 Veterinary, Instrument Preparation N 1 1
VEX02 Veterinary, General Treatment 3 1 1
VNEC1 Veterinary, Necropsy 4 1 1
VRIC1 Veterinary, Recovery, Intensive Care 2 1 1 1
VRRP1 Veterinary, Recovery Room / Preparation 2 1 1 1
VS001 Veterinary, Surgery 1 1 2 1 1
VSPD1 Veterinary, Surgery, Preparation / Dental 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
VXER2 Veterinary, Ultrasound 3 1 1
XABP1 X-Ray, Angiographic, Procedure 1 1 2 1
XCCE1 X-Ray, Cardiac Cath, Procedure 1 1 2 3 1 1
XCTS1 X-Ray, Computed Tomography, Scanner C 1 1
XDCY1 X-Ray, Cystology / Radiology 2 1 3 1 D
XDM02 X-Ray, Mammo, Stereotactic 2 1 1
XDUS1 X-Ray, Ultrasound 3 1 1

HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition
Table MG-3 ‒ continuation
XMRS1 X-Ray, Magnetic Resonance, Scanner 3 1 1 1 1 1
XTBT1 X-Ray, Brachytherapy 2 1 1 1
XTLA1 X-Ray, Therapy, Linear Accelerator 3 1 1
XTLA2 X-Ray, Therapy, Linear Accelerator, High Voltage 3 1 1
XTLA3 X-Ray, Therapy, Linear Accelerator, Dual Voltage 3 1 1
XTSG1 X-Ray, Therapy, Simulator Gantry 4 1 1
XTSM1 X-Ray, Therapy, Simulator, Magnetic Resonance 4 1 1 1 1 1
A. Each patient is provided with the number of outlet(s) listed.
Each patient is provided medical vacuum inlet(s). See individual listing.
Each patient is provided access to a medical air outlet. Where two patients share a common wall, they may share a single
outlet, excluding behavioral health patients. Do not provide in pediatric play area.
B. The medical gases specified must be per patient station, workstation, etc.
C. Coordinate with the Using Agency for location of outlets/inlets.
D. All anesthetizing locations must have a WAGD system. Use of medical vacuum system is not recommended for
evacuation in DoD facilities. DSV may be used in DTRs for anesthesia scavenging where a central system is installed.
E. One each O, MA, and MV is required at the headwall unit and the infant resuscitation area of the birthing room.
F. {not used}
G. The medical gases specified must be per bassinet or infant station.
H. The medical gases specified must be per 4 bassinets or infant stations. Where the LDR birthing room concept is used, a
minimum of one grouping must be provided in each LDR.
I. For equipment testing and calibration, equipment must be tested with the specific gas used in normal operation.
J. Provide valve regulator station for PA.
K. Each DTR chair and 12 o’clock column as called out in the PRC, i.e. utility center, requires 1 DA and 1 OE. If the PCRC
does not include 12 o’clock column(s) in a specific room, provide 1 DA and 1 OE for each DTR chair.
L. A natural gas outlet (mounted under counter) and a LA outlet (mounted under counter) must be provided at each dental
work station as shown in Appendix B.
M. All contingency beds require 1 O, 1 MV, and 1 MA per bed station. In bed expansion situations in “peace time” facilities
also provide 1 O, 1 MV, and 1 MA per contingency bed expansion requirements noted in the PFD.

HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition
Table MG-4 ‒ Provision of terminal units, AVSUs and local alarms
Source: Table 11, Chapter 3, HTM 02-01- Medical gas pipeline systems, Part A – Design, installation, validation and verification (2006)

HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition
Table MG-4 ‒ Provision of terminal units, AVSUs and local alarms (continuation)

HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition
Table MG-4 ‒ Provision of terminal units, AVSUs and local alarms (continuation)

HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition
Table MG-5 ‒ Inlet/Outlet Station Data
Source: Table 2.13, Chapter 2 Plumbing Design for Healthcare Facilities, ASPE Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook Vol. 3 Special Plumbing Systems (2015)

HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition
Table MG-5 ‒ continuation)

HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition
Table MG-6 ‒ Medical Gas Terminal Locations
Source: Detail 4.7, Chapter 4 - Layout and Design, Beacon Medaes - Medical Gas Design Guide (2021)
Occupancy O2 Vac N2O MedAir N2/IA CO2 WAGD
Autopsy 1 1
Blood Donors 1 1
Decontamination 1(l) (P) 1
Demonstration (Inservice) 1 1 1(a) 1 1(a) 1(a) 1(a)
Dental treatment (per station) (c) 1 1 1 1 1
Electroconvulsive therapy 1 1
Hyperbaric holding 2 2
Intermediate Care / Step down (per bed) 2 2 1
Isolation (Infectious disease) not in Critical Care (per bed) 1 1 1
Laboratory (c) 1 (P) 1
Protective Environment 1 1
Psychiatric / Secure / Seclusion (g) (g) (g)
Recovery (PACU) (per bed) 2 3 1
Phase 2 recovery (separate from PACU) 1 1
Patient Room (per patient bed) 1 1 1
Respiratory Therapy 1 1 1
Sterilization / Central Supply (per station) 1(I) (P) 1
Veterinary Applications (c) 1 2 (a) 1 e
Endoscopy/Catheterization 1 3 (e)
Endo holding and recovery (a) (a)
Critical Care:
Airborne Infectious Isolation in Critical Care (per bed) 3 3 1
Critical Care (general) / Intensive care (per bed) 3 3 1
Holding/Initial Management (per bed) 1 1
Triage (per station) 1 1
Treatment / Trauma (per gurney) 2 3 1
Observation (per bed) 1 1
Treatment (per gurney) 1 1
Cardiac treatment 2 3 1
Orthopedic/Cast Room 1 1
Class 1 Imaging 1 1 (a) 1 (e)
Class 2 Imaging (Procedures) 2 2 (a) 1 (e)
Class 3 Imaging (Interventional) 2 5 (a) 1 (a) 1
Caesarean Delivery Room (f) 2 4 (d) 1 (e)
Labor/Delivery/Recovery (LDR) (f) 1 1 (d) (e)
Labor/Delivery/Recovery/Postpartum (LDRP) (f) 1 1 (d) (e)
Antepartum / Postpartum (per bed) 1 1
Caesarean Recovery (per station) 1 3 1 1
Infant Resuscitation (per station) 3 3 3
Operating Rooms:
Anesthesia Workroom (per station) 1 1(g) 1 1 1 (b) 1
Operating Rooms 2 5 1 1(k) (a) (a) 1
Pediatric Critical Care 3 3 1
Neonatal ICU (all levels) 3 3 3
Nursery 1 1 1
Continuing Care Nursery 1 1 1
Pediatric and Adolescent bed 1 1 1

HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition
Notes for Table MG-6 ‒ Medical Gas Terminal Locations
Outlets are per bed or per station except where noted.
(P) Indicates a prohibited use.
(a) May be required depending on the intended procedures.
(b) Include an outlet if this gas is piped into any Operating Room.
(c) Dental, veterinary and laboratory systems are normally separate from medical systems.
(d) Common option.
(e) Always if Nitrous Oxide is piped, also should be included if anesthesia or gas sedation will be administered.
(f) Include outlets for infant resuscitation in separate location.
(g) Optional, depending on the treatment or procedures intended.
(h) Arrangement of the O.R. may dictate additional outlets to ensure all services are accessible for all procedures.
(i) Up to four bassinets may share one outlet if it is accessible to them all.
(k) BeaconMedaes recommendation for Air-Halogen anesthesia.
(l) Controversial application

HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition

HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition

HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition


1) Philippines Mechanical Engineering Code (2012)

2) NFPA 99 (2018) - Health Care Facilities Code
3) FGI - 2018 Guidelines for Design and
Construction of Hospitals
4) HTM 02-01- Medical gas pipeline systems, Part A
– Design, installation, validation and verification
5) HTM 02-01- Medical gas pipeline systems, Part B
– Operational management
6) International Health Facility Guidelines (2020)
7) IAPMO Uniform Plumbing Code 2021, Chapter 13
– Health Care Facilities and Medical Gas and
Vacuum Systems
8) UFC 4-510-01 Design: Military Medical Facilities
9) ASPE Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook
Volume 2 Plumbing Systems, Chapter 10:
Vacuum Systems (2014)
10) ASPE Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook
Volume 3 Special Plumbing Systems, Chapter 2:
Plumbing Design for Healthcare Facilities (2015)
11) Pharmaceutical Facilities Plumbing Systems by M.
Frankel (2004)
12) Facility Piping Systems Handbook by Frankel (3E,
13) Medical Gas Design Guide, BeaconMedæs (2018),
14) Amico Source Design Guide

HMDA Mechanical Services Data Book
Medical Gas Systems 2021 Edition

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