Drug Study 3 Diazepam, Tero

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Drug Study

Pauline Marie N. Ebanos BSN3-C

Name of Drug Dosage, Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing
Route Action Responsibility
Generic Dosage: Cytotoxic agent Refractory Hypersensitivity to Body as a Monitor for S&S of
Name: with alkylating anaplastic temozolomide, Whole: toxicity: Infection,
150 bleeding episodes,
properties astrocytoma DTIC, or Headache,
temozolomide mg/m2 jaundice, rash, CNS
structurally progressing dacarbazine; fatigue, asthenia,
similar to despite treatment pregnancy (category fever, back pain, disturbances.
dacarbazine. with a D), lactation. myalgia, weight
Brand Name: Frequen Lab tests: CBC with
Effects are cell nitrosourea and gain; viral
cy: differential on day
Temodar cycle procarbazine. infection.
22 and weekly until
OD for 5 nonspecific. Glioblastoma absolute neutrophil
days multiforme (with count (ANC) >1500
Interferes with Convulsions,
Classification or after per microliter and
purine (e.g. hemiparesis,
: radiation). platelet count
guanine) dizziness,
Route: >100,000 per
antineoplastics metabolism and abnormal
microliter; periodic
PO thus protein coordination, liver function tests &
synthesis in amnesia, routine serum
rapidly insomnia, chemistry, including
proliferating paresthesia, serum calcium.
cells. somnolence,
Effectiveness is paresis, ataxia,
indicated by dysphasia,
objective abnormal gait,
evidence of confusion,
tumor anxiety,
regression. depression.
Name of Drug Dosage, Mechanism of Indication Contraindicatio Adverse Effect Nursing
Route and Action n Responsibilit
Frequency y
Generic Name: Dosage: Psychotherapeuti Adjunct in the - Respiratory Drowsiness and Monitor BP,
c agent related to management of: depression. lightheadednes pulse, and
Diazepam 5 mg
chlordiazepoxide; Anxiety Disorder, s respiratory rate
reportedly Athetosis, Anxiety relief prior to and
- Acute Confusion,
superior in prior to cardioversion periodically
Brand Name: Frequency pulmonary ataxia.
antianxiety and (injection), Stiffman throughout
: anticonvulsant Syndrome, insufficiency. therapy.
Diastat Dependence.
PRN activity, with Preoperative sedation,
Increased Conduct
somewhat shorter Conscious sedation
- Sleep apnoea aggression. regular
Classification: duration of action. (provides light
Like anesthesia and
syndrome. assessment of
Route: Amnesia. continued
Anticonvulsant chlordiazepoxide, anterograde amnesia).
s oral Muscle need for
it appears to act Treatment of status - Severe weakness. treatment.
at both limbic and epilepticus/uncontrolle hepatic
subcortical levels d seizures (injection). impairment. Caution
of CNS. Skeletal muscle patient to avoid
relaxant. Management taking alcohol
of the symptoms of - Chronic or other CNS
alcohol withdrawal. psychosis. depressants
Unlabeled Use: Anxiety concurrently
associated with acute with this
myocardial infarction, - Do not use medication
insomnia. alone with
depression or Provide fluids
LOVE LETTER: for anxiety with and fibre for
depression. constipation.
Miss earlier sorry I was not able to discuss the diazepam
because I thought in our previous duty week we have
discussed about this drug. Ulihi ko na nabal.an sa lain gali
na CI ang drug discussion ang about sa diazepam. Sorry
gid miss.

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